led. Vwi alone involved a ! partmciit of FiNhcrtos, tlrck of fi- pec Hrince Rupert Daily News Saturday, Docembt-r 8, 1951 JAM EH Mlur... """J-J1K tpp... TODAY 6:50-9 cer on inv uaurier, iiMit-rie patrol boat. Then there's Second Eimineer ! respectable sized outlay, j One could enjoy the out-of-doors, unlimited fresh air, free SWEDISH EXPERTS 1 Lw FOX" WATERFRONT STOCKHOLM ? Swedish paratroopers made their first RUTH ROMAN IN THE Good ah appearance here recently when 1 r Fishing At Cloy "' , IN dom, no alarm clock, the vistas Jim Pruhomme, und Cook Gordon of distant shipping. Yes, there j Dyke, both formerly with North was that to it. However, we all ; shore Packers and well known like changes, and when Bert ii-jon the coast, nally moved, it was to resume j The "daddy" of them all, f lile in a more southerly dire-:-1 though, is Chief Engineer Wil turn, He is now employed at , i,am "Bill" Green, a sailor of WHIFFS a detachment uf officers and iinii-commissiunert officers, who "BUR will serve as instructors, dvmon- j li rr "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE ' -Mr st: ated landings and fighting tactics at the Skarpnack air field. Patricia Bay, Vancouver island, this coast and in this area since near where he has his home. j 1U06. He sailed with the "old" i Prince Rupert on her first trip Comparison between lierriiijT to this port in 1B10 and on sr-v-f rom the Atlantic and Pacific ; pral passenger vessels thereafter, coasts is usually not invidious. But perhaps the most intrrest-Aithough contrasts are frequent, ; ln trln of Bill's was the North- .Sleelhead are iiinniiii; at Klo-yali Creek, and at, least one fish-w man thinks the fishing is Bond. Willis Drake spent three hours at the stream last Tuesday, (tot two, hooked six others bill lost tVm. Meanw'niO, "q od llshing" re Sundoy Midnight 0"Mondoy MQtiee 400 K'oyah to the Game office, says Game Warden Hart Jamieson.l This stream is one of the first to get the early steelhead run. Herring Honan.a Now on Near Here-Old Timers on Nitinat A herring bonanza which has hit Kitkatla Inlet and Ogden Channel in particular this year threatens to fill the northern sub-district quota of 30,000 tens before Christmas. The herring run is even bigjjer than last year's big run, with averages of more than 400 tons per set recastlod. ' ports have i;een turned in from If you want to sell it. adversise. 'JSSaiXOtcaPH-EKDXBaBKEaBnBBaBCBaaBBaaaaa it is seldom that what might be , west passage tour of his three i called unfair criticism Ls noted. years aR0 on lhe snowbird, an! So far this season, in fact, a ; RCAF-operated vessel which! change is self-evident in north-, ,-eretrated the ic? and snow of; em waters. The herring, in the A.ctl(. tm an rXperimental I quantity. aLso appear larger. It j expedition with Cant. George! is doubtful If in length or weight . c0vx they can equal what comes iroml chlef Gret,n u yumif,siPri j Labrador but the drllerenee is ( h,,r- aiiliouKh he liu.sn t admit-i nut unwelcome. j tl.( njs tnit u(,(, f(Jr sevpral years i v4- r.A for a Girl's Xmas Gift : WALLACE'S OF COURSE S ... B now. ciprot. Yesterday's catch of 2420 tons bv nine sets brought up-to-date total to 13.500 ton.s. Meanwhile, local herring reduction plants are working full scale capacity as the fleets of packers come in regularly to Jump their loads. M X ill B 1 1 f Y W RICH, "Hi's just like Jack Benny stays the same age all the time," j the First Mate kids. j Ihejwo steamships to serve be! ween Vancouver and Bkag-way lor the winter season the Yukon Princess and the Cas.siar cos: f .:.-:! Ire lor everything U please a furl's uff.clioiii Sues to fit every age and SUrU Monday - One Show Kh NiBht ,t ,.J be postponed for a while. Arrangements had progressed to the point where a survey was near, but now it seems that defence expenditures call for de-lav, so far a the wharf is concerned. There will, "however, be no stoppage in the construction of harbor facilities being developed at Steveston on the Fraer River. This is planned for tin-more complete accommodation ot fishermen. Not less thau $230,000 will be expended. j Snowy white hair tops his wel LuiUI.. Prices to please all. Dresses Skirts Blouses Housecoats Sweaters Pojamas - have completed the first part thatched head which is no more of me new -schedule. Apparent- 1 ,nan ,ive tf.et up from the deck, ly, Albicans are leeling well sat-'He is sparse, but agile and takes L-hcd. The vessels are sister ,.h(, ar1(ters as pnily as u boy. !"! Iiuencied ongmally lor the : .-A(,n nt.Ver bothered me, but C'nma t-ua.st in" ISMS, it was not when you te 'em how old you '" P"ssll1 l" Me wllat Com-iarti whv-thev think you're half iiiuiiiMii would do in Korea. Both dead i1P 0piin-s euft were sold along with a n,)Vci feature of the all- a w n B m i M a s Trawlin;. 'however, has il-:en poor lately as heavy seas ha ire stopped most vessels from fishing. An attempt, of the New Laural, Cal)t. Alf Ritchie, to trawl for herring didn't pan out. and when the weather straightens out he'll be back at the flatfish again. Voi M'Y : : VERA ELLF-N - DAVID Nrn First Time ot Popular Pricej! Stanley K amer's Production WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE i i round work bout is tin- newlv I , ra If handled carefully, Britisii: Columbia's whaling industry can1 be maintained lor a long time, .says Dr. J. H. Rudd, professor of marine biology. University . lew more oi the same type. Kuen is 224 feel long over-all i and a peed of 10 knots, The Cas.siar is due here tomorrow on Moil- ;S3S. K-issaanaHBtBiiffliiiBBBSiinaBBHBBia rotccs " vt 5 iV'tt't,!:'efi'i'i,:'''c,cti,i't'tfet,Cfiv, CYRANO Norm Christensen, Allan Hale m BKRGLRAL installed Briti.sh Dceea radar, device, which is claimed to be I the most modern type in use to- , 1 day and the sveond of its kind installed on the west, coast. i With the twirl of a knob here1 and there, the small, compact ; unit with a six-inch screen gives and Tom Slockdale, of Atlm i Cslu, now visiting this coast. Fisheries Ltd., left Friday night I Norway's annual income from on the Coquitlam for a' 10-day : whaling is about 50 millions, he A MAN'S CHOICE FOR CHRISTMAS St an ing .-..tj aouiibound. I.AKGl Sr I'ISIIiN'li VKSKI. Said to be lae largest wooden hu.l fishing vessel ever built on lhe British Columbia coast, the JOSE FERRER business trip to Queen Charlotte Academy Award Winner Co-S-arring- MALA BOWERS Islands. They will visit Masset, Port Clements and Skidegate. a chart-like picture of tjie land motor vessel Behna was recently boundaries up to a 25-mile scale. fays. Time was when whales were frequently seen at Prince . Rupert in pursuit of fish. TnW was interesting news for town-1 .-it.-; engineers to write about in' letters home. In this way Prince ', Rupert appeared now and then for the first time on the fiont: Monday Wednesday Eveninq Shows tote: u.nuM out in tiie Benson yards on thy hall-mile scale It. is so at Coal Harbor, Vancouver. She sensitive, claims First. Mate Ca-wdl carry seining equipment as dieux, - you can pick up seagulls, well as perlorm other duties, swimming In the water." iter kngth is S3 feet. The hull Mr. Cadieux is sold on It for .s i:r.ide mainly of yellow cedar navigation, and to is the sklp-and hr. Tne beam-s, beam clamps piM-. Capt. Vospcr. The instru- I - p.m. A FAMOI S PLAYERS IHUTI 1 t AISI.i: SHIP S( R.P1'F.I A ship that performed service in wartime, all the way from Alaska to the South Seas, has been taken to San Francisco, there to be scrapped. Nearly 50 years old. the cable vessel Restore; was Duilt in Newcastle, being first stationed in Esquimau, flying the British colors par;ei of the eastern press. It was thought something of a novelty, and doubtless it was. anJ run timbers are aiso of yet merit was tested by ships on the Thames River, sailing from the mouth to th.' docks with no other means of navigation. "It's the first radar I ve seen which can give you this kind of acruiacy und Is a wonderful safely device." It is not affected hv rain, snow or fog, says Having an Island all to one's ; self may appear attractive t.) some .folks. Perhaps it seemed : tnat way to Bert WearmuaUi. i who tried it,out for a few years. ; ' The isle he selected is across the harbor on the way to Metia- ! katla. He built a cottage ami ' developed a garden flowers and jt; cedar. Ine house Ls plywood, sheathed, with the interior fin-i.-.ied in mahogany veneer. Navi-yatiuii cquiplent is finest and i.A.c-t. An winches are hydraulic but tiiere is mechanical steering. Captain Hovden made 10.2 knots over a measured mile. The b'-hiia tnis month is on her first voyage norl'i, bt'og out alter herring. until the commencement of the First Great War. When the coa.st became subject to German' threats she was despatched to Seattle and placed under the flag of the United States. The Restorer returned to Victoria . after 1918, manned by Briti.sh i seamen who later were replaced 1 by Canadians. Throughout th j i Second Great War the Restorer , did invaluable work on cables : ! between the islands of the South Seas and the North Pacilic, be-; v For the s'ioocrs he worlds. . . Don't miss our comfort-giving selection. If, u loi'K ago ilia; on On her weekly voyage from Vancouver to Prini-e Rupert via Kjmano, Union steanu-r Coquitlam. Capt. James Hunter, arrived In port ut 8 o'clock last evening and sailed nt midnight for Masset Inlet points whence she Is due back here tomonow ivegttables. Bert and wile liked-the general effect. It had the i touch of novelty and charm of nv'X and shore, along with an 1 exceedingly vosal chicken ranch I This latter was me important 'anle to Bert's venture. About 600 birds earned their keep by ; laying eggs which were promptly 1 sold in Prince Rupert. AU this . Skiii.as snore hi'mes were raided and prisoners became enslaved. But for that matter the v,i tness of the north is stiil largely wilderness. However, ing m close touch with Alaska Her last commander was Capt J. H. Connelly. iSS&Sons Ltd. 1 there is the blessing of harmony evening southbound, and goodwill. Wnere today,! freight and pa.i-ener vesse's' Fui! rx";' of omm'M to the Phone Black 69 Outlay of $100,000 in V.mcou- meant work and expense, luay- ; ver for a lisiicrmei.'s wharf will be heavier than what was ex-; I Box 737 4 ..--j3..-.--r.-!-i : p.;.-. wharves and townsites built riMi.ps ih-khht 'ii. ,.;,::. ;.i..-,i.:..5,;.s.i,i,5.a3-.s,j.j.i.3,j,s,3, Island Prince, which was towed and developed, once thure was ROTARY- - VARIETY CONCERT In aid of Institute for the Blind SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 CAPITOL THEATRE 9 p m. (After Church) TICKETS I KO.M HOT AKIANS OH OKMl.S . ;a;.iea strike. Indians made war. Trioe.snien rom the Queen Charlotte Islands could cruise R to port Thursdav night afier having been sunk und beached after collision Tuesday night near Inlet with the fish packer Chuleo Luke, had riot been us-cvrlalned up to noon today. The Island Prince is being lilted on of miles within i mainland, olten unsuspecting vil- ; lor hundreds si :ht of the .slealing on War canoe TfW TA TnVQ wire not idly tne Pontoons at. the dry dock named. They were strong enouga UUf; af'prncKin. Most of the dam-to ch.illeimo guie-swept seas. ' ae ls tind-r the waterhne and made with an eye to speed I Wn,'t n,'r "r 111,1 U"' 'cpair job md strength. When Prince ttu-;wi" bo complet.-d here was yot ,ert was oecoming settled, there known up to this afternoon but w re o ca.-ional vUlts to Port early instructions were expected. Simpson, an old Hud.-on's Bay rrm Y STOKE est the v i. .:i mil.- within convenient ..ah. 1 his village could show : many points of unusual Interest. One was a stockade. lis history might have gone back half a I century, or to a time when it ty ( .nit reasonable security, so o:ig as one kept witnin the stout I w.u .-i. Fire has destroyed it.1 The G::v Tc""oo of the Yulo Season incrca3?s now os C:"ri'.tn-,.j hastens rapidly uDon us. There's no longer a- rc-ch time rcmcininq in which to get set for this great !v.i Lv,y cv some busy people may think. Just check your ccrriar and sec how few shoppinq days there are. PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Sllll-tllill !;l l,'.:i AM KKtllNlKHS ' " I run and I!! ass I'm -,' iie-.s Electric and Aeeiylene Welding Not, on'y the coloiful .-.kipper,! Jap',. John Vospcr. but. most of In- crew of the motorship Nitin-ai, which has be.;n put on the Kitiniat-Princc Rupert run, are t.ld timers along the west coast. ; Mute II. I... Cadieux for instance formerlv with the l)e- ,1'I-A l.-il.- ".WMI1.I. V, M Hi MINING f.:ACIM Jl.kY -v ' - I' a imi Hump inn . an,,,. ai-Ti.' !w $277-0 mm. Modern Desk Model only one of the many money-saving SINOI.R Sewing Machines. Top opens up to give plenty of work space . . i roomy drawers will lake tare of your stationery as well as your sewing needs. Here are a few of the Thousands of toys in the VARIETY STOES Dclh . . . Doll DugoJcs . . . Del! Ho-jscr . . . Pandora Bears Sewing Sets . . . Nursinq Sets . . . Tinker Toys . . . Tav Tea Scis Tov Wosh ing Machines .... Tov Telephones .... Sisvcs Irons . . . Bmldinq Blocks . . .Bubble Sets Jig Saw Puzzles Easy budget terms Liberal trade in Other SINGER H i Jtt With every nsH 1 b' you get .Cmpte8-'""""" s,Nt,mstwiN(-aM'1 . t" t :.v.. lap m"v y rMPimm In lit M Elcctrc o;id Mccsionical Trains Tricycles, Dumo Trucks, Cors Jci Planes, Tov Doctor's Sets Modeiling Clcty, Service Stot'on Sets Plastic Eoats, Children's Books Cut-out Books, Coloring Books Model Builders, Penny Banks Sciofbisi'-"u'hm" mgnu.c'u"'', cisiuo and many others cs rS&ULjCX I 5INGFR .Iy.owiB - Wr&iTiiVi Wvrt'r 13 Z hm mad in Canmla U, t" f'.s 4f 1 M U 1 H T iO tN iA- i i by Canadian workmen - of I i T Delie'; Order Today for Your Christmas J!s,fc' CENTER SINGER SEWING 639 3rd Ave. W. Ihu advertisement u not published or displayed by the Liquor Control board or by the Government ol British Columbia ,r mtimitt tXmM -ffim nrirlTiilHramTIlH Jt..-i..-.T. L-.u... -