FIRST WHEAT COMING Prince Rupert Daily News 4 HaljoweV ! Hundred Carloads on Annuities Friday. Oc'ober 19. lOil As I See It V t (.intore Way to Rupert Now Mi Independent daily rewspaper eevoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert ar.d Northern ar.d Centra! British Columbia Uember of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation CanaCiar. Dally Newspaper Association J A. HUNTER. Manaeir. Editor. H O. PERRY. Manag-lr.g Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES? m OTTAWA f The government disclosed today thai it wants t double maximum annuity a Canadian may purchase through the govern men!. Minister of Labor M F. Oregg p'id on the Older pap notice of bill to increase the maximum annuity to t.M trim tlMO Ibis would be the fiist Uiue ihe tiling has t.-en lifted in tweutj- Terrific Stock of Masks, Fireo-.! I Jt Carrier. Per Week. 20c; Per Murtn. f-r iear. k. Il First wheat to be moved into t'qe house in a decade will commence rolling this week to the D'-minion governmenCs lU-bushel grain elevat-;r at Prince Rupert w hich is n owjieing ivadiedtre- tH 00; By Mail, Per Month, 1x; Per Year, w to Published every at'ernoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd , Xrd Avenue. Prince Rupert. v vears. Straight Election ray.- Reflects and Reminisces ceive tne gram. By the end of this wvek o: hundred ear.oads of Northern Albrrta wheat will be on the line. Canadian National Raiiways announced today. It should start arnv.r.a about Sunday. Deliveries are expeted to be at the r..te of about luO car.oads a week. About &M carloads, it Is estimated, will ti!I the r'.cva or. Expectation is that tr.. wheat may be moved out of the elevator fairly soon by ocean-gouig ve- theatre, opening of the reservoir :n Lr- A;-ropoii thee were but i few of rhe function as well aj lesser events The theatre stood on Second Avenue, not far from Sixth Street about where Jones news stand is now lucatedi ai.d it u parted that evening with most of Frinc Rupert in best bib and tucker If there was a nias- W-athT was r..nther cool or ;i.- u'.ed. as it is t xiuy. when d,.- . hnrnred Prince Rupert Soutii Still Tory LONDON". Back in the big city, after" a two-day look-see trip out towards Plymouth, I see definite signs that at least that part of Old England is swinging Tory-ward. ' Labor might retort: "We can't iGse what we never had." It is trae tnat oruy a tiny handful of non-Tories have recently made the grade in that . region of this ancient islana. hut irum wna',1 saw and heard, it was pretty clear tnat Laoor canuidates are simply not putting up the fight tnat they dii before. LEST ANYONE jump to fa'.e conclusion, let me state as clearly as possible that this may be due to the "grand strategy that both big parties are pur- ThU ter of ceremonies, lie must have v.rh .t'f. first and only visit. earlv in Seotember. 1912 The been Lionel Crippen. a good old sets lor export c'.ciT.r.t mH '.''tt' r..-.-cr sp-rtd Liirtll. , - Pri'.ce s glided to- Prince Rupert had nrt got around K-ir'V government c.xk. remain- to cushumed seaU In pjacea of ainusvuirii'.. in Aim a , ,iko that throuelK'ut. ir.f; Ketchikan Surveyed glossy polish d.d not make them ! ' any sol ter. i MIlflT TRH His Royal Kithness. the Duke if Governor -General of Canaia and son of Qnevn Victoria wore civilian di .'ss and Winiei Clolhes lor Cold British cow-raj flection lack refinement. THK like econd ballots, party lifts, alternative -votes or any form proportional representation. There can I only one succesr-ful candidate for each constituency, electd on a 'simple majority of votes. This produces curious results. In general, it exaggerates the success of the most successful fjarty. Conceivably it could lead to absurdity. Sup-xse that the candidates of one party won by very wnali majorities in every constituency. Then Parliament would consist entirely of members of that party. In the general election of 1:5 the Conservatives' jKtlled only '53 er cent of the votes, but they jrot 70 per cent 'of the seats. Labor won 3 per cent of the votes but pot only 25 m-r cent of the seats. In 194.1 when Labor was w inning, the jwsition was reversed. Conservatives, w ith 40 jier cent of the vote,, had only 33 per cent of the seats. Labor w ith only 4x er cent of the votes pot 61 per cent of the seats in Parliament. Such a state of affairs, indeed, is normal in Britain. The Parliament dissolved on Octokr 5, 1&51. has been very exceptional. In the election of VW) the votes divided at exactly the point w here the system which tends to magnify, in the Rouse, any superiority of- votes in the country-pave no special advantage to either of the largest parties. JUNEAU. Problems and opportunities facing Ke'.-hikjn. where construction of Aia.ika's firt nulp mil! is expected to be Somber Jackets WooMcn Cas - - Pure Woo' end Heor.f 4'nde'wear - VooHj- J, i iuing. are er s "safe seat bv detail!'.. etling the ota- gm er ly next year, are outlined go pretty weii jn a speciai-purp e survey iut completed bv tne Alaska ).:..' i capable va'et. Accompanying him were the Duchess cf G-rnran oriiii nd fiauor.t -r. the Princes Patricia The Duke ir.-'pected "h t"ia:d of honor, Earl Grey s Rifles, a Prince Kiip ft ur.K under tsii!i Kre(J St rk Local ac'avj -vrvice veterans wi re altj on oarade. and t.; iliese the viceroy extended a FOR MEN & E: It is only in the marginal velopment Board, iea.s that either party is pa-.- The report points out the Ln- tmj up a real cause. pad trie entrance of this bav: There i ' one seat dawn near industry will have on population. Plymouth where a battle rural community laci.ities and serv- ct Remarkably Lof Ml-VS BOMKII JtCKrff lined, fur eiliar. pfrfw i at .lit 50 m v. is expected. It is now held by a ices in the Oreater KexniKan ankshake a;td an u.quiry con-cat's whisKfcr margin by m-. area. s-rvices brlillant writer. Michael Foot. Preliminary copies of the But the Tory candidate is Rar,- study, written by Ralph Browne. COMPLETER j(SPKCTION tiolph Churchill, whose famous a.v-ista;U manaeer of uie Thls r f curse, was lor.s befire fatner. Winston, is going down veiopment Beard, were reviewed 1ne outbreak of gfat w&rs. cn the aeiond-to-last day of the by Wiuiam Barton, euy man- ne .uard in-nx-rtion as i-.t p-o- Mf.VS TOPCOATS-Br-.: i w.'ll Uiiored. gsji lit, V MEN'S OOL SPIlEMi campaian to acaress nm s a- ag(r; jonn weir, puojc uuuues connnueht paused before - AJ ues. iwfecl fit . V 'v a young militiaman trt incurs about a djcorat.on he was wear int. "Might I ask. my lad lr. what campaign you won this?" "It was for singing In re choir at New Westminster, sir." vertt-ed as a monster public manager; J. E. Danieison. su-meetin?. perir.tendent of schooU, and o.hers in Ket-rhikan Represen-THE LATEST poU show a trend uiuives of the U S Forest Serv-back toward the Tories which ce and Alaska Public Works confirms what I wrote in th.s a2ency also rtviewed tae repon column several days ago. But 1 prior to its final publication. in r.rtr tnfl a ii'i'le aurhoriiv. - - Too Many Brides MESi 8 HEAVY WOOL PW li fishing and h-avy ;i fit. lots of ear. .. . Piiti: I andmk Ua W,l- l,mr ol Dim ..very. v. iili iu n .. acre lop tw.itlied aluiiiliiuin. ljr;- ! e-r buili, it li" m""" h:,n thiee times iIm- ilijm t of die Dome of Si. PhuT C-1irtlrat. tlamilUu v iiM ' 'e euwd at p..l.u tival M i Ik ing W illi prl' ,1,c ,ll4t roof. nU. r.iliT whI irttK-r pari of tlic .ill-ahimoium rjn l-Ann made Dome were aJumiiium . . . "'"I ",Jl l.,ola i ihc -tW m'l .tin ictrt pr.nliicw. iiKxli rn ot '. "Altan). til CONGRATULATE the editors of The Van w niivi. PiTii-in-.. in Hnino- what editfirs 'a OVCl in .-wr -rv vhn nrivatelv i imi.u, mi .. ...... " . ' i . ; v.rt m11c, v.a nu: 1ENS All.-HMI. PI.AIO J AC MTS-SiaUD lot i of to-xn oa vote in , aci- " kmd ol confidence . """ it ,v v ,,.Si txpre&ses If tnev had tne COUlage, the eut-ome. .,.,, election cay, may Canada would like to do E in'-dr-rMi. Fail length WW AI.I.-UOM. W I X O B B EA K I' RS Dar.dy Reption p-ogrm I'cw tfnk the form ot gift.. ir.uie of unique interest and reminiscent of a piontfr. U id end a city in the making. The eor".ony, simple anf brief took place on the vance. But here they have a much wider qualification. Ail sorts of bed-ridden people, and other i as to The British are in an unpredictable mood. In Canada, old-time political experts taught me that the great mass o! tne oeoo.e maxe up thtir .l. iri... vuYJt ' -ik than factory coat ! who find it ciiiicu.i to get oru wharf w;-h t-n, formal w.-lcome nave tne n-iiu to soie ,. fc h..if .,, ,hp munk-ioalitv i.,.., r.,, a.. onn n in person BOYS' Ai 1.-WOOL HEAVY TWEED PANTS-UV extended by Ma-or SvUl" M. w.f -ni-ihot atrrnplv tailored vote about 10 days beiore the n advance by mail ....... T .... 1 Vrt, Qnlh.1T - ' -T I SEVER ceae to be asUni'hcd ThP"d.iral were miliar ties all warn me. that is not i-u. BOYS' KH'.BER IACID BM)TSB-.t qaallty s than factory cost, at pn There is of course, a fixed voie " " with cen:ury-oid centre but that votes Conservative, Labor, are in this country. Time and mv(,r b, fore nad they seen a i ih,,ai ,.mo hii time again, a.iei i mc -"n- H..ANXEI.ETTE SHEETS AM) ALSO Ql ILTv-fit nieh watl-r. versation around to the ejection, peopie tel! me: tow.i asp.ra.e to metf.pohtan disUnrtinn. oui'e so r.ew. ' r ttopefvl and to brimming over! v.ith optimism. This waj dif-; Ql AL4TY AT REM t EU PKK US Lioerai iveii. 1 .m rcaiiy a fc u a tr.. n.'n ennt'n tl.e, 1 can't myself. But, of course ,.. .i,ki. m n-' Ifrersf. JOHN H. BULGER Ojlomtlriit John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 'tiny voie Liberal for no Liberal would cietv. a well as a minority who' do vote by the wue-thai ,nae a do? chance here tiuatinz vote aid not decide un-l til the very "eve of the poll." BOTH SIDES claim that they says Saturday Night. From now on there will be m engagement pictures and no wedding pictures in The Province. Undoubtedly, an exception will be made for the marriage, when it comes, of Princess Margaret, and for other weddings which, in the language of the newsroom, are newspage, rather than women's page. Wedding pictures would be the joy of women's editors if only they could take them or leave them alone. But no paper can run all the brides' pictures that come in, and proud, parents do not take kindly to a daughter being left out. Consequently, pictures of brides swamp women's pages for at least three months of the year. One Ontario oaper had 500 brides' photographs still to appear when June ended this year, and a women's editor remarked sadly that she had got so far behind on her weddings that in two cases the birth notices got in first. Saturday Night solved this problem 15 years ago by dropping weddings and social news from its pages. The Vancouver Province has taken the sensible solution and it will be interesting to see how soon other dailies follow the example.' . the roval Interest ( "nil nl ' ' " Be Sure You ARE IN a' gum a r.y the two-y-'ar-old I am a-ftonisfted to find how, will benefit from the fact tint f,,j y temiinti? its rtifti': dnesi. be fewer than on" r..vnesi and b.cezy style run- if.! This wa; clear, as -was I tlvv i many Liberals tunc as there many here do pin their hopes there wiil on bii; meetings, neid within tn'.- quarter as last 4 houi.s oefore the actual ning this vote. last. were d ove along pit;y graded streets nd gained ide.u ai to the mean- "experts say this snoum jnR of western nomenclature THEY HAVE one very sensible help the Tories. But many liard- when people mention "from the var.ation here from our cwn fciaded Labor pecpie deny this, grass root a tip." . system of voting. In Canada we Tney say it depends entirely on have " advance polls" where the economic nature of the con- Luncheon in the OTP Inn, concert in the new West holme commercial travellers and others stituency. tiopm9 , I "i forH Si fl. GENERAL FLICTRIC G. E. Radios, Washers ,11'-. . 11- , 1:' I" h ' 1-... enjoyed by everyone but APPRECIATED STOCK 5 gtyilf5 by those Rupert Radio & Electric Oewar's strikes perfect harmony in any company on any occasion. Enjoyed by all , . . it is particularly appreciated by those who are judges of good Scotch Scotch whisky. whisky. Before B.f.,. y you say ,oy Scotch Se.tcb . ... . . say soy Df DtWAK'S WAR'S whn knnw 1' IIHH till Mil m J, ... For the MEAL that REFRESHES j (fLiijM Here is another opportunity for you to adopt this tried and tested system of saving money. Canada Savings Bonds never drop in value. If cash is needed you can get back the full face value of your bond, plus accrued interest, anytime at any bank in Canada. i r 1 - r u r ... Cw if ) BEST 3 FINEST f g food 'Wmm -cooking 1 1 WmmSSmmm : FOR TAKE OIT ORDERS PHONE 2(M 1 Q 1 ' j I JlVJ j V--.." "l. j ' ' fjwMJl ff m " J!li luu tan uuy Duiiua lur unsii, i tviumc. th"" ' you prefer, the Royal Bank will arrange for you to buy , regular monthly instalments out oi income, i n f'-'-city itself. All forms and full information available at every CAHAf THE ROYAL DANK OF This advertisement Is not published u displayed by the Liquor Control Board V by the Government ot British Columbia. I MBmh m;JM! mm & 1