IIHMV 7 - :;: I'rince fsupeit Daily Np5 Tiirsiisiy, Lvcpinbcr 4, l'J.rl iCommerce MtKK IM1NK I A 'Best of Bad Men' Western Thriller "Desert Fox" Showing Here T 0 M O R R o VV- - Should Pay For Recount Chamber of Commerce Deals With "Short" Census Question 1 i Chamber . Busy Body sed at a closed session but., in view of a large number of .i.niulmeiit.s submitted and lack of time to discuss them, it was resolved to call a special meeting Col. Cecil Mertitt, V.C.. was named National Leader Oi'orge Drew's personal representative in British Columbia and Gen. G. i7 OF A GREAT BEST-SELLER ftRjV The "d.'plornbly worded" referendum on the power question which is being presented at the If the city council considers that ,a census recount here .s necessary and provided that ar- I n,v" Btitlll! V Conservatives Meeting Again Ton .Much Itusini'ss l or I'leMMil Lxeculive Session So Another Called VANCOUVER 9 - British Columbia Progressive Conservatives S:it unlay to hold a spccuil nvetiiig early next year to consider a new constitution. A spokesman for the Progressive Conservative executive said that tlie con.-.titutioii was discus R Pearkes. V C . of Nanaimo, was ranseinents can be madt to;clvlc clecLn next week, the An exciting and picturesque ; story of the lawless days in the i Cherokee Strip following the i Civil Wai , "Best of The Badnien," ' in color by Technicolor stars Robert Ryan, Claire Trevor, Jack Buctcl and Robert Preston. Thv f picture, showing Wednesday and Thursday at Totem Theatre, pre- i sents a vivid conflict between heroism and villany in a lawless i period of Anicrican history. Ryan plays a Union officer who " persuades a group of outlaws to surrender, take the oath of alle- i glance and get a fresh start in life. Preston, as an unscrupulous detective anxious to collect rewards offered for the capture of re-elected president. i bring abou; one which will be1?"01"' tcnsus count, Inadequate Ot!ror olficers include George ir-epled officii lly by the gov-ilon& distance telephone service, Osstonof Vanderhoof. fifth vice-; ernmcnt, such a recount should ,he rat extermination campaign, president. i be undc taken at city exepnse. demand for early completion of Mi D cw attended the meet- f This was the view that was tho Pavl"S of Highway Sixteen, ing which is understood to have taken by the Prince Rupert ! blowirg up of the long accepted discussed i.ss jes between nation- chamber of Commerce iasJtneo:v tnat tne P0It ot Prince al and p;ovi:ieial organizations, i night. ; Rupert was being discriminated bV mm ! A resolution along these llnea!und;r ,he international load line Heralded as one or tlw most i important pioduclions of 1951, I ' T he Desert Fox." the dramatic sluy of Field Marshal Rommel, ; has been booked into the Capitol J Theatre for four days starting i tomorrow. j Starring James Mason In the title role, "The Desert Fox" is based on tlw biography by Brlg-ad.er Desmond Young and recounts the fabulous career of R immel from the North African campaign to his untimely end by suicide in Germany. The story was produced and written for the screen by Nunnally Johnson. ' The Desert Fox" boasts a prominent supporting east headed by Cedric Hardwlcke, Jessica Tandy, Luther Adler, Everett Sloanc. Leo 0 Carroll, George Macivady. Richard Boone. Edward Franz and Desmond Young. The film was made partly on 1 K-alion at Borrego Springs, California, with specn.1 or.-the-scene footage taken In Germany and North Africa, was passed bv the Chamber on regulations were among matters For a Girl's Xmas Gift : WALLACE'S OF COURSE ; A gift centre for everything to please a girl's affection. SL.js to .'it every age and build. Prices to pleuse all. jj motion of Orme Stuart after a which camc UP 'st night at a communication from the subject i bu,y monthly meeting of the from the city council had been Prince Rupert Chamber of Com-. cad. The city's letter suggested i mcrcc. volunteer help from local organ-1 Nominations of officers for i.ations in making a resurvey. J 1952 were also received and will Mr. Stuart felt that volunteer be voted upon at the annual help would be ineffective. If meeting In December. T.Norton any worthwhile work was to be! Youngs was the only nomination obtained, it should be paid for. jfor p-esident with O. G. Stuart Ha old Whalen explained thatjfw vice-president and P. M. Ray the city was desirous of finding j for secretary, out if it was advisable to go fur-' In 1 lie absence of President J thcr with the matter. !C. Gilker. th chair was occu- me bandiw, unsuccessfully tries to interfere, and in revenge has Ryan framed on a murder charge and sentenced to death. He vseapes with the help of Preston's bitter and disillusi oned wife, as played by Miss Trevor, and. with a price on his head, joins the outlaw group In order to strike back at Preston. The ensuing enmity between thr- two men leads to the stirring climax. J 4. . 4 Dresses .Skirts Blouses Consensus of the Chamber ap- pied last night by Vice-President Housecoats Sweaters Pajamas T. N. Youngs. peared to be that the city had H .1 ..K. - received a short census count and that support should be given the idea of a recount. Prince Kuiterl : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE i , fig 1 Guests were Postmaster R. S. Schcrk and Jack Stansfield, new a?siftant general agent here for Union Steamships. Some forty member.: were proscnt. iiousinc; The meetini; heard a report from W F. Stone on the progress of the rental housing proiect for which the city is negotiating and which the Chamber has been I . .1 Railway Has Less Traffic H. B. Thompson, Prince George; C. Molfatt, Sandspit; E. Stephen, Port Edward; C. W. Strong, Vancouver; L. D. Pub-lioover, Montreal; C. V. Evitt, Departure Bay; O. Johnson, North Vancouver; W. D. Gar-rick. Montreal; G. Cope. Lachinc, Quebec; Mrs. G. B.iines, Saskatoon; Mrs. J. MacGregor and sons Prince Rupert. i m ,mii .im in iiimwimgujji jwuaii Inn.! IN BETTER DETROIT The general slack- ihows 7 . 9:03" KC j pressing. The citv had had th. i lots cleared. Mr. Stone said, and within a week tenders would be i ening of industrial activity and j the change over to defence pro- ! rlimt i'An hue rai.aprf o rfonllno In j :reight volume in recent months ca'lcd In the matter of traffic regu TKIMY ONLY 7 - ! p.in. PAULKTIKtiOODAHlj "ANNA LI ( ASTV j nn the Grand Trunk Western 1 Railroad and will probably mean USED CARS These cars arc older models but they are in TAi;i lN(i VM KM MIAV-IMM HI K Tl. IIMt Ol.i Mt rillH.r lation revision, Orme Stuart reported having had a session with thj city traffic committee which was drawing up proposed new regulations on which the Chamber's traffic commltltee would be consulted later. Secretary P. M. Ray reported on attendance at the recent Al that the over-all results for 1951 wiil not be as satisfactory as ' i'-.ose for 1930. Donald Gordon,' CMC. told the G.T.W. board of -llrectors at their meeting here Monday. j Coupled with the decreased 'rnffir n ndverse fnetnrs am In. I Best Of The Badme .Stan nil! Show inn good condition . . . and IKilll-,HT KYAN - CUIIIE Tt:r "S All AH X'S KOUHiT PHI. JACK Hi ijUDO l SI t KI TS Ol NA M HI' IN' TIIL UWV creasocl material costs and wages chaJ,-,i meeting In Vancouver of which are continuing to outpace! 'c British Columbia Chamber HEAVY LOAD DEAL. England Fisherman Ben Bailey's good luck nearly w;is his undoing. He arrived back at this Kent county port with his boat, nearly sinking under the weight, of 150.000 herring. al broken clown cars being per-mitled to remain indefinitely on the highway. The meeting heard from the minister of public works, Hon. truest Carson, that site for a new highway bridge at Fort Kraser was being selected, This budge is som thing that had been pressed for at two successive annual conventions of the Associated Boards ol Trade of Central British Columbia. , A letter front the Vancouver Chamber of Shipping on the mailer of fumigation and Inspvc-i tion of ships was received. I The provincial Travel Bureau 'asked fr a supply of Prince i Rupert publicity pamphlets. of Commerce. Principal speaker Kvrniiij "Jungle Head Hunters" I liltt !i I irillllill I ate increases craned to the ailreacle-s. Mr. Gordon said. Indications arc that traffic vill not ,how improvement, in the mmediate future, Mr. Gordon isscrtr-d. The automobile in- histry. which is one of the sources of tonnage in the Grand Trunk western territory, is now curtailing civilian production to j had been Premier Byron Johnson who alluded to Important new , industrial developments in nor-I them British Columbia Includ-: ing Columbia Cellulose and the ! Aluminum Co. of Canada. J. T. i harv .y of Prince Rupert had been elected second vice-presi-I dent and F. M. Dockrill of Telkwa j tr the executive. On the current rat rxler-: ruination cajn pal n, linen Nlnivui at 8::MI onlv TOTEM- a 1 a Mors ri.Aiii its 1111 nti: most important of all they are priced so that you can afford to buy. 1947 Austin 8 Sedan 1950 Prefect Sedan 1948 International , Pickup in very good shape 1938 Ford Coach 1950 Austin Sedan with radio 1948 Thames Van 1937 Tcrraplanc for good transporta-ion . VOT DEC. 13 concentrate on defence materials. Even if a truce Is m-trotlatcd Kraupnrr reported that (he Junior Chamber of Commerce in Korea, building materials and other commodities which moved in considerable quantity this year will probably also show a decrease in 1952. Absolutely... n 9 Oil Stoves Cause Fire THE LARGEST AND MOST NOVEL STOCK Of DECORATIONS IM TOWN 1 was Koine to nut mi a real drive with a publicity campaign after Christmas. Ir. I M. (ireene having been unable to lake on the task. Huso Kraiiinrr will lake over duly as chairman of the Senior Chamber's anti-rat committee, I'. H. Llnzey reported on attendance at a recent meeting of 'he Junior Chamber of Commerce. He had been impressed wit h the large attendance and enthusiasm of that bod v. Ernest, Paulding and David Radford will represent the Senior Chamber tit. the next Jaycec meeting The Chamber reiterated its "pinion that a highway patrol should be instituted out of Prince Rupert. Mention was being made I Two dwellings destroyed in Prince Rupert last m o n t h brought fire damage total to $25no in November from 10 fire i calls. Total damage by fire this Superior Auto Service Ltd. year is $25,710, with heaviest lass of $20,000 occurring in March. Majority of calls were due to fire from oil stoves, according to the city fire department. '4 , I'M i v. I'll. ;rr,- 217 ' 111 If III iLkiUMli 3rd Ave. W. Call 363 I oil HL I l l li . . , Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE LIM II III I'.inlilrrs it i imlrai Mirs Ihu advertimcnt li nol publisliril or (lulye.l by I he Liquor Control Board at bj tba Odvernmeot of Britub ColumbU. ,,. I I IW llHHIIKIIIIIIIMflll Mil ll'lilMl ' I J r."TiT?1"' .ir?ff'riT';f'Trrt'Ppyj'''''''y y-''' l' t'""' If 4? it I f ' ' ' It's Time to Order . . . CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS Mm" 18 th CENTURY yifi CHAIN SAW I I CI'III'P 1 -vl" 'i;r with 15-imh Dow CHRISTMAS CAKES U VICKERS' Guestj and hoili, having enjoyed a gracious ! Saws in any position WW dinner, st together and partook of wine-a wine so pleasing to the taste and so satisfying it was heralded throughout Europe as one of the finest wines of the day. ' 1 hat was a hundred years ago, but that wine Paarl Old Constantia is still world-wide in popularity. The rich, full-bodied taste of Paarl Old tonstantia is as satisfying to day as it was then. And up through the years, the perfect host and hostess have always served Paarl OLd Consiantia afte, they, and their guests, have enjoyed a pleasant and satisfying dinner. Next time you have guests, either for dinner or for the evening, serve them Paarl Old Constantia-ihey ll appreciate your taste and good judgement. famous since 1750 without adjustment! Urt the MeCulloch 3-25 today! It lakes the work out of rutting wood. Ha automatic clutch, kickproof rewind siarfr, built-in chain oiler, many other features! Wr Carry Sparc I'arls for All MeCulloch Saws AulhorieJ Sales and Servile I fi ; i 4, I A A A A A 2 A A , 1. ..I h 1 1 . H nil .1,11 ,m.u.-'-y ) II and MINCE PIES ION0ON MY CIN "f'-'A 1 H - VKKKS' W ll lilllllll I from PAARI SOUTH AFRICAN OLD CONSTANTIA Wis 1 -V PACIFIC ELECTRIC Calvert OKTIUKS (CANADA) UMHIO VAN'S BAKERY A A A A A A V ' eil 3rd Ave. W. Phone 190 5 CO-OntAIIVI W1NI CKOWEHS ASSOCIATION 0 IOUTH AFRICA. UMITfO. -AAt, SOUTH AFRICA This advertisemi nt Is not puuilshefl or displayed by the Llqum Lunlr.il Board ur by the government of British Cohimliia. I'hune Blue 992 j IIfil!l!!i!!!!iliiII!Ii!lll!ii!lii!ilII!l!I f i This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Lienor f Jlltr by die Government of bnuih Coluiub.