Prince Rupert Daily News FAMOUS INSTRtMFMT ,, ine a wind lustra- 0' "lent . In both classical and Hi9o -a 111 rti,',,, i'S eiwes .luircita Saturday, December 8, 1951 Reflects and Reminisces ELECTORS in independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian "ress Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. T7. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Saturday Sermon Twenty-five rivie employees. Prayer By carrier, per wpek, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, $800; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $3.00. As I See It 1 '' ) PliUi At 7:30 p.m.-Monday. Der lfj j, B Company will be bombarded from the0 ? By "OLD GEORGE B." Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, Listen in and Hear The Bombs Ex0lode City and Fire Hall in f (By Rev. H. O. Olson, St. Paul's Lutheran Church i "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore of iound mind, and be sober unto prayer." 1 Peter 4:7. Impending judgment should drive God's people to prayer. When the edict against God's people wen out in the days of Queen Esther in the Old Testament, Mordecai led them in a time of fasting, weeping, humility and prayer. Whenever the king's commandment went out for the destruction of the Jews, then- -Si . Kamloops Report KA ML OO PS: If vou lirfrm CHRISTMAS was much praying. In the time of Joel, when locusts and other insects had devastated the land of Israel, the .. . '" ' :i 4 faithful to our Saviour in our journey through life. (5 1 Pray that we mii;ht catch a iresh vision of what prayer can do. "Prayer is the mold into which God pours His blessings." The request of the disciples was not to be taught hew to preach, how to organize, or how to testily but. "Lord, teach us t pray." Amen. prophet led the people in a time of earnest prayer. Similarly when Abraham saw the impend- i ing judgment of Sodom, he gave j himself to a ministry of inter-. AH popular Alburn Bln9 Crosby, etc. becoming seventy, have Ih rn ' discharged In- Vancouver it is ' explained by thv new govem-lm nl's pension le"i-lat!on. Pci-haps it ah cunts down to the si.rry ta:-l that they need what very, me else lyi'ds and that i.: money. HARD TO STAND The worst' hii toward our fellow creatures is not to hale them but to be iiulilli rent to them:, that's the essence of inhumanity -Derna:d Shaw. . i Two things hard to understand -how is it possible lor salm m, soon to die. to swim in from the sea to g.) back to wlvre they r-inmatcd? And why'when prince Rupert was sin veyed. was not eniiuith ."pare left lor a seeovd lane on the south of Tnird Ave-i'.uc, lat.vni, Mtih.uv and niton StivelS? AS IS This was writ ie:i' tin.; muni-iiiK. with not a fiake ol .snow in light except on the mountains, nc lrost, no lee. and an atmosphere not unlike a fair day in October. No rain, yet! Not sim-.'hiny. but inebbe! As fur this afternoon's wvather, or what will happen tonight or lomoirow at dawn, can't say. Nor ran anyone else, including the weatherman. DFMOCR Af'Y I would not b" a slave, so I would not be u master mi, expresses my idea of democracy. '- Abiaham Lincoln. The Dessert Fx rnte.'t.iins. yet one M"rsis;.s In :i.i:iig the han-ktu'liu; Idea that Maui gomeiy ii( ver had his uniform p'evied ko beautifully as Rommel had his. I cession for his relative, Lot. : j But why is it that in our day j i great catastrophes, tremendous ; events, and impending judgment t Rupert Radio & Electrit have so little affected the 1 :., K AAN'Y cities in Canada have antiquated City J VI Hall buildings which have become dilapidated eyesores for many years. It was that way in Van-""-"couver for decades until the late Gerry McGeer took the initiative during the depression and led in the dynamic movement which resulted in the fine building which today is a monument to his memory. Now Victoria is providing itself with a new City Hall. While here in Prince Rupert we have many and pressing civic needs such as the streets, sidewalks, water and telephone services which must receive prior consideration, the matter of a new City Hall is something that must also be kept in mind. The present decrepit 40-year-old fraVne structure is certainly becoming a tottery eyesore which is bad enough to look at from outside and is a good deal vorse when one enters its creaking insides. t "And, if the City Hall is bad, the Fire Hall is ? orse. Not only are they aged and outworn but they are also assuming the condition of fire-traps. We know they cannot be built tomorrow but they are projects that the city council is warranted in considering in plans for the fairly near future. For years Prince Rupert had the name of possessing the worst school buildings in the province. Now that has been rectified and we have buildings of which we are justly proud. Soon then a new City Hall and a new Fire Hall! I) I K E C T O It Y :!il-""',l,',',,,u"ii- spend any time in the interior of B.C. you aro hound to get hotter educated as to railroading. ! Last night In Revelsloke a CPR engineer was explainim; to me the difference between blao'K lrost and white frcst. Black lrost. he .says, is the greasy kind, which makes the wheels slip on the rails, and i generally plays hob with raii- j road timetables, not to mention railroad men's nerves. White lrost Is the benign kind,' whi-h makes the wheels grip even better and seems to give extra traction. Today in Kamloops I chatted with Charlie Sarles. another engineer who has just retired from railroad service after 40 years .ervice. What a book he coula write! Come to think of it, the un'.y other man on a train crew who might be uljle to write a more dramatic story woal.1 be a long servii'e sleeping car porter. Charlie now operates the niai-a; ine stand in the hi;.; huivl iicre. FOR YEARS I have read of the Christmas Fat Stock Show at KrrUs Jti Mil chim-h al II a. hi. ami (-.31 ii.iii. miiiHhv ftihiml al i;.i.- et a nIhinv, Good insurance like good health grows mo important every year. .ii.l AS C ATMIIIKAI. 4th Ave. W. al rjunsntuir Ht. Holy Cumm union H:;w a m. Suwkiy Sehiiol 'i :(M p m. Canon B;ual S. f-rocktt-r. BA, B.D. Rector (Blue 700) IIKM HAI'IIST 5th Ave E. at Young St. Minister: Kev. KreU Amrubus. (Cliwn ill 2) j church? The atomic bomb has i not called people to prayer, as ! one would expect. The prayer meeting is slill the poorest at- tended meeting in our churches. Thj danger 6f impending ought j to be a strong incentive to sober I prayer. I For what should we pray in this day of impending judgment? ,ili Pray for a heaven-sent re-I vival. That is Uie only hope I for our day. (21 Pray that God will raise up laborers for the harvest. ! i3 1 Pray for individuals. "If any : man see his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask, and God will give him life for them that sin not unto death." il John 5:161. As Abraham saved Lot, there . are those whom we can save from inmpending Judg-. ment. (4i Pray for our own Christian 1 lives, that we may be found I'IRsr PKhSHYTI'.KIAN 4ttl Avenue Key. E. A. Wright. D.D. Kirnsn !.! M K-x-" l- . ' rt1 - 4 V t IH.vr I MTI II 6:1 Oth AV. West Rev. L. Ci. Sieher (tireen 13 Some men strive to leave V... ir K:mi ilitm ih, tl.iz ,,fi., T r- ' . "'" " b-, iO'oirlist. in the .-aiids ol ume: the i(.,t of us are saiisiKI if e car: fov,.-r up our lw ks. Ex. The Internatioiially famous O.ant McEwen of Manitoba Uni SU.YITIOX AI1MY Kriiser .Street CO.: Sr. Cujil. Oeoie uystrk Sunday ijcl.ool 2:110 pin. lBi.u k -X9) Lie.-: versity was judging steers when E::eerpi. f,0,a I went m. auu it did not tak.' D,.lr Jilrjf ST. I'AI l.'fc 6lh Ave. at Pastor: Rev. I.I I hi II MeBrlde St. H. O. Olsen lliluck 010 1 mill h news. ... OiKKfbve J. R. KeiJv '""5 m uwjici ftiiy lie 1.S 111 such demand all across Can-' ada and bryjr.d. Alter judging the individual animals he aots First Presbyterian ChurcK ST. I'liTI.KS AM. I. HAN i Ilujirespntattves I'Jchard Sephfon. District Agent. 475 H'mv St.. Vmotw: K. K. M-irtlmer. Representative. Prince Rupert, B.C. Will Robinson iE.-T. Ker.ney Ltd.i Representative, Tsr.n II C. Weber. C.L.U., Brtncll Manager, 475 Howe St.. Vtf.rwsr Seal Cove Rector: Rev H. Oodfrey Bird Sunday School ll:O0 a.m. I Blue 827 (iowji the line and explains to Hon after of us al- each boy or girl just what are i0., ourselves t-.. e in.biii.e for the strong and weak points of war, with li'tle if ai.- his or her steer. Sometimes he awareness than the ..f, -ho- takes to the loudspeaker to ex- Jf -i wc roauv were m:: . :na;'- plain to the whole crowd in the er than the dumb animils v.e arena just what's what about wouid haVe set. up a v.orai sv ,- my KF.til I.AR BAPTIST 629 8th Ave. E. Blue 803 Pastor: Kev. Leonard A. Thorp? f w.e pr..e winners. tera of. law and. order 1 a- ar. , READERS ought to know by this IT DID not lake me one wnolr i time that I am a peculiar,; day to tind out that opinion ; So as I watched the fine, well- in Kamioop, U t,v rwiii-l.iilnlv led baby beeves stand there I against the re-lneatlon war hf.. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 5th Ave. at McBride St. Rev. II. O. Olson t. , Tr ' '.. t 1 - i We extend a cordial Invitation to visitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Ave. East. I mougni what queer critters they are and what doubly queer ! critters we humans are. ) The steer who gets the first ; prize blue ribbon pinned on him ; is not Ion-; for this world. He oi me sons oi f ree.tjm Sd-t o: Uoukhobors. Il seems to me therefore tint It would be wiser to delav the ti in. fer of the Sons in:'.!: . s moother suitable pia -e ha; oe a You arc invited to worship at St. Paul's Lutheran Church "The Just Shall Live By Faith" SUNDAY SERVICES December S, 1951 Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright, D.D. lis bred and born lor no other found where tl would he no anta to:,;-,!:. than to die to helo such ivani, ,1 Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith, John Currie. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 Morning Worship 11 o'clock Sunday School 12:15. it PACK CAKtmur address comq l". - i ;,'": i:i . ! '.v. r- Family Sunday. The children ; feed us humans. Nine hundred will tafce part in the service, and ninety-nine out of a thou-Be sure to come. J.sand iteers are too low in in- Evening Service 7:30 p.m. i telligence even to sense danger Theme: "The Great Commis- j A few weeks ago one steer did Apart ultO'.e:h"r from faiine s to Kamloops It would reitamiy not be fair to the Sons to relocate tnem where there wa-, deepseated and widespread opposition to their -arrival. r it SHIP BY EXPRESS NOT LATER !" . December December 10 TO POINTS IN: Newfoundland . Morilim Provincet j Evening Service of Praise at j 7:30 o'clock. I "Remember the Sabbath Day I to keep it Holy" sion. ; Dreak loose in Vancouver ia few blocks from the i 1 believe tnere are several December 12 Ontario and Quebec ' aim ine wnoie city regarded it pla-es In B.C. where this feel- Manitoba December 13 Saikatchowan and Alberta .... December 14 British Columbia December 1$ Stuffy Civic Officials WHEN royalty once again visits British Columbia, the Natives should demand that they take their rightful place and be presented. That their position is such that a demand must be made is completely inexcusable, but there the situation lies. Can some people so soon forget that the Natives have willingly risen to defend Canada, that in the last war they enlisted with a willingness which set a profound example of devotion? We consider it outrageous the way that Vancouver ignored the Natives when royalty paid us a visit. In the same breath, we wish to commend Victoria for inviting the Natives to put on their lovely dances and for including them in the plans of welcome. One can imagine nothing more boring for the royal couple than to visit the Vancouver City Hall and the indifferent statue of Captain Vancouver, then standing to shake the hands of stuffy, uninteresting civic officials by the score merely, it seems, to satisfy the petty ambitions of these officials. What a waste of time when there is so much to see in our lovely country! The royal pair thoroughly enjoyed seeing the logging operations on Vancouver Island. Why were they not taken along the coast to see some part of the fishing operation and the lovely scenery that would inevitably accompany such a tour? Surely their choice, had they been free to choose, would not have been the dreary spots so consistently chosen by our city fathers. Out-of-the-way public parks, uninteresting residential districts these were the places to which our long-suffering royal victims were taken with the end of the trip another drab suburb. We do not wonder that Princess Elizabeth was exhausted. We express to her our apologies for the thoughtlessness of those who arranged the tour. Our one note of relief is the knowledge that the royal couple were not taken around Forest Lawn, though some of the sights they saw could hardly have been more interesting. Drab, uninteresting, unimaginative little civic officials could any prospect be worse than that some of them may be with us in the Great Beyond? Native Voice. " ' -i ; , (III us a huse joke that one such lug would not apply. ' animal upset man's routine,! Most of the Doukhobo's are even for a few minutes. fine people in fart most of the Bat are the dumb cattle any, buns of Freedom are line p"noL imo.e stupid than man? True. 1 or have the makings of what : the cattle seem to be too Jo.v ; would be fine people, when aomo in Intelligence to know why man of their wronj; Ideas me eleven allows them to live. Bui cu ted out of them, as tnev !-'what of man? Apart from one- ready have been in the rase of .'.pecies of ant, he is the only ! the vast majority. creature who kills his own kindj ' """"J '""Hons. HI8 bite IS WORSE I "T ,HCnt f Kthe Te so-called African barkless people of t the world abso-: are dog, the Basenji, actually hov.i, lutely against war. Yet genera-, while hunting game Full Gospel Tabernacle 202 6th Ave. Vest I Across from Armouries i SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30 Sunday School and Class 11:30 Morning Worship 7:30 Evangelistic Service FRIDAY, DEC. 21 Sunday School Christmas Program at 7:30 MONDAY 7:30 Men's Fellowship Wednesday 8:00 Prayer Meeting Friday J:45 Boys and Girls Clubs 5:00 "Christ Ambassadors" Green 331 Pastor C. Faweett FIRST UNITED CHURCH 636 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. ; Rev. Lawrence O. Sleber 11 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon: In The Same Country Children's Story: Christmas i Lights Anthem: We Would See Jesus 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship j Sermon : The Quest of The Ages Anthem: We Praise Thee O I God W. Jackson j COME AND WORSHIP 1 SUNDAY SCHOOLS At First j Church: Beginners and Prim-I ary at 11 a.m.; Juniors and Older at 12:15; at Conrad United Hall, all at 1 pm I -7fT - , .fLf ' 1 , -. T ' i 'mi ' V EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH We are movinc to a new location. Sunday services and Sunday School will be held in I.O.O.F. Hall, 4th Ave. East. EVERYONE IS WELCOME Week-day meetings in homes to be announced Sundays. "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe In thine heart that Ood hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved." f v. ; 1 V Canada's vwst iHjinlar xil .-given by more than thrtc-imirti-rs of a milium Yes, the l)nuhlc-P.;irrcil Cross srands for Christmas Seals . . . thar make possible the greatest gift nf all, health. Your Christmas Seal dollars help to control Canada's worst infectious Canada's Biggest be some time in January, it will cost approximately $100,000. A $58,000 contract for steel and Quonset Building lsynlte for skylights,' has been disease tuberculosis. Thus, you help protect your own family, friends and comummty. So please remember the gjft thqt's given most and xives the most most everyone docs. Send in your contribution today. Scripture Passage for OJoJay "Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith?" James 2:5 Mjryi'iiyiar.l' awarded Keystone Industries Limited, of Vancouver. In a joint announcement of start of erection of the building, the companies explain that quonset construction is not controlled In Canada. Tha largest multiple quonset structure in B.C. and one of the biggest In Canada, is being erected In Vancouver J3y Woodward's Stores. It is a general-purpose warehouse on the Grandview highway which will provide more than 30,000 square feet of storage space. When completed, which will They report that by the quon- AUSTRALIAN MINISTER Australia's Minister of External Affairs, Rt. Hon. Richard G. Casey seen Urfti with Rt. Hon. B rands M. Forde, Australian High Commissioner to Canada, has completed a round of talks with Canadian government officials In Ottawa about world and Commonwealth relations Leader of the Australian delegation to the United Nations meeting In Paris, he told Canadians in a radio address that, if everyone worked as hard as Canadians did, the world would be a different place. (CP PHOTO I set m I'NDKR NEW MANAGEMENT . . I z SAVOY HOTEL JJ Frince Rupert's only modern rooms with balh jFrwer Street Phone 37 meuioa, tne unit ca be Sponsored by the Soroptlmist Club of Prln RPerl Mail your returns or orders Sot stamP TB SEAL COMMITTEE IJojc 70, Prince Rupert erected in approximately half the time it would take to construct a comparable structure of the conventional type.