ft ii t?- rUiserr LKjuy iScn lite war at f-oiioifaViv tr-:,i thn txiejr tot ittw wiuLi v. Tne cuil oi rtp.acejitri.t 1 Ji . r.t-- aircraft. 1 ay Without feir of Cwintrahition. oa.d be aJ great mat u oala n.ai the CFPR 'Women from a neichboiir.g o.s-trict who ar.naahy make a-Tr.-turs.on to thus Sto it..ri t,r not Sore ot ten that Joral coisafl iors or.ce cal.ed them -la- 0,a ladies." Taelve coachloads of tiwra have promi-sea to smg ou:-iide U.e council offices. Be ": , tiriuvtm Its: K.ilit uii 1 ,'ir Iiia.l. iar.d oi E C north of sar Gceajt Fa--. vnis Ct:io-i!i Pacific A.r Lines plane, has to ait 6i.an a- SSLndipi; tre Queen Cbiriute linis ihr-paser.frs and other tr'5. ite voer. translerrea to the ir.a.r.-iiM by a CiTjSO ajr.phiO.ar! P-:.e. Tae nearest pajtt rt rucii iuy "arm oJ i-e;ed ar-craft cfca sc c:r. or. lie mfc.-i-Jiiki is a: Terrace surrje 95 nu ttuai from Pnrjre Rupe;i m-iiiti, as I tirV, nerition in a JBwnaext, if r.ot reaaraeKi as su.t-a.-e Kir uaiific cl lh;s tuid. The CadMi jersif by CPAL is m; ampubii service h.:'n lands aaa uuiej oil iraas Lhe iter a: Pr.rf Rtjpert. becau. there 15 o other pla--e at nhkh you car. land or late o'.i. BAiLi M til ED "ThU hi been recjtstrj anl otx.n;-: : jr i.. , ii." as zht arta hich it ierre is ccr.rerr.ei. ir.e reje-t or crmi.-.a is greatly agsraitei at the preset:: 'arr.e fcy the ffier.dos expansion is c:vh ar-..v.-ts in t:iat part oi B: '-n CMinua. vhii-h has r.L'..-t- 4 to do -:tn t.-.e tercrx-raty ar.i perhaps aoaiieii.t ari.lKu; timu.auaB that e iieux'. get as a rts-ii; at ot'.tat s.:- "A tKo exarr-ea I mention the lac; that eight miles Irora Pntice P.jperi thrre startt-d operation this niai.'h the Columbia Cell-Juse Coic-pahv which hs completed a rr.i.j at a ixtt oi S(me i3j million to $35 million. Tcis ao applies I am s:ifEir2 strwtlv :j APflEWKAIIt 'Ctr.ii.ui front r -.-r t.'ilf.r On t." e PaCif f-j ; of Bntlih C-lamsj !roaj Yi. tana at o;.Lh Ai . he aorta. 1: ii c! 10 the Pit.:,; trfi; rr. ir.j ih Cnitra States nr.d Al-.a. Ii is er.t...l to tl e is:. wet serves from tr.. Fa:i . coait in :hcc :ai;: so, cvcine-:-ed with ErtEt.-i a.' Founts on Xitt pr:.-iei. litfEXCE "Because of its ralue in e--v tW.K with Of-tj-e j more tfcin luaO ir.-.-r".t, i' foing i'i t a:-. se.; u:j . ar. expert on ce'ene jr.a tiers, ix.: I mt-Ci leawe te easn-s-.ittee the tiouih: xhat :1 there if or.iy orie p-rre or. me jr.a:n- -ir.d of if Pacific euast north oi Vancouver where a.rerai't can be -aiioec so K :ve oaaei r-nr.rJcc',,ii.t. watji uie iranscorj-TieriUC rah way and higitwiy . sywai of lb eontinent. ti I eujges: and submit i". U cf . KiS3oera!s rrrfporrance to ih siir.:jy as A bjlt. "The up t he-re is :; xt.Jl we are now or. the mam line operataor.5 of Cana-car: Pacrfir. Air Lrr from Vancouver, la ww- to jret ante Prm-ce Rupert ax a st-ajte cn- SAIl'IO DIAL Subject M rhaxitel 5: 3S . . 1 r :S9-S!eepy ine 8u.iV 4:45-Stock Q-joL 4: Ir.t. i- Lt , ' TT f J G,fd Lad Sf- ' '.n ZlfrT??' ?'hwn --. 6:4--Snu.ev B-arnett ShoW 1-C ":1S CBC Kews Roundup " 38 Gay Lombarilo Shttv B -IV -Her Onr the Bind 8 30 Vancouver Theatre -V -' Ccr.s zi rraiict I TO C'hC Ne . WtlO CBC News It : J S-Mhj-V f:um the V:t t IC-Sfi-Canadir-n Shrrt atari- 10-45-C-n:ic Strip H : earner II :--Riyn .it SATUHDAY -AM. f 00 -Muslrai Cl.Ki. B 00 CBC Nc-s S;10-Hfres B.il Goji t: 15 Hits and Fi.cores 8:30 Murr.in Devoliims 8:45 Littk Concert 9:00 Bfift News and dirt? 8:15 Saddie fiereitude f :0 -"BC Stamp Cjub :4i The Answer Man 9:59--Tune tsrnal PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE r Repair and Alteratiuni Smith SEIkinsLltl. rt). ri rri 10: Cio Bandstand , 30:15 Minuet lO.:o"--Melcdj Tin.e" 1 .45 CBC New ! 55 Weuiei a .ti lr.Ur!uo n:fa-Saturday Dale K 30 -Weather Report ; 11:31 Message Period !! 33 Hcorded Interlude :i :i5 :. -anciniTiar. &U iua PATrTiDAY-PM 15 t J EEC Bandstand 'i: SO-m.k S.-tM". Time . . ..... Otuuju Meooies S.IJ Ttans-aCnada Baidi- J : 3.00 -Tr.is Weelt 3 15 C BC News j 3:25-P.ec. interlude ' : 3 30-NIK- Spnn C mcert ! 4 30 -P..,!i a-i:k lhe Year .WATER tells the tmth about... WHISKY Pjt Seogrom" 83" to the wotef i. For wote !ploin or sporklrig) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water odds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bowquet. Scy SEAGiAM S and be SUt..4 of the fmed 1 . . S i..t-r j t..-n of the service p. ..- r.sjtive unless tnev we;v tumji ts receive a iarae auaiiiv. wiuin I oo not tarn tt hse.y.' MUliE TU.A- Ud Al I aid ra; the iutt wa, not of Jocal concern. It has re- cetrefl the supp-art of vaoh tS.s- inttreweo boaica m toe Hi.ui Columbia Aviation Couw;,, which has l.led with tne fi.- partix.tt , ewnpieaete bntl' n the aabiw. it has alao uppl oi the Associated Bras oi lrcie ui Centra Bnti&h Cj- iuaitia. of the Blltiah Co.antai- Tukon Chamber of Mines anl of tne Vanoutiver Buard tf : Trane It h i the stipp..rt of practically all the 2xal bourns of trade and chambers of com - merce ia that dtnci. ! "The site at winch the re.-i- i dents there' suggeM an airp.ir. ' cn oe biiiit fca-b.y 'a on Tug-s wej l.ar.J, which is apaiuvi- : mate.y ii ai.d a ha.I to ev-n miles f.'i.m the wharf at Prinre Kaper: and which ca.d be served by imU boats, li.is is all entirely protected water. I tan assure the rom-mtue t t I c-ou.d ta.i for at itM 4u niiti-.!::- oothiiuig the oevails of tii.t iu,.ect. but I -Shall Hut UO thai. At th.j. ume 1 aiu nirre.y foai,; to suggest that ;t has been r.-pur.ea by engineers and others faimliar with the a'ttUon basi-ni-ss tnat raiiay can be bi.it oi U'M feet. O0 leel, 7oo lert. or if necessary, SihjO fet ui ier.gth. E EA SO N A HL COST "The fr3M-foo; runmay can be bilt at a rtaaonaule cuit. Tne 70U0-foot runay can be 0u;h at ju:tc a po&rib,e cotbt. I aj-n.t Cat the last J 000 feet of m.i-wiy would be expensive in pni-purtion to the jest Tne isund provider sea ievel approaches at ' both ends, as da aU isiaiids Tie kyiand it sell is of glaciai yawi, mere is r.o rock involved. - There is on.y ar.e other point a hat are the a.;emative? I know what I am tajung aboi. in dealing with these. One a.-terr.ative is at Ear.dsplt which is oa an ifeand across Hecate Strait, some 86-oCd nu.ea ovr some of the routheil waters on the coast c-f Bftifea Co.ambia. It is considered by the leading air hue there to have no valae for future cotmnercial aviation icd the weather is stated to be it&s good cn the average lhaa at T.igweii Is.and. "The next alternative is at Anr.ett on the A.aKan side of tae boundary. The wearhc-r mere ts repuned oriuuteiy a beJi? larjxent and mere are no haghwaya or rah ay coi.nec- i -Terrace and Kit.mat are bo.h cn tne ma.r.iar.d ana have been' reported by the industry as not be.r.g iiit.u.b J .r mamime v -e " rations. i "I iugest that the time hru come to give this cieveajpmeut cia..y m view ol the defence ti-.V:.: .It .. Ml-MSTtR S ETPLV Mr. Chevrier replied: I know the honorable gentiemaa has a teen interest in this airport because he has brought it to our attention before Unfortunately there is nn iT.m ... :r ymr r.. . w - ....To jji an e.ension mere, oui m v.ew 01 tne reasons whicn he has p.aced on the record I can assure him that tne department will be glad to give it further consideration." SAVJOABLJT WATERS i-ao-n.-nos act ESC. li-.t. Cliiipu-r 10 Ainiiilcim CVjrrjpiuiy of Cftrutda. Luoiieo. berrtsi ti'rw Uit M itiiotT secuaii 7 or the said At. ic o-u, at Oiiama. end wr.b in- Bi-Kisu-itt in tbr Uum ttrvmn o(H. ...and welcome wherever he got s -for Captain Morgan is Canada's largest selling rum. Try Captain Morgan Rum-jou"U Lke it, too! SI. 1 Chit Pitt. ( Cini . Vix V.'ei V-.u ' T:l la: Sar sai Los Ca, ' TO( PI1 Alric year the I can lieve may pin 1 1 ':') . j, ,. t... ti e.: .t O.tet i, v .', Sh.5 . ... : i. t ' '".":'7 5.7--t-: A C-l-''T V a O'frrrvt T'"" year-..id t,r r . C; J-'! .4 .... ' h'Uwr. a Kpa-!" ti J t'' in - t:,.'d- .'. aimier -t.,. - - ' t 83' AMU FOTT EEVT I - -hrC. 4.1 FOS EENT-S-eftca Kl. , FOR EE-VT-OTrf '" r.-cm - v, w r-..i; A1&.V lif ;'r-;i FOREryr-r.'K he-- - ' after i c-e; for"eevt-t-" f r.r: S3 i--- Ave.KV - HEXr 4VfD' WANTED !:. t8 rl -i f i't. WANTED-Tra-.rr-pen F..:.i. -Jl WANTEr)-Fr.Crr; Var-it.-k.tj Personal -"f" St. -. of see t' f-V?-ne.s M.-' w PfiiC Pern-a-j; person -o :rs; 14 -t , B-a It1- Ihu odvertisemerd a not polished or fr Ike Liquor Control board or by It Government af i CaptainMorgan CLASS M M. R tra smooth andfiavourfuJ I as.ified Adverti;ir.g is payab.e ia advai.ee. pjtase refrain from teie;.h.g Ch:,. wui. pr Uieilion. nummum Charge 50c. Birth Notice 50e. Cards of la-r.ts. Uii Funeiai Notices, Marriage and Engagement A:.nou:iceiiier.is $:.. SPECLAL DISPLAY, UUtBLE PRICE tOK SALE the it-m to another ueve.t''-iiiriji nica i tafct prme 1 1 Rising to the attention oi tie eoaurattee. An annouiiren-.tr.; ; appeared in the da.ly pre.s ul Canada today that in the ' Steena district the Aliiiiiinum Cuiiipar.y cl Canada is w tart j laiairoutcly a development .iitJi ili iSTolve the exper.di-; tare of $160 milhon in tae immediate futare and oi ajprux.-' irately Sxxj laUlson before it i cntp.eied. -Projects arm hmsinessm of this Mie cannot be Mired by ? bat tne must uuxlrrB. up t dale anu spt-rdr ltxnpnr-, tatiun. I r these reasons 1 Mibnut that the department . slioulii tive the uust favr-' able an4 vmpalhrlif cunsul-rration lo the buiklmj of this airstrip. "You might say. and witn reajen. -We can't jou set t.y With tne Caruso-srrvirtr I n"..--e by recent reports in the paper that in Canso havii.g tj mate three trips a day bete;n tne islana and the mainland in ordtr to hariu.e the tril.'ic irj.n Vancouver to Prir.ce Rupert v. a Hit Queen Charlotte Islat.di. The time come, and I aas afraid i; iU not be ion, when the Canso aircraft in ;hat .serv-lee will have reached ire stau where the Departmem if T.'arNport wil; no longer permit there to fly in comnieri-.ru rervict. ''It is no tecret that they were purchased by CPAL folio -in Steam Baths OPEN 12 noon to 12 midnite Phone C'.8 Cormr 3rd Ave. and Crh Et. rf" THE BIST j jjCjffl oualityL Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK WE RENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 FOR SALT 16-ft aedan Chris- i WANTED Ust sr. craft built soeeduoat with ruosr. n: ax- i new hien stxed marine en- w-unuu t-j-.e W ewe. in tacent cunC.it a!i. Xem Pnone Blue 7t,2. tlifo. FOR SALE Aluminum Wear-' - - .-...1 Ever M-t hue c 33 Aih 41 U-Dr..E t.A-.a from Caref.ll, Selected Rare Old Rm, V 2 and Professional 1 6ft "-t ,-: homesep.vL Iet mcleoo 'tS-crrr;' I DPTOMETRLST tt ii. general coNTRArrrripa II a, I "" -- CARD OF THANKS Mr. i .seoh Aariisoa and fam- oejire u exore-a aoorecu- u,n 01 man-.- '..jcens j$vm-. oathv ana acta oi tunaness and asAitanre m their recent t.ad ; SS.'? aVif 'tL?1 " tltD , BIKTH NOIK E &trn to Mr d V . mi 3-. " A umii. i.ee Marv Ca.oer. in tn Prince P.uaert Gener.j Ha.;j:.i May 10. a daughter. 6 lua 3 01 'ItU'lFOR SALE Four-room wartime' FOB SALE FOR SALE Pot ii; burner Kronen ranae. Whai offer? b.3 3ra Ave. , (vf FOR PALE Jazj collection of Wei. Phone Red 621 after a p.m. 1 112o 1 Err .1 t cr --- nou.e U'xid conuition. Artr.i-Cij' lireoiace, eiertric f.re. Furnished or un! umished. Owner leaving citv. Reasonable nrk-e lor ca-h. Pnnne B.ue lfta or call at 133 9th anv time. tf-iv( Avenue East. Three bedrooms, cinine room, livme room, den-Oii ranee and some furniture. ew root and foundation run Drice $470(1.00. Terms if re- ' a vvuju j w Buiidhg and Repairs of ail TONE BUILDING ' . kinds ' KOOP3 CHLVISEYS ' oil Brama phone PHO.N'ES . BLUE 503 Black 752 Hed 8S4 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. BOX 1184 2u0 ret-ords oinpiete :n cab- 'FOR SALE Big four furnished ir.ef a., n.eo and indexed.! 1068 6th Eat. O. Rhodes. x Prione B.ue 614 betaeen S a m I 1111. U13p' and 12 noon. tlHp.;r .;,Zr - wv. n . - 1 trn Rupert Ulimj iiM-u.- or after pip.. Suite 2 S'im-un tWicnet. f-T. ii.o. a bntiui mit AptS. 112 jl Cuukou. a anxtiptt,ja of tle .iu-i -TJ - : i r nd ine plans of aim, citai.. tun- OR SALE ComDiete hoiiehoid net. fwtMini .a uMitiary evue- i furr.ia.nr.BS. Must be soid tnui far profKB ia ttr eunwrurvM m eeK. $:75 00. 4(0 8tn Ave. the TTWismuir Park Uwirict vl WeM. fll2o COLD LABEL iKh inj fuJJ-boJicJ Blended to Perfection, BiiMiicM PAINTir-iG p:;;.l:r,r nnd DECORATING SPCNCE&MATIUK Groen 917 Phone Black 215 ever,in's( SEE MAC for your . . . ROOF RE-SHINGLING or SIDING Phone Black GGO (M19nt scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A.' P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, CA. ROY SHAND. C.A. 353 3rd Ave. W. Box 2d3 Phone 8 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branch's 204 4th Street. Phone 655 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 Tor genuine parts and service phone or write above. (BntiMi Columbia, sua more partlcu- il : " i FOR cv-wts SALE o r Tenr.U! ii - ... - ran let arrl ...... . ,bTnTa RiveT'aS u a.bai, elove. bth in oerlect baTser-nT ll h a-4r,m a .seeao B,ver. t, ?'n. AdpIv 318 7th Ave. j JS n E rl Jl"-'' Mt u-.mei. fcSli lt-r.ei EjwaM ScrM)l. Full prk-e W w Vari ouirea. R E MORTIMER. 3"3 3rd Ave Real Estate and Insurant 11CI $4ofio fxi Trmt if rouired R E. MORTIMER. 33 3rd Ave Real Estate and Insuranre tll4.' PERSONAL niCM . . . . W a. nf WANTED-T-"'C;-r'-; ner batteries and radiators;. rT75flv !fone can ty; ",r : -;. tasty tfa Rm tcs be ob- ir: tr:s .,ila . , at FOR SALE Household furnish- i Uiits. Bermeen lu and 12 a m ! FTMS c i' r - , , one baboon tired new. Walnut ressei and spic span. Pnone Blue 512 nil i FOR SALE Babv carrraee. Red y ,,,.), Ulpl FOR SALE New ana used furl mture- hardware end cheats of drawers, beds com ji Dlete. bedroom suites, small i iogeinn btjou. sewine ma-1 chines, raaios and . bicvcies. . I n.i r.4t i ii! y viiwr UM-1U1 nousenpia articles at low en rjrices. See ts. t.. rurciture Co. B.ack 324 tf-ci Crane.: Draeiint-s: Adamii Road Grader-s; UtUeford Bros B.ack Tod Road Maintenance Eouioment; Owen Clamshell ! Rijrleet.c anrf PaoIt r;--, r.via.c- ( T I Cm.TW r-,...,. . g ""t Forklift Trucks: NcU,ii Bucket Loaders for sitorarniiet and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps: Na-I tional DraeHne Scraoers and Gsotinr"- A.f'it N-ainnat - r.. : : - r-ortaoi? Jsawmnis: National, Kotarv Sci-iens and Conveyors. run iniormalion from Na- tional Machinery Co. Limiteri, Vancouver. B.C. 4 tft j FOR SALE Aluminrm house trailer, readv to eo. Fibreelass ' inMla'ion throuphoiit. Cov. i-imr-i idv aim cmi ui" - , uji..u ... to n the Rnnort Rakor Ltd. PhOP and Ws" vr. , fiat ffu- 4f i a s.i! J i"1- SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS am. to 5 pin, Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212, MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 620 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERS0N LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ae. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Phone 22 or Black 220 General Delivery HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. R0NS0N Gil Burner Specialist 733 oth Ave. W. Black 503 C0LUSSFS MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 R0RIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS St AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 CAFE eosii u- a vrrn , WANTED TOP MAKxs.FI ! PRICES PAID lor scrap iron i brass cooper. leoa. ew j Hof.st grading Promot pay- mnt mati Atid-s Iron Si , nl,u .ae- nirijoe inax aitr Ifte (Sate ol the fim pubiic-auon oi this ixjuc. AiUHittium C'i.piii" of Canada Liirnvm. win. unaer Emus 7 v'.r ut ol to b ir Tcira at liis off in the City o( 0!tara. lor approval ol the Kua s;t a:.d piajia " Apru. mit ALVMiNi-at compaxt of j CANADA. LIMITED PALL 8 WHITE. SeetvUrr : Aprita.May4.11.1S BRITISH tOLl MBI t Ml RK-RATS AND OTHER FIRS STILL WANTED SHIP ALL VOI R FURS IMMEDIATELY SHUBERT still offering TOP Market Prices; AS HIGH AS: $4.50 for Choice, Seal quality. Extra, Extra Large MUSKRATS and Highest Pre-vai!'rs Pries for other Purs HIGHER Prices, we believe, than are available ANYWHERE. Join the hundreds of happy British Columbia Trappers who find it MUCH MORE PROFITABLE to send their Furs to "SHUBERT." Hurry ship every skin you have. TODAY! Dept. 194. A B. SHUBERT CO, Winnipeg. Ship to VANCOUVER Receiving Office i h Ui.tal I A P-t,r Qt VT1-1 ftfT eo?Ter. B. C. Phone Pa'i ; --r;"v.t Crf . 6357. tHOi. tf . Fl KLUi. : -I J' Forxo I - V '' r,:.' 1 4i- fura."i; U fh" sr.ie.- -l.fl1 FOUKD fy--" - Sum "1 of ""' monev. Phone. iV... , un 1 i ,t ' rrw .a - ' vkts - , ; U'' ...--ri.-? ?as I norsr WANTED , - m B 1 WANTED TO RENT Pumish-i rr F.fT,-!- 888 before 6 n m. WANTED TO RENT ent v newlert. ADD v n - - - . -k wen nnisned interior Gas heatim and cooking. Cheap for ca.sh. 1401 Frederick St. mini Gale. 1040 8th Ave. 'East., i -- 1