! fTOVlNGlAL ret k Daily Vptliv.ry Phone 81 i t vie: j.; I-, i , CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published ot Conado's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL, No. Ill PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS immi mm m I y V ; i- United Nations Secrelary-General Meets Marshal Tito 1l m M tmmmm, n . i m. i. .i mtnzt-iz-i.r:-. miiihi mini V IS med ,1k rnis Standardization Srrici'is f Critical Situation is Seen by Gen. Marshall WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Secretary of State George Marshall said today that risk of war with Russia in the Far East is "more acute by far" than the hazard of Soviet aggression in Western , Europe. " V 7 r:t- (CP) Progressive .,- Louder George yesterday that lack I Stales and United loemcnt on stand-of arms .should be ill concern, in the House of iiyvini! debate on the jjam, Mr. Drew said Mirfization of equlp- ; mean the difference If, . -. , j i J - i 4 i ft !X? I 'i i s y I Uproar in House Coi. Ralston Is Defended Jchn Francois Pouliot Criticize.) Former Minister, tin w Dead C TTWft (CD - CliJir-e Hint "tr-l'-menls hy Cil. .1. L. Ralston, former minister of defenc?, caused loss of thousands of Allied lives in World War II th.-ew Hie He use of Commons Into v. bitter, running turmcil last night. ' It was mnHe b- Jean Frincoi.5 Foutot, Ltbeal, Temlwouta. centra! figure In House of Commons storms many times in the past. ; It was attacked as "vicious, np't.y. unwarranted and nonsensical" by Opposition mem-be-s. Two Opposition parlv leaders and two cabinet ministers, a3 well, as members of parties in Ov-.position, entered the fray is it gainnd momentum and ran more than ninety minutes off End on. Col. Stone is Called Home General Marshall expressed his views in response to questions by Senator Hickenlooper (Republican, Iowa) at Senate hearings on the ouster of Gen- ; lory and defeat In Secretary-General Trygve Lie and Marshal, Tito ,cy j ot Yugoslavia enjoying a laugh during their three ProfiiesMve Conserva- j and a half hour meeting on the occasion of Mr. WITH THE CANADIANS IN that took him to seven countries in the Balkans and Middle East. Left to right. Ambassador Ales Bebfer, Yugoslavia's Permanent Representative to UJX.j Mr. Lie, the Marshal, and Dr. Joza Vilfan. eral MacArthur. 1 Fulton, namioops, ue omciai visit to Belgrade last month on a trip Marshall said the situation- in at Canada nou:u i'1,000 men under arms 115,0(11). Europe is not comparable lo , Korea "where we are in action and the question is whether we can extend the action without developing enlarged war on the Chinese side or full war because . J;. on had announced Halibut Landings New Engineering Method At Columbia Cellulose lan forces were go-andardized with the i'es equipment. of reactions of the Soviet KOREA (CP) Lt. Col. J. R. Stone left his troops today and flew to Canada in what may be a race against death. Col. Stone, commander of the Princess Patricias in Korea, learned by cable last night that his two-year-old daughter, Moira, has undergone an operation for removal of an eye afflicted by cancer and that the other is affected by a tumor. Major Pat Tighe of Victoria took over command of the Princess Patricia's on Col. Stone's departure. American 60,000 Storage, 17c, Alaska, 15c, 14c. 'We have an issue there (in Cited at Engineering Convention truction the Far East) that is very crlti- ' . cal to the Soviet Union in thit Provocation came from Mr they now are In complete ac- MONTREAL. Columbia Cellulose at Prince j Point's statement that, after cord with the Chinese Commu Vir Raid rillllfirt M-.JO iturl ind.M. 'if Vir,,,, iryr,,,.A mnnrn'mir Cnl.S Ral'lOn'R restSnat'On from o v..u v.j cv ii w w .w.xuvuu B.....nS the cabinet late In 1944 on the Canadian Mariner, 45.000 Booth, 17.6c, 16c- 14.5c. Lois N., 05,000 Storage, 17..0c, 16c, 14c. Cradac, 22,000 Pacific, 17.Gc, 15.5c, 14.5c. B.C. Lady, 37,000 Royal, 17.6c, 15.5c, 15.5c. Bruce, 26,000; Wales Island, 36,000: Gibson. '12,000: Gustav, eenscrmtion issue, he made statemets about weakness in the STATES FIFTH AIR ADQUARTER3 (CP) single-cngined Cotn- nist government, so far as we . know, and they have a treaty ; of accord." Dispute over MacArthur's dismissal centres on whether his , policies or those of the Truman administration would more likely touch off war with Russia. PUBLICITY GETTER Aid. George B. Casey, veteran city alderman who has the publicity-winning faculty of keeping things stirred up when the city council might sink Into the doldrums. Colleagues have sometimes blamed the press methods now make it possible to construct lar;;e pressure tanks 'at the site of their final location rather than in an engineering plant. This new method of manufacture overcomes great transportation problems and lowers costs. Walter G. Broad, for many years Canadian customs officer li:ics were destroyed or n Wednesday's 312- at Stewart and now stationed in Allied line on the western front which led to a major German attack. Mr. Pouliot cited the instance to back his contention that It was unwise to discuss imonrtant m'litsrv msitters In public. on the Communist 29.000: Prosperity. 34,000; Isa, Victoria, is revisiting the dis t Sinuiju, the Fifth 1 8000; Pacific Belle, 27,000; Joe trlct. He came north on the for giving Casey the publicity P. E. Savage, M.E.I.C., of the Prince Rupert and, after making .said today. irt is on the basis of Baker, 8500; North Cap, 14,000; Reward, 11.000; Helen II, 34,-000; Parma, 32,000 Co-op. the round trip to Ketchikan, gases evenly and to maintain the required temperatures. Was "Unwise PEARKE S TRIBUTE Major-Oeneral G. R. Penrkes 4 evaluation of photo- that wins him the votes election after election. But Casey and the press just grin. They know it pays to advertise and keep names before the public. i interrogation of pi- disembarked here last evening. He will pay a visit at Terrace before returning south. And Shabby :e still being made to V.C. (Progressive-Conservative, Nanaimo) Bnd a cluster of other members Joined in raising Col. Ralston as a great Candian ana a v rent public servant. W. Pouliot keot neeusing thm t .he number of enemy i tnyed or damaged To protect the work people against the effects of radiation, warning signs and barriers were erected in the area adjacent to the labfication site and all operators and people working In the NEW YORK "Unwise and shabby'' was the way Governor ICorean Front Quiet ' bisgest. single air Kuiean war. Dominion Bridge Company, described how this work Is done, in a technical paper given before the members of The Engineering Institute of Canada, today, at their sixty-fifth annual general and profestiional mocting which is being held in Montreal. Mr. Savage used the huge digesters which are being con-struceted for the Columbia Cellulose Company at their plant near Prince Rupert as an ex- of distorting his VenviirRsT",'" (Thomas E. Dewey- last night de Pol. J. A. Ross (ProgrPssive- Indonesia to Send Rubber Not Joining in Embargo Against Communist China. JAKARTA O" Indonesia said flatly today that she Intends to onntinnA wpltino' ruhher to anv With Offensive Due vicinity were required to carry Conservative, Snnrlst satd Mr. Ponltot should withdraw his re fee of scribed the mianignc dismissal of General Douglas MacArthur by President Truman. Dewey declared that the administration really had no policy in regard to Korea. marks. Jite rs special X-ray films which were sent each week to Chalk River for inspection and testing period. Another precaution was the use of "Pocket Ionization Chambers." Describing the ionization chambers, Mr. Savage said "this device is about the size of a Casualties Are Near Million country including Communist i ample w musraie now suen China-that can send her the J work can be done by this new goods she needs. ' construction method. These di- UN PATROLS MOVE FORWARD TOKYO (CP) United Nations troops shoved ahead another three miles on the eastern Koreiii front today. In the west they dug in to meet an expected Red offensive which some observers believe may develop within the next few weeks owing to increased movements of troops, tanks and artil A (CP) Canada's drive potent fighter force wwlism ahead by the year with the new fighter squad- Stand of this major rubber gesieis me uunt.'". producer was expressed by a foreign office spokesman, Zirim Zaino. He added, however, that Britain's decision to ban rubber ex- fountain pen. It is basically an electrical condenser which is WASHINGTON D C. -fully charged in a special charg- Enemy casualties in Korea lng unit at the start of each ' through to April 30 totalled day's work. Exposure to radia- j 893,663. the Army estimated to-tion reduces the charge of the 'day- This represents an increase condenser so that a measure of 01 68'102 ovcr tne fl!?ure re" f ' 'li. lo.'d In the onimous yesterday by Ji'iill-.le- Ui-rv,lA rhv long ana twenty n.'tri in uinni-eter made of shaped steel plates welded together. They are required to stand an internal pressure of 125 rounds to the square inch. After the plates are welded, the entire finished tanks must be heat-treated so that the shells will be of uniform strength lery behind enemy lines. South Koreans made an east Truman to MacArthur WASHINGTON, DC. The joint Senatorial committee- un the Far East today heard a message which President Truman sent in January to General Mac-Arthur informing him that Korean war policy must be to keep the support of the allies which would be "desperately, needed" in the event of war with Russia. f i rlin 'd to sav haw I Ports l" Communist China prob- $Uer squudrons nowlablv wil1 be discussed soon by latest ligure reoort-1 the Indonesian cabinet, fciir ' In SineaDore there were re- the charge at any time is a leased through to Apru zi. A spokesman said he could measure of the radiation to which it, and the wearer, have i-nnmid that prodnc- Porls today that the Singapore throughout. " new tvnps nf let and Malayan governments like-1 Until the development de been exposed. There are differ I ly will follow Britain's banning scribed by Mr. Savage this heat- not give the United Nations casualties for the same period. North Koreans suffered 534,-146 casualties and the Chinese Communists 359,516 since the beginning of hostilities. Would Call Off Bridge Contract VANCOUVER Mayor Fred Hume proposed yesterday that the contract for a new bridge across False Creek at Granville Street be scrapped and that False Creek between Cambie and ent types of these instruments on the market. These used on ern advance north of the 38th parallel. They mat only light opposition. One infantry company marched into Inje without firing a shot. Elsewhere along the front lt was quiet except for .restless, probing patrols. , There was continual movement back of the Communist lines. B29s today bombed air strips treating had to be done In a i action special furnace located at the , the job could be read directly by be hitting pace at it the year that will per- 'iitl acceleration oi '"Wri. i uses about 25 f11 ahem. 28 of the fort.v f i reserve Royal Ca.i- f itee squadrons now ill be fighters. Ontario Bank is manufacturer s plant and tne ; the wearer at any time, jsjze of digesters was seriously The completed digesters have ' restricted by limitations of rail met all the standard require-j shipment. Vessels too large to.nY'nts for engineering equip- be shipped complete had to be ment and. despite the many dif- Weather Robbed, $9600 at Sariwon and Sinmak on the ! Granville Street be, instead, fill- Bus Makes First Trip ed in. There is a back out clause In the contract held by Dawson & snippea " " " " " e VPr" (CP) TORONTO Three masked ZT gunmen r.bbed the branch of blPd,at tbeir final ?C' " f mp,a,lfthp "U.,.d which costly method, had to be riveting-a more devised, they were the Royal Bank of Canada ft nparhv WoorihririiTo of Sflsnn ves- SHIPPED IN SECTIONS completed well ahead of the Tides Red supply line to the western front from Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. It was the seventh consecutive day of raids designed to thwart a possible Red air Canadian National Transpor- Wade and B. C. Bridge and terday. The thieves cleaned out ! Mr. Savage explained how the scheduled date Dredging Co. but the city would tatlon's first bus trip from Prince 11151 I the cages of two tellers and fled 1 digesters were shipped to British 1'. May 12, I 4:44 1 18:21 have to compensate the con- "upert to omiiners was coiq,-tractors. ! P'eted during the. night. 17.3 feet in an automobile alter shooting ; Columbia in sections, joincci 10- 15.8 feet at two bank customers who tried j gether by means of welding, 6.0 feet to give an alarm. Both shots ' and then heat-treated in their 10.6 feet were wild. 1 final locations. 11:46 23:54 (Synopsis) Rain has been general throughout the night over southwestern British Columbia as a minor weather system moved eastward over Washington. This will become showery by this afternoon. Cloudy skies and scattered showers will continue over the greater part of the prqvince today and tomorrow as a relatively extensive low pressure area at high levels persists just off the coast. (Forecast) Vancouver City, Lower Praser The bus left the CNR station here at 9 o'clock (daylight time) last night and reached Smith-ers at 7:10 this morning, thirty minutes late. Four passengers left here, two going through to Smithers. Mrs. E. H. O'Neill and son, Michael, arrived in the city on last night's train from Winnipeg for a week's visit with Mrs. O'Neill's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Gor President Is Deposed New Ruler Takes'over . In Republic of Panama PANAMA, Panama (CP) Panama's police, army and public PDAY'S STOCKS A special type or wvldtng electrode was used in the fabrication and welders were trained to apply these. All the welds were X-rayed using radioactive materials from I he atomic enefgy plant at Chalk River, Ontario, and special containers had to The bus leaves Smithers at I). JdIiiisUii Co. 1.1(1.)- man, Borden Street. Next week j 8 o'clock tonight and is due back (Cuurtpny S. VVS(()(VKR tney wiu proceed to Vancouver. 1 here at 6:20 tomorrow morning. TORONTO Athona 07 11 " Standard oiamiard .25 Valley, Strait of Oeorgia regions nnlllinn crown tr,n nnontn. n nn,., 1 O'Dwyer's Friend Sent-to Prison NEW YORK James J. Moran, a close associae of former Mayor William O'Dwyer of New York City was sentenced today to a maximum of five years' imprisonment and fined $2000 on a charge of giving perjured evidence before the United States Senate crime committee. Moran, former deputy fire commissioner, refused, to testify at his trial. A jury found him guilty on Thursday. nresldent. Inst. nirht. xffp. fnr ! -Raln th's morning becoming cloudy with showers this after days and riots and revolution in which at least 12 persons were killed Aid hundreds wounded. After a three-hour battle at the presidential palace, the national police, the country's only noon. Cloudy with scattered showers tonight and Saturday. Winds northwest 15 occasionally reaching 20 about midday today and becoming light overnight. Continuing mild. Lows tonight armed force, hauled the deposed CALGARY RANGE RIDERS Radio Artists Presents 2 ALL WESTERN STAGE SHOWS AND DANCES CIVIC CENTRE TONIGHT AND SATURDAY president, Arnulfo Arias, off to and highs tomorrow at Van Aumaque 21 Beattie .'. 48 Bevcourt 41 Buffalo Canadian . .22 C M & S 145.00 Conwest 3.15 Donalda 55 Eldona 21 . East Sullivan 7.90 Giant Yellowknife 6.30 God's Lake 31 Hardrock 14 Harricana 09' 4 Heva 11 V2 Jackknife 08 Vi Jollet Quebec 49 Little Long Lac 66 Lynx 13!2 Madsen Red Lake 2.10 be developed to protect the welders and others in the vicinity from radiation, A special dark room had to be set up for the development of films, and apparatus was designed and erected to take the place of the stress-relieving furnace which is used for smaller work. This stress-relieving apparatus was remarkable. It was a heating unit capable of heating 20,000 cubic feet of air per min-uate to a maximum temperature of 14,00 degrees. This temporary furnace was fired by a .special type of oil burner and heated gases were passed from lt through the digester and back again. Special equipment had to 5.50 1 03 l11 n 1.10 f "z Z Mines 971 1 1.90 trBOrrier ' iMcDonald""!'"" 125 1 ier". " Her... U5 Oil! ,f Unnuum 1.90 jail. couver airport, Abbotsford and Nine persons died in fighting Nanaimo 50 and 60. and hundreds were wounded. North Coast region Cloudy Arias' successor, Alcibiades today with sunny intervals this Arosemena, is expected to move afternoon. Variable cloudiness today into the palace. tomorrow. Light winds. Little Arias touched off a wave of change in temperature. Lows violence Monday with a decree tonight and highs tomorrow outlawing the 1946 constitution, at Port Hardy 48 and 58. Sand- R. F. Davey of Vancouver, district inspector of Indian schools, is visiting the district on official 'duties. He has already been at Hartley Bay and today Is at Metlakatla. Next week he will visit Port Simpson and will then proceed to the He said he had acted against, a spit 4a and 52. Prince Rupert 45 and 56. be designed to distribute the I Communist plot. Radian Show starts 8:30 p.m. - Dancing starts 10 p.m. (8 Piece Orchestra) PRICES: Dance Only 00 Show Only 75c Show & Dance 1 .25 Children 50c 5.90 .44 3.30 1.12 13.00 2.25 15.25 2.65 McKcnzie Red Lake .... .45 McLeod Cockshutt 240 Moneta -32'2 Negus - -79 Noranda 75.25 Louvicourt 18 Pickle Crow 1.53 San Antonio . 2.35 Senator Rouyn 1' Sherritt Gordon 3.20 Steep Rock - 8.25 , out t ; Leduc Oil 4 HA VE YOU TRIED 39 LA TEL Y? Bring the whole family to the Stage Show and have k Stampeding good time at the Dance 1.52 Uniun ;M