1 I PROVINCIAL I nin DISPATCHED . , PROVINCIAL LICr.A?.?, J-4 A A Jfc. 113 168 ICTOP.IA, E. C. 31: 2 BUY GYRO NORTHERN AND CENTRA BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER APPLES Published at Canada's Most Strotegic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" vm. AL, NO. 245 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1951 PRICE FiV3 CENTS OTA din mm nji A . . i 0f-mm 7 "v Wge Murray May Break Warship Trains Its Guns on Canal Port Allies Hit Kumsong Kitimat Railway To be Built Soon It will not be long now, according to what is heard in Van- W"en BUlMing Of tne NR branch line from Rcmo to Kitimat will get under way. Remo is a few miles from' Terrace. Borings have been taken llir irl-nun'n t-.o 1 ., A ., A I TOKYO (CP)-Alliert hi ,n.j i Form Northern Party roL'Vra (P - The Vancouver Daily Province 'said j !i.u George M. Murray, Liberal Member of Parlia-' cariix. has threatened to resign his Parliamentary eart a in-w political pal ly m British Columbia, ray i qiinted as saying that he will consider resigning ,., jnlihsuii ' doesn't push the railway through to the " V! ., .,.,! paiiy under his leadership. Murray said, would 'ru:il i.) northern development." pounded Kumsong today as alr twees, Great Britain inrn1!,,? Na"??s;n the strife-ridden Suez bv an engineering party, this Job al Couple ; snow, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides ' wpi'o among those gathered to greet them. At 11:40 this morning Their I; e, "iiivea attained lresh Chinese i rr . , replace- . Revelstoke for a twenty-minute menus deeply entrenched in the I rtay. -meeting Mayor and Mrs. !!.i?t maior rlrlpe tin. Km,th f ana "iner 0111- was,"0"1'5.1" l',e Pnce of a cheer- "J fc1"""' auu today tightened her hold Canal area and moved in the Vast Sudan area of Russians Fire On British Ship BELFAST l Capt. Leslie Gow of the British freighter Betylstone today accused Russian planes of making an unprovoked bombing attack on bis ship near the Russian port of Archangel September 14. He said that Soviet seaplanes dropped three bombs but none ol them hit. There is no of ficial report on i Gow n report ' i Production Coordinator OTTAWA ? Reginald M Bro- phy, top-notch Canadian radio and electronics industrialist, was toaay appointed co-ordlnator of Canada's $3,500.000 000 defence PcZd:TnSr?elZVn made-' 'anway station. ft . 1 10 in to present her with a per- British Columbia Indians. engraved on it and is -valued higriiy a an heirloom. Tribal name ot Mrs. Harrto, who b a deM.endant of a lons , line of Indian chiefs, is "Ant- t quiiiilbicks," translated to INSPECTS HER REGIMENT Princess Elizabeth inspected one of the Canadian regiments of which she is colonel-in-chlcf during her visit to Hamilton Sunday afternoon. Here she passes through the ranks of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders accompanied by Maj. P. J. Stephen. (CP PHOTO) ten minutes was sDent at Sicamous before reaching Salmon Arm at 2:25 p.m. for a ten-minute stay. Here Mayor and Mrs. H. W. Scales and an enthu-iastlc crowd gietted them. Prospects are for cloudy skies and col weather during at least 'tne early Part of this visit to ' British Columbia. , At 5 c clock this afternoon the rsyat train is due at Kamloops. 4- i ....... ... Indian Princess From This District to Honor Elizabeth An Indian princess left Prince Rupert today i vimi mere win be Power Co Ltd heoin her. net'anal- ana some -8yPan soi-ul i featured by a procession through unHQ ;f(,r i ... diers were killed. No British city streets to Riverside Park PAIRO ICV XlnfAlttA . " ' Egyptian officials cmirh SOUUl.r.gypr. Fcvnr With Britten naval KunJS tram" ed on Suez- authoritative sources j here said tnat tne British gover- nr-8eneral, Sir Robert G. Howe-l wm tw0 top ESyPan oincials not t0 return to their posts there Ior tne Ume DelnS on grounds Both British and Egyptian troops are digging in along the canal area today. A British cruiser, apparently the Gambia, anchored last night off Port Said at the northern end of the canal. Other sea forces are expected to arrive shortly from the Persian Gulf and a contingent of 11000 parachute troops is on the alert at Trieste for a move to Suez. Egyptian and British army troops clashed yesterdav in the of the Ferda" bridge, only crossing over the Suez : , . ., , troops were injured. The British maintained control of the bridge. ' In ln London "n the War " Office re- ported today that a convoy of BrltLsh Army three-ton trucks was fired on this morning between Ismailia and Del-eg-Kebir in the Suez Canal zone with automatic weapons. No further details were vailable. Weather I Synopsis j idly off the ... , j coast last evening is now moving i ; inlutiH rival rna cm it n tna , t ann , ' v w111 b? e!enin be mov.lng ln' Alberta. Strong southerly windsi and heavy rain preceded this storm but conditions on the coast are now moderating as the storm moves inland. Over the Interior rain Is failing in southern sections while in the more northern and eastern sections where the polar air is stilt entrenched snow Is continuing. A sharp Increase in the precipitation is looked for after the passage of the storm. For tomorrow cloudy conditions are expected to continue in the meet Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth "r't uuies win oe given y Mayor A. M. Affleck. South rZ Airican veterans will he be reviewed - . -m-- " J . nnwao tui- lowed by a review of Girl Guides. Brownies, Boy Scouts and school children. ern ad southeastern Saskatche-1 ift behalf of all Monday to become president of Qnaj on o;-rlfCr9ft C- alMaltohThLrgtmnsto! She isMr, Irene Harris, prin - unulu be completed cess of the Finback crest, of , , where, accord- Tnroughou central Saskalch. Skeena Crossing, to legend, originated the r. fl ewan. about one-third of the!inB battling OllenCe crop remains to be harvested, ancestry of all Indians in Am- while in the northeastern ter-! erica- VANCOUVER P A bandit who ritory harvesting varies from 50 The meeting between the two ; mfan -roaring canvon." . . th W3i chief ' '" wan and two' uncfts" Arthur w.iru .nwj L-uiucciiuncry suuie hw left puzzled and without loot after getting absolutely no Birnwe. nuin uie atvenuain, eu being done to secure approaches for the railway bridge -which will cross the Skeena River to enter Lakelse Valley and thence through to Kitimat. Snow and Rain Delays Harvest WINNIPEG. Aner several days of fine weather during which farmers in the three Prairie provinces made good progress with their harvesting operations, snow and rain overj the weeK-end and early this i . week again halted activities, according to the final crop report of the department of agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. j In southern Manitoba harvest- i lnS u about 80 Per cent com-j Pleted' WIth a number of points, Practically cleaned up. Northern Manitoba reports! d r combuli "asouth-1 per cent to 57 per cent complet- ed; Ail operations were brougnt to a standstill in northern sasKatchewan where 60 per cent nrruui ls iiuiii AiiJtfii.fi ui ri ir.i 1 1 ; that in the central area cutting is 20 per cent to 100 per cent completed and threshing, 15 per cent to 100 per cent, while in the north-central area wheat is 40 per cent to 70 per cent tnreshed, barley about 40 per cent to 80 per cent, and oats 10 per cent to 30 per cent. In the Peace River territory generally, about 80 per cent of tne crops have been cut or swathed while wheat and oats compieiea.. -L Burned Bodies Brought Down Nanaimo Crash Second Worst in Canadian History NANAIMO (Pi Twenty charred bodies have been brought down Mount Benson from the wreck of the Queen Charlotte Air Lines amphibian flying boat which crashed Wednesday night. Three ol the remains were very badly burned. Evidently the bodies of three others on board were burned to i ! They were not iuuiiu. The crash occu. occurred 1800 feet; ; , up 111 the , IP 5,000-foot IHKI-lflMT. r -------- Ill ri1IIll.:lin I I lne iwin-enginea piane was n a flioVit frnm K-omon tn TiJ .. , and We-ya-ga- The royal party is due at Vancouver at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. AT CALGARY During the big wentern nep- lion at Calgary yesterday, the Princess was presented with slip- pers and the Duke with a cow bov Shirt bv Mavor Donalrt Me- Kay in his ten-gallon hat. For! .. -ti i ri iiir.p i nanpfl a mu nnv stnr woe 'given and for Princess Anne, a cowgirl suit. 1 Prepare for i ; Royal Visit Vancouver Saturday and , i ; princesses has been arranged oy J- D. McRae. MLA for Prince Rflpert, and Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister or lanos ana iore&us. vuitc. iiiuiaii uiiuiimnvii, Mrs. Harris, who left by plane j this afternoon, will meet Native ! Voice representation Mrs. M-acey j Moore in Vancouver. The gift is a gold bracelet with , the tribal crest, the fin back,) UNVote Deferred NEW YORK (f The United Nations security council decided today to drop its debate on the Anglo-Iranian oil dispute until the Intei national Court of Justice can rule on the council's competence to deal with the question. The action was pro - j v,n..w., h.it.u Hum CWna and speakj no EngIisn Grounds on West Coast VANCOUVER (CP)The Pann manian freighter Bonaventure grounded off the west coast of VVJ, W11.I11U two miles of the former munist bastion on the central1 Iront of Korea The Reds stubbornly resisted 1 attacking United Nations troops in almost every fighting sector ' The Allies failed to take two : hilU on the western front In a day-long battle. i Planes, tanks and Infantrymen Kumsong. : Hearing on ; ; I 1 Light Rates i ' Public I'tiii ties Commission Sits Here Next Monday a d..v,ii raiuii.. h? 177., hearta. Jl1"' OTh tte?:,?d i'iv.ivaoca uy inui vnei 11 n. IJ. : al the Court .. City council has refused to aP'3rove lhe rate hike, first pro- pojjed b the le power r com company . in i com putation of rates on a power-demand basis. The proposed new rates will increase the city householder's electric bill, on a basis of 50 kilowatt hours a month, by 30 per cent. At present, rates are baser! on seven cents for the first 20 KW hours; five cents for the next 20. and two cents for all excess KW hours, bringing a 50 KW hour hill to i2n propoaed rales c.aU for eight o -,ni c rr.. ft,.- on irxtr u i kilowatt demand, which for the ! average householder, not using ' electric stoves or water heaters, is two kilowatts. The next 20 KW hours will cost per demand; all excess power at one cent, bringing a 50 KW hour bill to S3.40. . The power company claims, however, that the average resi- . rlent.m! naire nf pieetrieitv Kw hours per month and swh ca.scs increase over pres ent bills would be slight. On the avera.ee. householders not u.slng electric stoves and ! water heaters would compute consumption on the basis of a two-kilowatt demand; those using the heavier appliances would likely have a demand rating of I three kilowatts. Mutual Rebuffs WASHINGTON, D. C. (CP) President Truman said tod-ay that he is sticking to his state- i ; ment that a Russian agreement is not worth the paper it it Ls is writ wilt- ten on. That was the President's oniy comment on Soviet Foreign Minister Vislilnsky's statement ln Moscow which took a crack at Truman's recent statement on relations with Russia. I Moscow had .reDulfeu secret I United States proposals that she . act to bring about an armistice : in Korea. j Hospital Minister Warns Institutions To Hold Ciisls Down VICTORIA (P Unless British Columbia hospitals keep their costs within reasonable levels, thc whole British Columbia Hos- pital Insurance scheme could be scrapped, Hon. A. D. Turnbuil, minister 01 neann ana .wetiare, said here yesterday. Some of Canada's top insur- ance executives had recommen- ded that the service be scrapped, It was reported that the Cana- dian Life Insurance Officers' Association had claimed this be- VANCOUVER. British Co-;i89 lumbia Electric Railway Co. will ; ln Vancouver Island 125 . miles are w Per cent mresnea or corn-north of Victoria early today ' bined and barley is pretty well in.n.... u. ran. -i- n in dL - ARM - The Princess d Duke of Edinburgh! sh Columbia. It M1I1WV as they sinp m the province there their train aril) ,,isi night, remain-,-i:'et-n minutes, i! reur platform, they ; ch.it i -d with an as-roml One hundred , children sang "God Kinc" Kind, a similar brief nadr'at Golden R.iynl duple entered . imu.a, they received cirdial Ereetines Byron Johnson : r, slum 01 tne ptovin ; u.s and loyal devo-; ! 1'ir iiiui n il vaiKi;, 1 ' ;.i.iiiiiuite stop at in spue of heavy ' V - ! j ker Sinks j I emnest , loud iMmn ,'uf (iMtrgia Narrow Escape ' VER t Tlie seiner M'in-d fuur members f the fish packer j '"ill lilmutes before I -ai.k m the Straits of ' t n:s:ht. j Guifl.in Barker of arrt crew members rasun. Bill Garden j I- Jnek.-'on were cling- i f lrlhmise when the I 5 id ali.rfgslde. . Il.'l have lasterl five i t " it sea." Barker said j Uwphone interview I Ul Cillllfl vtirana a ' 'iisine room as PrfK i ediiig down the '"'"Kia between Cane i V Rebecca Reef. The i T ;1 11 Si last that the i Mc to reach J " Hi' crew took to j 'in- lo escape being ; b(ii just before the j UK- alone f sank in 83 fathom ; It was valued at j currird a $12,000 ! j I' " ! ODAY'S H. I). f1 St:.!i(lir, fj 34 625 05 1 45 08 1 00 20 10 40 200 3'! U 6.30 05a "k 1.65 lllier -GO 07 'a .18 "'Id 03 "y- 26a 'iduid 2 55 Milium 5 50 me 58 ;a:li.ui V 60 , 52 160 ''iNue 14-50 Vancouver by 70 per cent for the royal visit Saturday morn-I ing, extra rarrlers being put on t t i inferior aim over u.e I Tne yesael radioed that it was coast. A few snow flurries will : taking watM in Jta Nq j ho,d ln the air. Over the , persist polar but there appeared to be no im-south coast however, after sev-; mccuate danger theious poinU of vantage. Thou- sands of visitors are expected from outlying points and many are coming over from Seattle or elsewhere In the Paeifie Nnrth- thehwest. Hotel reservations for to- nisht nre at 3 nremlum posed by France earlier in the ! dor Thursday, was sentenced 1o day and came after Yugoslavia j six years' imprisonment for man-announced it would not support I slaughter in the February 6 rifle the British proposal for a re- slaying of Louis Oscar at Kyuquot sumption of talks between Brit- on the west coast . of Vancouver ain and Iran. Island. Liquor stores will be closed during tile morning so employees may have a chance to see the Pr!iuis unit lhi nnb Rppr nnr- rial uays ui uiuuu niiu lain, duii- shine can once more be looked j for. Temperatures will remain j mild over the southern half of j th? province but will be cold ln i other sections, I Forecast North coast region Gale warn- j ing -over. Cloudy with showers today. Cloudy tomorrow with a few showers in northern sections. Little change in temperature, j Winds easterly (301 decreasing to ( 20 1 northern sections by even lors will remain open. Cloudy and showery weather, with possible bursts of sunshine, is predicted. The Death List an(J Aifred jucoames , are Chiefs dehts. respecaively. A son, Kenneth, in the RCAF stationed at Clinton, Ontario, has received the name of his grandmother. Chief Na-rgwah. ' Mrs. Harris, a widow, feels greatly honored, she says, but hoped it had been possible for Her Royal Highness to have come to Prince Rupert. "All of us people would have really loved to see her," said the Indian princess. , Six Years For Saxey NANAIMO ft Martin Saxey, aged 35, who successfully appeal- ed a sentence of death for mur- Names of 20 passengers u Ut.,l cnariotte Air Liines laie yesterday. They follow : Eric Mellanson of Vancouvei, 45. chief project engineer for Kitimat Constructors, builders of 'Kitimat townsite. William Perry. 36. Winnlpef. A Rowland, Edmonton. Charles Morin. Vancouver. G. Graham. 30, Victoria. , C. Epauw. 53, Mission. . K. Krug, 35, West Vancouver. P. Brisson, 46, Vancouver. J. Daigneqult, 31, Vancouver. R. McFadyen, 25. Vancouver. J. Redding. 43, New Westminster. J. A. Campbell, Grand Coulee, Wash. D. Guilliman, 42, Burnaby. T. Bone. Vancouver. J. McDowell. 20. Vancouver. H. T. Crawford, Vancouver. J. C. Watson, 38, Cowichan Lake. u. Neoel, 22. Vancouver. M. Carney, 28, Seattle. J. &. Ferguson, Parksville. THE CREW Douglas McQueen. 34, pilot. Jaginder S. Johl,23, first of ficer. Rav Williams, mechanic. NANAIMO AIRPLANE CRASH STOCKS lng"d .shlftl" 0Ver futern ! northern Saskatchewan and will uC .l"S V? south"eIst ,2"' "TMeave on next Monday ' night's the afternoon. Lows lnK tonight j i i traln irain to ro assume assume nis nis new DOSt posi on on VANCOUVER (CP) .,., XT , Jiihlisllill (' Mil.). 'Klneti in tne iiananiiu yiuuc iioju n cuncia vv- . . . t , . r . but floated free and was re- ported proceeding under its own power. The Bonaventure was bound for Vancouver. . Eric Trumbell To Saskatoon Eric Trumbell, for the past five years city ticket agjnt here for Canadian National Railways, is being transferred to Saskatoon as travelling passenger agent for 'the prairies ' ! - Mr. Trumbeii's successor here 'will Be James McGregor, chief clerk in Edmonton city ticket office, who ls arriving next Sunday night by train. Mrs. Trumbell and daughter iu leave t-rince rtupen. later. Mrs. McGregor and family will arrive after Mr. McGregor has 1 become settled. in Danger make arrangements for instal- ments for arrears, Mr. Turnbull said that the ser- vice would pay for terminant (dying! cases In general hospi- tals providing patient's doctor .17', 18.00 12 1 a 33 30'4 ' Ruyal Canadian Royalite TORONTO Atliona . Aumaque Brattle Nanaimo before the crash. 7 The machine exploded like a i volt high tension wire. Keith meteor against the rocky facejfluCe. operator of the station. of the mountain. j said the plane circled twice at Those fhst on the scene found ; onlv six bodies. For a time one j was believed to be that of a and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 47 and 56; Sandspit, 42 and 52; Prince Rupert, 38 and 48. TIDES . Saturday, October 20, 1954 HJgh 4:34 16.9 feet 16:05 18.6 feet Low 10:01 10.1 feet 23:02 6.1. feet Insurance nin tr were lssued'bv (Jueen , about 5 Ofeet and It was so low h could almost read the num bers on it. It was the second air disaster for QCA this year. A plane with seven aboard vanished August 4 on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Wednesday night's crash was woman but later it was establish-! Pnce said the plane appeared cd that all on board wiere men to be trying, to gain altitude, twenty passengers and crew of Suddenly it roared at full throt-three. tie and smashed in a sheet of The fiery wreckage was scat-1 name against thi jagged moun-tf red over 500 fe?t. : lainside. Police poked through embers! There were bricklayers' union of the wreckage-for remains but 'cards scattered around and QCA said definite identification of all said most of the passengers were victims appeared almost impos-1 construction workers at either sible. Kitamat or Kemano. cause "there Is no simple soiu- be required to pay advance pre-tion to remedy defects." The miums but would he allowed to Bcvcourt 61 Buffalo Canariiatv 31 Consul. Smelters- 183.00 C'onwj'st ' 3.85 Ponalda : 40 Elduna 20 Ea.t Sullivan , 980 Qiant Ycllowknife 11.15 Ood's Lake 35 Hardrock H Hairlcana 09 Heva 12 Juliet Quebec 51 Lynx 14 Madncn Red Lake 225. McKenzlc Red Lake 50 McLeod Cockshutt 2.90 .Moneta 32 Negus 74 Noranda 84 00 Louvicourt 95 Pickle Crow 1 60 2 74 Sherrit Gordon 3 45 17.15 Steep Rock 7.85 29 Silver Miller 142 2 80 Upper Canada 1 60 The scheduled flight had taken 1 off from Kemano, 80 miles south of Prince Rupert, where the ( Aluminum Co. of Canada is working on a $550,000,000 project. 1 The aircraft, apparently, devel-1 Association had also recommen- ded that private firms be allow- ed to re-enter the health insur- ance field. ' Some Interim recommendations of the British Columbia Insurr ance bervice inquiry board will be implemented to improve the service, Mr, Turnbull said. Tha 'most Important' recom- mendation, Mr. TurnbuU said, would give benefits to people not registered with the service or in arrears inpayments. They would certifies the need for acute care. ! oped engine trouble as it neared ; the second-worst civil aviation A terminal patient not in need i Vancouver. disaster in Canada's history. The of acute care would not receive j NEARLY HIT WIRES ! worst was the loss of 29 persons his benefits, he said. At present! Just before the crash fires lit In a Rimouski Air Lines crash one doctor reviews such cases j the sky just north of Nanaimo. in Quebec's Gaspe Peninsula, In closed meetings with a British j Then a plane circled over a i July 24. 1948. Columbia Hospital Insurance in-' power station just south of the' Two Department of Transport quiry board. kcity, narrowly missing a 130,000-.iiuiuiries have started. 10 25 Golden Manltou 7.75