ROTARY HEARS DR. BLACK ! Education Wezk Prince Rupert Daily N'e3 - friday". January 2B, 1951 PERIODIC pAlNS...use VV 'I Long Quest For Health ToBe observed torn fa itegir 05 AKAUUL 1 At a meeting of teachers representing local schools held on Tuesday it was decided to call n orpanizaUon meetirtg for Fri-ctay, February 2. to form n Edu-cation Week commttt. For thousands or years one of re -not covered today by public man's greatest quests has been health," said Dr. Black, who list-for health, Dr. Duncan Black, ed nie chief -pntfpctions to ttw director of Prince Rupert Pubiic communl!,y pveti ty the nrrv-Health Unit, told Rotary yester- ict. They Included -child hyeiene, day afternoon. sanitation of water, newerftfrc Before explaining the work of nd tmtd, as well as free vener-the local health unit. Dr. Black ial rsts. prince Rupert All present comnienhed on fine; i co-ojwaUon and tffective par-i g33HDG3II0X People Are Moving Money recalled the evolution of heaiix i wanl propf fdcatkm n clptkn rf many P.ltwe Rupert . Eyen In Biblican time of Maws bnait.h-.prjtoUoal amtHcatton f 'H'RJinteatiftm in pwioirs ftdu-l sanitation was stres.sed and peo- jnfornwtton Ik mmv ImparUnt aotivuiRs. It was pie were aware of tne need for 11lgn tonxk--m nwiicine," ' said HHRfsW that wh Kmups, good heallU. But there have bw'ii jr St-ic. , 1ild iiave say in Ue plan-, , .V" ,1 i many superstitious cures, ur itg. as wen as n tne wkMHnw, to lhe i.un(,hN,n by Black said. VlmirnM.!. fKl tkat hcy- Bre Brow 14 ws C l HI Till; advertiitenient is not published or displayed by the Liquor 1 ir,lrl Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ' i , oUu, wm i'-'" m. Ray wlro has returned to Uie , ' " . 1 liivltin frrtm HnpH or even - l . i wmlri ftirm i-Vv. ttai Ci)st: l raw Mmtrf'rtuls are i c i h K manufacturers tif rtiiw unci rutolwi footwear slKiw cuiilmuecl price bi- Bv .iK'lil"1 Ul 1,16 . . H.,tTn tnt jmnui ----- ---- ,'?'lth Saotiath day of rest were, . i' u present -T-ducatimi us Every- 1 bef"'a'. the speaker believed.' - B"" Robert OoniS -of Vancouver I Mental health was imporuni . nd . rxr R a uiM .ii J Orea.malkms tJrfianmums that That have have i.h,.l- co- ILY SHOE STORE to proper social conditions, Dr. fart '''' yOt JAMl ,1 r:ir.:c Rupert are wist rrro the Royai Jubilee lorafced in previous Education H.Hi t W., T',: activftios ir.c!u!c Canadian Owbc MiWlwU was xtitioVfl IWMm, Civic Centre, City Coim-tolrthtlav rrertliigs by Mr. Brown !- O:oiy News, Gyi-o Club, KE, t fclfl UHLTteui Or. Bla for Junior and Senior Chambers of vtng money, aome oi m , rials being offered are ex-.liuiiul values al the present Cmnmeroe, Labor Unions, Min- his addw-ss. FIHT n-7 ACTION First Canadian.-, to see frcnl-Unc action in Kwea were the;A. three members of the Special Force advance party. Now back at Fort Lewis, they were attached to the 29lh British Brigade near Seoul and saw action, though not personally taking part in the fighting. Pictured at Pusan in this Army photo, they are, lefi to right: Simn. Ro.'.s W. Deehn, Windsor. Ont.; Sgt. Norm Stammers, Transoona, Man.; and Sigmn. Doug Kehue, Nicholson, Out.,- all of the S5th Canadian Infantry BriRade Signals Squadron. (CP PHOTO) 4sU?rial Association, PTA, radio station CFTR, Rotary Club, school trustees and teachers. rlicn- arc only a lew uuys t t pick up these Specials 1 Black said. i Re-counting the p;'e-Christian era of Greece, which was the futhcr country of medicine, the speaker felt that "progress has falien -short. I Not until after the plague-ridden Middle Ageg were the causes of illnesses stressed. By the Middle Ages it was agreed that filth was the deadliest cause of disease. Sanitation resistance beginning In the 19th century held a high place alongside modern i, now on . . . SALE Vmi are atlviscii i.o snop now STANDS STAT SARNIA. Oirt. Three wn-4ors of potato iips who set up stands In the busiiwws areaxiu.'-ii -ven-ing Ijmirs will asain be granted licences, city council agreed. Mayor W. C. Nelson said they served a purpose. "If I have only 1C cents and e,o into a restaurant I can't set very much." he said! " "UNCLE NEHRU" NEW DELHI Turkish children have sent a letter of warm thanks to Prime Minister Nehru for the gift of a baby elephant to the Istanbul zoo. The letter was address to "Dar Uncle Pau-dit Hehru." Street Death Recounted 35 the . . . FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. ir viiir Mimes unrl Rubbers science for the prevention of dis ' LADIES, MEN Witnesses Tell of Mrs. Ritchie's Fate eases. Many of the 18th century Third Avenue. When approaching the intersection of Third prisons and industrial lactones hotbeds of typhus,' ur. an(1 Stlwt he "K,k" T?UZ Finh Yesterday at tha preliminary trial of Larry Wsh'r, charged brM.h ways to see If tmfflc was BUcl k said. 1 favour of th , conilng. He saw an automobile ffcflnement. nf conditions in heading into Fifth in a -smiHwrly England's prisons and factories' direction and a black object su p was helped by the passing f the in front of the rar. He did not first Public Health Art In IH8. j know whether the object he hud But as early s the 17th -en-J seen was a man or Woman. Ho lury, uiititer Canadian settlers PORTRAITS ins !'velii) il and I'unU-d l'ROMIT KKltVK'E t IIANKI.I K'S STI'DIO r, - 4 it 1 .Street linx 045 nine (iri'i'M 3i!9 Prince Rupert and CHILDREN Here is a SPECIAL for rhe Ladies and Children! SNOW BOOTS thought tlie rar was on the left reuii'cd the neoejisily of public side of I lie street. It was travel- health. Dr. Black said. He point-ling very slowly. The object had ed out that many of the dis-slepner1 off 'he 112 Taxi side of eases, such as smallpox, were the street, he said. He could not brought to Canada by lmmi-say how far it proceeded into tlu grants, while before their ar-strect before being struck. It was rival the Indians were compara-a small person. He could not tell lively free from European dls-if the driver had tried to stop Hu recognized the driver as a Dr- Black said lhat 2500 small-man in the court and pointed Pox cases were reported in 1757 DIO & APPLIANCE f SALES & SERVICE (iiMianleeil Service iwiiu inansiauyiuer in tne trains ! death, tif Mrs. Jennie Rllrhie, (first witness for the piiisecutiou 1 to Mrs. Willa Rav who said she had luncheon with Mis. Jennie I Josephine Ritcln.! Novemlier 7. I Sire left Mrs. Ritchie in H unt of i her office, shortly before 1 p.m. I She had known the deceased for " 35 years. Mi s. Ray knew M;s. I Ritchie's hearing to be wry I good as she remembered talkiiv? 1 with her on occasions in low 1 tones. Mrs. Ritchie did not normally wear plasses. When sho left Mrs. Ritchie after lunching with her November 7, Mrs. Ray said, she had been dressed in a black coat and hat. Witness identified a coat as the one Mrs. Ritchie had been wearing, also a hat and a pair of red gloves. They were entered as exhibits. She said the coal had I'hiiiir lilue 1)!! PACIFIC ELECTRIC him out. Asked if he had had anv "v Mumcaim in wueoec STAUT IN B.C. conversation he replied: "He Just the boot for Llvis type oi weather Warm wool and shearling lined in a choice of Red, Black or Brown. Ladies' sizes $8.45 H0.95 Pr British Columbia's first organized Institution of public health control against smallpox started In 892. "Few districts of the province "kiMM he And I said, 'I don't think you did'." Mr. Gurvich sa'd he could not say what part of the car hit the person. It was a nice day and the road was dry. He did not 3ULGERS iiui aavertiiement tt not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th Jovrnment of Britiaa Columbia. been very clean when Mrs There notlce wnat happened to the car ore now showing the latest Ritchie was wearing it. j TAKE VOl II PLAC E WITH IKX IJKK T1IKSE were dirt marks on it wlen ex hibited.. uiuer uie acuiueni.. ne was 1 watching the person who had been struck. He stopped the n 1 Mrs. Ray said sh-e had been informed later that Mrs. Ritchie was born January 5, MS74. She I had seen and Identified the body Duiovas truck he was driving, got out and went to the body. It lay facing the Stone t'.ock l a slight ang. on the Street. He had seen tlw Children's sizes, Brown only $3.95 up SEE OUR WINDOW FOR MEN'S SPECIALS 'FASHION "FOOTWEAR person knocked down and the rear wheel run over her. He would say she was heading for Ganiu-l s, store on the west side of Fifth Street. She was lying about svven or eight feet out in the roadway but lhat was only a guess. of Mrs. Ritchie at the inquest later, On cross-examination Mrs. Ray said she would vvrv with Dr. L. M. Greene that Mrs. Ritchie probably weighed leas than KIO pounds. join cii uurn Second witness was John Gur- 01 On cross-examination, Mr Don't Miss Our January Clearance The Newly Patented Self Winding iliy Army ray Corps vich who said lie was driving 11 Brown asked if witness had not truck in an ensterly direction on ;.Bl(1 a, tho innuest that it was too bad the car was not of Models FINE FURS LOVELY COATS, CAPES JACKETS ond NECKPIECES travelling faster that It would probably have missed her. Witness replied that was correct. If the car had been moving faster. It would have thrown the body clear, he thought. W;iiip'- "i(i a ih" I'm" rf l:i' accident there had been cars parked along the Royal Bank side of Fifth Slicet. They had been moved by the time the police arrived. Dr. L. M. Greene, third wit of Muskrat, Hudson Seal, Canadian Squirrel and Coney K:lO)U ese new 'Dual Wind' lovas will wind auto- iti(.ally in any position ness for the prosecution, said he had been called by police to the hospital to attend a seriinslv In Prlred at 1 .to Q5 BILL SCUBY FURS 50 & 69.50 jured person. He arrived at the hospital as the patient was being ir"movcd from th1 mv"lnncn She gave every appearance of , being dead at the time and examination proved that. Ho had 1 later made a superficial exam- ! inatlon and found a fractured lilUiJjjjJ rrT" 'i - ifMiiatiiiifilnliSir',Tlr f -fin litTfrtfTr-1A' 654 Box 1362 302 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 974 'tie by the world's largest f iuifacturer of fine watches S5c pti doitn patd iw cmpiut. Plai have Iricn ftJv rtn ike Jfi eald- Wh 1 Tkii idvtrtntminl 11 not publiihcd Of ditpUycd by the tiqtiot CoKffll Boaid Of tv th OovftnmaM ol e.ilnh Columbit; HFAHi CiiiiiMliuu ooliliers serve, at h ome anil ubrnuil, tlie Amiy I'ay Corps ulna In the right forearm and a badly crushed chest. There was a bad fracture of the skull. He said either the clvest injury n.. tilf. f.t-n'1 f -act lire could have caused death. On cross-examination, Dr. Greene said the weight of the body would not exceed 100 pounds. He had not examined for possible sprained ankles. J. A. Chapman, draughtsman for the city, identified and described a plan of the death scene. CONSTABLE WHITE Constable J. White, RCMP, said he had attended the scene of the accident In response to a telephone call. He and Cst. W. L. Dempsey had Arrived there -about TO CNLIST YOU MUST: 1. Be o Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 40 years of age. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Army test requirements. 5. Volunteer for service' anywhere. REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: No. 1 1 Personnel Depot, 40S0 West fourth Ave, VANCOUVER, B.C. l-am See Our Stock Now! DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 1 p.m. There was a group of in on hand 10 ensure pniiiijit and accurate "pay". The men of the Army Pay Corps are highly trained. Their work is exacting and requires ' ial upliltxlc. Frequently called upon to art as financial ailvincrs to the men of other corps, they must poDxeag patience and the ability to act as friendly counsellors. The Royal Canadian Army lay ('orjia needl more men to!uy to keep pace with the expansion of the Canadian Army Active Free. If yon are qualified as an accountant, clerk or bookkeeper or ir you would like to qualify in one of these trades then there i a place for you with the ineu who "gt 'era fmitV, Remember, Canada needs ym imw. Report loilny for Hclive duly with Uic Koyl CuiHtJiMU Army Pay Coqis, people on the roadway and a woman lying on the road. There was a car facing south on the left side of Fifth Street. He ask IB TRILITE LAMPS Complete with silk shades $19.00 up. TORCHIERE tAMPS $15.75 end $18.95 TABLE LAMPS $4.95 and $6.95 NOVELTY LAMPS - $4.95 ed accused if he was the driver Broadway Cafe of the car and got the reply: "I was. The car was to tne leit of the centre line. He asked per mission to refer to notes he had taken at the time to describe K Best Food , o where he found tht car. He marked on a plan the posl tion of the car and body behind Finest Cooking ODD SHADES 98c up Northern B.C. Power Co. the automobile and the spot3 where a blood-stained teaf and other marks were found. Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. For take home orders Phone 200 tin Ru.ert Signs of an accident he had seen when arriving at the scene Stewart, B.C. Phone 210 (Continued on page -6) 31