i i Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, February 9, 1951 order jji local , and PERSONAL ray.. Reflecls and Reminisces When flames engulfed the salmon troller Lox at Ucluelet, Vancouver Island, recently, local Boy Scoufs were among the first to arrive and battle the fire which threatened several other fishing boats and an oil station. HUNSTANTON, Norfolk, England tf Dick Rogers has lost his job as coastguard here. "I'm not a heart! of course,) JOEI General meeting St. John's Ambulance Association at City Hall, 8 p.m. Monday, February 12. (3c) Come to the I.O.D.E. Founders Day tea and sale of home-cooking at Mrs. F. Thornton's, 400 4th Ave. West, Tuesday, Feb ruary 13, 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. (T,F,H) J . , I A former resident of Prince Rupert, A. E. Basset-Jones, who first came to the city in the early ! uays ana wno, ionowlng retire- j .WILE STOCKS LAST! r Girls, haye ("Ms, H hMrt arm won with presents, Arrow Valentine Ties are your bent heart-takers. No wonder . . . for gorgeous Arrow Ties, in colorful patterns large and email, are the ties in any man's wardrobe. Come see our wide variety of Arrows today. erta Deep Seam Lump .. cm,, moved souui, now makes by planting poppies in Calitor-hU home at Sidney, Vancouver na and the War West. This dis-Island. Friends of pioneer days I patch goes on to say that, while recently had the pleasure of call-1 few realize it, the chief sources Jng One of his sons lives in of the drug are either under or California and the other Is in j near Communist domination. Toronto. 4 Id I - at 19.00 per ton and All'' il c lj peav,c, iiu tiling is more noticeable than this -the most of us appear to be making ready for what could quickly become war. When it comes to opium, the United States may soon become independent of the rest of the worid, says a press dispatch from Washington. It can be obtained Canadian soldiers, training in Korea, read news from home by the time it's grown whiskers. What is called Canadian News Briefs reaches the front or wherever training Is going on three days old and there's not more than 200 words. This had been mailed from home and in , Tokyo converted into what was galled "Newsbriefs." Actual news reaches Tokyo in the shape of bulletins, and there may be as much as a thousand words. But that's not what the training and fighting units see. It may come sometime later. I've never had anything to report." There also died, with him, the 150-year-old family pension and mansion in Wiltshire which Included 3415 acres. And it's time. Nicholas Ignatieff, member of an old Russian family. Canadian veteran of the First Great War, and a member of the staff of the University of Toronto, in a lengthy magazine article writes about invasion possibilities. He is of opinion there would be attempts to land forces In Alaska and the Canadian north. There j Is in a reference to landing in- 1 vasion forces near northern British Columbia, an allusion to , "the doorstep of Canada." Attention Fishermen! Highest trade-in allowance on your present marine engine. To save money and get the test, be sure your next engine is a Kermath Write for Folders HOMEWOOD MARINE LIMITED 1733 W. Georgia Vancouver. B.C. perta "Diplomat" Egg at 18.00 per ton (l.rvt than 5 sacks, 11.15 per sack) The National Film Board Supervisor will be present at a meeting of the Prince Rupert Film Council to be held In the Booth Memorial High School Auditorium on Monday, February 12, 1951. Everybody welcome. (35c) J-lolei -Jlrriva fs (Prince Rupert) Guorge Joy and Douglas Boult Prince George; Mr. and Mrs Watts & Nickerson :?HONE 116 -117 or 58 For Arrow Valentine Ties ert & McCaffery LIMITED fcvans, Metlakatla, Alaska; II.; t- Ludwigsen, Ted Ferry, N. Olson, Lord Nelson, great-great-Joe Brewer and R. Christpher, 1 nephew of the officer who gave Ketchikan; J. Standring, Ed- his life in winning Trafalgar, monton died last month in London. FISHERMEN . . For complete overhaul of your Hiyh Speed Gasoline Engiiim, see Rupert Motors Ltd. Wc have the trained mechanics and specialized equipment to perform tjiis work for you . . . efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the rush is on, let us have that job now. Rupert Motors Limited JvJJWlMr j. II Meal -or mixing Salads fO(ll jj fc63' ktfer and kity W tV Measuring oof inrdienfs s J y Soharur!Souseu' VY Practical! I I m!k CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT City Clerk Wanted Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. February 19th, 1951, for position of City Clerk for the City Of Prince Rupert, B.C. Applicants should give full particulars as to age; marital status, previous experience, salary required and when they will be available. Prince Runert Fishing VVki ; Owners meeting Friday night, : February 9. Important business. (34c) i Special Friday and Saturday at Annette Mansell's Ladies' ! Wear, evening dresses to clear 10- (34c) I J. C. Brady, former Federal : member for Skeena, and for years ! high school principal, continues to make Ottawa his home. Old friends have been In holiday cor-i respondence with the falmily, : all of whom are well. Iry Goods and Novelty Shop will be closed from February 8 to 23. ,34c, Special Friday and Saturday at Annette Mansell's Ladies' Wear, evening dresses to clear ! ' (34c) James Stuart, son of Mr and Mrs. D. C. Stuart of Sixth Avenue West, who went to Vancouver last autumn for special medical treatment, continues to make satisfactory recovery. Recent visitors found him much Improved. S.O.N, whist and dance, Friday, February 9. Whist, 8 o'clock. Music by Mike Colussi. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. (34c) James H. Thompson, who went I to Vancouver a few weeks ago for a surgical operation, is reported to have had most success-! I ful treatment and, following con valescence, is expected hone soon. For customers who desire the finest In tableware, we are showing some beautiful sterling pieces In our window this week. Sterling silver casts a little more than plate but Is worth It. It lasts more than a lifetime. BULGERS. (35) onncem en Is Conrad P-TA Valentine Masquerade Party, Conrad School, February 10, 8 p.m. 120th H A. A. Valentine Dance, February 10, Armories. Canadian Legion card party, February 14. United Church Valentine tea. Mrs. L. M. Greene's, February 15. Rupert Rod and Gun banquet, February 15. (p) Legion masquerade party Friday, February 16. Conrad School P-TA, ca.'d party, February 16, 8 p.m. Card party, Catholic Hall, Thursday, February 22, 8 p.m. Junior Chamber of Commerce cabaret party Saturday, February 24. Pick up your tickets at Jerry's Barber Shop. Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band concert, March 2. Presbyterian home cooking sale, McRae's Store, March 3. St. Patrick's Tea and card party, Catholic Hall, March 17. The King Edward School P-TA White Elephant sale and tea, vlarch 15, at 2 p.m. Orange Ladies' tea and sale, March 21. Job's Daughters Easter tea and sale. Masonic Temple, March 2'4. Cathedral spring sale, March 29. Lesion Auxiliary Spring 'Sale, April 4. Presbyterian spring sale, April 12. W.O.T.M. Spring bazaar. April 20 St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 28 Sonja rt'a. May lz. - n jSeagvam's "83 ! ': - S PI J . . r v N. D ri I n r 1 in s -rx i r r n 11 if 11 i ifi 111 vi r 1 1 "itif 111 ill 11 riiiiAijiivjff wwm u I EXTRA STURDY- f j f Z" l0NG I0i ' ,- fl I HEAT AND ACID fA S0 1 11 resistant If I foUt PACKE0 'f i t. FIAT FRONT END FOR f ,1 FrfeD I AOAC I ,t WWJJ . H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. 34 3? jfU X-Roy Fitting! Experience Versatility PHONE 231 VALENTINE SLK AMINO DUnl9 I - ' -jr V SO EASY TO WASH, CLEAN I it V WA wr w -y l T M ODIC ib...use 'ADOL t APPLIANCE f& SERVICE ks AM) III' RANGES it Itlue !t!lj C ELCCTRJC f 9 & Heating I n 1 ' Bl ii tCHAND I HEATERS !TEX OIL RNERS PLUMBING TURES r; 'El 7,1 a. I I ""I Alteration (ElkinsLfd. ' 271 aliry ond Food" 11 l''ii-..t Aim fur Orders (ul ore Cafe ' initiA ' . CiiKcotiti ' '2 Noon --nil f ' HV Alt r AMI ''ll'SON v. ( "sim. 11 it in V- ISLANDS irillii, , 2 anu 10 T'l (i i:i;N f ELANDS : " 0 and 23 KIXNLR Agent rhono 568 ! ARTERY Tr tunnel 4. We have just received a new shipment of SAVAGE & WRAGG CHILDREN'S SHOES NEWFOUNDLAND SENATOR Herman W. Quinton, recently appointed senator from Newfoundland, relinquishes the post of provincial treasurer to assume his new role. A Liberal, the senator was commissioner for home affairs in 1947 and later held the portfolio for public health and welfare. In 1932, when Newfoundland held Dominion status, Mr. Quinton defeated Newfoundland's present premier, Joseph R. Small-wood, to represent Bonavista South In the House of Assembly. ! (CP PHOTO) Art Murray Elks' Head Eight new applications for membership were read and approved at a meeting of the Elks Lodge. P. A. Miquelim, Dominion I grand organizer, was also pres ent. Arthur Murray was elected to fill the vacancy of exalted ruler and A. M. Speer.s, royal knight. Mr. Miquelon will be in the city for two or three weeks di recting a special membership campaign. He said he expected tlie membership to reach 150 be fore he loft. WATER tells the truth about... WHISKY Pot Seagram's "83" to the water lest. For water (plain ' or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S and be SURE . t of he finest fin Extra Reason or Buying 6$ytfllL'&$M JoSayi Yes ... we offer you this wonderful miiung spoon free to urge you to try Kellogg's ALL-BRAN and see for yourself what a toasty, tasty breakfast cereal it is! Rich in iron and high in protein value, all-bran's a nnlurul laxative food, too . . that helps protect you from constipation due to lack of bulk in the diet. And for a real treat try deliciously light, tender ALL-BRAN Muffins (simple recipe on box). Swppf llmifed o get yours fodaJ FASHION FOOTWEAR PRINTING Highest Quality Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK For Your YES NOW IS THE TIME to make those REPAIRS or ALTERATIONS. A Choice of VALENTINE CARDS Wc are in a position to offer you our personal attention in assisting you Sentimental or Coimic or VALENTINE CUT-OUT BOOKS Mm with ORIGINAL DESIGNS and PLANS. We will estimate our costs at your own home. PHONE TODAY FOR SERVICE! rinine Blue 4IS or Green 232 We Will Call on You Penguin Hobby Shop DESIGNERS AND BUIDERS OF MODERN Fl'RNiTl'RE Corner of Sixth Avenue anf Fu'ton Street 1 Vf-IMIMI in Thi- advertisement Is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 7' "Pened ii iret t