'.V.V.W.V.V Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. January 26, 1951 Big Time Rackets Exposed j ,vs- I A MI ST SEE PltTlRE Premier of New Zealand Visitor OTTAWA Prime Minister Sid-nov Holland of New Zealand will Alaska Colons Meet Last Session As Territory JUNEAU Alaska's lawmakers Mk I A' A Hvimi tDMUW umrtR ju"t uku jitu hnhmr itrtwatf mn ISKi . foot Pn& Friilav 7 . 9 nt are gathering this week for what may be their last session a.s a territorial legislature. Saturday at I'i.v :"; , visit Ottawa the first of n.xt week. He will arrive Mond-ty and will be given a dinner by Prime Minister St. Laurent. On Tur.sday he will attend the open-in of Parliament and leave Saturday. Prime Minister Holland; is on his way home after attending the rrrcnt conference in London of CemmcnweaUh Prime Miniate:.'. 2:0C - 4:2(1.6:45. 9 Pn, With control of the house soiidlv in Democratic hands. 14 to 10. the evenly divided scnat- 1 wiin one or iwo unpi -"--ables" in each party lineup-looks again like the clumber in which the big controversies will Tropicanas Are Here! $4-98 Sizes 1 2 through 44 In a scintillating' array of colors and styles WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE km- n i i whirl. Large Heads Mm : . v The first one is likely to be over the election of a senate president. There might also be one over the senate secretary post.' In the tiou?e, renoru Indicate I Centre Again This advertisement It not publisher oc displayed oy fne Liquot Conlrtl Dr. R. G. Large was re-elected I that Representative Egan of Val- coard or oy nc uovcrnmciu e pfiutn oiumoi4. dez may step up to the speaKer-ship if Stanley McCutheon of Anchorage, the 1949 speaker, president of the Prince Rupert ivic Centra Arociation last nipht by the newly elected board of directors following the annual gene.'al meeting. chooses to exercise his majority! leadership from the floor. Rep- resentative Warren Taylor of! 1 1 i 1 s W. J. Scott was elected vice. STREET DEATH (Continue J from page 5) president. The vice-president Fairbanks was mcouicih.'oh s last vrar was R. E. Montador who right-hand man on the Hour in hs left the citv. 1949. but with Taylor gone this , William Long is the new sec- i session the Democrats may f ig-; ATTENTION Home Owners Modernize Your Home Now Al l, VOl' NEED, TO I'SE Ol'R HOME IMPROVEMENT FINANCE PLAN r a vpqr thp spnwtaN i ure Mccuieneon can mi rtr'. party leader role better on me FOR EMERGENCY Thee massive balls are submarine net buoys, undergoing routine inspection in storage at Halifax. They have been stored since the net was removed from the harbor after the Second World War. (CP PHOTO) included Mrs. Ritchie's body, a stain that resembled blood about j seven feet from the curb and a, little south of the sidewalk line,! some red wool fibres and crushed glass south of the stain and nine feet .eight inches from the curb.! There were signs of the tread bile. A man he later found to be the accused told him, he said, "Both wheels ran over her." He Have a Good Meal! NEW CITY CAFE FULL COURSE MEALS or ' Phone Blue 92 FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS of the left rear tire on the road IS A iOOD CREDIT STANlllv ANY AMOl'NT up to SitMIO.OdO may be financed. Paviwr j floor than in the chair. In the senate, on the Demo--icratic side, Senator Howard : Lyng of Nome broke openly j with Governor Gruening, with I a bitter" blast at him, alter the election. NOLAN UNCERTAIN : Senator James Nolan of Wran-i gell has been opposed to many i Democratic majority proposals, i In the Republican camp, Sen-' ators Anita Garnick of Juneau. and those of the right rear were started to describe what the ac cused said about the accident arc ilue monthly, and you can have up to 24 months to ), Jim Smith Is ; Terrace Chief . TERRACE. Election of officers of the local fire brigade took 1 place at the annual meeting held in the Fire Hall on Tues-; day evening and resulted in the Down payments arc not necessary. when Mr. Brown cut in for cross-examination to ask trie witness if accused had been warned when he told of the accident. Witness replied he had. Mr. Brown then asked if the boy had understood the warning. Witness was Neville Gerrard who has also .clt the city. Maurice Brydges was re-elected treasurer, The execut ive consists of Dr. L. M. Greene, Earl Gordon, Dr. J. D. Galbraith. George Viereck, A. P. frawley and W. F. Stone. Following is the complete list of 1951 board of dirtctors of the Civic Centre Association as elected and chosen by ilie organizations they represent: Members at large' elected by meeting W. F. Stone, Eari Gordon, W. J. Scott anc" Dr. L. M. Greene. Soroptimists Mrs. Alex Mc-Kenzie Film Council Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton Ministerial Association Capt. Wm. C. Poulton Sons of Norway Rudolph Ol-sen Chamber of Commerce T. Norton Youngs Boy Scouts Association Dr. G Various improvements which can be financed under it. rian are as follows: Attic rooms, adding rooms, re-roolc new flooring, modernizing kitchens, bathroom; mat-basement rooms, etc. past olficer3 being returned to thouiht he had. Accused had ; office bv acclamation. Thev are not appeared to be upset at the ; Fire chief j. H. Smith. time .He appeared calm five'. Assistant fire chief "Curley" m'nutes later while watching V- Casey. partially visible. There were no skid marks. He identified the coat Mrs. Ritchie' was wearing but could not identify the marks on it. He also identified the hat which had been found on the road a few feet south of the body. Tests on the car Disher was driving under similar circumstances to those prevailing at the time of the accident showed the car stopped in a little over 4U feet from a speed of from 29 to 1 31 miles per hour, Cst. White I said. ! Witness said the road was damp and would have shown skid marks. The general direction of the tire marks backwards from the car was toward Third Credit can be arranged very easily by simply calling In at v: I.; olfiee and filling out the special application form we Ik Gunnaid Engebreth of Anchorage and Percy Ipalook of Wales have supported a number of proposals of the pro-Grueniny faction in the past. i There seems to be little sen- j timent among legislators for Increasing taxes. Several have expressed the opinion that some ironing out and tightening up of present tax laws should suffice. Liquor control proposals are another likely prospect. White take measurements. He j Second assistant Rawleyl Luxury Steamer Prince George asked later if he could see his PHILPOTT, EVITT & Co. Ltd Phone 651 wife or tell his wife. Continuing the examination, wtness said he had picked up a leaf which appeared to be bloodstained. He also found a hair. Dr. R. G. D. McNeely, pathologist at the Royal Jubilee Hospital at Victoria and director . of 1-1 1 I t-. ! J Vi 1 1 i.i.Mi;i:if. m ii dim; supplies rou Beecher. i Secretary-tre'asurer "Curley" j Casey. Two lifelines, each 50 feet in ; length, have been received byt the brigade, also another respir-; ator. The drying tower has been eompletely finished. ' ' To make the public fire-con-' ' scious a publicity campaign will be held for the next three months and will end with the Firemen's Bail. In charge of this publicity are Geoff Lambley Avenue parallel to the curb on H. Better English By D. C. Williams Fifth Street, on the east side. "'u "f 'Itlu SAILS FOR j Vancouver i and Intermediate Ports j Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. 1 For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost i For Reservations 1 Write or Call On cross-examination witness I Deen asKeo. dj me no Mr uu ex D. Galbraith Canadian Club Mrs. G. E. Montgomery Little Theatre Association Mrs. J. S. Black Teachers' Association Mr. M. Hurst said he did not know whether amine the contents of three letters containing a stained leaf A.: MacKENZIE'S Mrs. Ritchie was dead or alive when he arrived at the scene. The height of the sidewalk differed at various points approxi and human hair. Magistrate Vance, after askin? if accused had anything to say, M. Badminton Club Miss A. 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "The men divided the money between themselves." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "dirigible?" 3. Which one of these words is and "Curley" Casey. Letters covering the achievements of the brigade during the past year are being sent out to all the oil companies, wholesale houses and all businesses with interests in Terrace. Adlard City Council Aid. D. F. Fitch and Aid.' G. D. Frizzell Gyro Club Dr. R. G. Large Unfinished Chests Of Drawer; CITV OR DKJPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. misspelled? Haze, blaze, amaze, and M. C. Brydges Business and Professional phaze. ordered Disher committed for trial. OBJECTED TO DELAY Defence Counsel T. W. Brown, K.C., belore decision was announced, questioned the delays, which he termed inexplainable. Crown Prescutor Rod MacLeod replied there had been no delays except yesterday afternoon stiH that coiilrl not have been mately apposite the accident marks. It was nine inches high at the telephone pole a few feet from the corner,. 12 inches six feet south and 13 inches six feet further south. The officer said it was an extremely bright day and the surface of the road was damp from frost the night before. He could tell within two minutes of the 'Hi- Sanded and finished for paint or wit Smoothly finished inside drawers... 5 divers to catch your clothes. TERRACE I OPICS Women Miss Honora Silverslries 4. What does the word cyno-' School Board Mr. Bruce ; sure" mean? Brown. 5. What word beginning with F.T. Council Mr. J. S. Wilson am means "to consolidate?" Kinsmen Club Wm. Long j Answers Rotary Club A. F. Crawley 1. Say "among" when referring SvmDhonv Orchestra Rupert to more than two. 2. Pronounce I avniripd 4 Drawer , . $15.5C I time of his arrival at the scene. I He did not check Disher's driv- Mr. Brown said there had been Mrs. L. Johnstone left for the south of Tuesday's train. dir-i-ji-ble, all i's as in "it" and accent first syllable, not dir-ij-bl .1 no evidence given at the hearing er s license. Accused was per that could not have been brought Fulton Co-ordinating Council Mrs. A. L. Haines IODL Mrs. G. E. Moore and Mrs. C. G Ham 5 Drawer . . $195 fectly sober, witness said. On reexamination. Cst. White with accent on second syllable. 3. Phase. 4. A centre of attraction. "He was the cynosure of all Mrs. James Irvine was a visitor to Prince Rupert this week, leaving on Tuesday's train. ( Not exactly ar. illustrated 0 Do you know vtu can no DiirchHso to-day's NKWS III KM l lo-day? JONKS NKS hTWII Papcm are flown lr 1t'ly by CI1. A. 5. Amalgamate. Junior Chamber Commerce eyes out one week after the accident. Terrace Honors Popular Girl A. MacKenzie Furniture Li Dr. McPherson returned from the touth at the end of last week. A Good Place to Buy Over Quarter Century News Ciastifieus Jake Sales. to Mrs. F. Nash journeyed Prince Rupert on Tuesday. TERRACE. A marriage of great Interest in the district, to take place Saturday evening, "... was Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage ' Complete. Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. Harry Burrow Fishermen's Co-Operative 1 George Viereck and A. Mortinu-sen Rcbckah Lodge Mrs. E. A. Evans Ski Club Foster Husov Shrine Band George Brown 1 Canadian Legion W. H. Mur-; ray and J. Nicoll . Basketball Association S. P. Woodside. ' i i ine uui unase 01 uie ivnu iuui preceded by a large pudiic : . th- f f, ,Bi shower on Wednesday evening said he had taken the accused ; to the police station and had brought him back again to the scene. All measurements werei made in the presence of the accused except those of the curb height and the distance of the telephone pole from the corner,1 witness said. Cst. W. L. Dempsey, RCMr, said he had seen accused at the scene of the accident and was present when Cst. White took thn i measurement. He had than taken the body to tthe hospital and had met Dr. Greene there.-( PI,. WALES ! Cpl. E. A. Wales,. RCMP, said he went to the scene of the accident about 1:20 p.m. He described roughly the scene that has been described before. He was accompanied by Cst. White. John Gurvich drove up in an automo- Ladies and Gentlemen LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 61 scutn-east coiner of Lakcl.sc I Avenue, north of Dc Mills' of-! fie on Kalum Street, has been made by E. S. Sargent of S.R.S. I Stores who . plans on having them clean up for the summer months. Further plans are not, j as yet, being divulged, but 'the i intention, it is understood, is to build The original owner of the I lots was the late J. K. Gordon BAPTONE The Wonder Woll Point $1 .50 a quart $4.95 a gallon in the Oddfellows' Hall. Guest of honor was Miss Merle West. Over 120 guests greeted tin surprised bride-to-be as she entered the hall with Mrs. G. Grant and proceeded to the front to the accompaniment of the strains of the "Bridal March." The hall platform was banked high with a mountain and, on his death, they were sold to Herbert Spencer who has sold them to Mr. Sargent. LING the tailor Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd Phone 649 220 Sixth St Used Car SPECIALS .. . and and cake pink holders flanked the crystal vases held white roses. WEEK-END BARGAINS Hollywood Cafe of beautifully wrapped gifts, the opening of which took up the ' greater part of the evening. Af- ! ter the gifts were passed around they were placed on display on ithe platform. Miss West then ! thanked each one personally. Musical selections were rendered by Mrs. C. J. Norrington 1 on the piano and vocal solos by 1 Mrs. C. R. Newhouser. i A banquet was served on long Jine j-rinltntj a I ega! Printers 194C INTERNATIONAL PANEL Mechanic's Special $2oe $850 Miss West and Mrs. West were seated with Mrs. Hod.son and Mrs. Mallett on each side. Members of St. Matthew's Women's Auxiliary had places at the head table. Those arranging the affair were the bride-to-be's closest friends, Mrs. Agnes Grant, Mrs. Del Dubeau, Mrs. George West, Mrs. Florence Bailey, Mrs. Kay 'cote and Mrs. Joyce Jef- Wc Spccializo in DISHES Phone 24 222 Second Ave. 1941 CUSTOM PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedan tables covered with white tablecloths. Centrepiece of the head table was a bride's cake, made x 1 1 nvk WEI and decorated by Mrs. Florence W Bailey. .White tapers in crystal ferd. RUPERT MOTORS i ALLACE Eor Outside Orders riKt. 2nd Ave. and 1st St. Phone 5(i6 or tUiti OPLN Vium 7:31) P.M. to 3:30 A.M. Pharmacy 1 11 .1 BLONDIE 8y CHIC Yd Now He's Blushing paDDY. ONE of the HOURS: WEEK DAYS: puppies ate the candv have them , LINE UP---' 1 VUi. I ' cflNI CAN H"-V LAST NIGHT WHICH KNOW W.M - 7j V, THEPE... V. CLMER piD IT.' fe f I CAN1 TEl-L BV ) ' V V Th LOOK ON r-' I in fax A OLDKYB WHISKY I , ,,-' ,l,J,;y ..yy,. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. p H O N E 7 9 SUNDAYS: -A : - 'f 1 2 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. H C'l,S,)a.U'4!il- I II rt. 4 1 F 1 ..f-T.' V, I .71 'Ml 1 SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE I This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor . Control Board or by Die Government of British Columbia. Mi, v r