'3 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. January 28, 1951 OCIAL AND PERSONAL dalliadc Cartl kLLSNoCEILINW in A r . Meeting of International Union of Operating Engineers Local 510, Friday, January 26, 7:30 p.m., Carpenters Hall. (23c) I HavU Legion meeting Friday, 8p.m. lt-nc) 'J i Fifteen tables were in play at the regular card tournament In Attention Carpenters Local 1735. Membership dance Feb. 2. to be held at Armories in lieu of Oddfellows' hall. Tickets must Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver the Catholic Hall last night. ' Bridge winners were George few V V be obtained by Jan. 27. Phone ' Am,ps?" a Cloutier and Mrs. J. W. Moore-house; whist, John McDoueall vu'Be uuiu wuere lie RIiip 419 mnx (22) uuspitai Phone 116 or 117 was a patient for ten days. and Mrs. S. S. Dumas, and crib-! SHAPE bage, George McDonald and inn. I A. Murray. Jbert & McCaffery S.O.N, whist and dance, Fri day, January 26. Whist, 8 p.m Music by Mike Colussi. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. (22c) Set. L. A. Potterton. RCMP,1 leit on touay s plane for a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on official duties. j Ladles and Gentlemen, now On the refreshment committee ' were Mrs. G. P. Lyons, Mrs. Rob ert Armstrong, Mrs. J. Bugyinka, il ' If you are looking for week- ! is the time to make your choice I entj 1 bargains, SHEARDOWNS V !.. .mj. S sjsf Mrs. N. Galbraith and Mrs. F. LeRoss jr. Mrs. G. R. Brett was cashier. iur mai new spring suit, ine have frozen raspberries at 20c, TIP TOP TAILORS have jus- farm fresh Grade A large eggs Budget For Civic Centre by Fashion Craft received their latest spring sam-j cartoned at 59 doz Quaker pies and style books. Place YOUR ! n i... , ,w . n J f Ul )WC 1IUU1 I UO. 1U1 Ui7t-, nnxti rtn v (22c) Prem at 49c a tin, as well as many other specials displayed in j our windows. (22) i Canadian Legion j "Bring Your Missus", night. Saturday. Janu- To Assist In Home Improving Format, on of a finance com PREMIER S LIVING ROOM This is the living room of Laurier House, home of two Canadian prime ministers Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mackenzie King. Mr. King left the three-storey Ottawa home to the Canadian public in his will. It will be preserved as a National Historic site. (CP PHOTO) RADIO DIAL CFPR Civic Centre estimates for the year 1950-51 were accepted at last night's, meeting of the Civic eCntre Association and referred to the board of directors. Expenditures were estimated at $25,822.50 with operating receipts estimated at $21,150. This would leave a balance of $4,700 to be raised by means other than nc- mnl fDuanlias T'V.n pany to help the householder in making improvements has been 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) 1 Jin n II noun cent en 15 ary 27, at 8 p.m. Mem-bers may bring guests. Refreshments and entertainment. (23c) Miss Eleanor Carr, having completed her nurses' training at St. Paul's Hospital In Vancouver, returned south on the Prince George last night to join the graduate staff there. She had been visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carr, Borden Street. i l! hr j-aiivmjeri - IlllltltflU jl .Mi I III- told that the deficit in the past completed, according to a statement by Pierre LeRoss yesterday. Building societies across the country have banded together to form the company which will allow purchases of from $100 to $2000 repayable in monthly instalments covering periods of from six months to two years. In Prince Rupert, Philpott-Evltt has joined the service. r Ik Presbyterian Burns Banquet, Frid3v. Jan. 26. Legion Card Party, Jan. 31. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' Home, February 1. St. Andrew's Cathedral Tea. Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 430 4th Ave. West, Feb. . Card partv. Catholic Hall, To Massct (today 1 P. Lindsay, H. Hageman, R. Lindner, Mis. V. Frandle. To Juskatl-a (today) J. had been made up by the carnival but that the carnival net profit in 1950 had dropped to $1,868.50 a record low for the event. It was suggested by General Secretary Donald Forward lht a more stable means than the carnival should be given serious consideration. Crawford Moore i rust'U.rut is "l puuiumea l ed by the Liquor Control I by the Uovernment ol r ilumbta. mm From Vancouver (Thursday) Rudder-J Thursday, February 8, 8 p.m. FRIIjAY P.M. 4:30-Sleepy Time Storlen 4:45 Stock Quot. & Int. 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10 Rawhide 5:30 Now I Ask You 6:00 supper Serenade 6:15 Personal Album 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Saddle Rockin' Rhythm 7:01) CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Easy Rhythm 8:00 London Cavalcade 8:30 Opening Night 9:00 "Burns Chuckwagon" 9:30 Canadian Short Stories 10:00 CUC Hews 10:10-CBC News H. Lougheed, Miss B. ham. Cancer Society Plans Campaign WEIRD SALAD , Burmese natives drink pickled tea prepared as a salad by soaking it in garlic. Conrad -TA Valentine Mas- querade Party, Conrad School, February 10, 8 p.m. Committees for the Prince Ru 120th H.A.A. Valentine Dance, February 10, Armories. United Church Valentine tea. pert branch of the Canadian From Sandspit (Thursday) Mrs. Oldfield, J. Kameda, M Gagnon, J. Rachmar, J. Johnson, S. Westley. To Vancouver (today) P. Benoit, William S. Cooper, W. Veitch. To Sandspit (today) L. A. N. Potterton, T. May. iMrs. L. M. Greene's, February 15. Cancer Society were chosen at an executive meeting yesterday afternoon. Nine members were Through research, trial and development the designers of Bashion-Craft Suits believe that they have achieved the ultimate in shoulder perfection. A square shoulder that ' remains square throughout the life of the garment. The "NEW SHAPE" is now Incorporated in all Fashion-Craft Made To Measure Suits. fiospitality and CPS Good rood present and Rev. F. Antrobus was in the chair. t Is Our First Aim Mrs. G. Hanlev was chosen 10:15 Nesbitt Reporting Bione 17 for Orders delegate to the provincial can- ! 10:30 Riverside Rancho vention at Vancouver February j 10:55 interlude Rupert Rod and Gun banquet, February 15. (p) Legion masquerade party Friday, February 16. Conrad ' School P-TA card party, February 16, 8 p.m. St. Patrick's Tea and card party. Catholic Hall, March 17. Orange Ladies' Tea, March 21. Job's Daughters Easter tea and sale, Masonic Temple, March 22. Robbie Burns Is Honored 12. To Take Out modore Cafe In addition t6 general business,! the campaign In April was dis-1 said estimated profits from un Ice arena, reported on by th3 committee appointed to look into possibilities of establishing one, might provide that stable source. Orme Stuart questioned tlie estimated $1,700 receipts from basketball compared with last year's actual $993.30 and the estimated expenditure of $100 for playgrounds compared to last year's actual $1,097.83. In reply, Mr. Forward said basketball had suffered last year through bad weather conditions and power shortages, whlcn were not taken into consideration for this year. As to playground expenditures estimated for next year, he said, salaries would not be included. Last year, the salaries of Miss Gloria Sather and Keith Maltman had been included as a charge against playgrounds. Miss Sather Is on permanent staff now and Mr. Miles will be here this summer. Mr Forward added. Their salaries are charged to Civic Centre cussed. I Plans for a general meeting! Robbie Burns lives in the hearts of citizens of the world. The Scotsman likes to claim for his very own but he can never quite make the grade. Last night the Burns Club of Prince Rupert met at the Broad after the provincial meeting were 1 Legion Auxiliary . Spring Sale, iWibing & Heating also talked over. The executive hopes to be able to procure a April 4. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 26. Watts &Nickerson speaker from the south for the ll:00-Weather U:00-Sign otf SATURDAY A.M. f:00 Musical Cloci 8.00-CBC News 8:10-Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 -Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty. 9:15 Saddie Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 "Melody Time" way Cafe to honor the national For Actiur;, AUvertisel poet. The following toasts were observed : "The King" The chairman. Robert f McKay. ' in absence of meeting, which will probably be held some time In March. Committees appointed were: Campaign D. C. Stevenson, chairman; Mrs. W. Roth well and Rev. F. Antrobus Publicity Mrs. A. Holbrook and Mrs. W. Murdoch Welfare Mr. Antrobus, Dr. D. McD. Black and Mrs. O. Hanley. URCHAND JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist kCE HEATERS President Robert Cameron j through illness. "The Immortal Memory" ; Bishop A. Jordan, O.M.I. "Scotland" J. Frew. "Canada" J. D. McRae, MLA. "The Lassies" F. E. Anfield. In addition to- impromptu songs sung during ihe evening, were : j I'ORTEX OIL REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED BURNERS v Stands Suptemz TANQUERAY, GORDON I CO. ITD." . . . Iht largtitit gin diililkrs in tti world Civic Centre's f NE PLUMBING FIXTURES Steady Growth R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ae. (Near CFPR) PHONE John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue "The Star 0' Robbie Burns W. D; Smith. j Vocal solo J. Bottsford. Vocal solo J. A. Teng. I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government British Columbia. 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weauiei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 Musical Program 1:00 Pops on Parade 2:00 Dance Music 3:00 This Week pairs and Alterations In his report to the annual meeting of the Civic Centre Association last night, President Dr. R. O. Large noted a steady Ed. Bolton Gets Important Post The first native to enter high school in Prince Rupert sailed last night on the Prince George to take over an Important post In Victoria. Ed Bolton, Port Essington, vice-president of the Native Brotherhood and northern administrator for that organization, has been chosen as one of six members of Thermos Bottles and Lunch Kits PO. Box 274 growth in membership and services the centre had to offer. The membership campaign in the present season (still contlnu-inel showed 902 "as compared ELECTRIC WIRING TOOLS ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS with 920 at the same time last STARTING EARLY PETERBOROUGH, Out. 0 A pretty young blonde who went the advisory committtee on In year and a final total of 979 last year. The report said the bulldin? was now seven years old and that both Interior and exterior were dian affairs, as provided for in ' to the National Employment of- Bill 79, passed in the last session fjces nere was taker, to ihc polic3 1 of the B.C. legislature. The only station. The girl, who had never 1 WEATHER STRIPPING showing signs of wear and tear. other native member Is Brother oivi;itvicro!UA An exUmsive program of renova- hood president William Scow of worked before, was given a box of popcorn while waiting fo:- hor father. She is three years old. Alert Bay. Mr. Bolton is the only LUC ttUUlWlMI Ul oi,v.wvnv 'y.8p.m., Cliilcotin 'fstlay, 12 Noon Ciiniosun WM. STi:VAKT AND to the auditorium. The continuation of the poll'! LAND REGISTRY ACT Fe: Certificate of Title 10661-1 to the Eust Half of Lot Nine Hundred and Ninety-one (9QH, Queen northern B.C. man on the committee. He has been a leader of the natives for many years and one of the main organizers of tlie brotherhood. Scow and Bolton will meet in VaVicouver Saturday. fKT SIMPSON V. C;illi()SIn 1 1 i m f NOHTII q'iEEN Charlotte District, said to con-1 tain Three Hundred and Twenty j (320) acres, more or less, except- 1 cf bringing a variety of entertainment to the cltv each year had netted $658 for the year, the report said. The report deplored the d'o,) to $1,868.58 carnival receipts, the L... I- t , s j ' ei i j r. v v PIU.OTTK ISI Aviw The committee meets next liU'Olln rtlf 99 nr, Tuesday for the first time in the ! tn(S thereout and therefrom Five 15) acres of ine South-east corner and excepting also the Northeast Quarter of the North-east smallest amount ever realized1 office of the Minister of Labor, Hon. John Cates. J'in. ID and 31 9 p m. Our January Sale Means mm Quarter. A star performer in any from that source. While ope-at, ing sources were rising, a con I hope some gains will come, WHEREAS satisfactory Droof of loss f- SOI Til CH'KKN ditlon about which little could bv gathering . . . Captain Morgan is Canada's largest selling rum. Black Label is extra smooth and flavourful Gold Label is rich and full-bodied. Both brands make taste-tempting drinks. "l-OTTB ISLANDS wtin. Jan. 12 and 26 9 Dm. done, receints from the carnlv.il had diminished, bringing the 5 out OI 11, Mr. tsouon saia yestcr- ol the above certificate of Title Is-day "We have done some re- sucd '" the nBmc ' Ernest Radciyfte .Crump (in Trust Ho. has been v. ... i it. Tj.i, 5955) search of our own in the Broth- 'ln fllod thls once notlce ta hcreby erhood and hope for many gaino. Kiven that I shall, at the expiration Mr. Bolton is now a contractor ' one month from the, date of the , ! . . t.. . first niihllr.fLt.irm hrAf ieciiA a Prn. JWK J. SKINNER total cne-atlng deficit of thJ Civic Centre to $3,992.57 before ; Rupert Agent operating a nsning camp m cne vtali5r certify iT-riSr ii lieu I lbjtiil vpnun - Phnnp RKH 4 aartin? aopreciauon. The report said that, at that rate, it would not take long f ir oiteena ruver. of said lost Certificate, unless In the Other members of the com- meantime valid objection be made to mittee are Ernest Brewer, Ver-! m DATED at the . Land ,,,,, Registry Of- , i v. i n.i i ,-..!i Lome Quichon, Quilchena, . non; Prlnce I;upfK British Columbia, f " QSi&iHft fgQQRO &&&& atmaHlti WWiMtt. 1. iiiiM!S-aai-ataJ 3UFICE SALE OF ! George Bruce, Vancouver ana this 19th day of January. 1951. a d. SALE DATES Jonuary 22 to 27 FOR YOU ! ! Captain Gates, North Vancouver, j ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. 144) I I WIS ADVBtTtSEMENT IS NOT PU8USHEO OH DISB.AYEO Y THf UOUOt CONTtOl OUiOH ay THE GOVERNMENT OF UITISH COtUMUA the $50,000 nest egg to melt away. The board appointed a ommittee under the chairmanship of T. Norton Youngs to look into th problem and find some method of makina the centre self-su'j-portlng. The report of that committee was not as yet available. In closing, Dr. Large thanked the staff for their loyal service and the mmbers for the honor of allowing him to fill the office i of president for another year. Auditors Are Re-appointed Rorie and Laird were re ') pointed Civic Centre auditors far , i i I i i i t -1 i USINESS COUPE '0,000 miles the year 1951 at the annual ! I 1 1 I j i j . . meeting last nignt 01 ine rrince 1 Rupert Civic Centre Association. 1 Their stlrr-nd is $185. j Scott McLaren and McLeand j and Rudderham were also appli- , cants for the auditing position. 1 f UCK SPECIAL jJJo lei -Arriva (s 5 SNOW PANTS, reg. 4.50 Salo Price 2.95 2 SIZE 8 REVERSIBLE PARKAS, Regular 18.00. Sale Price 9.95 6 ALL WOOL MACKINAWS, reg. 7.25 Sale Price 4.95 3 GIRLS' 3-PIECE CHINCHILLA SET, Regular 10.75. Sale Price 6.95 7 SLICKERS, reg 5.95. Sale Price ... 3.95 Similar savings on One- and 'Two-Piece Snow Suits, Raincoats, Flannel Housecoats, Skirts. the Stork Shoppe CHEV. PICK-UP Don't b tortured by 'Ull J ( (Prince Rupert) 1 F. Benoit and W. S. Cooper, Terrace: R. Weaver, Edmonton; lfiii'ir-S i..-.v... n a i a 1 1 ii . . J 11 W JmJ LJ .aw G. Martin, H. L. Graye and M. 0. 1 r.tt W Get Get relief relief fast hrker Ltd Gerraud. Vancouver; L. Wlld-fong. Prince George. A. W. T nnnh Palirarw Pnrl Pnhlp. Put a few drops of Urie- A STANDARD OF B. C. PRODUCT Vicks va-tro-noi in each nostril. It helps drain sinuses, brings Welcome relief. T Monarch DEM ' ERS 5 1 Terrace; A. Cinello, Stewart: Mrs. f ln Rupert n n W. Oldfield. Sandspit; H. Knud- VICKS Blue 810 Next to New 5 & 10 Store $:? SSWSJ ISSni W" VA-TRHJ0L ,NY sen, city; u r.. nuuayeigci. Ketchikan. iMWL ktttt Atftfa aj BaMall