Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, February 9, 1951 aged patient. Enjoying the work and making a success, of It, Mrs. Dover plans on . remaining in the east for several monthi longer. TERRACE I OPICS Commiltccs Of Terrace Board m Keeping Road Partly Open Terrace to hxslcw Only Inleriur Board Talks Power and 'Phones Lenora Biork and brother Despite the condition of thc,jimlny have come from Prince DOLLAR DAYS Standing committees for 1951 for the Terrace and District Board of Trade were announced j at Wednesday night's meeting by j the president. Alex Gillanders. i MTHMWiv V 'NtWHlTTVNES 2 TERRACE The Terrace and! They are: ! roads, blocked by snow from Rupert to make their home with Wednesday's and Thursday's Mr an(j Mrs. Stanley Lang. blizzard, the.-e was a fair tain- I out of members at Thursday at-j Mrs. Elsie Cooper was accept-ternoun's meeting of St. M;U-;ecj a a new member and wel-thew's Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. j comfcc Wednesday night at Vai West presided and, at the close monthly meeting of the Terrace of the business session, bcfnrj and ristrict Board of Trade. Hie serving of tea, valentine gifts i . Tliurs. to Sat. 7 - 9:15 Sal. Mai. 2-4:20 District Board of Trade meeting Agriculture H. King, W. H. Wednesday night in the Credit Spencer. C. LindsL-om. Union hall with Alex Gillanders,' Entertainment Mrs. W. H. this year's president in the chair, j ' Spencer, Alan Campbell, M-s. C. Mrs. Elsie Cooper was accepted Newhouser, Mrs. H. Engflckc. as a new member and welcomed' Finance Mrs. W. Robinson, II. j to the meetings. .Philip. The Board was arlviseH hv Hnn Highways W. Robinson C. were exchanged for a small sum of money, the proceeds to go to k ! I the United Thank - offering. YllCnae rj ., .; it-wliiflnri a rinnnlinn 1;i Smith, Now On At WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Ambulance Men Assist Stork ihe Dorcas committee of the , Tarraffi flf Diocese oftr-ring. The next meet- I CI I dCC, LSIKJ in., u. ill he held at the home of I A nine-pound baby boy beat I E. T. Kenney that arrangement Adams. G; Lambley. had been made to keep the high-; Housing S. Kirkaldy, D. a. j way between Terrace and Exstew ! i11' E; Syeent. j open and suecial equipment L Indvuflna' D' KclT' J- ! would-be sent from the south for I Smith'.G' ?"ffus, , , , Mrs. n C. J. Nor-, Membership- th! the work. In the meantime i Mri Mavh TFPRACK TERRACE Th The death death occur rri t i9-rui Knnriav afternoon ine doctors as mis. uenms Mor- 8.. 1 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 1 van gave birth to her ninth child Dr. MacPheison, O. work would be done by what I L'?h"'v mar-hlnerv t.hnri. I h. riaillDeCK. Wednesday afternoon's lir? ; Mary Jones, of Emil Michael at her Port Edward home this alarm was for- a chimney fire ai smith, 65, a resident of the dis- morning. the home of T Turner, jr. No trlct for the past thirty years. 1 She was attended by Mrs. M. I Municipal Affairs D. O. Lit damage was done. 1 nor nin Poland, deceased ome Jones, RN, of the Port Eawurd j A copy of a letter from Mr. Weston, of the B.C. Power Com- 1 mission to the Pncmier was enclosed in a letter from Mr. Ken- tle, D. Collins. Mrs. T. f'raser. National Affairs H. Philip, C. J. Norrington. PnhMnltu w H Knenr-er E CURRbUY UNIT The Bolivar, equal to 30 cen,.s in Unitevl States money, is the unit of currency in Venezuela. CANADA DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE Pralfle Farm RermrjlllLuMun Act to Canada when he was 18 and nursing station and two ci'.y workfd across the provinces, ambulance men, Jack Furness coming to Terrace in August and Jack Frank. 1922. At that time he was em-1 Although an ambulance call nloved nn the railroad but he left was sent by Mr. Morvan at four Word has been received by the friends of Mrs. George Dover that she is now engaged in practical nursing in a private home in Toronto taking care of an ' iney to whom the Board had RltTBPnt n Adams. I wrmen cpncprntnir unsalisfac. pc,Hinn j Nnrrinut.m. L. II Lit to go prospecting, mining and . o'clock, the mother decided that, I . here's whv St hA W.!,. hou.ser. O. Lambley, G. Duffus. Utilities D. O. Little, L. II. Vallee, J. II. Ewjelcke. trapping at Kalum Lake. He has been 11 lfor several months and came ln to town to stay with his daughter, TKMH ItS Scaled tenders will be received by the nndprsimipH until i nn nvhwir. with the help of the nurae and first aid men, she would rrtfer to remain at home. "This isn't the first time It's been necessary to do Mib," said Mrs. Jones this morning. I p.m.'. Retina Time. February 26, 1951. ,tO"V power conditions here. - bailee i In the lett-r it. was stated that; Resoltuions J. H. Smith. D. the condition hera was oidy a . jjerr H Kiig temporary one due to the non- Historic Sites W. Robinson, arrival of the units. Terrace isto Mrs. w. Robinson, Mrs. T. Fra-have one of the units from Ques- scr . ncl which is havins.a lurgerj' civic Centre Mrs. C. New-unit. However there has hern aj .two months' delay in delivery of;statod u,at Uu,re was no super-the unit to Que.stiel resulting in , itendenfs office at Terrace be- . a delay in delivery of unit here. L.,c .1 fn ihoi (ho mm ai 1 Mr. Smith Is survived by four c vjHiile daughters and three sons Mary (Mrs. A. Jones of Terrace!, Helen (Mrs. Ivor Angel of Seattle 1, Kathleen (Mrs Bill Martin of Seattle), June (Mrs. C. P. Sclainl Don't Wait ?, lor the construction of the Bankhead sprinkler Irrigation project. The work is located about one mile east of Kelownn. British Columbia. The following are the main items of work and the approximate quantities of each: Wood stave pipe, various sizes, 3" to 12" 9.G30 ft. 2 In. Galvanized iron ' pipe 2.700 ft. Lot outlets, 2" (valve, elbow, risen 74 4 j A letter of appreciation for his , smithers was adequate for the I efforts on this matter is to be district. The Board had protest- celt nfi (J I of Los Angeles). Francis of Alice ! Arm and Jimmy and Jack In .-rm. u,mi. rvenney, also ncqnain-, ed lhe delay ln iocai telephone ting him with the fact (hat there i calIsnot in lone distance calls Adequate lubrica'tjion has been an inspection of the and the repiy was that it was' Kalum River Fulls by narlies in-: hard get trained operators' teresled in hydro power. foribccause glrl5 did not want to I which, it was stated there will be lcave Ule city whCre board and' now, may save you a big repair bill in the future. Drive up today. TERRACE The monthly meet-! Prince Rupert. There are also 13 ing of the Girl Guide Association j grandchildren, was held on Tuesday afternoon A private funeral will be held at the home of Mrs. Clifford, from the Parkview Chapel with who was also appointed new sec- Archdeacon Hodson officiating, retary. Mrs. Wok; presided. (Pallbearers will be El wood The members dei ided to make Brooks. Harold Smith. Joe Felber, coffee for the adults an dsoft Emil Haugland. Fred Thomas and drinks for the youngsters at the Mr. Rice of Kalum Lake. The Scout and Guide Kally which will funeral has been delayed until be held on February 24. i the snow blocked road to the A further report on Guide ork cemetery Is opened, w as given by Mrs. Clifford. Re-1 Hii dvrtljement to to no no publliheo publliheo Of Of displayed displayed t tw tHe LiquorConl r fay trw Govarrmm c Briuih Columbit I Bowd i Concrete 85 cu. yd. 8" x 10' Frame pumphouse . . 1 Plans, specifications and tender ( forms for bidding may be obtained ; from the undersigned at this office ( in Rnglna. Sask., or from the P.F.R.A. j Office. Victoria Avenue. Kamloops, ; B.C., upon the deposit of Ten Dollars leash ($10.00). or a certified cheque j xor the amount payable to the Receiver General of Canada, which de-' posit will be redeemable upon the return of the plans and specifica-i tions in good order within one month J after tenders have closed, i The lowest or any tender is not , necessarily accepted. o. . Ui"' Mr ! room was cheaper than here and Kenney. m his letter, advocated !thpir salary would g0 farther. WRJlrtrlrl- was decided that Ule publiC mrpnow 1 r.i.r.i mum, k it L utilities committee would go fur- Surprise at thn Board's protest, ther ,nto this matter, at. local te.pnh'.ne conditions was! A resoiution was passed 8i-"ontaned in a letter from the Resting that the government Department of Transport which snould ,de home or a To makj owning a car !. rca! delight, let us attend to all its needs, f toper service cuts driving costs in the long run. A TEST OF PUBLIC OPINION News ClwifpdR Miic; Rales freshments were served at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will be i.t the home of Mrs. Mallett. ' men and women, not senile, near j to the Home for the Aged, which i at present, only takes in senile ! men. By Order Dr. L. B. Thomson, Director. P.F.R.A.. 910 McCallum-Hill Building, Region, Bask. (34) : 99. Letters of inquiry from pros mm 2) IJou IdJauL,, Artificial Ice made available!: sports in Prince Rupert? pective newcomers were passed! over to the publicity committee to JBALED TKNUEltS add. SZiCt !,( t 1 Luxury SMomer Prince George ten- : be answered. The pamphlet is to ' uiKli'rsiint'a and (-rnl.isrd DEK FOR HOtlSE-OKKfCE unit. - be brought up to date by the ad- ' BELLA COOLA. B.C.". will be ACHING BACK? Why suffer with backache or painful joints? Many find quick relief by taking Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Thi proven remedy treats two conditions at once; contains special remedial ingredients lor both kidney and liver disorders which often cause backache. Dr. Chane celvt-d in the office of tlu- Secretary, until 3 PM. 1 ESI. 1, WEDNESDAY. dition of a suuplement sheet and ; sen to nil su-h inquirer. Thp R C Onvernment Trnv,--! Smart Motorists Rush to . . . SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. . THE PLACE OF HKTTEK I' SKI) CARS Third and Park Aves, Phone Green 217 FEBRUARY 28. HI51 Plans and s)eelf Ication can be wen Bureau wilt he ar-niinintprl nf nnv ' w,jj y and f irms of tender obtained at tl-.e ,! ,,, i., I RAII.S FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. a name you can 49 I T0 fUflCe'el depend offices of the Chief Architect. Depart- j c":"u ""M1" -" e mi ment of Public wtks. Ottawa, on- j their Travelogue of B.C. It will tano. the District Architect. Victoria, i be pointed out to them that Ter- coverlBPTn "ot b lUuM in Bella c.Kiia, B.C. j any issie and a request will be j c at Iyix.nj Trndcrs will not he considered tin- j made that a write-up Of the A combination skating and curling rink' Ice for skating only? Ice for curling only? 'in pi 'i i j? i i. . town be given in the next isotie PMIL Make Your Own Rod For KETCHIKAN wkdnkkimy Minic;irr l uxury at Low Cast for Reservations Write or Call You always experience a nice lesti made on these forms anrl ln accordance with the conditions bet forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bHhk in Canada, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, or Bearer Bonds as specified ln the lorni of tender, for 10 of the amount of the tender. NOTE The Department, through warm feeling m wm with an . . . asy-to-Assemble when yoi CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE V know friends A two-thirds size hockey surface at $75,000 jr A regulation size hockey surface at $25O,OO0 (Sinned) k. like to come PRINCE ItUrEItT. BC. to your home. For times like r NAME A 'auiet evenincr r-T " , -: beside the fire. the ofllce of the District Architect OEALED TENDERS addressed to the Public Building. Victoria. BC will lintlersiKned and endorsed "TEN-supply blue-prints and specilication PER FOR HOUSE-OFFICB UNIT, nf the work on deposit of a sum of QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C.". 25 0(1 in the form of a certified bank will be received In the office of the cheque payable to the order of the Secretary, until 3 P M. (EST ), Minister of Public Works. The de- WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1951. posit will be released on return of the j pin8 and specification can be neen blue-prints and specification within , Bnd forms of tender obtained at the a month from the date of reception offices of the Chief Architect. Depart-of tenders. If not returned within ment of Public Works. Ottawa. On- ADDRESS Glass Blank Rod Kit jV?il bridae umn and small un ( Postal and Ktreet Si ii'lf nt - (Please die Ailult . Mall to Dally News, Ice Arena Poll expected parties, serve and 3-piecc Conolon fibre kits for fly. s S live that period the deposit will be for- l tarlo. the District Architect Public ! i L felted. wine t'aarl , . . Bolldimr. Victoria. B.C.. at the Poot bouth African " 0A ROBERT PORTIER. Actlnt? Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. January 31, 1961. (It) spinniiu;, trolling and steelhcad castinfi rods Ferruled blank comes with handle and reel seat mounted. Guides and tops not Included in the kit. omee Building. Vancouver, B.C., and at the Post Office. Queen Charlotte City. BC. Tenders will not be considered unless made on these forms and In accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered Muscatel. Your family and friends will delight in its superbly sweet taste, its pleasant bouquet. Muscatel is the perfect wine to serve at all times. Insist on the finest . ask for Paarl. Prepare for Your SPRING SEWING NOW bank in Canada, payable to tne order f the Minister of Public Works, or Bearer Bonds as specified in the form of tender, for 10 of the amount of li'l H tne tender. Available at your favori NOTE The Department, throuuh the office of the District Archltc-t, Public BulldlriK. Victoria. B.C., will 1 supply blue-prints and sfieclllcatloii if Enjoy Truly Modern Sewing on Brand New Co-Operative Win Growrt ' Altociotion of South Afrito, Limited Paarl, South Africa 10-59 lhi tin jrrtlsf'tm-Hi is not pubhlieO or flt:i;tluvprl by thn Lttimr Control Bn;r.rrt fir by the Govrrntnent of r.ntlsh Columbia. of the work on deposit of a sum of t.25 on In thn form of a certllled bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The deposit will be released on return of the blue-prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will he forfeited. ROBERT FOHTIEIi. - Acting Secretary. -Department of Public Works, Ottawa. January 31. 19S1. (n,( SIM Congoleunl Rugs EES I This advert ijcmei, I Is not published or displayed by the Lrioor Control Board or bv Ibc Ciovernmcnt of Rexoleum Rugs British Columbia. Cabinet and Portable inlaid Linoleum Canvas liaek) $8950 Machines DI'IMONSTKATION f ift Centre -' Marine Phot FRAMES! FRAMES! Come In and eh.jose one for tlmt Christmas Photo. We earry a KirRe line of l'p-To-Dalc Mnulilings WRATHALL'S i'liolii t iiiihliini; 320 Tiliru Ave. W. it a n Our rugs are in all sizes ' and we are selling all stock on hand at the old prices while they last. Singer Sewing i yjn Manufactured by Wood Frccmon - Tocomo, Wash. 3rd Avenue W. - - al:i S M ' l- Just Arrived! CANADIAN INLAID LINO (Canvas Baeki A. MacKenzie Furniture L td. A Good Place to Buy Over QViarter Century AvaUohle in 6 - 1 2 - 32 - 1 1 0 Volt All niiirieU except G-volt, supplied with "Dyrmmolor" e! "II" and "C" Batteries. THE MOST POPULAR AND DEPENDABLE PILOT ON THE WEST COAST Price 3o0- i wi " applicable i I..C DISTKinrTOKS BROOKSBANK Marine Sales and Service 42-41 ARGYI.E ST. PORT ALBEKNI, B.C. WHITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET H "bToNDIE i?s An Art Oj0 CZZtT Ml Xa,., oT-J f I'M TlPED, J SINCE WHEN LLWfT" I PAGWOOO, ) V1' AND, BESIDES, S A J 4ND ITS A SClFNTlFlC i critwCE ' I mm i4w : mwmm 4b W i . lkkifc - It's SERVICE You Want Phone 383 CABS'