3 I We like to help. But we are sure ; our p"P'e. It may help them 'AALL TALK Prince Rupert Daily lews Tuesday, JJrct'tnbcr 4, HIM by Symt WITH THI WTCNW Mr. Unity Coiiover Compares Blue Bonnet Loves Its Taste I I that this money we arc sending 'for a while, but how long? Until L which is a great hardship to they have bled from us every us will find its way into Com- penny? munist hands and may do noth- "What would you do?" he ask 'I '"3 Chinese in Prince Rupert Victims of Red Extortion A'd,rtr' -s . ing at all to save the lives ofjed the reporter. i't''c'it't!'!ci'c;ii,c,titicit't,'c,,,c'e,et'!c!f' 4' Layaway Specia (Continued Trotn page 1 - y ! and Mien to visit a growing fam- ' j and a house. The people are be- . jiy p ins fined for having worked for j when it was made possibic i ! the government, their homes and recently for Chinese to become i UiuiA confiscated.", citizens here, one of their great- When Chinese first immlrat- j est dreams came true. The en- w cd to the west coast, it was a j f ranchisement of Chinese made ' case of necessity. Here there was i it possible for them to bring' work to be had, a chance to 4 their immediate families here, ending the long-suffering years it buvinu yur thumb, J so don't weight It." "Hi, Mrs. Krupp . . . I've been saving some kidneys for you." ' D you mind throwing in nice soup bone for the cat?" Manv uiikIcI hniiMtwivm liave Uikfll earn money. By law, however, the Chinese were not able to bring their wives and families into Canada. Many young men came and, after frugal living and working hard for perhaps 10 years, they were able to save enough money to go back to oi separation Many families were thus united but others remained separated because of the heavy expense involved in transportation. Those who have been omen this tip troin Mrs. Harry Umovcr. Compare Bub Bosnct Maruarine with anu spread at ro price, hike tlie noteii iieauty and TV personalitv, vou'll love the delicate, lunny-Hwept flavor of Canada' finc-ua!ity all China to visit . their parents, sweethearts and friends. ! rroctalile niarciriiie. You'll appreciate I Hi.i-k HtiNNi-.-i'H nulritum. Ami vou'll ON ALL CHINA This Week Only GEORGE COOK PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE left behind now are victims : J of Communist extortion, ior- ' y lure and even brutal murder, i "Of course, we are a great race for family ties. They mean J everything to us, and when a , y relative of ours Is in trouble It y Is our duty to help, whether it liv 1L,ih I in i Often, on these visits, young men got married. Then they returned to Canada to earn support for their wives and children, dreaming of the day when Eleven members of the Moose-heart committee of the local Women of the Moose met in monthly session at the home of Mrs. J. Roxborough and enjoyed cards. Winners were Mrs. J. Fiewin and Mrs. .Paulson. Delicious refreshments were served. n A i welcome iU rrjtl rrmmmif. S buy Bl.oB ! Hoknkt ami get "all 3" Mavor! ! Nutritionl Kcor -e-e! Use it ill 2 ' cKkjnK, ou vegetables, at a delicious ; spread. 5 J Eu.'K BoxstT Uiiriuc ii sold in two 4 1 tyjes rcjsuhir eeuimmy p:u-i.HK wilh 5 rolor wafer and alo in the famous crMmaU Lino 6b(4iu,ti( it would be possible to bring is our cousin, uncle, nephew or y i .i ! 1 their families with them to the niece," says the Prince Rupert J new land of freedom. In the i Chinese. .Inhn it ,.a .li.. '"""e pieacni. were Mrs. nu- ELixivf tiuix bag for fast, easy color. meantime, trips were made now j "But that is nut the problem. . the h p,T. Princess ," , maV"8"'; I borough, Mrs. Flcwin, Mrs. Good .,.. ..! !.,3.,5.l.,.i.i.i.J.i,i,.'.5.J,i,i.i.J. 3, on Louise for a jj'ir til-' annual banquet ijizfd at Sunday night's i the Catholic Youth J'.ijn and the date was jjM'iubiT 17 In the Civic jli.iii!; room. Margaret Kl Hairy Basso were Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. Carr, Mrs. brief business trip to Vancouver. Most Rev. Anthony Jordan. Tweed, Miss Johnson, Mrs. Mun-ccy, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. J. Taylor, I VOTE I O.M.I., Vicar-Apostolic of Prince Rupert, Is expected back In the loni iKC mini arrangc- VOTE city on the Prince Gcorce to icpic among uio VJ morrow morning after an ab-' 'Mr- alll Mrs. R. W. Burton of atlended the mect- j . there was a short HlliTtailUlKMlt. . t i ' 1 1 to contributing 1:1s towards the forlh-;.:iri-li social evening, i rutivr members arc sence of the past two months in Alice Arm mailed Sunday night Eastern Canada on ecclcslasti- on lllc Conquitlam for Vancuu-cal business. cr.- ' A local citizen who visited ,M1f Margaret McLcod left on Mr,"y s i plane for a business Vancouver not long ago says,. who,, at Shaughnc'y Hoslptal! QUCC" Char'LtC ' he talked with ' Jas. Kelly, a pateint there, who spent many a C. J. Strong, director of tcch-veai In Piince Rupert. He says he nical education for the Depart-found him looking fair and fed- mcnt of Education, is a visitor the possibility of in-iic circulation of the i:;ulic" in parish homes. Name mg cheerful. He maintains In- In the city on official business. tcrest in the north. i ,, ... . , , , , C. V. Evitt Is paying one of his i J. D. M. Rae, MLA, left on this I,fri(Klical visl,s 10 his local (flernoou-s plane for Victoria to business. He arrived yesterday; attend sessions of the Industrial tl'I':l' "' c Hay. Vancouver j i -,,,. ll,, i... ... t. .......... i j Island. yities I -iioii-.M-cd by I , , M, V 1 A Nime Siaietv In !V ""w i"ii"umw; ils iv- OCOU MaiLanil and L.rawioru a. ... in. (.lion ilion nuish ivnuii""1 ,)""' to " B"vernmcnt ' "loeni, follow- lunuw- Moore iwoore were were named namea auditors auaiiors ui 1110 he'd Janu- I "earlnB which wcre "eld the Prince Rupert Chamber of 4 'ing to be f III V X v t ii 1 HE IFiSLIE Wf i during the past few months Commerce at the r s a ..is v. as decided at the 1 circling held on Sun- throughout the province. meeting last night II at. Iec. 2 The cxecu- ' ij'.nc Catholic Wom-rn's ' i ,d l he Catholic Youth j t .in will be asked to j M fOJf THF FESTIVE SEASON TAKE , t tlie Holy Name men to ncial a success, i y Cnmiiiiinion Sunday i ;.miic(l for January 13. I' iiiif., cha'cman of the J :i eoiiimitlee, led a S . -i i" n on a mem- :v:' i'.nd tlie suggestion I FOR GRANTED f lii.H ilebales be held f p meet nigs. President i t n. k'il each member v.. i' i i hieiid to the nex! 1 Ka.mileis asked that y .sp.iiiosur a "PaH'r- iwwina team, pointing v iirec parish boys- Billy Ilav IMysty and Dick '.n a kI performance ty boxing event last i - rv,! i A t read an editorial on (Jibuti of Christmas from the ! I v" and Father Rayner j 'f inceiing with a piayer. Tim 1 I aaers 1 "7 J caul parly, Wedne.s-f :- 8 sharp. (28'lui MEETING, Wiim- ary of the U.F.A.W.U.. f 5. Metropolr nl n -c attend. (284e.l Leu ion Pre-ChrLst- in aid of children'.; ' tree Ladies formal Hal. Friday, Decem-' (280c) Yes sir, this poor chap's had a heap of trouble. Somebody directed his attention elsewhere and he took one false step that landed him there. Well, a similar situation exists right now in Prince Rupert, we believe, with the power referendum that comes up on December 13th. It would appear that the attention of some Prince Rupert citizens is being diverted away from the real issues of the power supply question to such an extent that they may take one false step which will jeopardize the industrial future of our city. Their false step may be to mark "es" instead of "NO" on their referendum ballot. Their attention has been diverted away from th; fact that they are being asked to give a decisive answer o a question before they are in possession of all the information with a bearing on the question. Information they can secure from an impartial source, the Public Utilities Commission, when it releases its findings as a result of an exhaustive study of the operations of Northern British Columbia Power Company. Their attention is being diverted away from the fact that in the form the referendum question is to be put to them, their minds are beinq made up for them by someone else. That the question pre-supposcs they no longer want the company to look after their power nseds. And what is equally important, their attention is being diverted away from the fact that they have no guarantee that under pubiic ownership of the utility, they would get power cheaper than the company could supply it; or public ownership would guarantee that sufficient power would be availably to keep pace with P'ince Rupert's industrial growth in the future. And further, their attention is being diverted away from the fact that if the company's expansion plan is interrupted, there is reason to expe tht within two to three years there will be a definite power shr ti::- in the Prince Rupert ar:a, and a serious situation might arise whereby there would be continued distribution system overloading, transformer failures, interruptions to plant operation and. possible damage to generating machinery. Further, i n d u s ( r i a I g r o w t h would be retarded as wc'l as the continuous and increasing use of electrical appliances of all descriptions by both residential and commercial consumers. I We request all citizens ask themselves for what motives do the referendum's sponsors direct attention away from these facts. We arc .nre that when you do, and arrive at your conclusion, you will vote "NO" when you m.irk yoj referendum ballot. 'V WINNERS ATI DISTIlltD ANu BOITUD PY WILLIAM GRANT & SONS LIMITFD DUFFTOWN Cofait GIASOW M.U Mrs. fiykes, 1 1 37 1 4 Mrs. I), ivtll. 3rrl W I f'-Ui W.; Miss G. Wcick, I1'.: Mi's A .1 Uflf.au ' Mrs. Stewart, No. 3. i Christopher Block. 1 (ltd Thit advertiaement is not puhlished or displHynl hy ih l.iuor Control lluartl or by the Uovei anient of 1 1 1 i ri s li Colmiiliia. Science Progrese for 50 yori w hov uikI IiHI whitt tobltacelylolicylk acta for rlif of paw. Today Ihli familiar poin-killr It available In a nttv form without the disadvan-togl of acidity, tmolubility and billr tal. M If calld '0ISWM' and il (old al druggiill ovary whoro. litis J 11 Si I;! '0I5HIN' h avoilobla m InttUl of 26 labltti or Handy Potkf Foldn of 8. k 'Icadache?. . take a Disprin " Power Company 0 . INoiniiiJiiv Uimisn Coi.umuia II , Limited ISPRINT Becauw DISPHJN It iolub ontf iubitonoly noofrol. 2" ,ol'' in water ai recommended, It enferi the Jtomach ot a "ution and not ai undmolved particle!. It ii therefore lu liable " "omoch discomfort. . r"N reodiy obiorbed. Becaue It definitely dinolve! (nol merely rote) DISPRIN permit! speedy obiorption and gives relief "J dtlay. ?P"N ii pololohl.. Even chilH..n will take it readily. VOTE NO VOTE E3Q DISPRIN SAFE SPEEDY PLEASANT Ot PAIN RIIIIF ilinr cTtoi'AMTi5rpTir .v.n4,HMITm PHABMAntTKAl I HVIMOX, MONTRr Al N