Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, May 11, 1951 oca COAL I and PERSONAL Ottawa Man Speaker Here Daughters of Empire Hear ' About Pure Food Laws Members of Municipal Chap Story of Kitimat Origin of Native Reserve Which Is to Become Great Industrial Site had been put forward. The primary chapters voted a sum of money to be sent to help a needy family in Prince Rupert. ' Mrs. D. H. Stewart, the assistant secretary, tendered her resignation as she Is leaving shortly to reside in the south. R. Collins, stationed with the D. S. Love, assistant district Navv. returned to tho eitv this engineer, provincial public FINISHING TOUCH PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.tCP) A school to teach fishermen how to cook the fish they catch will open here next fall. That's only part of the courses offered by the winter-long school sponsored by the Education Department and planned by the Fishermen's Co-Operative. I SPECIAL! Iberta Deep Seam works department, is to-wee i sailing week after aner taking taning a a course course in in , .f nnnnitiam fnr a. ter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, this week heard ine r,asi ana win proceea to we trip to Masset on official duties Islands on the Coquitlam to- . . about the operation of Canada's pure food laws from R. D. White, I Kitimat. the centre of much m -jtiRr. rereivprt a now rnipn- interest today as it Is the site j night. iriar wrist wat-h Tpiu th riav i-chief of the Inspection branch, Use Classifieds lor Results $ 5.75 PER TON 1 01 a nuge proposed aluminum plant, became an Indian village of month and of Ottawa "who was guest speaker Sonja tea, homecooking and week, changes : ' 0 .... hurAro Ino t no nt Dt o r it a mAnth. P I f work Saturriav 12 2 tne "loon as well as Ine lime. "7 " wi ancv Mav wps e j iiK.y worn, oaiuroay, May n, i .,.! meetine in the common some 250 years ago . and i founded because of a murder. ! to 5. Everybody welcome 10 SACKS $8.50 (Ulc' j $70.00, guaranteed. John Bulger,! unge of the Civic Centre. After ARROWDART dtp) 1 the address, an appropriate pic Jeweller. ine legend was told By Frank 1 Anfield, superintendent of In-i dian affairs, at the Rotary I luncheon yesterday. ! Surrounded completely by Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. William McCombe, arrived in port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and way- nnounieinen HONE 116 -117 or 58 x 0 kk-r-tt point: i people of the Tsimpsean band, I ts and will sail this evening Masset Inlet points whence ture, lrutn unadulterated, was shown. Many questions were asked Dr., Whitmore who was especially thanked for his attendance. The regent, Mrs. O. G. Withers, was In the chair. A letter from Mrs. Pellant ut Vancouver, the provincial regent, congratulated the Daugh lor she will return here Sunday Christian Life crusade, First Baptist Church, April 29 to May 10, week nights 8 p.m. Sonja tea. May 12. len cf ivKiauery the Kitimat populace of 576 stands alone as a separate group, with a different heritage ! and a different language. They ! are the Halshelas and had their ' origin somewhere near Rivers evening enroute back south. Women's Hospital Auxiliary tea and home cooking sale, Saturday, May 12, Nurses' Home, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. (M-W-F) 1 LIMITED Y wrwwo ters of the Empire in Prince Rupert for outstanding work during the past year. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, church hall, May 16. Tea, Home cooking and White Elephant sale, Catholic School Mrs. Withers thanked the chapter for sending her as dele Rev. Canon Alan Greene, superintendent of the Columbia Inlet. About 300 years ago, Mr. Anfield related, several hundred miles south of Kitimat, stood a large village of 3600. The chief of the village murdered his wife, Hall, May 16. gate to the recent annual con The Traffic Cop Eastern Star Tea, Masonic ventlon in Victoria and gave un Temple, May 17. interesting account of the pro- S.O.N. Smorgaaibord, May 13. , ceedings, mentioning especially Coast Mission, and Rev. Dr. Trumbell of St. John's Church, Shaughnessy, Vancouver, have been visitors in the city. Canon then fled to Schooner Passage a number of new ideas which Cll-yPoll.P?int.0.Ut.t raised a family. But he learned nn in c Vif-11 1 1 r Via rn If nn In fvn night driving" "new thaT ong s " wife', family were after hours of twilight exist, because SiP "f t Greene sailed by the Prince Rupert last evening on his return south and Dr. Trumbell is flying south today. Canon Greene and Dr. Trumbell were guests of Bishop and Mrs. J. B. Gibson while here. -K - - ru. evenings are often hazy and a detriment to sight. It would be Lutheran tea, Mav 25. Card Party Catholic Hall, May 31- Canadian Legion card party May 22. Job Daugmer Jamboree, May 31, June 1, i. Tea and Home cooking sale, Catholic Hall, June 14. north coast, finally landing at Mllri Ruu in WilHniQ Arm ripn-T feTRAITS loped and Printed better to use lights sooner than lnslde Do' , chanRei. ' thought necessary, just to make Qnce aga(n refugees werfi ' a3' t "ve in safety and pur- NMt Hrivin, driving, a. as a whole, hnip filPT SERVICE Sbl.KR'S STUDIO For Action Advertise: This fabulous shirt is SAN-FORIZED-labelled, of course. Arrow tailoring means Dart Irons like a dream I And no worry about those sturdy, handsome buttons popping off I They're anchored on. Just look 'em over I Dart's the best shirt value in town I Hr'( a shirt that not only look better, but u ipecially made to mtay looking better , Car longer I Dart features a perfect-fitting collar made of Arrow-created broadcloth that stays fresh . . . can't wrinkle . . . needs no starch . . . wears and wears and wears I Street Box 645 ircen 389 Prince Rupert lL I. I shoe polish z ' p V" ''Ms t WATTS and NICKERS0N should be taken seriously. According to the motor vehicle driver's manual, Issued by the B.C. government, the number of fatalities per motorvehicle accident taking ' place during night driving is more than twice the number than during daylight driving accidents. One of the main reasons for this is: "Driving at a speed at which the motorvehicle cannot be stopped within the range of vision of the driver in other words, over-driving your vision." Second main reason the Brio titer sue a normal routine, in his search for adequate hunting grounds, the chief one day paddled further up the channel and stayed the night not far from the mouth of Kitimat River. In the morning, as the sun rose, he was terrified at the site he-held, for before him the head of the valley gaped and undulated like the jaws of a huge whale. He had not the stamina to remain In the terrifying presence of this imminent danger and rie returned with haste to his family. VALLEY OF ABUNDANCE Upon learning from the chief what he had seen, his wife made Applewhaite's Plea For Air Field at Prince Rupert Strong renewal of the case for the establishment of an air field for Prince Rupert was made in House of Commons committee recently by E. T. Apple-whaite, MP for Skeena, who presented various reasons why there should be such a facility here, finally winning the assurance of the minister of transport, Hon. Lionel Chevrier, that there 1 mm. Shines Mm We have just received a new shipment of m' m blinding glare of headlights of other cars. Motorists are asked to pay special attention to dimming their headlights. Under a sud- 7owetL I Jspitolity and jood Food" lis Our First Aim ip 17 for Orders to Take Out fun of him and bade him re-, would be further consideration ; matter whlch. comes t0 my mlnd turn to the scene. This he did, by the department. now. 1 would hesitate to take cautiously, but what had seem- Hansard reports Mr. Apple-, the tlm. of the commttee whaite as follows: ln a discussion or the matter If "I Should like to diSCUSS a r fp,t tt. . nne, f nnrelv ln.-9l Order Mother's flowers now and be lure she receives the favorite varieties the will cherish for the loving den blaze of light the pupil ofjed to him like the jaws of a the eye immediately contracts gaping whale before turned out but, as soon as the bright light'10 be nothing but .millions of has passed the pupil does notlsea8ulIs rism8 and faUin8 immediately expand which I tneV fed on countless oolichans i Interest. I would also hesitate iiodore Cafe! message they bring. nucleus the village was founded, to suggest an expenditure of The group was nomadically in- money to the extent involved in clined and established various connection with a matter of small villages ln several loa- purely local Interest. I am regions along the channel, usually f erring at the moment to the Come in and see our selection of DEAL-CRAFT and SNYDER COCKTAIL TABLES. COFFEE TABLES LAMP TABLES causes momentary blindness. I cl1 ulc a Durlng this "blinding,". theln? tide' J ... .... u We tenJ Mother's Day Flowers -by-Wire faster a driver is travelling, the 'p, H ,1 led Steam Boiler in quest of better shelter and necessity for building a strip or , more distance he will cover in . t w that state and if there Is a "l!ills hT!' "fh 'iteration and yiiCllDiutnuil woo uic iai. rw. i pedestrian or other object im- Ipe Welders I trees or any other growth ex- at j-rince n uicumwriy aucau Ul mill 11, 15 ; mns. ornnH lh mnnth i.f food sources. The group grew, airport, whatever one may call however, as more people were1 it, on which wheeled aircraft attracted to the area because of could land at Prince Rupert, the abundance of oolichans, British Columbia. I have said more than had ever been .seen that this Is not a matter of even ln the Naas River, Clans purely, local interest, because I upert tlfied Operators probable he will not see them'tne rlver and thr0ughout the until too late to be able to avoid , entire lValIev stretching miles thcm' before him. So he called it Klak- For that reason It is important 1 lilisha. or the level valley, and kuild Stacks, Fire fond Tanks all sizes FLORIST Phone 777 developed, predominantly the am convinced it is important to EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME GORDON & ANDERSON USTRiAL (Continued on page 4) that motorists should use their here he and his family re-set DING CO. tled. The little 'group lived peacefully, alone and at the source of abundant food but they were not to be alone for long. One Eagles. In 1885, saiu Mr. Anfield, the present village of New Kitimat was founded by Dr. CT. II. Raley, a missionary, who at 91 is still alive today. ' The Kitimat natives hold eight reserves all of them surrounding the legendary sites of "dim" button when approaching other cars at night, as well as pedestrians walking on the highway, for they, too, may become blinded momentarily and stagger Into the path of the vehicle. f.. Phone Green 884 JOHN H. day after examining some barn which he observed floating ciown the river, the chief knew there were other people in his vicinity for the bark had been cut bv human hands. He pror SUNDAY May 13 pi JLGER their old villages. The reserves were granted them by the government, said Mr. Anfield, in respect for legends held dear to the heart of the Halshelas. New CNR Box Cars in Use : slips ceeded up the valiey and It wa nnf lone before he found a But soon they will lose some erouD of starving, battle-worn I I Isimpseans irom Kltselas, tii long See our lovely selection of of this land.. They are giving it willingly, in return for compensation, to those who will mike had been driven away in t clan war. MOTHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS " Bulger Ltd. a thriving city take the place The stragglers were induced to P'liird Avenue come to Kitimat and from this of a modest village J MONTREAL, The first of 5000 new box cars went into Canadian National Railways service today and it is expected that 1.200 of the new cars will be added to the CNR freight flcjt by the end of this-month. The balance of 3,800 cars are to be delivered by August. The cars are being produced W-MASTER in REELS Reduced by the Canadian Car & Foundry Ca. the National Sl:el Car Corporation and the Eastern Car Company, and will roll off the assembly lines at the rate of 60 to 70 per day until the orders have been filled. Delivery of tlw re-v unlw will Increase the num 10 c each This Advcrtliement h not Bubllsheo or displayed by the Liquor Control fRATHALL'S ber of CNR box cars to more Board f to the Government I ca priaw ww than 80,000. i rmiMiiiiir 3 f(l Third Ave. W. 4- Air f-aiicngeri j MAKE YOUR CAR LAST! Iamer I From Vancouver, Thursday- I A . ce Rupert Mr.. Martin. J. Morely, J. Franks, I D, Law, D. Bravender, Mr. Beau- 'nnouncinq KINS Hit b s atw bltnJ M food, M atliciout yes won't bolisv K Mil yoa try H. OtoW t new Msllds'i horn You'll Kb "" vow foe ' bxiiy. sjrw, yoa ovsr tuttd. ''AILS FOR a chemin. J. Schatz, A. Holden, J. Curby, H. Salter, Mrs. Bacon,1, A. Alen. A NEW SERVICE ancouver f ' liili rmrdiale Torts "ch Thursday t 11:15 p.m. or KETrmifAkj To Vancouver. Thursday Mr. Bennett, H. D. Davidson, D. A. Livingstone, R. Strong1, J. A. Sadler, W. Harris, K. S. Ket-chen. W. Schurgen, A. Murray, J. R. Reagh. To Sandspit, Thursday Floyd Nelson. To Vancouver, today D. C. Stewart. F. Herman. G. Hale, W. Plumridge, D. Morrison, J. Warlow, 3. McFarlane, B. Pic-hftt, T. Davidson, G. Strachan, f"M.M).Y MIDNIGHT KITIMAT KILDALA ARM KEMANO DAY Commencing Friday, May 11 For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 Queen Charlotte Airlines Ltd. Luxury at Low Cost 'or Reservations Write or Call r'TY OR DEPOT OKKU'H D, Clcugh, J. Rutherford, Rev fj PRINCE RUPERT, I Trendell, A. O. Bjoresson. hi B.C. Mat- today- To Sandspit, hewson. BRING IT HERE FOR THE BEST OF SERVICE ! M . Superior Auto Service ' UMITI.I) "JPM STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS "tPM"" Tb'rd Avenue ac Park Green 217 Killas & Christoper Bidg. Air Freight on all Flights in PERIODIC PAINS...use PARADOL l ds. Sum Results! i