' . ders flu CO Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, October 19, 1951. a Progress Phenomenal any 1 drive and darfce, ,,t0'bc-r 19- 5c) , duii.'i', Octobtr 20. jnfl inrnds. -1246CI CORNWALL. Canadians have l,y50 pairs 'of felt adequate for Its present needs and those of the Immediate future and which, as In the case of the Lynn Lake line, is capable of expansion when necessary. In the field of markets, Mr. Gordon said that, while the many trading difficulties that Qui ileA and uecome so accustomed to industrial, social and political progress that they have come to regard it as commonplace Instead of as the phenomenon it really it. Donald Gordon, chairman and president of Canadian National Railways, said here Thlll'.edav flt a lurVio,... Y Si str (!3rownieS lo iejL n,i wu Sixteen tables were In play at the Catholic card party last nlKht. Prize winner- were: BrldRe-Mrs. H. Dickens and U-s Hill. CribuageMrs. Alma Murray and Theo Fortune. Whist Miss Jean Cloutler and Miss Laure Letourneau. Mrs. E. Telseth was cashier. Members of the refreshment committee were Mrs. N. R. Young, Mr. H. Roos, Mis. J. Rogerson and Mrs. M. J. Saunders. JUl V J J " "..IVIlVUli Next, Wednesday afternoon convalescent Brownies and ln8 of Cornwall business men. 2.".10. a Breat event for , Guides, and the girls are looking ' Perhaps It Is because we are hniri . .andtBrownies theyliorward to Joining up . A special engrossed with the present !! r.f h i o at the Conracl I meeting Is being arranged be- and absorbed in the future that i 25 B,own'e tween the leaders and the Guide "e 00 not appreciate the speed recruits r. i Will be nrlmltta.4 tn ..u i . i. .... ... j 'ol .M.k ... w. i s,es. "" ul,nd snort rubber , k Diamond long ,u l S7.M fath. Seal ' (248c) rti-pmant In this ls-Vtiwi sale by T. M. be held at Smith's curlier First and Mc-uite Navy Drill Hall. Saiurriav. at 2:15 p.m ( ltd i, confidence at Bulg-'Mi are marked at ; nut higher In or-e down. Our custom our qualities are That's why our uw.s Buyer's now exist wnen dealing with 1 overseas countries give cause for j uneasiness, our domestic market ! is expanding rapidly. j ''We can be justifiably .hopeful i of the future, believing that ! what has been done Is small! compared witn what we will yet ' do, for this nation is on the : march," Mr. Gordon declared. I For this he said the Canadian j people owe a debt to the men , ., " uu -i.wji;iaiion lo worn out. uie oe- , -".n c nave ueen and will be eivm line." Mr Onrrirm c given taiit i ""s. vruiuun aiH "Th. n a erjonau . ; iun). j . said, ine meir pin and then all will wit- The Brownies and Guides are more he is privileged to move nes." tne Flying-up" ceremony off to a f plendid start for the around this country, the more oi a number of Brownies to the new season's activities The Cath- me realizes how close are many uuldes A goodly number of edral Company of Guides me 01 our yesterdays and tomor-Brownies have qualified both by combining for the time being 1 rows" he continued. who built the northern lines j which are now Dart of thp Can- I adian National system. He said ' Wl"i me uonrad Company nd j -n its Huason Bay division,! ifau. ii i d th iJ Brownle Packs 'or are meeting on Wednesday after- i Mr. Gordon explained the Cana- I me wider and more advanced noons at n.mraH eti cv,i iriian Vatinnui ic i Bob Gleason, Vancouver Rotar-an, was a guest at the Rotary luncheon here yesterday. t . vjztr'v mat their foresight in putting ; main line transcnnllnpnr.nl 1 ut seagram s 8 3 to W Si.; the water test. Water, V trackage within reach of what! aie potentially the richest ore-; bearing areas of Northern On-! tario and Manitoba marie It. AE BROS. I has this sible for the Canadian National plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagram's "83" 0y $ea f4 ram's Sure Th! L . CornDanles-! Th-y are enjoying the comrade- j ting a right-of-way from Sher-Tne m members of .u the Girl Guide ship and expect to learn ' and ! rldon to Lynn LaKe. Manitoba -vsociauon of Prince Rupert; give much over which will to each other They operate a new were very encouraged and happy are under the leadership of Mi s. ! 147-mile rail line by the end of to hear of the proposed forma- Duncan Black. 1 1953 to make possible the de- tion of a Brownie pack and a i The Brownie packs are going , velopment of a major nickel-ouldc conipany at Miller Bay j very strong and they number 90 cPlr mine in an area where, hospital These will be led by all told. The Cathedral Brown- "m" now, only a wilderness of Mrs. Davis, hospital matron, and j les, a very large pack, meets on'swamP. rock and tangled bush the cachers at the hospital. The I Wednesday afternoons at the has existed, enlovme, e"nnH .Hld f'nd,much , Cathedral; the Catholic Brown-! On the otner hand, Mr. Gor-fhily u .? education from lies at the Catholic school. The don pointed out that It Is al-.acUv,ties' "ch can be j Conrad Brownies have arranged , most within the memory of liv- ln,T! y. P.atients-! thelr meetings on Thursday eve- lng men that Cornwall was the A A A special special uniform uniform In In the the form form nf of ! niiiue onn ( .u. s . . .. . j Hallways to continue its import- ant function as the development railway In Canada. The faith' and vision of the men who built tnese lines has already been amply justified and it seems ob-. vious that existing discoveries' are still waiting to De made, he concluded. 1 An interesting letter of a "NewromerYr lmpretwioiia ol Prince Rupert has been received by lh: Daily News but it Is unsigned. If the writer will make herself known, the letter will be published. H. H. H. Helberg, Norwegian professor of silviculture, and Tollef Ruden, head of tree breeding at the Forest Experimental Station, Vollebekk, Norway, are visitors here In the course of a one-month tour of British Columbia, i.iey are In conference with Marc Gormely, district lorester.-and other forestry officials here. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ft" m.iu uicti, pi. wic vuuiiu cnu ui si.cc! un uie wesiwara Rr.V.n.l . ... ... SPEED Victor a cape has be-on designed for projection of what Is now the QUI ll Saturday and Monday Specials -0ven1n g IVvddinq :CNH. "Canada's geographic horizons are wide but wider still are the horizons of her economic future," he said, j Reports of surveys In our ! many resources hold immense ! promise for the future but men, 17ri. Sanford lo Wet ivws United Clmrili Prince George Girl Bride of Well Known Local Man mj di oina at a uaiispunauon ana maricets are u r, e, . . ... lHf,Sa;"Jf":rA,S .necessary for the fulfilment of - "v" rc.-ithi4 . ...... .... . nromise Ladies' GABARDINE SLACKS Smartly styled. Reqular 7.95. m NOW .95 Children's SOX PAIR Z3C c tS cSureSi - -u.for.p- Cv,C ENTRE Wl i ivijj.o wiwiciice is tsueiiQine me i, i i t.. Pince George, and Charles Robert, son of Louis Postuk of Prince Rupert. Rev. Lawrence G. Sie-ber officiated at the lovely iere- na wnu win nave airivea in winter with her sister, , Mrs. Oib- Canada this year will be double at her home In Burns Lake. 1 Sn. tne immigration figure of 1950. Mrs. Sanford is staying with , In the case of transportation, Mrs. R B. Carter at Prlnre ais0, he saw the picture as Ladies' CARDIGANS All Wool. Reoular 5 95 ii iiiuny Th bride, who was eiven in ' w..r f.n i 'e.c" int'"g that Canada ffW ICA VICTOR V 309 - the regular showing of National Kim Board tum lor oivic Cent.e members will take place in the Teen room on f riday iiigiii tins Wteit. There wul be ihree films hown tills week with titles as lollows. "fcye Witness, hich oepicu news Items of varied Interest; "Silks and Sulkies, which enlarges on the art of trotting races and the breeding cf horses, and "Five Towns." Tne Juniors will have their showing p.-ior to the adults. Ladies' PULLOVERS All Wool. Reqular 4 95 NOW wow 3.45 lr,e meeting or tne Dominon 1.1. . . . 1 iTlni TV'th h""" Board oS ,he Women's Sion" iSSSSS'nSSe lm wah en rS ! f' 17 MrsqDoro0thyr StuTurt, matron! Prlnce Rurt " tob" ill !m Snitfihlu (I 3 Nprrd : a J H I H.imU miiiciiiIv, j fr X'lii HiiiiMIt tn-tl case of j laiiutiiullv phn tnlrr- xl IL'" imtuh tif Mine ' -i inl. -.(.unlaid anil t-Mil ...iu!iCfl tunc (onliol. ! . Kiddies' DRESSES Chinese DISHES vj iiuiiu. cnose a gown oi green Sizes 2 - 4 - 6. Regular 2.95 satin NOW only . W Bridesmaids were Miss- Mary Postuk, gowned in yellow nvl-.ni net over yellow taffota, and Miss Madeleine Yunsman, wearing mauve nylon net over pu pie taffeta. . Little Rjnl Jean Wil;on, the DOMS DEPT. STORE Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - J:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE ''r Outside Orders Phont 13S Mrs. J. Connery, well-known resident here for 22 years, will be leaving for Vancouver in the near future to make her permanent home In the Point Giey district. While here she was an active member In the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary. The Introduction of a new craft was anticipated at the centre on Thursday night when the adult Rdvanced craft students met, Mrs. B.. Boulton decided to tak" up Lamp C.aft which is one of the newer crafts being demonstrated in the soutn. The ma McBride and 4th Ave. Phone: Red 846 tlower girl, wa3 frccked in yellow onanza and wore a little terials are all available through I Dutch Boy hat. Alf.ed Dyer was best man and ushers were Mr. Neil MacDon-ald and Mr. Alex Bill. UJ? In Wa Inut the o.'der catalogue and the advancement and progress In this line will be eaReriy awaited. This opens a line for those who are looking for a new hobby and Information and advice is available In the craft classes. ")0lii(;(i!vri,?,,rtOj- During the signing of the register Mrs. Charles Roberfo Perfect tea is so easy to make with W o Demonstration E BROS. twenty years ago IN PRINCE RUPERT (;ang a lovely solo "Because," accompanied by the organist Mr. Henry Pluym. Fonowing a reception at the Canadian Legion, witn inaiij friends gatht.ed, the newlywcds left on the Prince George for Vancouver from where they win motor iouth, later returning to Pince Rupert by car. Mr. Postuk is identified wlt'.i the MacConald & Postuk Logging Co. at Shames. TEA BAGS Season's first snow fell jn Mount Oldfleld, yet very few city gardens were touched by frost. (WOT WB Hon. J. W. Fordham-Johnson, Lieutenant-Governor of B.C., ac cepted invitation to make a ' presentation to HMCS Skeena on behalf of this community after wlch the destroyer was named. I Slumber Twins . . . piralify and od Food" Thomas A. Edison, great American Inventor and scientist, died today. He was 84 and for a week had lapsed into a state of semiconsciousness. Our First Aim ' H for Orders Take Out 1 More Cafe i : to se:i it, advertise t If war results from the present Sino-Japanese crisis, rest of the world would be to blame for Intervening, Japanese government officials claimed. MORE BREAD THAT'S REALLY . Simpson's Fall and Winter catalogue a complete store in ilsell to shop from) .Listing and illustrating.accurately and Also manufacturers of Sliced d Wrapped Too! Sleep, beautiful sleep, relaxing and refreshing, just conies naturally on this luxuriously comfortable slumber combination consists of Rest-more No. 1 top quality mattress and matching box spring. Made adequately, all merchandise you requir lor your daily needs. A world wide buying organization is maintained by Simpson's lo bring you the greatest variety ol merchandise. Save Money? Yes ! . . . Simpson's prices slrelch your budget dollar. You can shop in your own home by telephone, or place your order at Simpson's local mail order office . . . Convenienl "Revolving Credit" or monthly payment plan available. Think ol how much time you sava by simply "Turning the -Page" to shop! Millions of Canadians shop tho "Simpson Catalogue Way" day . . . very Simpson's guarantee satisfaction, or your money il refunded. "Satisfaction or Money Refunded" aininj room r living room D::'lrM furnitur j I Fllwll H IMJ V -". V) . Jit to give years of lasting satisfaction and for dollars less than any unit of comparable quality. 5114.00 A. MacKenzie Furniture Lid. Good Place to Buy Over a""tjuarter of a Century" 3rd Avenue Plume 775 jr.au. iv UfvilllU . PERT BAKERY 3rd Ave. W. Fhone 460 . Box 1790 J