. i prince Rupert Doiiy News Tuesday. Lvceinber 4, 1951 Come to the aid of the CARPENTERS (CLOSl'RE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Plpase refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 8c per Wind per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards uf Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notiees. Marriage ar.d Engagement Announcements $2.00. 6PECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. FOR SALE "KM i f "- party with . . . c r 3 tint -li;. C This advertisement is not published or displyrd by the, l iquor Control Board or bv the Government ol British Coli nihid. FLOOR SANDING- Rent a Sander ... or have your floors sanded by experts GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Haw H f fumr 9mr Mwa .14 bit Mir HrtMa U -" i irmly r" "-"''- '- rrr.B wl ! m, ftruar, 1 PRECISION SAW FILING 1315 PIGGOTT PLAC E Box 1C11 Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) Terrace Builders Suppl John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR ITrs.: 10:30-12:30. 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CIIARTEP.ED ACCOUNTANT lame s Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 " O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Agents lor the finest In Musical Instrument PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 -4tn Rt Ph. Black 389 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS Hesner Bine k Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all lis branches 204 - 4th Rttret Phone 0fi5 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY HEPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Sid Alexander Train Schedule For the East Dully exeept Sunday 8 pm. From the East Daily except Monday 10:05 p m. 215-1st Avenue West 0pTf)MF7RSI WONE Buu.r),K PHONE BLUE 593 P 0 BOX 1184 ELECTBii i-. Balfcs and Smtt, K- W. COLLIN Phone Blur no fc, For gr-nuiiie part, iH Ptef Witt TERMINAL MESSENGER Phone 540 All deliveries full; r Purine K. SORES':; Blue fJ9 al'cr 6 ; Brick, Stone v.! Tile Setting aul K; HANDYWA' HOME SERT. GENERAL CONTRACT Puilding and R.-pain kii.il) KXjFS - C1K!.!',: OIL Bt'KNEKS PHONES: P.O. Box 1G70 MATRON! upiiolstekim: Phone Blue i:t. PO I 234- 3rd Ave I Prince Rupi-r'. I H. g. helger: LIMITED REAL ESTATE 4 El Phone 96 Evenings B: Oil Heotina Sen LAWRIE MACKJY Blue 187 - Bui i Complete service in oil': burners and st;p,t Stoves, Heaters, S'j Eddie's Beauty S Permanent and Has 739 2nd Averr; PHONE RED ODflf GJJV r r 1 P O. Box 721 iLOIt;H OAUIS AUCTIONEER Phone firern KIO anil Red P!7 PORTRAITS Films I)cvcloWHl and Printed PROMPT .SERVICE MIAMH.I R S SH IMO 210-4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 3MJ Prince Runert WELDING Government Certified Operators Hish Pr-vsure Tanks l!i-fri(;i-rali(in Slacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 22S-UIE. Phone Green BB4 Jailor i ncj for Ladies and Genilemen LING the tailor 220 Sixth St. Thone 649 iL -1 i 'if. ' " T2" X?.- pi r k i RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE OAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 'Wings over the Interior' lo Terrace daily !"o Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kifimal and Kemano Daily Except Fridays from TERRACE "rawford Moore, Agent Prince Rupert Terrace Phone Black f)07 Phone 133 VANCOl' VF.lt VICTORIA Coquitlam 8 p.m. December 9 and 23 ("amosiin mkinieht. Uecember 2. 10 unci 30 Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) PORT SIMPSON Sunday. Camosun. 11 p.m FOR NORTH Ql FEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS December 7 and 21 ss. Coquitlam midnight FOR SO ITU OI EF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS jw. Coquitlam November 30, Dec. H and 28 midnight FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Asent Third Avenue Phone 568 STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. , For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, PC. MNESE DISHES Chop Sucy i Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - S:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 13S Closed for Alterations e Watch for re-opening date Commodore Cafe ANNOINCEMENTS Salvation Army Home League Kale and tea. Dt-c. 5, Saivation Army Hull. United Church W. A Fall Ba- eaar, Dec. 6. Pre-Xmajs dance, Chatham ' Drill Hall, Dec. 14. j PERSONAL j "MR. FIX IT" Tyj.i-wrllt'rji clt-Llieil umi HTvuvd Oil Burners llnckwork t'lirj'iitt1! inK Odd Jntji ; Paint Ing ' I Plump Grcvn 773 ! BOSS Hi MACiNUSSEN i 174 Park Ave. I2f lp) ! i PHONE IS voaf I.'oi UilatiU Dairy, lor daily delivery exeerJl Sunday. Bv looking alter vour milK vour milk will lo alter you. Keen it ctol. Ail milk Buaranteed. itf) WE pick up C.OD.s iT.M.C.'! Call 640. i288pi LOST AND FOVXI) LOST-Small black do?, part Spit Answers to "Moe." Any information concerning above appreciated. Phone Green 328. i284pi LOST Man's brown leather wallet. Finder please keep money and return wallet and papers to the Daily News. i284p LOST Pierce wrist watch without strap. Finder please return to Daily News. ' ( 284p i LOST From 1000 9th Ave, East, half-grown black and prey 141 striped Persian cat. Anyone harboring or knowing jvnere-nbout nlea-e return or p'mn" 1 Blue 958. i ltpi MALE Ill-.I.r WIXTHI WANTED- Full time niessencer , boy or girl with bicycle. Applv Canadian National Telearaniis. 1 285c i j WANTLD 1 .vhect metal worker Tliom Sheet MKak Block 884. (284c i i HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN to care for 2-year-old boy days only, Monday to Friday. Ve-inity 4th Ave West. Box 249, Daily News. 283p Ifl l.P WANTED. MALE-FEMALE BOYS OR GIRLS -Openings for boys or e.i:Ls on Daily News routes in various parts "of city. Apply at office. Special bo- j nuses for good service. Ufi ! WANTED-Female grocery clerk, I experienced preferred. Apply I in person to Shoardowns. ! (284c I ! FOR SALE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL We are offering as a CHRISTMAS SPECIAL THREE AND FOUR DRAWER CHESTS also MR. & MRS. The perfect gift for the home, Place your order now merchandise to be delivered before Christmas. Ttjis offer pood only until December 15th CHRISTIE'S W00DBILT PRODUCTS Phone Blue 720 or Blue 904 1285c; GIFTS OF FURNITURE Walnut chest of drawers; baby crib and new mattress; 6-drawer dresser with mirror; electric rangette excellent condition; Connor washing machine; dinette chairs npuv vanity dresser with mirror; walnut coffee table; chesterfield; occasional chairs; dinette suite complete: brass bedsteads; pillows, dishes, several chests of drawers, etc. Woodbuilt Products, First Avenue and McBride. Blue 720. (285c I BOYS' and plrls' sweaters and ski pants Boys' pullover V-neck sweaters, attractive shades, all sizes, $1.75. Also' boys' and girls' ski pants at reasonable prices. B. C. Clothiers, Third Ave. (tf) FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rugs, radios, -chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) FOR SALE Chesterfield in good condition, new beaver table saw and Craftmaster band saw, lawn mower, baby's sleigh, baby buetrv, card table. 1345 Piggott Place. (283c) FOR SALE Coal and wood circulating heater, good condition. Applv 542 8th West. Phone Green 733. (283p) FOR RALE One Stevens 12-pauge shotgun new. Rear 230 8th Ave. West after 0 pm (233p) FOR SALE Cream enamel "Enterprise" wick burner. Phone Black Oil. 132 th Ave. West. 283p) FOR SALE Fawcett electric rnne. No 15. Bcsner Apartments. 28flp) FOR SALE Blue mohair chest- erfield .suite, $75.00; pot burner kitchen range in white enamel: Beatty winning machine, preen enamel tub, $75.00; 50 HP. electric motor, $85.00; electric sander and edger. Numerous other articles. Phone Green 400. J. H. Mair. i2B8ci 'FOR SALE Six piece dinette suite at 1333 8th Ave. East. ! Phone Red 110. (285pl ; FOR SALE All cream enamel Fawcett oal and wood range, excellent condition. Phone I Black 298. 284pi j FOR SALE Coal and wood j range, like new. 1404 First I Overlook. 285pi j FOR SALE Cedar, kindling, coal Call 640. Terminal Messenger. ( T.M.C. i 288pi FOR SALE Girls' bicycle, a.s new. Box 250. Daily News. I287pi FOK KENT FOR RENT Two room apartment, private entrance. Men or working coupie. No children. 743 9th West. 1 286c FOR RENT Board and room for girl, in apartment. Box 24;) , Daily News. t283pi FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive 1 phone 530. Bus Terminal, 2nd ' and 2nd. (283pi ! FOR RENT General Electric floor uoiishers. $1 per day. Pnone Blue U92. Pacific Elee- tric. tn U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41. 711 Grenville Court. (tf) FOR RENT Room to share. Red 471. Uf p ROOM FOR RENT. Phone Blue 304. (283o FOR RENT Sleeping room. Blue 433. ( 284c i WANTED TO KENT WANTED Housekeeping room or bachelor suite by younj; lady. Box 252, Daily News. i285pi MIDDLE-AGED couple, no children, require two or three room suite, furnished preferably. References. Phone Cellulose Camp Office, T. Bell. (284p WANTED Large housekeeping room or two-room furnished apartment by working couple. Box 251, Daily News. (284pi WANTED TO RENT Reward ; Urgent. Three or four room unfurnished house by December 15. Green 785. (287pi WANTED TO RENT Five room house. Permanently employed. Box 248, Daily News. (283pi TAXIS 7C SEVEN-0 70 Radio Cabs 24 Hours Daily Service Charter trips to all points ASSOCIATION MEMBERS CARS FOR SALE CERTIFIED USED CARS 1950 FORD FORDOR Seamist green, heater trim, rings, etc. Only 2115 00 1949 METEOR COUPE One owner. Radio, heater, fog lites ...1695.00' 1948 MONARCH FORDOR New paint job. Heater, seat covers 1395.00 BETTER'N WALKING 1941 DODGE SEDAN Lots of extras. To go at '. 800.00 TRUCK SPECIALS 1930 CHEV. SEDAN-DEL. New rubber, etc 675.00 1949 FORD PICKUP Yosemite green, 14 500 miles. Reliable transportation 1550.00 1949 FORD PICKUP Clean, grey. Lots of miles left 1250.00 ALL RE-CONDITIONED, WINTERIZED BOB PARKER LTD. Phone 83 or 93 for Prompt and Courtepus Attention 1950 MORRIS Minor, A-l condition. What offers? Phone Green 328 or can be seen 1233 Water Street. (287,p FOR SALE 1951 Prefect, radio, heater, 2200 miles. Contact A. Olson, Red 594. (288p) RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Suliject vc Change) TUESDAY P.M. 5:00 International Commentary 5 10 Tuny the TroubsidiT 5 25 Jnhn Fisher 5 HO Musicai i'rotrriim 6:00 Mr Gitneamum The Ijntug (.'up 0:30 MumcuI varieties 6 45 Jumur Chamber of Commerce 7 00 CBC News . 7:1ft cut: New Roundup 7:30 Leiee.ster Square tu Ilroiuiway, 8 00 Nation s Business 8 15 The ComnuKiores 8 30 Reeord Album 9 00 Duffy's lavera 30 Here ! Julie! It" 10-00 CBC News 10:10 CHC News - Hal Brown Siieaklni; Noetume 11 :00 Vveatlur Report and Sln-ofl V.'EU.NCSUAY A M. 7:00 Mnsleat Clock 8 00 CHC News BIO Here's Bill Clootl B.15 Murnhu: 80111: 8:30 Murnlnii; IJevotions 8 -45 Mole Conn rt 9 .00 " HUC News and Comimmary 9:15 Music for Moderns 9 -30 Sunrise Serenade 9:50 Dun)thy Dotis:Ias Show 9:15 Iteiurded Ill'o-lllale 9 511 Time Hiinal 1 0 oo Murnin visit. 10-15 Harry Wood Show 10 :.'i0 1 Ins' Wiik s Ail 1st 10:45 Musical Kit: hen 1 1 IK) Klnderroiro-u ol the Air 11:15 Roundup Tune 1 1 30 Weather H.-port I 1 :31 Messae Period I I :33 Recorded Interlude 11 45 Si aildmav tan Melodies P M. 1 J :(IO Mid-dav M.-hKlies 12 15 CHC News 12:25 Plui;rani Itesunie 12 :30 11 C tiiriii Hi-en least 12.55 Hecorded Tirteriude 1 00 Afternoon t oiiccrt 1 45 You and H u m u n Rights t:omty. 2 :00 11C School Brrtitdcast 2 30 Hecords aT Random 3 00 Tea Tune 'c.'lttl the Star3 3:15 Musn-ai Pribram 3 :30 HiM)ks for Children a 45 t'lodays tluest 4 OO "jiiinny .Shields .Siiurs 4 15 Piano Pops 4 3(1 Mat-me Mu-.'gillS 4 45 Stock Qooi at i. ms; Intei lude 4 55 CHC News HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Four room house, centrally located Phone 57. G. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. Itf FOR SALE 2 lots, corner of , 5th Ave. and Fulton. All clear-: ' ed ready to build on. Suitable for apartments, .store or resi- j dence. Phone Blue 900. 283c i SEVEN ROOM House, five bed-; rooms, living-room and dining room, large kitchen and bathroom, part basement. Price S4u00: easv terms arranged. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Black 197 1 284c I HOI SES WANTED TO Bl Y WE HAVE buyers for houses Possession January, February or March. For quick sale phone ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Black 197 evenings (238c i WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, cnouer. lead, etc. Honest tiradintr. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B. C. Phone PAcific 6357. (tf) CASH for serai? cast, brass, copper, batteries an() radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. Citv. Jtf) FI R REPAIRS EXPERT fur repairs and remodelling. Fa.st service and low cast Fowlie & Ruttle Ltd. Phone 522. (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. G. . Furk. I Stone Buildiner. Red 593. (20ml 'PERSONALIZED See our largo selection of Holiday Cards in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. I1ESNER BLOCK LONDON ,tp To encourage articles on technical progress, the British Radio Industry council has offered six yearly prizes of 25 eiiiiieas for non-professional writers. Phone 909 JOHN H. BULGER Q T loinclrisl John 8ulger Ltd. Third AveTnue PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 Box 47H PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Lid. P.O. Box 274 Moving, Paeking, ( rating, (shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also apents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Paik Avenues Est. 1910 Phones (id and G8 If you want to sell it, advertise It. News classified. BLONDIE rr. 11 j t ., . ' , "-fx" ' i, NEWS ADS get RESU Seek ourLUKBUrMi for the reflection of A i 1, . No finer whiskies anywhere '. vj. ,t,-..-'.i?,v.V' i good taste in whisky Special Selected i -m. Royol Reserve Old Rye ByCHlCJ BEFORE I " J i a i.-.i - ,i:....l,ii.n(l hv 1 II IK Aiiveniseiiient is not pinuisiieu or mn"." .-, , the Liciuor Control Hour.l or by the (iovemment of Uriti-h (ownj. VIM' I I If Plus Tip and Hat-Check S'BLOIN STf'AK I "V.I "V VCCIC I II BROILED MUSHROOMS in butter no PEACH MEI.BA COUPE FOS I V-.m .1 4.V r- 5TOP MUTTEKINto I WA1TEP I'LL 1 HAVE TURTLE xilfafe. J SOUPLOBSTEeT, AW ) SALAP WITH Lh' K o-y LOWS DPESSING Jgj J&B . -- I