rrutC? ruptTM' Luny iifTwl Friday, October IS,. 1951 IP iiil Assured Government War On Mental Ills ining Station at Burns. Lake Alarming increase in mental diseases of Cana-1 twenty years ago b Takes Action a) gm- M iico laurwi WIC iviv-iui v CI Hindi t UJ cm UtllK BURNS LAKE Plans for the railway station to be built at ' Burns Lake show a trorstags of 97' feet for the building itself, and total platform wall an extension of 800 feet. There wiH be a tickt office, a lare waiting room, express department, telegraph office, baggage department and living premises for the station staft. It will be the largest railway station between Prince Rupert and Jasper. Con III J jl ft I iieajin program w men constitutes a major J spending of the $35,000,000 annual health grant in- . ., , : stituted in 1948. -' - cLJl, cy Changed'" Sald Prank Patrick and Harry Cald- - D' W- Cameron, here on an T ";ru"- . well, manager and president of ' insPn tour of Miller Bay Practically all forms of VD Seattle Eskimos ww.i I Hospital.- told a Rotary Club now be conquered by In Ordering Pipe ,.i-e"ll be curling in Prinee Rupert this year, h more than $WHX) cash in hand and 101 USED CAR SALE 1 1949 Studeboker Sedan 1 1941 Mercury Sedan 11941 Ford Sedan - 1 1951 Austin Sedan, 3000 miles, new condition. 1 1947 Monarch Sedan 11946 Ford Sedan I 1947 Crosley Coach 1 1947 Fargo 3-on Superior Auto Service Ltd. circles circles in in -a a turmnii turmnii rairwfi I luncheon Thursday that five to Penicillin. This is a conquest -, j .. i i ...... i ,rj !iUhM.-riiMl, a utige general meeting ot the, demanded retirement of Patrick 1 even 1Un dollar ol the grant , jiuuern science if ever there was one." Rupert Curling Club, last night Saw no mor,or else his team would quit thejf Pt annually on research, struction will begin as sum as the contract is aw.jrded. treatment: -and i.raininp- ner.son- To aid crinnleri -hilriren i ' . ,1 P.,U w,I. i. I.J i ,,xi'C,UC I v in me a.v. tjai.ii iircmucr iiit pittigea $un 'iiel in combatting mental dU- Canada, the grant has set aside -ase. half a million dollars, "but this Crew Of visiting HMCS Vancouver won a close whaler race jr hi? share. I ,4dpnt Neely Moor "We are trying to brine dry- l' oniv aroP ln lhe bucket, 'said tne doctor. chiatry right into the commu- 1 with a local unit of RCNVR Don Forward left by plane today for Vancouver on business and will also aitr-nd the B.C. Amateur Basketball Association convention there. JiCanadiens ; Length of race was a mile and ' riity and into the general ho The great difficulty the "bot 1 . Hit pipe for the rink I'ortU'ri'd immediately, i. a Diimu to force the j tle destroyer crew nosed ahead ' tleneck" in developing greater ! by half a boat length. "A percentage of mental cases hfalth services Wis the lack ol Third Ave. W. Phone Green 217 is' incurable, bat many people at yifur province would never et to Essondale If they were nameo. personnel and special' aiLenlion is given this problem. Not only are doctors .nurses ' FIlw- retained leadership in J first half of the Cribbane League h.ul tt incn win nouse research of Connaush iulwia-tory, Toronto University. He left last night for Vancouver and will visit Indian hospitals at Sardis" and Nanuimo. I MDNTRFAT. (fPl piuyuns oy oeieaung swntg Is Montrea-! ireatea ln affliction." their early stage of and research scientists trained 1 in every health department but I by tlx- city of thejcanadieiw moved into the lead-l 12 Moose, winning 13 to 11 le n uniuuv" ; t.-snip i tue National Hnckev I " c t.aBica, iKu ui second Dr. Cameron, a medical re- biu.ooo has been set aside for ! place. jp r j ien, u w SOI L2anue las. nu;ht by scoring a 3 ta 2 victori i:i this Fjrum here hUii 'Ji "e ""milieu .. .U. .... i.eedin? wiui me oi-'over th3 Nr. v Vrt Rimers. Nina Gurvich ciiallenged Billy ; Bagshaw in a six-round bout at any time suitable. Gurvich also : a.sited lor a guarantee of $75 for his share of the take. search scientist since 1927, said Professional training of individ-that once psychiatrists could uaJs- ''vet tnis is not enough." deal with mentally ill people in For public health research, general hospitals, the majority $400,000 is taken from the grant, of them would probably be "Coupled with the work of the cured. National Research Council and NOT TO BE SUl'N.VFD i other research divisions, we in - The attitude in the' past has'P'1,lad? ne.ed PI1 nan8 our iKfime was tniormeu ,i a.s.-uranc? had bt?pn roro the mayor id Jiat conditions of the 'When you buy underwear look for STANFIElD's Toronto, having won 4 to 2 over Eastcn Brnii:s Wednesday jiiht, shares second place witn Chlrraeo Elac Hawks and De-InH Hd Wings who deefuted Chicago 6 to i last night. Th-5 league .landings: 4 d be exienaea to me J. - I CTION . called fur quick ao W D L F been to shun the afflicted and nedQ' aeciareQ ur- Cameron, to put them away. Not o;i:y is "Per capita, the U.S. has aa" it usually too late U do inu;:ii i larger research program tban ' for the victims once they arj have,, and certainly no 'better." j in an institution, but "they are i Dr. Cameron Joined Oie de-branded with a stigma: if they ; partment of pensions and na-! kK'.aif marten oil le- Mant.-ea! H0CKEY-- SCORES ra'.iui.v tu the build-! Toranto 2 will be turned over j DetroJ 2 d bv Mr. Frlzzel! for Chicago ... ... 2 ur tode. removal of Boston 1 I and a 14-foot exten- oc't C .fliiii. ' are cured, ihere is always a . tiona; health in 1939 as director finger pjinting at them." of the laboratory of hygiene. In Effort of the health depart-: the fall of 1944, the department ment is to help every Canadian j was reorganised to form the na-provine to combat this to the i ttonal health and welfare de-pomt where mental patients partment, and in 1945 Dr. Cam-would be treated in general hos-:tron was appointed as deputy pitals, like any others. minister of the health division. !, Moore told the meet- j V tl: C. Mut.-h would ex THURSDAY National New York 2, Montreal Detroit , Clu;ago 1 .WETJNE 3DAY EosUn 2. Tjror tj 4 Pacific Coast it irk oil the extension Skiers Find New Main Run oniig in the building, if voluntary member j Of the $35 million yearly! Born in Peterborough, On- its to convert the ! Tacoma 3. Seattle S n.u..v, u., jjioLllL Ulliau jVllillt- . ' . vuain uil JO giau' :id make needed in-1 as irit in the hands ; Considerable slashing and uiive. The constitu- clearing by Prince Hunett Ski ( Saskatoon 2, New Westminster i Dla s nare is szxin.wo GranU uate of Queen's University and t a ' I "r dn? imml Uje J, Pv" for 2 yrs directed laboratory .... :. WesU-rn International mces, Jrrst on a basic distnbu- 1 Spokane 8, Kimberley 4 ;tlon- Ulen according to popula-l S THE STETSON WHIPPET .fi.i.tee was asJtea to i m-'nioers nas pronurr-o a nod present a club ntw main run on iv.i. uiuneia. uie earliest ep- WELDitiG TRADE MAM IEG. Fiir more than 60 years StanbVId's has been the first choice of Canadian families seeking warm, romfortahle underwear. Staiifteld'g oue-iece comhinatioua lit smoothly and easily. They won't shrink, bind, bulge or J) climb. And they stay as soft as new through 'A. is devoted to hospital construc CANADIAN FOOTBALL tion, which totals $13,500,000 annually. On the present operating basis, $1000 Is provided for Tlit former "Kindergarten is expected this winter to b? t) e test run on the mountain and work has started on tnstRllat 'un of a r..w tki tow lor (hit run. First of the fund raising campaigns will be held in the form of a danrje December 15, an executive meeting decided last night. M .ftnwhilc. a inrniWers'.lm rtriup , Government Certified Operators High Pressure Tanks Refrigeration stacks and Fire Escapes ;if po time to siack-ve for new member:;, was advised point-iiin La.ine's cartoon. am that in order 1.0 t first year's curlin,;, i ol lib members sub- each new bed, if this sum is -' " matched by the provinces. OK IX the tuberculosis control grant many weartngs and repeated washings. Aik to see Stanlield's Underwear at your favourite store. Available in a wide range of weights and styles for the whole family. Balmy Beach 23, Mr-Master 12 of $4,700,000 a year to the pi ov ::i)0 ea.ii would be . ; inces is "helping a lot" in ex 1 lis on and ail executive members! Gets Award in INDUSTRIAL lWELD!NG CO. -Jt E. Phwie Green 884 have been asked to get mow people interested in :-kiing tliis panding T.B. control programs. Half a million dollars ha-s been set aide for VD control. I With the emergence of penicil-Jlin. however, -the VD picture Stan field's You can wear the smart, casual Whippet on any occasion, with any ensemble, and know you're well dressed. . , Watts & Nickerson Men's Clothing 3rd Ave. hwie 345 3 T ... Sportsmanship Next wpfk-nd wiH find at the tki vlliaee repairing ciU ins and cut ting firewood for tlie OTTAWA thTlr Biih-.it Mal- fmberwhen? h : tlien a defenreman t York Ahierir-ans, raced 4: rre.il Canadiens goal-i t Gardiner and scored, f the first major pen- in National Hockey i :ory 10 years ago to- U NDERVSAn 1! wrntei. Main repair Job will b?!coim (Bob, MrFarlane, London, tarrlns the rools of the Cdbliis.;Ontall0i lra(.k am flt.,d stl41., llii3 j Soft ; . . Warm . . . Durable i. wum jjuiiy lor mis psujeci lias, bppJ, nwarded the national amii-i been organized. III I I STAMFhift' iiurrpn tbi nr. mc 1 teur athletic achievement meciiil by the. National Council of Physical Fitness, it was announced IU,R WORCESTER. England (CP)- I Thirty-two road safety "spot- t-M MONUMENT ters" spent a week looking for You are building a new home or repairing the old one, it's our business to help you, so come in . . . talk with - us and compare our prices with others. Island City Builder's Supply i Tire award Is in recognition (if a career of good sportsmanship. . jus lower oi tne 40 motorists eligible to receive '.' as built by the Mos- courtesv certifir-at.es. Theu re i Tf .u iriQtHntA.l ill 1GJ7 h,it Vino estme in the 14th ported themselves unable to find : seen awarded only once before to Bai bara Ann Scott. one driver who qualified Phone Blue 80 I . ."rVi , 1. y - - -r. . 'J 1 Eau de cologne as a perfume was probably invented by Jo-hann Farina, Italian who .settler? at Cologne in 1709. 505 McBridc Street For Lumber Sash & Doors Storm Windows , Interior Trims . PITTSBURGH Plywood Wallboards Asphalt Tile PAINTS I more people weor jSON HATS ' The ebony tree of Queensland, , Australia, besides its valuable ; hard wood yields fruit like a plum. ' i on ony other brand .1 i$jm'- :j---v.-.... Ijli rOR B. C. ARTISTS pi " ..rn ( .n,,!,,,, r iwnrr' HI I aiM.I.'n mj..r .irru '' J di.it t, fu.n. I, .1 Hit n t t,r-Il.l llany tmin OV8r ,wm nan tram "'DA'S MOST REMARKABLE i HEATER FOR THE MONEY! ON THE . ARE Yes, more smokers everywhere arc discovering how mild and fresh a cigarette can be when they smoke Sweet Caps, either Plain End or Cork Tip. It has all of Coleman's B1Q 3 FEATURES 1. New Iwafy just Uke a look at the magnificent new Coleman Master Circulator! No other oil heater in its price class has that mart, functional dctitrn and luxurious shadowed mahogany finish. I. AnUmmUc fml-AIr Confrol the exclusive new Coleman f uel-avin featui-e. cuts fuel costs up to 25 ! Add 60.000 per hour BTU eapacity. side-opening heat reflector doors and you've got the biggest dollar value in comfort! 1. low rYfecompare this new Coleman oil heater price-wise with the nearest possible model of any other line. You'll see right way why Comfort Cuts So LilUe with a Coleman! VVV' " '? iJTS 0NS AND DAUGHTERS of 8ritli Colyki. rt ; j - ' T&ti rapidly pilinl ap an impttnivc ncorj o( copliilMMirt f j Jj j A . -' if '$J ." ' ''. OF1) I J i tke tnlrtinmenl CApiuli of eorti. CwtMtly Ij . H X jT ' i: .) fi (iM , 9. aimnelt ! U.S. "Jo am) Iilili1i fc ipoant ;; r. y QV X, Vjm t lu , V -ST B.C. B.C. cemtdiu cemtdiu wKo wkow phanoiataal phtnomciul iuccm uKcmt it la kln blflf Mtchtd nulchtd in m I, j EnfUad by cclckattd actinf team of twtbajtcl and wtfa. "r , , i 11 J ;''" Still Still ask anathar a B.C. B.C. man man Kai Kai woa wos inlerMtioMl international diitinction dirtinctioo as a a f jj V i .frvt ! I I vW"y' J OkA j.i4s3 h I i j,, niii-lrr I j- 5 fe id ,y thJtWfW'f it maltins a netiblt carter on tht London mufical Ugt. Two attablishtd Hollywood Stan art f m born in Uiii Provinca ind mny of Onidi't bed known ndto acton, atnfan and nwsieiam eafl Srttiih Columbia their home. In tit fteroaly competrtiv world of ihow-butineta, iucccm b sctdom cneaply oamed or A mzm 1 -ww-Vt-ji eatly held. Siclct Capilano Bfcwery avlutca tbe ualrtret of enterprise, ilcill and integrity which hive carried these men yiU 9 r W,fji B . ' ' 'poSffi' 1 i S ft and women so far alone, the road to fame. $139.95 EASY TIltMS THERE IS KO SUBSTITUTE for Q5ALITY ( 1 M Ml MODl.LS PFICED AS LOW AS $82.95 i lilt Brewer and Bottler of ijTITI Beer 'AIM 31-162 .1 A BREWERY LIMITED ' 1 1 4 vmt vmt or or on ohm or or ri rut rcmai woklds wj eitAT iiintc cKi:ris mr 1 11111 1 JUJUiUBJUUai 1 Tina imwaM pkiiid w oni.t or kt tlqaot Control Bond or by lK Oaornaint ol Biitiik CoIUi. Mcllride St. Phone 311 1 1 1 J