1 BO-ME-H Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. February 9, 1&51 .ULngefJi NEWS "Sure Fire" Plan To Prop Economy QUEEN CONTEST- limitation of profit distributions. ! Lord Bruce said the program ! might appear startling. But aj point had been reached where nut eel i ii cis t A aance party was held in the LONDON (P Lord Bruce of it Aon rn aft Am CU Wving. Packing, Crating I shipping and General Cartage ! Storage Lplete, Reliable anil Effl-f lt service. Also agents for 'i':tilian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. I Oxygen. Acetylene ami all ,iinr. supplies. ' jNDSAY'S CARTAGE STORAGE LIMITED , , 2nd "' Park Avenues J .,H) Pliwiim tilt mut SI school auditorium following the Melbourne, chairman of the Britain's national economy was! Six Candidates In Field on by the Student Council and I try, and former prime minister the ideals of f the 1" S welfare m'? f state I was Invitational. Dancine was .of Australia, has nffprprf the nnt A halt hart to he called. K.litur hi. f F velyu Smith. For Year's Regal Honors "A very happy set ut meetings." tr, F!irlv was tne way CaPc- w- C. Poulion from 10:30 to 12:30. Refresh- ish. government what he termed men is were .served. Parly "a was; sure-fire" plan to overcome (enjoyed by all. this nation's WEI44NOTOK. N Z lornlnu revellers He told members of the Na uitl-i hittim '"5" i''u y -uv tMJv.ii.jim nimy when confronted. tins week. tional Union of Manufacturers' kimt:rixuz lliimuu nnrl uAll!(hirG iJooth Memorial High School is now in tho throes ! of the annual School Queen campaiftn with six come-1 'Vl 1 I ly girls, aspirants chosen by as many classes, in the Hr i leld for this coveted honor. Class nominations were I Mr. Robertson first saw minr rfora Kail Advertising Manager Rena Ingram Social Kilitor Pat Hill Spurts I diti.r Bill Toderas Junior Jtrporters Jimmy Bate- inaii, Juan Anderson Itcpoi ters Jean hesher, Mae Newton, Marjnrie Way, Gregory Inrlies, Bert Tip-tun, Dick Kilbwrn that the Socialists could have his remedy for the asking. But urgent action would be necessarv to PORTRAITS M ln-velo'ieil iiiul Printed I'ltDMPT KKUVK-K the meet a situation he believed was on the basis of personality, scholastic standing, etc."ht of ti'dy one "'V"1" day m the most serious in peacetime wandering in a vacant lot in the: , Wfd"y night s meetlnB was aU Lhe way tr""l'Rn by Ani'u.i heart of the city. Tliey are 200 animals to Thompson. Subject foi 'the me.-t-summcr. put out grass (n the 111(5 as The H,''y Si'"'11-' A but curator C J. Cutler so far has had no reports of EOod attendance was reporUd. pink elephants. - Last nlght.the meetiiiR was in j charge of Major Janet ChamUM S.' LONDON t A i0-year-')K1 ! matron of the lodge for oung boy who embezzled $105 to buyjwompn. The subject was "(iv.l- U IHNOI I R H STtlHO I hp tinil (IwiKinn i,f tUn ut nlimt L,wl,, n,;il indrl.i vr, Mr D.sh KtkhPrtuin KnL ...... l,n.,a!I..J ' niMory. 4 I.I i .Street Box C45 e Uretii 3iiil Prince Rupert - -''. ui niv. oitiMviiv iiyixty win nz iiiw.v. by secret ballot immediately from one end of Canada to th- answer- Lord Br" ald, other and no doubt he could was to frame a tw-year emer-tell anything one could wish to Eeney PrKram involving among prior to the Valentine formal fen I tup f-fi Uxks was ordered to repay tho ! vatlon by the Blood.' om ! l.v, 1 fc .i-r.. , . diner mPAKtirpft rlrnct . rnrtnnfir'.n party which will take place in the Armory next Friday night. The winner will he lone due Mr ! ln PubIlc "-xpenditure, abandon-money. But the judge commentei, CaPt Poulton was well pleased Robertson " wo 4,eo ked a a- ' . i mfi-,l r,f f iiiht-r i .li..,. r.v. 1 'ttr viewing the evl!nw 'H- with tho meeting nd wni iWk Jt'llftJ tit It' She's lovely, She's running for Queen She uses beauty soap. We are talking about a rSSrn!1" 'Austria, output .'?- lib-1 had been accomplished .hlMUgll honor at the prom with presen-' tation of prizes and recognition1 as. the school's queen for I he year ' In succession to Iunn T?-irHu n,h' fnr fvnm voara anA i,,. i, a euro on waee increases v,,.,,.....,.,!. them. ... . , jvw (lima iatn uc 2arv i worked as a foreman In a fac-j Once drawn up, the program' June ' Ht'nry 0 She's the irl ruled with such grace during the course. ua.st year. -i Wlln Wontle hair, blue eyes, Hereunder are thumbnail sket- cnafm'"K lrty ad ready - 1 - " - 1 - - v v tj.ii4iJiiJiiui4 O Friday the sixteenth is the (lute set for the annual Valentine formal dance for senior .students. The dance Is to be held in the Armories with the music .supplied by Andy M,::Nuughton. A floor show will start oft the evening ut U 00 o'clock with olus by Hcnllii Windle and .others, dies of the six candidates: tory where Mosquito bombers should be submitted for endorse-weie manufactured. ment at a general election to be During the last war Mr. Rob-' called without delav. Coupled ertson served with the Rayr.l with this proposal, Lord Bruce Canadian Air Force. Prior to suggested an undertaking should coming to Prince Rupert he wu? be given by the political parties general construction foreman a', that at, the close of the two-the newly built Naiiaimo pulp year emergency period there j .-wiiiiir. June who was born in Winnipeg, came to Prince Rupert in I I!i43. She is coin! throii(h for ILL r.Um Well, boys, An lidded aUraclmn will be a , university EnU-ynee. don't give up hope Wheij aske'd how she feels Alice is "goinj about running lur queen, June number by the "Hoys Ua.skclball Jusl becaase Team" ,.teady" righ liFMl . Mr. Paibertson Is married and is the pr.iud father of four children. He hopes the world 'Situation improves but he Is would be another appeal to the country. One of the major planks in the proposed program calls for reorganization, re-equipment and uuw !iice is nvo said: "1 didn't. evn rir.m of 08 ALL WE FAMILY Buy SHOES Now! for a candid- - " "ml na ar hair and is being nominated ," , , asy n the eyes. She is a r- inoe att!" e,,lniur.J t V, i , J U ....... 1,1 . ' ouv "" modernization of industries al Her cani)aign managers are U.l'l' J , .L.r. ttr,... .1 r ... W vjradelJ Theme; here all her life. She says she' i, iaj .ruirtJi. in twtu.v . readv nutinnnllwH Priority! house M,JU-u-fo1- several years. does not like all boys, ju.st a few fpeoiul ones. The (trade nine and 1 ALL US Ihut iiolhliisi iii im possible Tn uie Ls just a wheeze. Taking tup places in 'June'. j interest are her hobbies of music and marching. i 1 Only Day For noihinc's what the U's do "Pn by-s sp('m 10 "t her With the very fcreutest fWith a (irin. I wonder why? H:r -Anon, anon, anon. !hooi)y Playing the piano and; R FUEL ECONOMY Napoleonic Curio To Museum would be given to coal and trans-1 iPortation. At the same time,' ! plans to bring iron and steel i ! under state control, would be-. ' : scranped. ' 1 IMPORTANT PROVISIONS j Following are some of the other suggested provisions:, 1. Taxation reductions to re-! Plhj Wutfu, of in sports sue likes watching ba.i- ketUall games. She Ls takinR a I University Entrance cou.-se. our illr M W ON FIREMAN Junior Valentine Party on Tonight fi li A t Here Is the opportunity to LONDON (JAn original cast of Emperor Napoleon's death mask is to be sold with a collection nf nntimiex from Fnti-le- Cileeii sfifiiiJ i1,urrl moro ab,,ut Patty Martin SALE pretty newcomer to the school. lieve the burden on Industry and I mere. the Ascot home of Sir provide an incentive to the indi-1 Patty Is sixteen years old, flv,' Juniors will be having their annual Valentin Party tonight Here' one of trie grade twelve entries and they surely made a ti .i.i iul i.il burner solves victual. ft-ot six inches and quite slond;r. Archibald Weigall, former gov- ut Civic C litre. Dancing and ; good choice in nominating sev- ernor of South Australia. ' No increase In wages during oiic iias uiuiiuf nai' aim a ni'l- lion dollar pei'sonality. gnmes will b- enjoyed from Ulenteen year old Eileen. She's t p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Refresh- blonde and Is five foot, two, has She arrived in Prince Rupert Left Saturday is the Last Day The mask was taken by Dr. the two years, unless greater Antomrnarchl, the Emperor's economic production justifies physician, who was minister in general boosts. Florence at the time. In return 3. Re-examination and exten- incuts will be served. tuirdicsl, problem In . heavy oil. n.nn for youa need rmisr i.i.t re Kid the doctor gave the original cast sion of hours of work where lt Is I to Lord Burghers!). established that increased output a lew weeks ago from Cumberland, Maryland, bringing with her many cute customs and characteristics of that stale, including a delicious southern drawl. Patty states that she likes Prince Rupert and Bo-Me-Hi green eyes ana is always in good humor that is nearly always. Eileen is a Rupert product. She js taking a commer-Jcial cour.se and gets good marks I in all her .subjects. Her hobby Is I playing the piano. In sports sh? , thinks swimming is fun, but he.- rovnvoods Assembly Was Lively Affair Sir Archibald, giving up En- could be achieved without detri-glemere because of the high cost ment to the worker, of its rinerat.ion. pxnects to dis-' 4 PrnhihiHnn hv in rf ctrll,,? Vanich very much and plans on stayln" lpose of the mask as a mus,,, and lockouts. After graduation she intends to,PXhihir. Mane (mm snme HpIi.' s nrocti An assembly was held in the I best sport is ice skating. MBING & rViWsd film. rntr. n inniior,, 26 or to i,,1 cueen iteems 10 oe goinsiMi io um-. Scale comDosition. the mask has disrlnii np in th trnHo iinlntio steady" now but. boys, don't welcome the Wrangell Wolves. Patty , favorite sports are been kept on a padded base, and control to their responsible swimming and basketball. Knit- under glass since lt came into leaders. Tnr. sehi.nl hnnH nnsnorf 1h BlvUp too SOOn. EATING t,..B .,w UIIU.IK uri lav- ,V,H familv'S DOSSPSSion. ItS Value. 0 Buduntlnn In ..n.nrlll,i. n, oritB pastimes. "At home," back a..seinbly by playing the na- Jh ,a ,sh,ortJ PPr.yinallty skf Utn b"' 11 1,ald 10 'llrilw tional anthems of Canada and ,is, the United Slnt.es Mr Hurst. I a beautiful girl. has never been disclosed. the social services and contlnu- in Ma 'yland, Patty was secretsvy , unce of the understanding for gave a brief welcoming speech 7 l'llt(l P i of the choral club, and also guard on the, bavketbaH tepm. Eo-Me-Hi is proud to have her here. - . aitfi wiuvii t.nc wiangcu wuivc.ii KJtdlilitH JOHN H. manager introduced the mem PAIRE REFRIGERATOR 'Scouts Save Dog 'Frozen On Ice MIDLAND, Out Marooned on Midland harbor, with one paw frozen to the ice, a stray do;i BULGER iiutiful and prmtiral than in four cornpletaly .Il ls incliiiliiut tlui ! Hi Sports I I J Last week our high flying Rainmakers smothered the Irht IODIC: I "kl WjII. f'- itfinLsl bers ol his team. '. i Ca.st your eyes on this small Margaret Giske, impersonat-' paragraph telling you all about ill;' Mr. Evans, then introduced that good looking girl, Verr.a tim Ho-Me-HI Ralnbirds who Graham. Vema Is five toot five, were impersonated by girls from '.slender, has "real" brunette hair the Pep Club. When the hilar- and green eyes, and you seldom ily of these introductions had see her without a smile on her ended the hoys were introduced face. She came to Prince Ruby Gordon 'Graham. . I pe.-t last August from Chilli-June Henry and Helen Kron-iwack, her home town, bringing rllchuek thrilled the audience with he.' many new cheers for once was recently rescued by three it i l '.! Wrangell Wolves In two a game, , , , total point exhibition series thp S(.oul hu DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 way out to the dog, freed it and John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ivitHUKiy infill, A Mi'ix: was la 37 for Ho-Me-Hi. McChesney was i brought it to .shore. There the nigh scorer lor tne game wun ,h, ,. , ,f ,, i with a vocal duet. Then Luel.a the Cheer Squad. 1 hough she M.irDonald, with Dick Flood's doesn't like to admit it she is a await a claimant. ixdnts to lead the Rainmakers helfl. unuLsed the assembly with very popular among the boy.-s her version of "I Want To Be but, this does not .seem to bothe - Loved by You." her. j During the course of the pro- Hr favorite sports are basket - gram Lawrence Kristmanson fcPH !' swimming. Se has a i xTt,.i,u..,. .;iu nnwiiinn nil IVir tTrirls' hnkethiill THEY PAY OFF to a decisive 1)1 to 37 win. Scoring honors for the game went to a Wrangell boy, Maynard, who paced his team with 20 IT'S EASY PROriTADLE (J! r.-c-i i n -li uu.l i li ivi oini will! i. ..- n liiiiil ' iii m.iui viMtrumiinshln trmihv team. Sewing mid knitting ore I pouius. The spirit of the students was To Use Indicated by Uie full suppiut to the cheer leaders and song queen. Mr. Hill of the Junior Cham- her favorite hobbies. Her marks tier of Commerce presented range from C plus to A, but shu Luella MacDonald, Iona Hardy i never admits that she is really and Vic Brain with gifts for the I intelligent. She U taking a excellent "Future Citizens Day", University Entrance course, and DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form her language is Latin., Her pet peeve is that, she dislikes to wear any kind of a hat. essays which they had submitted. ' !1 The students sang the Bo-Me- Have a Good Meal! NEW CITY CAFE FULL COURSE MEALS or Phone Blue 92 FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS FAMOUS BitAIN Albert Einstein was 20 years old when he produced his first paper on the theory of relativity ln 1905. Hi song which was led by Song j Ctthrrle ' Queen Barbara Moore. Cheer Leaders Rena Ingram, Pat Hill and Leona Webster impressed the assembly with their fine cheerleading form. The assembly came to a close with the singing of "God Save the King." FRIGIDAIRF NCTRIC RANGE I'n evBiy kitchm and hud-jU' l K'M-60 cooki a whule Five foot two, eyes of blue. Maybe this is nothing new, But this time It's so true! A true description, that Is, of Gilberte Belanger, sixteen year old recent arrival at Bo-Me-Hi. Gilberte first attended school here ln September and is goin j through to grade twelve After graduation she intends to be a stenographer. Her major sub n you'ti swoy. The Lover's Plea One wint'ry night the world lay RDON & PERSON I ject Is typing. Gilberte has travelled a lot "the roving kind"? Prior to her arrival here she lived in Rouyn, Quebec, and before that in North Bay. She has also been in Montreal. Her favorite sports are skiing, Know a good Buy: Now Cosh in on Furs! Some Prices Higher Get Your Furs in Quick! Tremendous continued demand makes possible Higher Prices for the urgently wanted Furs .... The Prices "SHUBFRT" now offers, we believe are HIGHER than are available anywhere. For prompt shipments will pay AS HipH AS 80c for No. 1 SQUIRREL; MUSKRAT and WEASEL $4.00; MINK (Wild Dark Interior) JG0.00; BEAVER and OTTER $45,00: MARTEN (Interior Dark Heavy! $85.00; FISHER $100.00. Top prices guaranteed for ALL British Columbia Furs. It will pay you to get nil your Furs in QUICK, while these tremendously HIGH prices are avail-libie. Don't be content with any-old-prlce offered locally Ship to "SHUBERT" VANCOUVER (No export permits required! and see how MUCH MORE you can Eet. Hurry! Get a shipment away TODAY! Dept. 194. A. B. SHUBERT CO., Winnipeg. Ship to VANCOUVER, h TTHt . . . f-rlonning r-Building or fRepairina .skating and, for summer recrea THIS IS VALUE Inspect This! 49 Chev. Sedan Smart 2-Tone j while j And still as good worlds should, 'When a lover's wail to no avail Disturbed the neighborhood. "Come out," he cried, "dear June, the moon Is riding high and fair, nut all Is dark within the park, Come out and meet me there. "Come out, sweet June, and let us spoon, And all the stars above Will watch and see, and envy i me. i Come out and be my love." i At last the door was opened for . A tear-stained face to show. I CALL 363 tion, hiking and camping. One of Gilbeto's favorite pastimes is collection of Royal Family photographs. "The Thing" lit Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion: e.g. Numher of words 25; cost, 75c. Six See It! insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c) Buy It! Since that song "The Thing" came out a couple of months ago, there have been many guesses made as to Just what Several Other Good Values Name "All right, all right, we'll end i the fight! I "The Thins" is. We think we've Bob Parker Ltdh r'ORD - MONARCH DEALERS J j Address -. Phone No,. finally hit on the truth, though. What else could It be but a report card? "You'll never get rid of that blankety-blanlt-blanif, no matter what you do!" ; ' mi Prince Rupert, B.C. II Kill ' - - -.-111 : , j : . . i i'i ,. , "Come in," she whispered low. In quiot then he entered In, In peace, for that is life. A man must act the swain to gain i Forgiveness from his wife. And if such a one shall courting i come In the old, romantic way. HCIIELL 1CURRIE Contractors Use "9" EVERYBODY ELSE IP)ES Hy mem'ry's night she'll see the light. Make pac and v th day.