Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, December 8, 1951 JlrJ. folerl dttrri (13 rule, J-J on ore J at - ." ,' . ' t '- jf c rz Hi IN VANCOUVER ea 1 Find Ancient Site Of Ft. Ou'Appelle SASKATOON f The rolling Saskatchewan prairies have giv- ii hc an AUSTIN u mi fop Invent Col per Hour, p.r )a, Mrs. Art Oswald entertained it tea on Thursday afternoon at her home, 2025 Graham Avenue, In honor of her, nephew' chaiming and petite young bride, the former Christine Cur-rie, whose marriage to Robert Currie was recently solemnized IN BETTER USED CARS 0 BUiiE LTD. I ?! ' F BAyview 6161 VANCOUVER o I in First Presbyterian Church. A plea-sing feature was the presentation to the guest of honor of a beautiful bouquet of pink and white carnations. Th. tea table, covered with a white handmade lace cloth and centred with a bowl of pink carnations and white chrysanthemums, flanked by pink tapers, was presided over by Mrs. Charles Currie. Mrs. M. Valentin assisted the hostess In serving delicious refreshments. Invited guest? were V.' '. Revert Currie, Mrs. John Jurrie (mother of the bride , Mrs. Charles J. Cu:-le (mother of the groom), Mrs. M. Valentin, Mrs. , en up a secret they had kept for more than 100 years the location of one of th-3 most famous early trading posts in Western Canada. t They gave up the location of the original Fort Qu'Appelle to a device invented to save lives in wartime a mine detector. A survey crew of the Saskatchewan department of natural resources turned the mine detector to its new peacetime use. It was the first time In Saskatchewan, and perhaps the first in Canada, that the device had been used in archaeological work. A handful of old square nails, part of a saw. a copper bucket I handte, i horse bit. a broken knife those were part of the! ' evidence turned up by the mine detector. The men with the mine e'etos- 1 tor did not actually locate the eite of the old fort but they did prove that the area involved was the correct site. The actual size was discovered by Thomas Petty, principal of , the Indian Head public school, i f F.ARNTNO THB UriDL'Q si Mo,. ii- n . wl t , lne U1 naJj e mT "" PhyIl:S """""n. Jean McLeod. Nina Youngman, Ol uave ve Mi'l r Lo Lois r H ' Miiicr, Dmbv. Elainp MavnnrH Anrt,, utt ... . .... . . . mm - v. , ..uuiv v i h n n Min.i .r unrc au un urai a wt mm iy instnict ng (he classes each Wednesday night These cars are older models but they are in -ood condition . . . and nost important of all icy are priced so that ou can afford to buy. 947 Austin 8 Sedan 950 Prefect Sedan 542 Internationa! Pickup in very goad shape 933 Ford Coach 950 Austin Sedan with radio 943 Thames Van 937, Terraplar.e for , aood CARSHALTON. Enshinrt fti Authorities of this Surrey county 1 George M. Currie and Master town an speklncr nprmicsinr, n R o n a 1 d Currie, Mrs. David - MJ VY NEWS budd houses with cel'lng at 7'-2 Richie, Mrs. Pat Ratchford and Mrs' E' GoodstU- feet, or six Inches lower than A "steering teacher" is expected to arrive next present mlniraum- - JlTelulZ .TC '1 ' "V I A j r Aftpr sparrhinff the On'Annpllpl .,1 mTT i t. . , .0 i u- increase tne raie or con- guest guest of of honor, honor, v. is Mrs. John ' -nainam. it is an electric motor vaiiev for o vears he located Mitchell. struction. what he believed was the old fort : dnven device ior training sailors to steer a ship. XtXXKfXtXtXXXXXttXtXftK'tt.'tXZf.-t.XX''Cttf.Vt.4.V.f it- on the farm of Charles Tur-i Manv unA varimio ., . four miles south and IVi i ' ai c a rtu..i s uuues, out ail upper- nei miles w vest of the present com-j decK lP.en are required to have a thorough knowledge of Qu'Appeiie J of steering . : nf clav rlinkine' had li's Time to Order . . . ', CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS! nunity Pincps :een found on the location and1 Thpre are many tricks to th? health out of a silver cup which ndian stone hammers and parts ! tra only learned bv p acticnl was llicn thrown overboard. As too expensive, n old muskets nad bein picked : c''r,,"a veieian teaman this was found nr. In thp (rpneral area Rut nn 1 Lt. N. D. I.anghar.i, staff officer . .... bottlj on the pvravatinn hoH hn .ttmn(orf cf Chalhan. "Bu this device u m- oreaK,n8 of a mri only ona relic-a gold sov-1 reKarfcnb,. .v ;. a3 suostitute . Until 1811, j jreign had been pick.'d up on VOVEMEXTs lno ceremony had teen carrted h3 fort site until the mine de-: Lt LnnKham left I p'anc F i- out by a loyal personaso or one VOTE DEC. 13 uperior Auto Service Ltd. 1 III ,3cio: was tried. day to attend a naval conference of the dockyard commissioners. ' t A Now, since the mine detector at HMCS Discivery. Vancoinr. ia-. worksd so 'efficiently on the ! and is expected to return De-?ort Qu'Appelle site, plans are cember 11. "'nij made to use the device on In that year, however. Prince 1 1! Regent introduced the c ist-in of ladies participating in Uk cere- mony. v 3rd Ave. V. Ph. Green 217 Builds Tough, Glass-sm otner fort sites and battle- Ablr Seaman "Tril-.v" Pliiii-kv On one T occasion 0CCaJon a lad i tounds in an effort to fill in the the shn's writer is back aboard , 1lacly 'aunrn- News classified '.saps in Saskatchewan's history. ! after a" pleasant' two weeks an- u? tf'P m??t tbad ror act.M!i u.-: CHRISTMAS CAKES i 5 i ! nual leave. a spectator. He sued for dam- fill-Hi. v.MXUl V ' Ui- , fleer at Chatham, has returned "J:..t.. ruK. ine Aamiraity issued an order that In future from a conference at naal head the bottle should be secured by' a lanyard to the bows. i A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. BELL, C. A. - - Resident Paitner Prince Rupert quarters at Ottawa and ."ports NHC' is vitally :nteiestd i;i the WREN organization and th.- part WRENs Dlay in the modern navy of today. As in other armed .' r-vices, they carry out shore duties, releasing men for service afloat. v y y v 9 Walls that Last a Lifetime! You'll always be glad you built with P V. HarcWd. With these genuine pressed-wood panels you banish forever those tell-tale cracks and scratches that make a home old before its time P.V. Hordboard is astonishingly hard and durable ... its smooth flawless surface takes paint like a charm. Whethw it's a new home, a game-room or an extra bedroom, you'll build it better and ot far less cost with Pv' Hardboard. See your lumber or building supply dealer today 11. C. IMhtributon: CANFOR SALES COMPANY LIMITED New Westminster. B. C. E. L. SA1JNDER LUMBER CO. LTD. Vancouver, II. C. ZIZ Fourth Ave. East P.O. Box 1217 Telephone: Red 879 Prince George Mission City Vancouver Terrace i V 9 v y y v V V i ! i!5 and AAINCE PIES from Third Officer Terrance El-wo thy. of CNSS Prince George, popular lecturer at Chatham, is taking a two-month's cours. of nava! training at HMCS Naden, Vind returns eaily m F;b-uarv SOCIAL Lt.-Cmdr. F. A. Johnstone. R.C.N R. i retired i ras a v:sitor dri'l n'phl, a ! familiar sights brought oati o'd memories. F lends of Chief Harry Cut-r-s railed a stai; party for h m Thursday, wishing him happiness in his coming marriage and brought useful gifts. A special presentation wap 'W:; to the ehbf by Capt. Har-.v Fxod. N.VA, CuiTI 3S Breakint; boUie o wine when launching a ship. Up untn ifigo. . lunchinq a ship was celebrated by drinking its VAiciit vnt-ni,n-u. . Ccqutlam 8 p.m. . December 9 and 23 Camosun midnight. December 2, 18 and 30 Tne.-iday, 12 Noon (.'aimwiin Hit U(V( kTKIVART and PORT SLMI'SON Sunday, Camosun, 11 pm. nil Soli I l KF.N f HAKLOTTE ISLANDS December 7 and 21 fs. Coquillam midnight urn oot'l'H yl VMS IIAHLiiTlK N.HIS Oqulilam November 30, I. 1 and 2R mirin'rht FRANK J. SKINNER i nuptu i rteiil i..,i .v,i, Pnor,e 5 VAN'S BAKERY - C1 "irA A.. W cti your (umber dealer 11 & """nor l;Sa :1 f.. A,- i , V- f ' , X Mortin-Senour finijhel od.r o wond.rul choic. of llyl ond colon to mort tv.ry decoroting n..d. Th.y ore .xceptiondly .conomkol -hov. outttonding coveroga ond hiding quolili.,, ltod up lo yean of wear ond weather. Be ur. lo , , (or Ih. complete Marlln Senour line - poind, varniihes and enamel, (or every job. Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 Lrd" i hi l vHlS FIVE STAR I ,-u Y -mZuy j SCOTCH anisit -W m'ic fc lai'c T' llW?5s3 tfitiir! ' 1 I-0NTENTS p,-pgli( 15 I 26, on. byUTl V . certify i.tvies they'll ao'e. For mom t'l lclloii vCx ( iTl v insmen Peanut Day THE HOUSE OF HAIG, SCOTLAND'S OLDEST DISTILLERS. ..FAMED FOR SCOTCH OF UNCHANGING QUALITY. Saturday, Dec. 8 3 cans of peanuts in a pack Vi Dound ocfinuts, cashews and almonds Evcry.-r.c in town to be contacted. Deliveries made and n-unry collected on December 16th $2.00 a pack IN AID OF CHILDREN'S XMAS PARTY FUND Here' the happiest way of all to check off your gift li'' thii Christmas. Surprise the family with slippers. Warm, novelty slippers for the younfc-jers . . . relaxing time slippr for dad and a truly glamorous pair for mom. Here in ofl extra large selection . . . priced comfortably low. Fashion Footwear yy' - Ko- da 1 . . . M the comfortable Z$Si&i& sappers he annreclatL's 8?3 wmmmmmmmmmm This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. i