Se] tember 9 1919. ] yesday Sunlight Wash Days A Sunlight Wash Day is free from the toil and jabour usually associated with washing because Sunlight Soap washes clothes beautifully clean and white without rub- \ bing or scrubbing. i Sunlight | Soap Se = being the surest,gentlest, purest of all cleansers is kind to the clothes—they last ever so much longer —kind to the hands, too. Insist on getting the Soap you ask for— SUNLIGHT. Try Sunlight for yourself and see. % UHH ee — LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto HMMUUILANONVESNSEHNOANOOUDSRNNEODENGAESOOREELSENd WOMANS! SUB Gitec a | eyeegeceeeeryres? tae tahiti Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency” e WUEUU Aas HUAG ANT AAATEN ' ‘ Dr. Bayne ‘OFFICE HOURS:— Morning, 9 to 12; Afternvon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only; twenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance. Phone 109 for appointment seen gone TeUEOOOVAUERY UGDELEROUUEGEGOROES SEUNG ATS AAGD ATER EEE | WLWIMAUANONLUELGEODUGCAQGNROLDOUOGHLS43 LL DUEAA4G, OOOO ALO CUT i ; ° Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor “Everything in Music.” LATE®Y POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS es wastes @ VONGE £ BES) KNOWN TRAOS Prince Rupert Kepaira to Phonegraphs, Violins, Etc. Bows rebaired Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted. Academy of Music in Cannection “ark s THE WORLF With the a mm ae. —_——w The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano ; The Weber Piano Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. ELL. VAUGHAN "°* "rt3.r's Scat Prince Rupert Music Store es = ‘dwaed Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. LIMITED = ® COMNERY EQUIPMENT—MARINE HARDWARE Sieamsnip Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Fish Notting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Pi6hinog Negistered Olllee Prince Rupert Office: Telephone No, 95 P. O, Box 1698 68 Water Street, Vancouver, B.C, PO ee ee ee ease a TaiL ; THE DAJLY NEWa. GALA DAY AT SALT LAKE ON SUNDAY | Large Crowds Throng Famous Resort and Much Interest Taken in Competition. LONG DIVE PROVES INTERESTING EVENT It was truly a gala day at the | Salt Lake on Sunday when hun- dreds of Prince Rupert's residents ithronged across the bay to watch jthe sports arranged by the Bwim- tming Club. Many officials were jon hand and took their places ;promptly at 2:30 and a few minutes after the competitions ,were opened. The judges wer iGeo.. D. Tite and R. Dowther, iwhilst the starter was FE, RB. Ta brum, assisted by 1. W. Patmore. r. ©. Dunean as rustler gathered the contestants and hurried them along to deoward White who was ltaking charge of the Chief Vickers who solely prised the order committee entries. Colle | joff the float who were not taking jpart. Geo. Frizzell wery capably lofliciated as announcer. The most interesting event of the day was the long dive which was won by Bennett of the Bank lof Gommerce. The plunge was ! made into the polo course and all were looking within this area to see him come up, but he passed beyond this and came up on the other side of the log. ‘The total distance was about thirty yards and he was under water for 39 seconds. There was a.tie for second place and in the second trial MeLean beat Dr. Ewane by a fow feet. Other events were:— 26 yde. Dash. Boys under 16, ist, Cedric Dun- ean; 2nd, Sam Albert. Girls under 16, ist, Lorna Tite; 2nd Caroline Mitchell. Boys under 12, ist, Teddy Tite; 2nd Douglas Frizzell. i 60 yds. Dash. Men, ist, Rip Boyd; 2nd Ivor Kansom. Ladies, ist, Lorna Tite; 2nd Mrs. MeLean. 100 yds. Dash. Men, ist, Steve King; 2nd Jack Boddie. High Diving. First, Gedrie Duncan; Second, Prescott. The speeial judges for this event were Steve King, J. Day Bell and Joe Scott. There were many entries and an excellent ex- hibition was furnished. Race. Phe team captained by J. Day Bell was the winner. Steve King's quartette would have been the first but for a foul get-off by the second man who left before his time. 400 Yards. First, Steve King (nearly a lap ahead); seeond, J. F. Roberge: third, Charles Youngman (by a foot); fourth Sam Weston. During a space between items J. Day Bell who holds certificates with the English Reyal Life Sav- various holds to be used in rescu- ing a drowning man. Howard vattery for the Red Sox victim. ro the appeal of announcer Geo. Frizzell, the watehers con- tributed very freely and a collec- elub benefits. TIGERS BLEW UP AND RED SOX WON Yosterday afternoon before the races started there was 4 base- ball game between the Tigers and jhe Red Sex and victory passed to the latter by the scete of 8 to 5. The Tigers started off in good the first inning. They blew in the third, however, lsenior heague aspirants brought in 7 runs. . Robinson and Graham were the whilst Kalph Suith tossed the ball for the Tigers and George Hill re- Peete e o oP hing SOmm emer ee ee wee eel Phone 524 Cor, Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention ceived. As umpire Bobinson, brother of the Red Sox piteher, made a very good showing, while Princ! pal A, M. McDonald supervised ithe base elashes. | “ gaivation Army. Public meetings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 Pp on. Sundays at 7:30 p.m had ihis work cut out in keeping those | ing Club, gave an exhibition of the | Frizzell played the part of the) tion of $54 was taken up for the | vie and-pulled in two runs ' up| when the) Powder in taste highest The - BAKING POWDER Made from C: 2am of Tartar derived from Grapes Contains No Alum—Leaves No Bitter Taste “SPORTING LIFE” IS WELL KNOWN PLAY Racing and Other Sporting Fea- tures Shown at Westhoime Theatre Tonight. Showing a phase of English life that under the stress of the war may never be seen again, “Sport- ing Life,” Maurice Tourneur’s mous Drury Lane melodrama which scored so heavily two de- ecades or more ago, is one of thie greatest motion picture spectacles |produced in this country in many “Sporting Life’ will pyears. tonight. The plot concerns itself with Derby with his mare Lady Love, take the place of an “unknown” pugilist whom he had backed heavily and who had been drugged through the agency of Olive «: Carteret, the vamp, at the insti- gation of her husband, who is Lord Woodsteck’s deadly enemy. The story has to do with the at- j|tempt of de Carteret to ruin Lord amore: WILLIAM S. HART __|S-AT THE EMPRESS Famous Strong Man Play to %e Shown Tonight at Smalier Theatre. | “On the Night Stage” is an- lother of those western plays in jwhich William 8. Hart plays the part of the strong man. It is a first rate feature and on’ that lshould again fill the Empress Theatre tonight. There is also a screen maga- zine and a first rate comedy by lL yons and Moran, and a Pathe | British Canadian Gazette | —, | J. CG. Brady, principal of the Prince Rupert High Sehool, ar- rived from Smithers on the train iSunday night, where he has been iholidaying for the summer. Mrs. | Brady and family will not return |wntil later on in the fall. } | | | | | At the Empress Theatre tonight. Every Woman Knows That Dr. Prices Cream Baking food— unquestionably wholesome. Some women, however,do not know that food powders, phate cormpounds, is often inferior clared alum baking powders to be unwholesome and injurious. Dr. PRICE'S splendid picturization of the fa- i be shown at the Westholme Theatre Lord Woodstock’s winning of the and his stepping into the ring to inakes delicious, appetizing made with cheaper baking containing alum and phos- end texture;— many of the i00d authorities have de- scfe and sure way is to use CREAM MORE! MORE!! MORE!!! PEACHES for PRESERVING Order Now, Do Not Delay! Per box, $1.75 SUGAR HAS ADVANCED 50c. per hundred pounds, but we will sell:- 2 20-lb. Sack, $2.40 Phone us at once before a further advance FULLERS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 Two Stores. Ormes Limited “Fexall Remedies ——— While our stock lasts we will BIVE AWAY FREE—-A BATHING CAP with every purchase of Rexall Preparations value One Dollar or over. Come early and take your choice Phones 82 and 200 Store P.O. Box 1680 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Offered by the Robin Hood Flour Mills, Ltd., for the best bred baked with e ROBIN HOOD FLOUR to be shown at Sn ine ECIRC® Rupert Exhibition. FIRST PRIZE $10.00, SECOND PRIZE $5.00, THIRD PRIZE $2.50. Hach exhibitor must present with entry, grocer’s sales slip for one i9-lb. sack Robin Hood Flour, purchased within thirty days of the opening of the Exhibi- tion. For Further Information, Apply Secretary, Exhibition Association. {THEO COLLART, Notary Public 7-room house furnished on 9th Avenue W., with outbuildings. cash $800.00, balance 6-12-18 months, 7 per cent. abjn 7th Ave., W., $1,800.00; cash $800.00 FOR SALE } $2,100.00; b-Room house and one-room balance 6-12 months. Section 5, on sewer, #800 oo, Terms. Section 7, $200.00. Lot 2, Block 18, Section 2, $40.00, asa eee Lot 7, Block 16, Lot 59, Block 4, ; eer ren | MARINE INSURANCE } Phone Red 68 wor Westhoime Theatre Biook P. ’ eo 4 % fs e® Wr! « v, : + — aa >