BARNBURY e I AIRPORT GROWS ; HAMILTON, Bermuda Ber fire Prince Rupert Daily News 'Are Flocking squad at As I See It muda's civilian airport Is to be ra,'el to ic;,. Labor Govt Is Sustained SALVAGE DEFERRED Friday, February 9, 1951 Back to Jobs extended to handle 15 planes a!But th(fr u CI day Present traffic amounts to'Xrm sv about 10 planes daily. By Ea.-,le.-i - ' m. It is hoped to complete the flist structure hu " section of q ,,ew permanent replay ' LONDON. The Labor govern ! : a, i more X ment beat down by eight votes CHICAGO. The wildcat in the House of Commons last i strike of railway switchmen Is night a vote of non-confdence j ending as unceremoniously as it mi itsmnt. handling, nolicv Thciitt,,., unnHn,, m-u r.tiimh,r Haliliutter Takla Being Stripped Kiillotvini-, Ktrarr'iug An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ol Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association "5. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H G. PERRY, Managing Director 3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, rfr $3.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Fer Year, $8.00 ci:-iEC Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. PRINCE RUPERT Efforts vo V(jte WM 308 to 2y8 in favor rto'o'rlc in the Ch.ea,o yards salvage the big Prinw Huperi . v . , fil(.vKnU ,u m,ii,-i v-xte-rd-iv Stock Reducing SAll fishing vessel, Takla, wluch , ,,.. Crulckshank , .w..,i, ' ,i ,,,.. m.,...m '...' ....'.i,iLi...'i Capt. Harry charged the government with stranded Wecinesdoy mornm oil unless they could prove illness. i Lucy Island in Chatham continuous muddling the FIRST DAY AT SEA I being temporarily given up. urMutxt niitfliHw nf ill J til lllHUf ' A T1 ' A Tl I V Tllin -1T1TT Another Conservative, K. A. i yUUnrwlJ Iv.Vlft Ull- make it impracticable to reheat f 'SAN. Thanks to the storm-beatn hull until tiuy Five Years Is Sentence British Politics Now is the time to get warm ( l.,n.s al Prices! HKAVV JAC KrTS. all-w.M. H.SmZ r HKAK heavy wil wikiI. PAN'I s uiii sHidi heavy wo. ms MEN'S WEAR I'MII) Sill ItTH All Wool heavy nMti slia Ri-gular S8.50, Now ' WCtltK SIIIRTS-Ofjod heavy weight Grey Wrt i Special I'kSMAS'S I'SION Sl'ITS-lst oualily heavy : fc, .Suits. All sizes. .Special, tier suit ' start to make r.tiain ever-courteous Agent The Takla had been driven up Butler, announced that the opposition would take every opportunity to force a general election and reminded the House that the subjects of foreign policy and defence were coming up next week. Yesterday's Conservative -attempt to iorce the government out of office by blaming Labor General for B.C., Mr. Mc- to hlKh water mark by the ski.-. , T . , . , which have lashed here since the Adam, I ride in style from stranding. London to T i 1 b U r y to Capt. Fete Pai kvold is now ut , , .. , . ... the scene to aid salvors in jti in board the sleek new ping me vessel of gear -urn 000-tuii CbllSiill. ! equipment nendme final refloat- NEW YORK. William Remington, following conviction on a charge of perjury in denying that he had been a member of the Communist party, was sea: tenced to live years' imprisonment with fine of $2()IJ). Remington hud been accused ol VALUE: Durable Vorl tor Britain meairre meat ra- 1 ln wliirn underwriters said 'o- ti(Jlls was th second unsuceess Almiist before I act a chance " n' " to say goodbye and thanks to the most obliging chauffeur in month or so-if eve.. London, I am taken in tow by1 VVIMtl. fANTS All woolen Pants, pood for li.shinn an'1 work. All S.IU-U. Succial. per pair ?7.5 KAINf'OATS- Trench style. W'? .have al1 sizes In these and they aie a real buy at this special pi irc $10.13 DkCSK PANTS - Nice worst.-ds. invisible checks. Three shades to ( house from. Kxpertly tailored in a1! .sizes. Were num. Now on sal- at Ilo.uil In! Conservative challenge in , making s rct.s available to the two days and tne third in a communists while he held a wel''- 'responsible government position. Liberal party members joined iiil.rc will be an appeal. . the Conservatives in vol.;,2 1 against government. !Penticton Hit THE LABOR government lias withstood the storm of Opposition in the British Parliament and has been sustained on the critical issues of nationalization of the iron and steel industry and the handling of meat.. Flush with the strong scent of possible victory should an election be called, the Conservative Opposition has announced that it will follow up any opportunity that would precipitate a defeat of the government on a non-confidence motion and a consequent election. Next week foreign affairs and defence are coming up. The-iQppusition is unlikely, however, to embarrass the government on the subject of foreign affairs in the face of the current difficult international situation. And, on defence, it will hardly attack the government on the substance of its defence policy although it may on the execution of it. J The political pot is beginning to simmer again irf Britain but there is no certainty that it will boil offer. Hard By Flu j PKNTICION r Dr. Helen ( iCeman, rnedic.d lieullh officer, i estimates 25 per cent of inks city's 11,0000 residents have been ; stricken by infliien.'.a. Thw doclor described the elites I as b'hiK mild arid said the epl- Canada Gets German Miners BONN. The government of West Germany has appruved a plan (or the emigration of OOO young German miners to Canada. The Canadian Metal Mines' Association will pay all irans-uurtation costs. The (irsl !! ; will leave fir Canaua lifxt week. Winter Hits Rupert Again Woody Woodchuck seems to have ben a "bad steer" last week. It was just a week ago that, he promised that winter was finished. For the first day or so it appeared he was right but this week has undone all the good work a few mild days had done., Wednesday night's rain, whbh continued until noon yesterday, cleared away a good part of the fnow which covered the city. However, sleet yesterday afternoon, followed by snow last, night, gave the landscape another white blanket, to confront waking eiti.e.'is this moniin:;. IMIIISH MIX -All wool and wool and silk mix;m patterns. A Inuy sehcUon from, nair V(ltK BMTS Heavy work boots, solidly bj; counter, extra heavy sole. All sizes. Special BOYS' WEAR LONT. PANTS We sti'l have some i,l th.-. f ylt, v, left, in all tirjts. Kptial, tier pair $r HIr)Kltr.KKS- Puu wont, tailored to til. Vv' terns In ail sizes. Outstanding values at M'IKMM. Hi HITS Heal school boots, very .stronvjj Sues 11-13 4A5. Sizes 1-5 kl hHrK HilOIS Knee Iioos, I.a-e hiiu au .Special, i t puir, from a cheery-faeed woman in the uniform of the St. John Ambulance Corps. Her job is to pilot widows and orphans, waifs and strays, old cripples and tiny tots, through officialdom. She gtls me past the British customs of-lioiais almost before you can say Ja?k Kobinson. She won't take a tip, of course, nor a "contribution" for the work of that grand old society. 0O0 MY CABIN is on D deck, right opposite the dining room i pardon me, sailor, I mean dining saloon . My next-door neighbors are Hindus, families with youn children, homeward bound. We have about 70(1 passengers aboard (capacity lOUOi. You could call this trip a gigantic travelling nursery, tor tliere arc scores and scores of mother; with young children. These are the families of men in UK' Butish armed services. Whatever I learn from the first 24 hours aboard this fine ship, I conclude that the British don't intend to lose Malay or Singapore at any early date. Otherwise, the women aiul children of the army, navy and air foree jieople would be moving in the other direction. 0O0 , deniie was "nothiiir; to wu ry i ubotif " HOCKEY scores ; NatM.iial Ice Arena Poll For combination arena -'or skating rink only hop and i Iwtiolt 4. Cliu jmo 3. fseiflc Coast iVrliaiid JU. 8eattle 2. OkatiacM-Mainline Kaiuiis - Veiiinii t (over- For curling rink only rave at ,250,000 project .. 45 '; Compulsory Army ; MOO project :tf time i . Coll On Enthusiasm Needed I -IKE ALL political parties, the socialists are Le. inclined to claim for themselves a monopoly of a the virtues and to deny to their opponents any. cfcedit for decent motives or actions, observes the Iinted Word. This might lie dismissed as good, clean political fun if it were not for the tendency of anti-socialists to accept as justifiable the indictment of themselves as drawn by socialists. In the days of the two-party system few Liberals were rrjuch concerned about anything said against their pUrty by the Conservatives, and the Conservatives ge-nerally felt safe in ignoring verbal vitriol flung Service Is Urged OTTAWA. George Cruick-shank, Liberal MP for Fraser Valley, speaking In the House of Commons yesterday, called for compulsory service in the reserve army. He did not consider outright conscription necessary or GREER & BRIDD 111 II 1)1 US AMI (ON TKA( TOILS LAST WEEK the handsome! staff commander of this craft I was on the BBC television pro- rc uc mii ypef Ol eutldinq ond Kcm After all is sru'if ami ifone, how does it taste in the cup! That is ttnt counts! TEA BAGS yield the perfect flutuur. gram, lie was idling lanu-iuo-. atVisable at the present time. Phone Black 367 uers uuoui me siuuiumrs wiu.u seep this ship from rolling. Hav r.O. liox 721 Prlncf Rap ing a liberal dash of the man-from-Missouri spirit in me, I thought to mysflt, 'They'll have to show me." Bingo Canned By Catholic Church Well, believe it or not, they are doing last that. Here we are. Broadway d MONTREAL. Games of chance, including bingo, iave been banned throughout , the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Montreal. The archbishop says that the church is not a (manual organization, intlt'll le1::: a school of panics. L Jin and school days his boyhrmd there. oOo Hours: 7 1;' For take home orders Phone?. f AV.LT well out in the Bay of Biscay. The wind is blowing like ali-get-out. There te enough sea running to loss most ships really roughly. But we are gliding through it. Maybe it's skillful steering. Or majbe it Is those stabilisers, whih are a unique feature of this new greyhound of the oceans. 0O0 MOST OF THE passengers are bound for Bombay; and most of the passengers are of western race that is, are not of Indian ancestry. One thing that gives me . a thrill is that quite a few of the Britishers going back to India are from families which served in the old British Raj days. A few years a-o they thought they were saying goodbye for ever. But now many of them are going back into private business posts. Beside me at the dining table sits a British youngster who looks, talks and ajts like something right out of a G. H. Henty Be Wise.. BUY NO THE SHIP'S COMPANY Is certainly international. The officers and most of the stewards are British. A few stewards and mast of the seamen are Hindus (why are such seamen called Lascars? I. The chef Is French (thank Allah anil the P and Oi.i A Swiss presides over salads and cold cuts. ( oOo i I HAVE A TWO-BUNK cabin all to myself. It Is beautifully , fitted even down to a tele-1 phone. There is a bingo game on i now (count me out i . There Is a free movie tonight and also a j dance in the tourist section. 1 ! am travelling first-class this i time. But 1 think I'll take in both . movie and dance. I don't dance any more, but I like to watch. PS For Scots: The f ire, I,on- ! Opera Pumps vi. Black Suede 't- Family Shoe byj the Liberals. A really good issue might change the political label of a government but, after the hfiit of election speeches had cooled, the actual process of government went on much as before. If the Liberals had gained power they found that there wlis no need to hurry in making Canada a free-twtde country, and the Conservatives, no matter hww loudly they had shouted "No truck or trade with the Yankees," never got around to raising an iinpassable tariff barrier on the southern border. ; The admirable thing about socialists is that t$ey do not feel impelled to run around apologizing f($r holding their political faith. They have the continual enthusiasm and belief in their own righteousness that will aiways make converts. ; It is arguable that converts to socialism are stayed to that side because they are not tough-njinded enough to resist. That may be so. If it is, tliere is little hope that either a Liberal or Conservative speaker- will win them back to what he feels to be the true faith by merely adopting socialistic schemes with the implied admission that Conservatives or Liberals have been wrong because they did it see the light before. ! The prescription that both old parties seem to need is one of more enthusiasm for what they believe and morf fanaticism in preaching it. i ; J il't' . Peace in Our Time J y USED to be said, and it is probably still true, I Jhat when Britain is at war, Canada is at war. ! It may now be taken for granted, in view of joint plans for defence of North America, that when the United States is at war, Canada is at war. j It also seems to be true that when the United Nations are at war, or are carrying out a police job anywhere in the world, Canada is at war. The outlook for peace-loving Canadians is grim. GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS $jj With pump I 5torc ;j ! NOW ... $109 $1095$j ;: GENERAL ELECTRIC & DELUXE REFRIGERATORS "c. X book. He is in his early UO's, 1 ! 2 GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE RANGES guess, and is tall, pink-cneekea and with curly fair hair, tin fact, I had to look twice to make sure that it wasn't artificially permanent waved.) He was born and brought up I don to Egypt, is $153. in India of a professional army family. He has lived in England only since the handover of power in 1947. Now he is on his NOW ON DISPLAY AT Northern B.C. Power SEW way back to work on a tea plantation in Assam. FOR A NEW SEASON WITH I put him through a friendly sort of third degree. He calls Phniie 210 Prince Rupert if' England "home" with his tongue, but his heart so obviously belongs to India that his face literally glows when he talks of I t WLlte Wl II tl gic 111 I '' w ALLACE WHITE ROTARY SEWING MACHINES Phan Quick Relief for ARTHRITIC PAIN Gel th relief frnn sharp, tabbin arthritic paia yw Img fw wdh Tuapttton a T-K-C. Why auffer longer! Be actua aaiak Gel T-R-C'l today, get csmforttni relief tonight. Recommended bj uacrt and druiiiaU. 60c and $125. Ilhistratecl the Insist Off QUEEN ANNE MODEL i wu HOURS: I BUCHANAN'S Beautifully figured walnut, $ s209.50 'QIACEU WHITE' 3aitoring jo 'or Hund-rubbed finish MODERN CLASSIC TABLE In Blond, Korina or Walnut finish WEEK DAYS: 9 o.i"' $ 199-50 b p H O N E 7 9 Ladies and Gentlemen WHISKY SCOTCH rm SUNDAYS: ,l2Noo"jr SiMl. Ilk LING the tailor TRADITIONAL DESK MODEL 10 Ample drawer space, walnut or mahogany U'ttlt WHITE PORTABLE $ mm efi FealherweiKht JL f t"'" McRAE BROS, 7p.n'' The Secret is in the Blending 220 Sixth St Phone 64S .This advertisement is not puDIIshed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. SIXTH ST RE FT AMI Till11"