6 Hons on the knowledge of the, tekgraph and electrical Impul- j Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. October 19. 1&51 DELICATE WORK OPT -v., Inhabitants of Echternach in The d tep''J Luxembourg are famous for as:ern'"o manufacture of damask, linen ar " and porcelain. - lie uSiintteri HERE and To Vancoaver I today i J'. A Macintosh, S. Ormiston. J Duff, Mrs S Chapman. J. Prusky, B C. FUilton. O. Davis. H. Ebbett. J NOW Klondyke Was Never Like I Roistering Bums Lake srs ho designed and paicmea the duplex, quadruplex and automate telegraph systems Stranger enough, too. he patented but never mariteted the electric pen. from which later developed the mimeograph Ten year after his first in-Tention. Edison invented the carbon transmitter which aided Alexander Graham Bell to develop his telephone. YOB haven't gcf iht 9ut, 0 point you, fin.L 1 9 at 0 guy ond , t T By LARRY STANWOOD When you switched on the Fortin. Gusta Christof f, Don j forward. Miss Sue Madelez, A E. j Lantz. Mrs. I Harris. R M. Kin- j cade, T. Bomenico. R. E. Haley, By EVANGELINE VANS Wo! lace's Dept. Store NOW! PLAYTEX FAB LINED GIRDLES 1 A Nationally i Advertised Figures i 7.95,0$8.95 Win " UvM in your nome UKiay dld ou Dl'PVC I K L-V rlr.n't Vnmc u to ier the marvel of the inpan. uLiio ij. mi.. ' " - ' pond the inventor felt y. C. Ward. But at 31 & . 'A today i Mr. ; thee was so murn i-o accompiisn; ' Tf) gandspit if could not be done in spare n ;me alone and embarked on lull said the Doc when, for the second time of asking, I descent light g'obe? Not nkeiy Pot a seat in the only place to eat, and asked XnZeZe thine; were in Burns Lake. "There's no start and no uica' appliances taken forgrant- ,. . 7." , , . , - - - j 'n this modern day. added finish, he , J T!le dl0 is r nf That's exactly how I felt, when ,h w, is m much softer. ;cou'se. and so are the big wheels trying to tune in on their wave .... aUn nMrd ,t mooted that ' tntlustrv. And we go to the tiURHii nuni (mm JOHII YAYIiE ROBERT PLVUJG LEATHERHKt tune inventing. -That year he; ' ... - ... How of electrons from filament r..vk ted the first trramaphone. ,r -sH-akn g machine." It sold to plate ins.de a light globe for $18 and consisted mainly ofS'hich gave rise to development a cvlinder covered w ith tinfoir of the radio tube. :,Hin fhi,. thP siM."'" more tnouvni turned with a hand, crann , ine wizara oi nieiuo iengtn. une ieeis uiav anyt-uiiiR that Is written should be in red. or something equaily vivid. Gateway to Tweedsmuir Park." tnan the enterUinment they Ten years later he developed" a as he was known, made millions ' . . , orovide. n,.,r.riv.n maohitw with in iriim hU inventions, but SDent t i;pi:iwav r im i w etfnamuii r "" - glorious technicolor, for example. . k. " .. But twenty years ago an 84- cylinders which proved popular . much money In protecting his TODAY to SATIRBAV m Everything you er.joy about i the "Piayt.x" Living Girdle I . . . but no with a cloud- 1 ;oft fabnr hmng' It's bone-J letr. seamtess . . w.th the . limtiK fus"d to a .heath of Hmrith ' Latex." Gives you I corr.piete (.coom of action. 1 nielli's a;id pats dry in S'.-coiicls. Pcd-SodlcrFight tvenini Sliet,;., , Saturday Mjuhi. to show the buckets of blood mat yoi,n nt fmd it difficult to vrar-old man responsible for for many years. Following fur-j patents from lnmngemenis. ne must have flowed, or the qual- et a s a( wnen you're hungry, th'se luxuries gasped his last ther research. Edison discarded Was married twice and had six itv of the permanent conven- j Spia-hed to the eyebrows by breath and died. the cylinder In favor of the disc, ! children. He spent more than 50 t ion of "Shiners " . pacing cars, be disturbed at the : He was Thomas Alva Edison from which he reproduced music years In active inventing and American tourists have sat up lctllre snow by roiUr.g coke; Edison uh a d,amoni Ptot i to.k out more than 3 000 patent, did not haw chance all night during the summer dod nVinE tea pots ac- .2, . LV a ,t October 21. 72 years ago. the; mutt of which have contributed f irst eieclric light was born. After ; to the luxury modern civilisation months watching the passing cornpan'.ed show, and have been heard to ..va.-.tcd." h by ;Moie water months of formal schooling .Born ve or.es senses as- , Mnan. Ohio, of Dutch and sp ndlr.g nwie tl'tu $4u.0u0 in i now enjoys, fruitless experiments Edison wasj " j WALLACE'S j DEPT. STOREj The Plaee to Go for the ISrands You Know 4 (til Llir vtic oi laying aiue iiir irira for a while when he found success in an experiment In which a carbonized cotton thread glowed for more than 40 hours In a vacuum glass envelope. Mo.t of his time after the in-candescinl lamp. Edison spent observe: me oia Ku uavc sau!ted by urrsiftnuy wrecits oi Scottish parentage, he began to never seen anything like this nc.ac.of! collisions, and continue Carr jiving at the age of P btiore. They will remember it t0 astonished at the signs in;a, a rai'road newsboy But the all their lives. The Klondyke. unexpPCd places of thoughtful telvgraph office held more at-Gold Ru.'h and Dawson City concern for your well-being, as , t.action f()r nim than his news-could have been nothing like exh:bited by the following Inei- papPrs and magazines. He stu-this dent, told me by George Varhcy. ; j,e code and at 15 became In eighteen months, twelve -i as gulping down a meal in a teleeraph operator, the young-thousand visitors have been he.'.; the caf. when solicitous strangeriest jn America. . mwlora T"aiHmnir hotel. rr.vt tr vn0 nalH "Your maslira- . in developing methods of gener- Hp moved from city to city as ating and distributing electric Many of them passed through tion is not thorough. Digestion the snake pit " "Dungeon." or starts in your mouth, young f el- 311 operator but he felt tne lark light, heat and power, including " ef education kept him from many the three-wire system, under- Bull Pen" at one time or an- j0w 0,her ' go ,-heri you are askecVHow' things he wanted to do. He, spent ground mains, dynamos and gen- long have you been in Burns " UI "3 "f"' ui jiuoits , eraiurs ana an eiecixic railway Kn muL'h ha been the behav auu ii rArtiinrutiiie. mu niyM lur dairying ireigni ana pas-of the money he earned was ' senders. f,;ent in text books and mater- in ihqi :lt thp atre nf 44 Fli- iour that an appeal had been Lake1" and although you invar-sent to Gordon Wismer. attorney- iably answer, "Too long." there general. fT reinforcements to wil' t." a certain "Je ne sais the RCMF. "There are four of us quoi." which indicates you are new. but th re should be four- glad to be "in on it,' at this time. tc?r.." said one officer. I under- ia.s. This was the preparation period for the world-famous jon developed the beginning of today's movies when he patented the "kinetescopic camera," which VANCOIVER VICTORIA Sunday. 8 p.m.. Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam. 11pm. FOR NORTH CU FFS CHARLOTTE ISLANDS October 12 and 26 S3 Chilcotin FOR SOl'TII Ql'F.KM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Oclobej 5 and 19 9 p.m. t FRANK J. SKINNEIt PrinT Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 AGED FURNACES HEAT ROBBERS The r-wner of an average heating .system five or more years ofd is warned by National Warm Air K'-ating Association that !n edds are 7 to 10 his winter heating bill is at least 10 percent more than necessary. Till' is b-cause 7 out of 10 old'r type yst- ms of heating arc in need of repairing and ciear.irr. A'.r leaks in and PEROW At the aKc of 21. young Edison took motion pictures on a band patented his first invention, an of film for projection on a s?reen( -'ectric vote recorder. And then Dunng the same period he dls-camc an instrument w hich covered the "Edison effect" the brought h;m a little morrev, a NOTES stand two of them are too young to go into the beer parlor to make arrests. I suppose prospective clients have to be beckoned out. -Things are quietening down new " he added. "I suppose reports arc exaggerated,' says I. Just hang around, and you li s-;e " I was told. Two eating places re-open ho tlv to ease the almost im- .i-EihU itiiotinn TKn hrtol cfn little fame but it literally turned , . , New York's Wall Street upside- Joe Cloarec has much of the;duwn The Ucker t (f)r re. lramework up for Florence By- ccrding stock prices revolution- man s new coffee shop at Perow r ln-d and sped into a frenzy the stock market trade in Eastern Lester Oppen. from Quesnel. United Sti Around firr.acc combustion chamter, soot in the chimney last week-end here, visiting will be fPt is being reorganized and Still basing most of his inven- ifnder new management 'Wings over the Interior' PROSPFR01S INDIANS Thursday to Soturdc Mr or furnace, warped burned bars, corroding smoke pipe all create loss of heat right in the furnace i'.se'.f. Theiefore using s. John Cloarec and Carolyn a few days ago to spend ' The beam has made some of jel TOT! some time visiting at Dumas, Saskatchewan. FLY tne inoians prosperous, ana i am told that an old Indian rushed into the bank. "I want a TODAY to SATl RDAY F.veniiiDs 7 - 9:09 p ro. hundred dollars." says he. "What Mrs Fred Ga!braUh has been K I AMOI S PI..VI.R "I want a is your name, sir ; : on the sick list, but is up and mu'f fij-.l to keep the proper temperature. Heating experts report that lonie owners are "robbing Peter to pay Paul" through use of iinpioy-r firing methods and negligence' In furnace maintenance. hundred dollars," he reiterates. To Terrace around again. ana a oianx cneque is passea to, v Byman s 5tore has re-open-him. which he to on proceeds ed f(Jr business aftf,r beir,g ciosed put a cross with the wrong end down fnf tne summer of the pen, tearing the paper. The teller is to new purported M). and Mrs Fontai,ff, sr are have (aid. "And what are your . ,h. , - mnuin ,,n , DANCE TONIGI! I The ir.ajor.iy of costly re- o;iirs cou'd have been avoided camp lor the winter. 1 CANADIAN LEGION 10 - 2 if ownej s hart followed a regular program of having heating system'! inspected each yeai, !-uys the heating association. Minor repairs can add longer service to h'-aling systems and insure health and safety of families. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. (245c) initials, sir?" I'm informed that r ven in white circles, on certain occasions, this writing with the wrong end of the pen Is a fre-i.uent occurrence. The nib must thought to be some kind of a clip! It, is considered certain characters in the town, would not.be erognized if they were sober, tn an interview with George Varhey, a Hungarian from Budapest, desk clerk at the hotel, ind a lover of local color, ! was daily To Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kifimal and Kemano Doily Exceot Fridays from TERRACE t 1c B.C. J' LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent -Home Helps- ilicutiunui SrutrUrn? Always Leading With the Best in Watches Absorene Bread Bonn TobleCuHtr Kleenoff Pyrcx Wore Paper Towels told. "We noticed two shabby Fire King Ovenware Thompson Hardware Co. Ten art '.coking characters, gathering btanches and bits of wood together at the back. Thinking nat they were about to make a 'ire . to cook their bacon, or omething. the manager thought he had better investigate, and, r arrival on the scene, unearth-their comrade, whom they Hrl r-ns dered dead, and had j Prince Rupert Phone Black 907 Phone 133 I THE STORE THAT'S WITH THE NEW FAll STYLES. wmmv 654 f . PHANTOMS July burled." 1 Now I know the answer to i "hat has puzzled me on previous .sit-, to this metropolis. There; ultln't possibly be a proper s'tiewalk outside the hotel. The gentlemen from the beer parlor have to be considered, and the S.I .C.D., the Society of the Pre-' "ntion of Cruelty to Drunks. ookB after their interests. Ce- Tfat 4wtiHmcnl nol pwblithe w dtp4yi4j toy 4 Uqr Cenbol t bv Gowmk4 W3 r 'fr- 89.53 mh f PORTABLE POWER SAW JEW fAll colours PAITR Ier lh lashionable liflittr Imh - i . PROfltE -1 am beirw SILHOUETTE retj taupe tone FRESCO -"o with ewtjtliini" OECUII-lv gits fillies h Walker Special ...ifivfi! ---em Am x JSBri. ' Old jhantom. ( 1.59 to 2.25 ) 8'4 to 11 J Full-Size Circulator! Smart new "lmpe'rial" styling, rich brown finish. Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives more heat from every drop of oil. Money-saving Waste Stopper, Automatic Draft U inder. i'ull Coordinated Controls. I'ower-Air Blower for forced-circulation optional at extra coat. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters for 1 to S rooms. Buy on terms at GORDONS, ANDERSON I7SJ 5 ...i.H lilV 1 ....lit CANADIAN NYLONS This faw weighs only 25 pounds, develops full hurscpowci , starts lmnjediately. Take It anywhere WE CARRY A FILL LINE OF SPARE PARTS ; FOR ALL McCL'LLOCH SAWS AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE Pacific Electric Prince Rupfert, B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992 0 ashion Uootvear (rnl "an' This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor tn Government of Kritish Coliinntia.