Prince Rupert Daily News' Victoria Report Identification papers which hn , been found in the dead sonVv.iu,,. fltIv room. There wer, insurance , ' "'. i,o pink slips and other card ,..;, J 8- C Ht.J eluding Naflonnl Rp.4brtrati0.iM ilr ,hh ' Tuesday, D.cember 4, 1951 As I See It Ctmare v.l had even been notified? That is what happened to a Vancouver father lately and unless things are tightened up it could happen attain. WHEN I read about tills case In the papers It just did not make sense to me. So my wife and I went out to hunt up the father. We found him a friendly, level-headed person. Naturally he was deeply concerned by the death and in censed by the circumstances l'ul- ' lowing it. The father .showed mo the In Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian "ress Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. . A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . . . by J. K. Nesbirr loss Turns Other Cheok Question of More or I-oss Seats VICTORIA. Liberals' chief complaint about Premier Byron Johnson is that he won't slap down By carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, $8 00; by mail, per month, 75c; per year,. $3 00. ; I his critics. J lie l remiers a peaceful man. He hates Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. to hurt anyone. He just can't believe that his critics intend to be mean when they blast him. And so he If Your Hon Died? ! won't reply. .This infuriates , many Literals, who . think ; how WOULD vour like 1.1 Tk 1 11 1 1 1 me i Tenner snouia get out ann answer nis critics whether they 1m.1 restless young Liberals or, the Tori"s. There Is .something to the "c- CITY OF prince RUPERT PUBLIC NOTICE Is iH-rnhy Riw Uj . Munkdpalily of the Cily f Prim. Rmx tii. prencr- ,if u, SilW otf,,;Uir ut 1 1, mu at ten 0 a.m.. fur .ho pur of tu i.-iirfwnl them us Muyor, Alder,,,..,, '' sh,,, "" :u,d l'.rk ('iMiiml.sriinucrs, T" Tho mocleof nommQt,n of cpn,!,! shall be os follows: Tlio ratitlitlaten shall be nominaud in viiuiu, shall be suhscriU-d by lw ,i,n,in , " "" m' palitv a: po-rxiitef und .second, ,' ,,h , I to receive a letter ask-j ing what was to be done ; with your dead son's effect.1 when you did not even know there was anything amiss with your son Uief that a premier .shouldn't ; take everything sitting down. ; The public likes a scrapper, one ; who iiiLs back now and tlfen. Mr. i Johnson very olten believes in I HI'Mlln t hp (ithpr ch.-Lr ;mil alone that he was I his doesn't always work hi the i let Reflects and Reminisces to iir h game that's politics, ulead? The politicians are rubbing their hands in Kiee because th Y think British Columbia will net a lew more seats in the II I G How would you like to fjnd that your .son h..d been found in conditions which suggest, ! suicide but thai his corpse had been rrrinated belore Ins lamily Someone in a bnaricast. Sunday msiit said Truman is like mil, 1 .i o limh uni! nfih trlv ir" iv.-'ll ! f Commons at Ottawa, now that sure if no,. Reminds one 1 01 Prince Rup-'t candidates. tile population u. uu.s provui r is wojl up. "PROTECTION AGAINST INFLATION" Ask your lnvitmnf Dale for th atov folder and prospectus of - j surely to pioodness, however, j Carrying Canadian troops, a j W(. have eiiouh elected repiv-1 12 MJO-toii liner sails lor G.i'r- scntattvps in Ottawa a.s it is. We. j many. Canadian destroyers do ; have 18 members of the Hou-.e I c. l it of ounii.tK' in Korea and j of Commons. One would think ! about a hundred CitHuck soldiers 1 that qfiite enough until we reach i will not see Canada again. This the 2,000,(1(10 mark in popula-i may be what i.s called a cold war , lion. ..' i but Sam Hushes mip.lil call it I The people of Canada know reas'.nably warm. i that this country is now over- j i governed. We have far too many ,,, , ,, ,., , f,, -"'u' 1 (IfW ' '"' i any nine belwwn tlr- hotifM' and twelve o'rlix-k no,,,, f day ,( Hi, said writinrs may l,f. Ule frm nJFTv K. hfdule .if the "Mtudt-pal KI( ,1ios An," a, (, ,J Hie hunifs. r ideiit e, and K-.tUpaUou or dfsipj', ir..n,.s.-rl. it, sueh ini.imer as Millint-fiUy u, ttP,, t aiululal.-. and 1,' Hie event ! a pull h..illg n,.,.j,,.a'h ,o l :.'! 1 I,.. oK-i.ed r,n the IhirU.ntl, day ,,'',. HIM. lie. Cive- CVnlre. e,.n,er ul Mdlnoe &Z .Seet.iH! Avemi, , f wl.lel, ev,Ty pers,,,, b .,t u, ii,k.; iM,i:, e and covem l,ima aTOjnli,,;.;, (iiv. under mj Im.ul ai Ti inc.- Rp,.r, ,,,,,, in N.ivt'tiiljfi-. l."il. R. W. LONG, li' tuntihg 0wt Wanted-Aldermen HAD THOUGHT of writing this editorial WE for "Wednesday, the day before nomination day, but, feeling that something of an emergency exists, we arc doing it today. There is one mayoralty candidate definitely nominated up to the time of writing. There may be more by the time this appears. So far, so good ! However, the field for the aldermanic board is still obscure and that is very bad. Even, if we are repetitious, we think we should point out again, as we did a few days ago, the importance, equal at least to that of the mayoralty, of having a good, competent board of aldermen to direct the affairs of civic business in these very crucial times. This is too important a matter for political or personal consideration. What should be the actuating factor is the realistic and commonsense consideration of the city's best interests. The thing, as we see it, is to get the lest men in there for the common good. We would even .suggest that good material which might be considering the mayoralty field could be be better advised to go for aldermanic chairs. It would be a pity if the services of good men, who would be reasonably certain of being elected aldermen, would be lost through defeat in thj mayoralty contest. It is still to be hoped that between now and Thursday there will be a choice of men or women put up from whom we can vote with a feeling of assurance that we are safely entrusting this very important business. And the same goes, as we said before, for the school and parks boards. Vfa fish vJmt bib litre an UU d hit those il.tvt ts lit n you ltd like g'tin tlovvii lo ( with thr hsh i"isoii.tlly. Juticpul sou It hIim. with l-.n in hand .ind wth on fool. (tux fish iti will r hern u.iins, (ah now- i lit ica tht ir rune with aliiinitiuiii harpoon gun. Aluntimiui is umiI txiause it is lihl arid dotrs not rtivl. T lu w .in- the main h.ivhu whv this ik y) popoUro mid why Ah an i busy VMih -i..j-l!s uliuh are pldiiutd to i iw !t c (diiada' piodm (ion lo jtKt.tKHI I. .us a yrat. Aluuit-liuiu (ajinjiji4 i CaluiU, I t J, WATCJIKS j elected representatives for the !.siy.. of the nnnubit.inn Anil vet U1SKIKV I A : Canadian living In Brit- ,,. n,,11U(.ians wan, more seats. ain t- Canadians living In Can-1 And Ulev'll nrobublv net them 1 ada, liiwiley Baxter writes: I loo unless tne DHbUc RPt.s Ul, ,,, no law which makes the; ,,..,, i,mds such exnloi- ; 1 here British Isli the perpetual centre ;ta)iim of lh(, taxiuveis. ol the Commonwealth. All of us. i no mailer how scattered, are J There'll be a move in B C. soon I to increase the number of seats , ! in the Legislature. We have 48 CALVIN BULLOCK Ltd. 1 heirs to the tongue of Shakes-I ! peart', the courage of Elizabeth. I jnow. The move will probably b? 1 the humanitai ianism of Wilber- to increase ine Mouse in '.a ! force, the vision of Raleigh, the seats. ! I'aith of John Wesley, the spirit But there's no for this. ol Churchill. Now is the time ! when tho.vj of us who vere born 6hTC0P i hanks f extlmhe "Ulna Penefrofon" iyt'wt. either. The B.C. Legislature is miilp lump pnnimli it tK i4rs. '- in the outer empiie and accepted ,niv Rlxtim s,.s,i,m Lirri NOTICE i without thought all that Hie past I had giVtvi us, can sustain and fied MLA's when she suggested the number of seats be reduced in the interests of economy and efficiency. Mrs. Rol.ston is rush'. ; strengthen the mother country. Heavy forces are arraigned will pay any '" ' v....... enough 110 one 1111,, with pen poi.v. d. . 1 attention to her. A fe l'K'al iote: rui)liotiK to eltset ricul fcvrvice have w.eurml reeentiy in residential areas and one in the business iliKl.ricl. tbanks to txdusivi "MuUi-Netdlt" knitting! I Why anyone expects to find I pleasant weather on the British I Columbia coast m November is Thee are al1 direetly trateuhK- to additional heavy loads Looking Into liaviniv been added without notice belne. eiven to this Lpvrtn.l !tvrr:ii ft I Vou'ire never teen ARGYllS . , . RIBS . . . Waiting Room Yet, some do. Last month was wet. windy, dull and with next to no sunshine. Tlwre were, slight ctsur tllii-rns? nnl vnffch.c rtt friict Local Canadian National ftail- been asked wici's hav So long as a nrrson w.ts comfort-1 ways FANCfS . . . with tuch brilliant, clear coouri $ and they stay that way VVfiofi more, . , CANCRAfTS are fuller knit, lor extra weur- , ing comfort. Come ie Chem fodoyf ' . ,r'.r Saftmr. vat mucfc lottat wofittal for a report on wharf waiting room facilities here with a view ably dressed and shod, there was ! no occasion for serious conml.-iint Company. We would n. quest that v.'hen any lanije or larpe healing iuad i. ade; ddn your home or business premises that you per;,f,:ially notiVy this Company. In thi.s vay, we can provide immediate additional fniif.-roniie-r rapacity wheie needed Und avoid interruptions which art a source of inconvenience 10 you and your neighbours, and at,: also rosily lo us. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. Rut there osnallv is 1 10 lo .suggesting 'iiggesting improvements improvements, the j Prince Rupert Chamber of Com-! merce was told bv W. F. Stone ! NUMBER ONE ... All CoacroO h think conroJ A U wmhd, qvkk -dry trig. 1 To have roller skating in Prince 1 at last night's meeting. Mr. Stone . ! Rupert , as now appears probable, 1 mentioned a conference that ' will be nothing new. ft was one Chamber members had had with : of the earliest forms of sport railway officials on a recent Visit lever enjoyed here. The rink, es- here when the matter had been , ! tablished by Luke Marren from 1 taken up. . ' j ! Ontario, stood on Sixth Avenue The Chamber has been press-' j on the sit-. occupied today as an ing lor tr.;tter waiting rooms for! 'armory. In fact the old partially , the travelling public here. JT 1 burned building was the nucleus i i l y l i.vjr j 0 of the armory. This was practi cally forty years ago. . Learn Better Bad Than Careless IT LOOKS very much like some irresponsible re-1 ports or some ill-considered statements have been issued of recent days in connection with the war in Korea. There is always the difference of opinion as to whether even the whole story of a war's progress should be told because of considerations of security, on the one hand, or the effect on the public morale, on the other. That is where censorship, unpopular as it might be, conies in and is a necessity. But the truth can be a lot less dangerous and morale-deteriorating than badly founded good reports and statements. Last week, the press services and the newspapers fell for reports that a ground truce had come in Korea. From considerations of news importance or gratification at the prospect of peace, newspaper editors indulged in big headlines. Even the Daily News offended. ' Now, we find there is no truce and there are today rumblings of even more extensive and widespread fighting. So there is a feeling of being let down and some are unduly depressed. We all hope for good war reports but, if they cannot be good, it would be better to have them had than careless and misleading. it, thought they were 1 ; entitled to more leeway. They wanted more of a sportsman's ing tc. skate entailed bumps and atmosphere. He was a strict soul tumbles but that was all part of a hilarious game and public response could be called prompt and genemus. As for Luke, younger patrons, if they did not list Ill'tllllU l (l I lie If you want to seli it, adve It. News classified. Locks pretty -Testes pretty WONDERFUL! Fruit Bread made with New Fast DRY Yeast! fashion footvec se Don't let old -fashioned, quick -sailing yeast cramp your baking style! (,et in a month t supply of new I-leiuhmann s frast Hising Dry east it keein jnll-trettfith, fas'tiilhig till (h moment you hake! Netdi ho re(rtera(ion ! Tlake these hnohhy hmit Loaves for a speaat treat! III. 1 1(1. Scripture faiiage for Joday "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering.'' Heb. 10:23. ciC!ticci(tti(icNiici(i(icir'(t('witcc(cicttir. tmmTL Vote 05 you like, But VOTE f X ; Si KXPORT I m-m CHRISTMAS 1 rftS A KNOBBY FRUIT LOAVES fc 1 1 m m se """" FrJZJi 7 EXPORT CANADIAN WHISKY i S i All popular Albums, Bing Crosby, etc. u0l TNI SUMUvittOK 0 THf (NA0tN ftOVtffNMIIil Scald l2 c. milk, c. granulated sugar, 2 tsps. salt and l2 c. shortening; cord 10 lukewarm. Meanwhilr, measure into a large ImwI -fj c. lukewarm water, 3 tsps. gianuiated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sptinkle witti 3 envelopes 1 lcischmann's Fast Rising iliv Yeast. m stand 10 minutes, I 1IFN stir well. All lukewai.n milk mixture and stir in U well beaten eggs, c. iriarasr hino cher ry syrup and 1 tsp. almond extract. Stir in 4 c. once-silled bread flour; beat until smooth. Work in 2 c. eedle laisins, 1 c rurran.s, t c. chopped landied perls, I c. sliced maraschino rhenies and 1 c. broken walnuts. Hoik in c. (alrout) once-sifted Inead flour. Knead on lightly-ttouml l)oaid until smooth and elastic. I'lace in greased bowl and grease lop of dough. Cover and set in a warm place, lire bom draught, let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough, .urn nut on lightly flouted board and divide into 4 equal portions; cm each portion into 20 equal -sized pieces; knead each piece into a smooth round ball. Arrange 10 small balls in each of 4 gr eased loaf pans (!!," x 81,") and grease lops. Arrange remaining halls on top ol those in pans and grease tops. Covet and " , let rise until doubled in bulk. Hake in moderate oven, 3r0, about 1, hour, covering with brown paper after lint l2 hour. Spread cold loaves with king. Yield 4 loaves. Hole: The 4 portions of dough may be shaieri into loaves to Ul pans, instead of bemt divided into the small pieces that produce knobby braves.. Rupert Radio & Electric A Mortir.-S.nour flmtlvM rf.r wono.rful ehor ' lk0-lo m.t .r, d.cootmg nJ. Th.y or. "t",'''j"u yB J han oulltanding eoyfrase" ond hiding qualilin (liB s,nol viar and yolh.r. B. suro to u lh t0"'pl'"' lino paints, yorniihtl ond nomtli lor ""1 fa UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD NIW WESTMINSTER, l.C. Gordon & Andersoi SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with bath Fraser Street Phone 37 9 This advertisement is not published or displayed Phone 46 . !ly the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia