s Prince Rupprt Daiiv iNV-ws Tuesday. D?cemDcr 4, i'Jal oLearn 1 1 1951 Building So Far $315,961 IMMEDIATE PAVING 'Continued from page 1) Uses Building permits here totalled j $25,575 in November, bringing the j I ' I ' A I ' I By DOROTHY ROE 1 -month total this year to between Prince Rupeft and Terrace. 10. It is felt by the people living adjacent to and travelling on Highway 16 that much of this highway could be hard surfaced with a minimum of reconstruction, so as to give a safe, moderately good paved road, at a reasonable cost, thus entailing at lea-st some saving in maintenance. At the suggestion of A. P. Crawley it was agreed that the preamble of the resolution should aiso contain reference to importance of developing high- Carson, recently stated at a public hearing in Prince Rupert that a major relocation program would have to be carried out on the highway between Prince Rupert and Terrace, before it could be hard surfaced, which relocation would undoubtedly be a long delayed and very Costly project. 9. The proposed building of a road by the Aluminum Com $'ii5,!)6i compared to $837,197 in ; NEW YORK (AP)-Is it animal, vegetable, or at the time v ' ' " ' new building same j . last year. Figure for November,; mineral The. old game is up against some touon 1UC. however, was only $5,900. J s(jddin j the" new fabrics thut are on the market Last month's total included! . " . new construction of three dwell- today. A generation ago the answers were simple. 15 ltems of rePairJs and ad;: Most fabrics were either cotton or linen (vegetable) " dilions to existing buildings, and new construction of two gar- or wool or silk (vegetable). pany ol Canada, from Kitimai quantitif-s in clothing and fab to Terrace, would greatly in- iw3y tourist travel as anotnei crease the vehicular traffic, j reason why there should be pav-both private and commercial, Ung without delay. rics, one of the moat important ages. ; But now we have clothing. ' ! upholstery fabrics, automobile AS I StE IT 'tops and tires, awnings and out- 'Continued irom page 2) Jdoor furniture cavers that are ' none ol these. They are members attention of the police, the hos- 0l the vast new family of syn- of which is automobile tups. I 'i !iir-l ' -. t i -. Newest of the synthetic family is riacron which promises to Eivd For the MEAL that REFRESHES pnai, me morgue, me coroner, the undertaker, the crematory. Yet not even a phone call was thetic.s which are changing our men a new freedom from cl'an-wav of life faster than we think. iPr's biuS thjs man-made fibre. The -woman who goes shopping i ,m the mai ket now in small in the new wonderland of mir-1 quantities, is used in men's suits ac:.? fabrics, with the purpose of tanrt blend in women's blouses made to the boy's father till M several days after cremation! FINEST OF COOKING BEST OF FOOD 'getting the most far her shrlnk-!and other wearirie annaicl: Its SO FAR as I could find, this ing dollar, needs to be fully in-! greatest value, in addition to ca.se centres around nothing formed as to the specific advan- :qu -drying and easy laundering i i l- -yjj r'. "y, ? FOR TAKE OLT ORDERS PHONE Z06 BROADWAY CAFE worse than personal neslieence One or more policemen and other public officials plainly did not do what their duties should have required them to do. But are our laws strict enough and mistake-proof enough? taees of each. i u: jt; reaiot-inco to wii-itie : The man-made fibres are get-1 Men's" suits of dacron have i ling more and more wonderful jj,een submerged In a swimming but they are arriving on the dried, and then worn with- market so fast that most aver- out pressing, looking -as fivjsh age shoppers are confused as to and smooth as if they had just i which is which and why. - ' come Srom the lailor ! Most women are familiar with ; still other synthetic fibres are the first of the synthetic fabrics, i Etili ln ,hp tpst tubes. Newest of i Let us ienore frir the moment the asnect of sheer inhumanity of callous indifference to the ' rayon, used in a great percentage aU if Du Font's "Fibre E," a form feelings of the family under such ' 01 lcminine apparel, tsui many;of viscose rayon which will be circumstances. I ao not Know me uiuereiice oe-, usfd for upholstery and rugs, is )s '..'.:i.Hr:i)' Toi ' iit'j Maple Ceaf Bill Juz(2 if Muily outnumfcjred bj? Chicago Black Hawk 4 1 !' 'ills piny near the Chicago net dur.n a rwent Leaf-Hawk encounter in Toronto. partially obscured by I CP PHOTO I tween lts tw0 Iorms vlsRose ana impervious to raoths. lisistant Let us consirler hnw iich sUn- hoa procedures rouW 4& 1 acctaU:- Viscose rayon' first'to wear and weather and pro-auch U bc 3VOlved Smm chemlsU test i mis new fields of usefulness, abuses . nucn eraver graver aDU.ses. , fa j sturd and tQU , can onnini? read orS'suest aT what they mean: vis- ilaT.j are Fot-ulin 3i McFaddcn and Dewbury with Luniley Li,.,,-. ,:: J. iifv W ill 5-1. .... t : - " 1 TV 1 out positive identification of the Acetate rayon, introduced ' ZT iuxu Sab io be Wedding Date Changes Hoop League Sked quic diving and resistance to I ;erson's parents can anyone fabric in drane and appearance, lail to see bere that cou;d : nnnirix orenler i-are in handlins. i abrasion; orlon, for weather re-e stance; dacron, for crease re on rne ALLEYS lead? A move is now under way to re What a beautiful set-up form quire specific labeling of rayon fabrics as "viscose" or "acetate or s blend of both, for consumer sistance; "Fibre E, ' for long-wearing uphostcry and rugs. All of them offer a new horizon ol luxury and usefulness at prices within the reach of average budgets. Wedding of a basketball plav-jer .scheduled for Saturday night has disrupted the senior hoop j league schedule but not seri-lously. Jimmy Flaten, frontliner would-be murders. The victim is framed in circumstances which point to suicide. But nobody gets the chance to check up on the official story. In the case of a burial, the iii Mhoil Howling LeaRUC guidance in correct cleaning and cae of garments. Next and most sensational, of the synthetic fibres was nylon, i Remember when? corpse can at least be exhumed which was introduced late in and an autopsy performed. Cre-! 1838 and since has revolutionized a-ist league play saw some . ajjBn qp, ra Electric 4- 8hen- lo Gordon & Anderson, marries hy K"Sty ,"l lo"'s" Sliept Metal 3; Fashion 3; ! -f Irene Kildal Saturday and .1: .Km General Electric with Wallace's 3; Cook's 3; Cantels 1; 1 tne wnole am 15 vited to the ""'' "' 1,13 aad a ;lir,'p; Canada Life 1; Headpinners ; ! wading. t i.f 777. For the ladies., nrpa, wm i j)v j. peniuiin Hob- ! Therefore, tonight G & A play fjj'ii. i i.,. Mi d high .single with ! by Q. HMl's Shop 0. iMansons in place of Elks, who matkm precludes even this post-: the stocking and lingerie mar- Ottawa Rough Riders defeat-mortem safeguard. : ket. Because of its gi-eat strength 'ed University of Toronto 10-7 to 4 land quick-drying properties, ny-Wjn the Canadian footba'l i ion has become a staple ward- championship 25 vears ago to- ir.t rr-TT. tr 1N THE Vancouver there is case , robe ,tpm Jn m0fit Nortn Ameri- (lay. Ottawa's second consecu-no suggestion that anyone had ; can homes NylQn stockings have Uve utJe was won on a frozen .,.! Atie- I'K-rce captured j vision - Miller Bay 4; 383 I U1 face the Jewellers Saturday f eanw :vit:ois wun i-i. i Plumb- Meanwhile, the Prince Ca!)s 4: R,,(l D,.viis 4; P.R. j Rupert i: h mini .kingle game wasiiriti 4; Conrad Seals 3; Rnnth ! Basketball Association Is seek any unerior mouvg ior me ian- i rpnla.-j imost entirelv and fiiri at. TnrnnU where Jne Mil- ure to f. i i'7 l i iiice Hii)ert Plumb- : One 2: Hi-Cj i'ds 2; PiotK-Cr Mar- Ing one or several .sponsors for Hi i :;, while team high i ket 1: Sons of Norway 0; Rupert ' a senior basketball broadcast notify notify the the family. But . women have a wide range ler ua.s the outstandinu star Original , f r..,n uo'trahlnc iTTfllirlinff u,itU V. 1 1.- Uir.binrr fni tha riltuH'., 'i".i2 was b.wled by j Butchers 0; B.C. Packers 0; Van's each Tuesday, which they be- cry 0. nighU-'Owns, slips, girdles, bras squad who did not win anothc and blouses. i Canadian title until 1940. Ot lieve will be welcomed by Prince Rupert fans who carmot attend the Tuesday night games.. "f corpse as that of a man around 48, and when everybody agrees that the deceased looked his ivstiUvt si'f-rFi5 Itawa's Grey Cup victory over Old Country Nylon was ai'rinstant and sen- Saskatchewan Roughriders. last -which was 261 i actual age r. i4 I ' f" . ' 1 i I his adveriisement is not published or displayed t.y the Liquor Control Botd was their first sines alional market success, and the montn or by the Government or British Columbia FOOTBALL dcmanii for it still exceeds the then, supply. Its resistance to wear,' j wonder. j Are our laws covering proce-i dure to be followed in case of Stanky to ASKETBALL TONIGHT and its easy laundering endear-1 ed It to women almost overnight. However, there were some points in which nylon was found lacking. Nylon curtains were! ENGLISH (TP First Round Replays Leyton Orient 5, Gorleston 4. Stockport County 1, Gateshead 2. York City 0, Bradford 4. (1:"0 p.m. .such deaths strict enough? In this case the boy's father was right in town right in the phone book. What of such deaths when they occur thousands of miles from home, and where the-identification papers are not sd obvious? found to shrink or stretch ac- ii sun: coiding to weather conditions. It did not withstand exposure to 1 . i ! ; ! r- Leafs vs Bulgers tunliaht well. (i:4 p.m. Sa ttw ciiemists got to work BMEKMEIHATK 6-IUf 8 B El HERE'S a welcome change of : and produced a new fibre, orlon, subject: ! which had many of nylon's fav- f fli.in's vs Fraser & I'ayt j 7:13 p.m. fHM'llt- Hats off to the Pvthian f rater- ! orable characteristics and in ad- UIRXED PAPER HE fi VV nitv for the erand work it is I dition stood up under all kinds 1 Pilot Cards I NEW YORK. Eddie Stankey j is virtually certain of succeeding Marty' Marion as manager of St. Louis CardinaLs. No definite agreement has been reached, but presidents i Horace Stoneham of New York Giants and Fred M. Saigh of ! the Cardinals will meet within ; the next few days with the hope of closing the deal, brewing-i since the world series. ! The transaction may not be I announced until the. minor-' league baseball convention in I Columbus next week. I The Cards will be asked to jiiirrw over pitcher Max Lanier ! and outfielder Chuck Diering v r.. doing for children across Can-! of adverse weather conditions. ada suffering from cerebral , Orion has greater absorbency ": v i. Gordon and Anderson 9:1.0 p.m. linmakers vs CCC 300 tr palsy. There' are over 400 if I than nylon, a softer feel and is Hockey Scores Olianaean-Pacific Coast Ve:non 7, Kerrisdale 3 "Fluffy Stuff" Makes Skiers Take to Hills these In B. C. alone. Nearly all : impervious to humidity changes. r ' can be helped by training and ' It is used for a griat variety of treatment. Ceieb.-al palsy crip- j outdoor fabrics. It a'so is used pies more children than polio, -in curtains and in experimental for Sankey, who will then sign That fluffy white stuff is onifls g piayer-manager for two the hills and skiers are bu.syj.,pars at $35000 per sea-son. putting the finishing touches to 1 . rpn.ilrs on Doles, harnesses. 1, M i lirTayl boots and tog.s, for, if it doesn't! thaw by next week-end, there'll be skiing on Mt. Hays. That's the report from Prince Rupert fikl Club members who found more than a foot of snow : Protects in Rain & Snow GILLETTE ARISTOCRAT GIFT SET nri their favorite run last Siin-i.- UUV. .I'U no milt .M.v,...r, f , jv. is; two feet skiing. there since. Aoout needed lor limited Food is too precious today to waste ven morsel! Store your meat, fish, vegetables and other perishables in Hnd--wrap heavy waxed paper . . . protects their original flavor and keep; them fresh, moist and nourishing. Left-overs, too, keep better in Hand-e-wrap, and you'll be dollars ahead! Contains gold-plated one-piece razor and 10 Gillette Blue Blades in dispenser. Simulated pigskin travelling case. Also two additional GOOD WRITING WINNI1 KG CP Business letters should be easy to rctid, courteous, frirnriiw iinrt simple, says Dr- AND JtU'VMX3 ltkttr 10-blade dispensers, ed, Blended and I to, Lyda McHenry, associate profes- j k.L,t. oriminisl ration t-4Zt tiled in Scotland1'- It'i rtniing how much better food Ustti stored in Hnd-e-wr.p. This heavy waxed paper seals in soodness nd prevents food taint in cold floras. Pack lunch boxes and picnic baskets in Hand-t-wrap for finer flavor. Take it with you on vacations it has hundred uses! 00 $6? L. ' ' . j 76' 01 bottt W,ayn.' University, Detroit. Sheijp told a meeting here Dievny is excellent only when it is Mil .ii ( l:monr is iirt publlshecl t t" tlic irjiior Ciintru) iiy" i'ip -.ovrnmei't iimliirt. MILORD IT SET I ... 1 GILLETTE . GIFT S : Z K fiifi Handsome travel case holds gold-plated, one-piece Gillette Razor and 10 Gillette Blue Blades in dispenser. A tube of Gillette Shaving Cream and an extra 10-blade ...for first-class spare-time training ashore and afloat which can help you get ahead in your civilian life! Now is the time! dispenser are included. 72 $4J METAL CUTTING EDGE leant quitkly, r-risijy fOt FUU CAMCUUM ON HOW rOUCAN fNJOV THf AOVANTAGf S OF S.C.N.(.P r RAINING, ACPir fO: NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER H.M.C.S. CHATHAM, PRINCE RUPERT PHONE: 526 . .A OTHER GILLETTE OIFT SETS AT YOUR DEALER'S PRICED FROM $t,JJ TO 6 00 i