Piitalfl e 4 " Prince Ruprt Dcllv Net ' " f r:aay. October 1 l&sl LONDON tC? F.-.e dozen Collins, suffer!!-. from u.lanltie bjr.-as were flowr. from the e:e.-r.a. Banana, scare in B.-.t-Ur-e'd States to nelp Graham a:n, are tne boy 'a on.y die;. PORTRAITS Films Developed and printed PROMPT SERVICE ( IIWDLER'S STl'DIO 21-4th Street Box 64! Phone Oreen S8S Prince- friinrt i p 1 1 i ill itl fCLOSt'P.E TIME It a m. en dy of publication) CavifieJ Airertlslng U payable In dnc. T,w n( ram from telephoning. Cassi!ieSs. 3c per Word prr irjrtlon. minimum chn 50c Birth SMc 50c. Cards vf TUanks. Deatit Notice. Funeral Notice, Marrtafe lu.d I.oea-eernent Anrwcncr.enta $2 00. 8PECIAI. DISPLAY. DOUBLK 1 RICE. NOW- is the tire to plan , , tor STORM WINDOWS SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. 215 1st Atenne West fhn. M FO. Box 7!1 AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS ond FURNITURE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, ot 215 p m. be held in smith's WMrriiout pie Nl Drill Hal! I Corner 1st Avenue and McBrlde Con-siened to us for immediate sale, as follow: Beally Washer, like new - , Maylat Hasher tsiiner Srmins Machine treadle, Be! che-derfirld and matching Chair tureen) ( hesterfield and Chair two-tone, brown and lan Electric Range, white enamel, with ven 3-burner Electric R.inr,eUr, white enamel, wilh oyrn J-burni-r a. I - . kct. ,; i i.. f ACIFIC lUci role MARGAr.rr h it ST" .: 5, j -: ELtE ;v P 0 EOI ; ELEClf.- ft. w. cc. Pttme R-,e r j f'JT ge.-'J;,r.t ;-, phone or r.v , TERV'i V':r.r.1,; au if FCR YOUR.. Brick 0 ii? sr.- Tile S'.'.', z l:: Phiitif K Bi- tA a ' HAND" HOME CENEHAL CCN7 t ulldlnr. and P;.. kirii Rrk lFS - C'l' OIL Eis:- PliOSE P.O Bx l7v siCNEir g: crTt-yr.1 Cofr.ple'e VI ( rr.' j ra tc5; MATTSC' t'FHO'U, Phone Blue ICS. F 234 3rd V.' Prinre E H. G r-r.C: REAL ESTATE ill' Phone 96 Erfr-?-' Train Schsl For the Enl Daily excp: From ibf I-11 Dally estcp; pn-. Coal and Wood Kangr, cream enamel S lids Several Coal and Wood Healers I Metal Single Bed, with Sprint; 'i Bed oith Spring, metal t Complete: neilruom Suite Walnut Seerl Cheats of Drawers Coffee Tables and End Tables various Baby's Crib. ith Mattress, also Stroller, High Chair, etc. Walnut Dining F. mm Suite Kitchen C abinet. Table and Chairs Seyera1 Occasional and Chesterfield Chairs, Axminster Kug, I1.-' x "' excellent condition Ironing Board, large size iagaiine Racks and Book (thrives Oak Executive Desk 6-drawer Combination Radio and Record Player Eleclric Plates; Fire F.xtinguishrr; Pots and Pans; Dishes; lools; Picture; lie Skates; Lamps: Mirrors; C ard Tables; F. Nir Poli'her; Odd Kitchen Chairs; Coal Skultles and Shivels, etc., etc. Terms: Cosh or Cheaues THOMAS M CHRISTIE. Auctioneer VVOl NC t.MENTS I !e,-ar, harsar. October 20 f nauian Legion card jrty.t oer 24. i L U B A fail Bazaar. Octi- br 2-j. La::.e' WA Firh'-rrnen's Union Oane. October 2, in the Odd:e:;o Hill. Women' Hospital Auxiliary Hi;!)''Ti Tea. O-'.cber 31, V. h i.'.i- of Mrs. W C. R. Jones, 4ij 1 , ,:'.; Avenue West. Sor.ja Bazaar, Vweir.trer 2. Canadian Legion caoaret dance S'tvf'tr 2 Legion A iXi..ary Bazaar, No-i Vemocr 7. Eastern Star BaU. Nov. Masonic Ten.p.e. PreAOyte.-ian Church Bazaar, November 15. Conrad P-TA card party. November l'l, 8 p m. 'irie Women 01 the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 16. Cj 'hedrai ba.aar. No 17. 1.0 U.t. l a.l iiu.aar tin- etnoil , 22. St. Peter i Kail fjazaar, No- vember 2'J. L"rot-d Church W. A. Fail Ba- zuur, Dec, b. I.flST LOST -- Srr.aU brown terrier; lawn .-.poU above eyes, white c.'H'ii li'-onas to .Mr;aji do. kewjrd. Pnoiii- Gieen 12'J. Roy "1, 134o Pii'sott '24'ici PLItSOWI. Fc-gular St. John FIRST AID CLASSES Cw.r.ei:ci.z . Friday, Oct 19th 7 ,ij p rn. FIRE HALL 245c ii.ICED v. upped bread from itupert tae.e.-y 0.n a.e at ail ?wry to; itfi WILL TAKE ord'-r.j for crochet doiuefl, centre-piece, runner.?, buffet .vr.s. chair ets. etc Pnone Green ii'j'i, or apply 740 7th Ave. West. t245p Anyone having any Information of the whereabout of a trunk vith per-.onai eifect left in Prince Rupert by the late James R. Hooper, piea.se phone Blue C50 or wrre to Mrs. A V.'ylie, 1 Jasper, Aiberta. '245p' , WANTED- Pen friend by En-i.shtnan 20. Interests include travel, p. Surman, co G P.O , Perth, Western- Australia. '238o FOR SALE FOR SALE 10 K W. 120 volt A C. liKhtinii plant, jeep engine. Hobart electric welder, jza.s driven, portab.e. Jaeaer single & IIMIICSS W I CARPENTERS fU I1 Tr o otir sri mc-r ttv. W 'i PRECISION SAW FILING i:iS PICiC.OTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B lAser.t: Bils Terminal) lerracr Builder Snpplt CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES DC. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prinre Rupert. B C. "norr 347 P O. Box J74 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, CA. 325 4th Avenue East P O. Box 1247 Phone Red 87 Cotussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instrument PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4tn St Ph Black 189 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS fc AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving . Beauty Culture In all Ite branches 204 4'h Street Phone f51 WE RENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden HeeU and Worn 8oles Box "74 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes. Sid Alexander r or Biue 964 OEOHOE DAWES AUCTIONEER - Phone f.rcen 1 nr! Red ir? S THE BEST I (&Svl printing! Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver anil Intermediate Port Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN WUINLSDA Y MIDMOHI I iiXu.-y ot Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT (HIKE PRINCE RUPERT. Mr) B.C. From Foctory to You Boby Chenille Bedspreads $5.25 Each Low-e.,t price in Canada. Beautiful first quality, completely iu.'ted, r.O theeting hov.-ir.g. .!1 colors, double or single bed.sizes. New center patterns in flowered or solid designs. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one. you will order more. New- address: TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box HOG, Place D'Ai mej, Montreal, Quebec. ' -H KXTESSKJN OF TIME TSTOTICE l.s hereby given that the tinip tor the rr "pi.iou fif tcmler 1'T KUCONSIFtL'CTION OK DAM, LEWKS klVEH YUKON TRKRI-lOHY. Is extended WSPKI1E8T1. WhUKESbAV. (X.-TfiBEH ill lWil. HOBKHT POHTIKH, Acting fv-rn-tary. Dcparlmnt of Public Wurks. Ottawa. OctobiT 12. mi. lite) IN BP ESTATE Or HAROLD KEITH BMAIJ. DECEAHKU TAKE NOTICE thnt m Eiecutir. duly iippmnti'ti by the cnurl. of the eln'r of Harold Keith Hmnll. ile-ceawd. wi-.o tiled at Prhici.- Rupert. Bntmh Columbiii. on Hie 10th day of June, 1951. I require all enditora and other having claims fittsmist t'-e aid f-lnte to send the Mino to me. proerly vi-rlfird. at the address mentioned below on or before the no- h day of November. lUSl. aTter which I date I nhall proceed t, distribute the ! estate to those eioitied by law. hav ing renarn only to sueti eiBimi 01 which I shall then have been notified. AND further take notice that ail persons indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rnnert, BC. tnll 17th day ot October. 1951 Gordon Kniier Forbes. Official Administrator, Prince rtujiert. BC. Executor of the estate of Harold Keith Small decease! lO! IN RE ESTATE OP At.EXANriF'R JOHUKON, OTHRRWOSK KNOWN AS AI.KX JCIHNHON. DECEAMED TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by the court, of the estate of Alexander Johnson, otherwise known as Alex Johnson, who died at Vancouver. WrUIUi Columbia, on the 5th day of June. 11)51. I require all creditors and other-having claims auainst the said estate to aend tile name to me. proueriv verllled. at the address rherttloued Im-Iow on or berore the aot.h day of November. 11)51. after which dete 1 sh.all proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled bv law. havinv ee- Rard only to auch claims of which MALE HELr WAVTTD WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR PRINCE HI' PERT Opening for a mar. w:th an eve to trie future m nas '.r.e foi.owint qualifications: One who ha the abtty to adapt h:melf to tne 300 to work bv iiiir.ji-.f-to learn and follow our p.'i.vfn method of se..m?. Tj :..: man'we otter a char.oe to make better than average earr-.ii.2-: aid to fcettorr.e e.sfab-;:hrj with a Jar?? e.ectr-.ral app..ane manufacturer E.-n-ir.a from .'ales, parts anrl survive, local .stor" connections, protected territory Must o-n car. be ever 26. preferably rr, -:!--!. seUir.a experienre an &--. out n';t essentia., txee;-r.t opportunity ' for advancement B'X 225 Da.lv Nets. 24'-' SUN carri-r for downtown route Phone Bus Depot, 640 or a3-J 1 DOORMAN Par' nine Aoo.v Totem ir.e?. WANTED -Peli.'V-e man as Raar-le.ah Dea.er. Exaersene r.pt r.ecesarv A f:r.e e-UDo:''irutv to ten into cofnbie Business where Rowieieh Pr-rt;ie- have b en oi'.i for vea' W'ite R't -' -n D-ot. WG-J-lo-l3 Wiii.ii jea. I l.M.ALE HFLP W ANTED WANTED Exouriencrd offiro c.e- for coi.s" ruction com-panv o.'te M'.i't iiave shr-n?. ' AjdIv n writii.a to Box 2 J7 Daiiv Ne.s. 'tO WANTED Housekeeper for ihreo or four eek, App.v 102'1 2nd Weft. 247p WANTED Woman to board and r-.om two well-behaved children. 2 and 3 years. Box 228-Daily New.,. '2p FOR SALE- Prince Rupert Warehouse 8'. 8". 10 ' and 12 - cast i-on drain pipe also 8" and 10" steel pipe. 245pi WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICLS PAID for ."raD iron. s e-,. ora. c'-ooer. lead, etc Honest tradms? Protnot trav-nent niacie Atlas Iron Ac Meals L '".. 250 Prior St. Van -rfn-iex B C. Pnone PAclficr 6357. tf CASH for reran cast, brass. coi- nr. ba'te.-ies r.i iao.a-ors. Pnone 543. Call 629 6'.h Avenue We.,-.. C: v 'tfi WANTED TO BL'Y Halirrrafter or National radio. Phone Savoy Hotel, Room 48. '245p' KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 room house on fioat 40 ft. x 20 ft. Contains two bedroom with bed and mattress first class atove. For further Information write 8. G F.irk, Box 1639 Prince Rupert or phone Red 593. '245o HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Apply S. Blanc-hard. Lons Mo-I tors, between 9 and 6. '245pi FOR SALE 4 room houae. 1090 Bth East. (245pi FIRNAtE OVERHAIL OIL HEATING SERVICI-iS - I La rip Mackav Mer. Phone ; Blue 187. PO. Box 687. The service that's dilterent. clean efii'-lr-nt workmariahio com- j binine a tnoroueh knowlede of eauiDment and their at- j t'wiant nroblcm. 'This ad, ; 'emnorarv pendina oDenins" of I fhoo and display ro-jin, Wafch ; thi.s space 1. df' 1 A( COI'Nl ANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax ."oecialist. S. O. Furk St.one Bulldin". Red 593. (20m) TENDERS NOTICE TENDERS will be received bv the undersigned up to 5:00 p m , Monday, 22nd October, 1951, for light clearing and brushing on selected sites in the City of Prince Rupert. All brush, etc.. to be burned or removed by th contractor. Plans-and specification may be obtained from the Office Of trie superintendent OI worsts, City Hall. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accented. D. C. Stewart. Superintendent of Works. 1 245c I REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS Prompt, ef. ficient service Oooro-e Con I jeweller. Satisfaction euaran' teed. IN HE FBTATE OP JOSEPH ROD-EKICK MaelSjNAl.O OTHEH-Wlh'E KNOWN AS JOSEPH HOD-EHICK MctJoNAI.D. DEfEAHEI) TAKK NOTICE that a Administrator duly appointed by the court of the estate . of Joseph Roderick MaeDonalil, otherwise known as Joseph Koderrk McDonald, who died at Stewart, British Columbia, on the lith day ot June. 11)51. I require all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the fume to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below cm or before the 1 nt It day of December. 1951. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the entate to those entitled by law. having re"nrd nnlv to such claims or which I fthall then have been notified. AN!) FURTHER TAKE (COtlCE that all persons indebted to said rOR SALE ! OR SALE- Boys and z:rl-' a.l- woo! lined iaektx. coa: and iki pant, vwv at-.ra re:v tailored. Ls than f cost B C Clothiers T.i Ave ' FOR SALE Walnut betfrrra a tiite complete lth nfi a.r-.snriViZ rr.attres. A.vj bacv "a?h:r.z ir.achir.e. Pl:or ' 81.-2 !:' FOR SALa-R:t.: Tne a:ctifit h.2h powered Canadian So'? .303 Brl'Hh calibre 6 aim le-peater. Three modi-Is to ..- from at our amaz.r.'lv io price o! $3S 50. Write !' -r fr'e illustrated folder. Dealers' er.-ou:r!6s mvitea Tarai Sa.e Comfar.y. 261 S .rr.-r-et Stref. West. Ottawa. Or.tario iTFS-Ki' NATION'AIXY KNOWN NAM 3 r.ir.tp-oe.t Eoeeder Sho.eij; Crane: Draaan's: Adams Roaa urauers: ut'.fura t.rji Black Tod Hcna Maintenance Eoaiomen': Over, C.amsnfi. Bucket ind Ro'K GraoD-: T L Smith Cot ere t Mix.-' Ciark For nil! t Truc- N."n BtK-kt Lo'ioer tor .tTkriHe and Biow Removal; Rice Portable Ccn-ri'iiual Pjrr.Ds: National Lrap'in S-rarers and Rocket.1. N'j'ion:-! A'! Steel Oaioline Hoi: ": N-itior. ii Portable tSswmiiis: Na"ioni Ro'arv Screens ar.a CotTovors. Fuil Information from National Mer.-erv Co. Limi--'. Vancouver. BC 'tft FURNITURE for Sale- B yi:r. ruy. radios, cr.e.t of t;r?er. air-i'ht haterj. che-tf rfi'-.d ber-'i c'ompl'te cri'fc. (' I. w-et p'0-s.-o-oie ori'-es. B. ?. F :r-nlture Co. Third Ave. it.'. FOR SALE Grev baby -arr.aee. reasonable. Phor, R-i i:61 mcrninj i or a:te.- 8 p m tf-r.-i FOR SALE Hall:- raf'er co Tine r - v ik-a"' r. receive r. rv. B.a. 245pi FOR SALE Two -oa! -3rd wool furnaces. Appiv 13 loth Ave. East. 24f. ;i FOR 8ALE- Girl's bic . Rid 54S. i24lp) FOR SALE Kl e, $2:, Pnone B.ack 973 '24:o BOATS FOR SALE FOR 6AI.E-40-f' -ollin i.oat ' 'Mvrtl'- V ' For ,rir;-"ti'.:i ti .ii app.v boat KO. at Fai-vie-.v vie-. F.oat or phone G." en 1 249p CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1550 Ch"V se-ian.' 8.000 miles. Phone Black 907. 'tf 1 7 . - ok SALt-n-n freic.. .Miie- ap iej,s man vn. new. Appiv 225 9th Wes' 247o FOR SALE-1930 rTr.glish Ford. Green &6. ' 24'lp ) FOP SAI E 1039 A''in convertible. Phone Red 87 everumi;. '245p' "bcsiness opportlnitTeh ! FOR SALE-Three filters Caie.i cheap for quick sale.- Illness owner's reason for seilina. Apply on the premises. -'24'ici FOR RENT RENT Two-room apart-! merit, private entrance. No', children. Men or working; cou- I pie, 743 9th West. 249ci ; FOR RENT General Electric j f'oor po'iAhei-s rvr day 1 Phone Biue 9a2. Pacific Elec. ' trie itfl i FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive1 nhori fS0. Bus Termina' 2nd and 2nd. 241ri 41 U-DRIVE CARS Phone i 711 Orenvi! fjoiirt 'tfi FOR PENT-Sleepin? room. 801 Borden St. (tfi FOR RENT Double sleeping room, clo.se In. Biue 433. '249ci W ANTED TO RENT Wonted to Rent UNFURNISHED FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE Required by local machinery firm for employee beinc transferred from Vancouver of lice! PhorTo77 or write 6ox 1 324 (tf) i Connie wirh child Station H i Box 1118. I250pi WANTED TO BUY OR RENT 2 or 3 bedroom home. No ob jection to location. Box 222; Telephone Blue 720 PI fa UnW. i ct EXPORT CANADIAN WHISKY e IQTttlO iHIM THE BRITISH COLLMBI drum win-:n Hercules nni.l Packard driven 2-rirum winch : - i('Kd line capacities. S'eel -.o.iedriver leads about 30 feet j-qR ltc pnidiitl of the Co. I, 'BC EXPORT ffff A DISTILLERY CO. LTD not published or deployed the Government of British Columbia USE HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN LIGHTS on the Christmas iook in 1 ao .v-cuons ior small hammer. Two 2-oven camp raiures, one left-hand, one nt-ht-hand. New l'z-yard dragline bucket. Lare quantity shafting, pulleys and bearinet Atlas Imperial dies-l 120 H P heavy duty. Skeena Lumber Co. Ltd., Box 229, Dailv News. 249p FOR SALE - Man's three-speed Ia;ei--h bicycle with generator and lamt). Good condition. $1,0 00. Bii-ik 225. '245pi FOR SALEHotpoint refrigera tor An ex'-elir-nt buy at the rk'ht p-ice. Phone days. Black 339 nights. 245c I ! fOlt SALE One 109 II P. hieh nressure ll.lt.T. boiler with breeching. In use for 18 months. Saaniih Plumhinr & HeatiriK. 1255c FOR SALE One two-tone dark trreen velour chesterfield and two matching "halr Call Mr 9th West or phone Blue 093 245pt FOR SALE Wartime coal and wood circulating heater Reasonable. Phone Blue 729. itf-nn FOR SALE Thrpp piece blue velour chesterfield, cheao for quick wile. Between fi and 9. cvenines. 1201 2nd West, (tf lighting strinq No Hallowe'en party is complete wh "Noma" plastic pumpkin snop-ff effective lighting decoration. SEE THEM TODAY AT NORTHERN B.C POWM NIW WISTMINlTik, i.e. Besner Block Phone JW ( Prince Rupert, B.C. This odverlisement is by trie liquor Control Board or by BLONDIE Suprcssed Filibuster-Upper r i I I tsir ii i l 'txVi'T . I TH WAV THtv ALWivSjf rfiQ AEHJlJt irHZ a get in thf. re-?- i3l. NOW -.t r GUT OF v. SIGHT" 1 DOMT 1 WANT TO H6AS? AS1V MOCE ABOUT 11 I- --. - ' WANTED TO RENT Four or FOR SALE 3-piece Chester five room house or apartment fi.-ld suite, good condition,; for Airline couple with two $100. Prince Rupert Wnre- children. No objection to lo-house. 24P I cation. Box 227, Daily News. FOR SALK- Six room house nt, j (246pi Dodsre Cove: three-piece mod- WANTED TO RENT Four "or cm bnthrooni Furnished or, five r()0med house. Urgent. I I l'-" Lw r r V4 MP . C . ( IS iUffE CATCHING V, IT ABOUT .Jl ( SOIETebN-S-" ) felt ft Z s uniurnfiieu. flpniv u. t. ftivcy, Dodge Cove. Dally ferry serv - ice. 2il)u! FOR SALE Cabinet radio, Beattv washing machine, buffet. Rinsef treadle sewing machine small kilchen table and r; Daily News. ( 24Gc 1 I f.hall then have been notified. AND further take nolkc that ell persons Indebted to said esl:it.e erf required to pav their indebtedness to me forthwith, OATEI) a' Prince Holier!. BC this 17th day of October. 11)51 - Cordon Praser F'orbes, Official Administrator, Prince IUipiit. net . (018,19,8,20) estate are required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith Dated at Prince Hubert. B.C.. this 18th day of October. 1951. GORDON PRASiER FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert HC (O10,20,2C,27j m. four chairs, pots and pans All, WANTED TO RENT Two bed-in perfect condition. Mrs. Con-' rooms house or apartment, nery No 15, Basnc Ants preferably unfurnished. Box (245p) 224, Daily News. (24.rp