Baseball Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. September V, 195i SMALL TALK Series is Extended Abel & UdoAes scored a "-2 ue I (eat oi Goi Jca A: AiiutiiGii. R;id G tz -A tikon lust night s amc, the championship trophy would have uoen' awarded, said CummissH !ikr Bill Gordon. But the Commissioner hatl to take the big trophy home again. j In the wcond inning oi the seven-iraaie bout, the Hardware nvjn threatened to break j through and make the surge) ahead ar they have done in the! f".- n. , Blackwood On (Bridge By Eosley Blackwood DURING A VvEDDlNcT" """" ' I" f 1 ' t.f - V-.V My friend Mrs.. Keen let apparent success go to her head on this hand and so lost her contract. Abel & Oduwes Defeat (iurdJn & Anderson; Filial Game Sunday past. Bit the two runs they scored then were their last. jf THE BEST flClfffill QUALITY k : r Final game of the five-game Cloth;vrs tied it in the next Inn-reiies In Prinoe Rimeit bast bull ing. will be plav.'d next Sunday. This ' Six scat tried hits were allowed North dealer East-West vulnerable North , (Mr. Meek) 8 A K 5 H A K 9 5 4 D 7 6 J C t 3 was determined last night after "I can't imagine how she man- "Oh, brother . . . aged to get her hands on him not In hia shoes!" Was am I glad I'm "Oh my posh . with the 'ring?"' Mr. Champion led the five of diamonds to start things off and Mr. Abel's king held the trick The 10 of diamonds was return-' ed and Mrs. Keen ducked- again. in the second Inning when Bund- j iierg came to bat with bases loaded, and one out. But second-top hitter for the hardware drove Into a double play, from short to second to first. - ; Sandlot Briefs: Only balk call-1 cd by an umpire in league games this season was declared by Umpire Kenny VYindle yesterday on' Carnlli. Only out by bunting foul i third strike during the season was committed last night by Jack Lindsay. Nick Pavlliki . r.asl (Mr. brl) H 10 i H W ,18 3 2 D-K 10 C K 0 5 West (Mr. Chamilwi) 8 J Ml H 10 I J 8 5 4 C J 7 2 by winning pitcher Jack Lindsay while A & O took eight off Cai'jlli where they counted most. Big Inning for the winners was in their last tim? at bat. Leading with one run, Clothiers came to bat to force in four runs off three has, two walks and one error. Abel got passed to first for the second time with lvo men on, loading th-j bases when Cliff Dalit stepped ir.'o the box to cries of: "be a ht-.o or a bum.'' He was he hrc;, alright, for a long single, his mly hit of Nnuth ( Mr. Keen) 8 7 4 H 7 8 D A 9 S C A Q 10 8 The bidding: Nurtll Kat riolilll 1 H P" 9 ' 2 H Pau 3 NT 11 NT All Pasa From Foctory to You Baby Chenille Bedspreads $5.25 Each Lowest price in Canada. Beautiful first quality, completely tufted, no sheeting showing. All colors, double or single bedslzes. New center patterns in flowered or solid designs. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one, you will order more. New address: TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armeis, Montreal, Quebec. -H Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printinq Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. KESNER BLOCK (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) 1 Classified Advertising U payable In advance. P.ease retrain from telephoning. cUfeSSt J Wit Pasa word per insertion, minimum cnarge dw. oirin winiccs auc. uaroi bl iiian&s, Uty Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2iio SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. Ja'jk Sharpe, Stan Cornwell and four trips to the plate, brought M"M" a" P'ayf1 terrific H NEKAL NOTICE in two runs, and started a hitting l B "'MB' tBcn lumng , -pree by nvxt two batters Lindsav i me near lmPssible fly. A large Mr. Champion winning with the and Giodany. Two more rutis crowd on the bleachers was the Jack. A third diamond lead was DUFFY In the oltv Tuesdav,1 September 4 11)61. Albert, age 60 veal's, oi uueen Charlotte f'itv R C Renuiem Mtis: will tie I iiyi-ncai, ui many games. Mooting laKen wan tne ace in inn cioseu and routing went on incessantly hand while Mr. Abel discarded scored. Lindsay's only trouble came FOtt SALE I KKPAiir FOR SALE-1937 Ford 2 ton WATCH HKPAJKS i truck. House trailer. 18 tt..i Iii ient .v m (;t fullv furnished. House tijdlei'.i Jeweller, batislar'n D.eeze. ' i9 it., tullv tur- ; teed. nlshed. Two work trailers. oolivs, nassensei and uujk ' lost tires. 1929 Chevrolet motyr, radiators, etc. Aoulv Midland LOST -In p,t o! t. fines. Fnoue Black 739. Hit bla:-k waiiel my"' tha rleiW'P f'lf SlindeS I wiiiw h.illiMr I I P V4:ihurl "l Church of Annunciation ttl E Nnu, ismnll heart led Now a a smalt neait u-.n was im 9 a m Saturday. Seutember 8. U and won with dummy a king. miei nient to tollow in Fali vlew 0 Mrs Keen didn't like the looks 1 Cemetery. B. C Undertakers in , until end or the game. Abe! & Oduwes ABE H Arney, 3b 5 2 1 McHardy. lb '.. 3 1 0 Pavilikis. cf 3 2 1 Ahel. n " 1 i ,.i 0 nf Mr rhumninn'j in unnt n' charge oi arrangements. utc money. ! mat.- Nes ofi; i FOR SALE Orev English pram. - 4 t I,,.. l)V,,,t,a Hi...n UIIDCI'II Tr, tl, oil.. Thi.K.! iwu LUlllll uun. I wi. Dahl, 2b 4 i i 112 81h Ave.' .21101 1 dav. September 6. 19al. Marnev vJes!r Ca Jean, beloved hnov riiiiiBhter of I "r L- AKS SAI CARS FOR SAI.F-'-Tudor Custom LiL 10 WW. Firi indicated that the hearts probably would not break favorably. She had seven tricks In high cards and she decided to go alter the club suit to develop the necessary two additional tricks needed for her contract. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J, War- FOR SALE -Oil ranee, single bed. ; Lindsay, p 4 0 2 Giordano, ss 4 0 1 Deil, rf 3 0 0 Sharpe,' If 4 0 1 Black 548. (21 Id) , .en. 1000 'th Ave. East. Rev. L. O. Seioer will conduct services at Grenville Court Chaoel ut 11 a.m. Saturday. Sememoe'- 8. In- . FOR SALE - mo v mu SAI F.The Ihlnizs-must dan. Illiie.i'i l.iu. . OUR APPOINTMENT AS Total 32 7 C jrdon St Anderson AB R Spring, rf r 3 o be sold Electric guitar, odd condition. Pnww k' At kt the the firth firth irlrw trick, then then, she he , ' terinent to follow in Fairvlew Cemt,lerv B c undertakers iu led a club from the board andchartte o arrangements. Utci finessed the queen when Mr.! Abel played low. This was a WFl)l)IN(i ANNOl'Nt'EMKN'T Sundberg, 3b PURVEYORS OF THE RENOWNED kitchen chairs, one coinoinj- : jo. tion .radio, washinc niachine. ... . buffet, carpet 5x8. satin ,;" SALE-4, ryrat cushions end table, cof tee , !V' "1il'!'.'l'd. 9"u tahlH. one new size bed.' h,iiu- I. tense situation as Mr. Champion was known to have two good diamonds in his hand. ...3 0 ..3 0 .30 .20 .. 3 1 .. 1 1 Cornwetl, cf .. Matthews, 2b Marshall, If .... Hartwig ss Dunbar. 2b .... BOATS FOR Si; babv rrib. hiKh chair. Call at 33a 8th Ave. Ea,st. downstairs, i IT 1 i Mr. and Mrs Joe Ratchford i wish to announce the marriage ! oi their daughter, i June to Dave A. Vance ol Rav-nund. Alberta, The wedding . will take uluce Sent 19 In the I21UUI i FOR SALE--30 It r. When the club finesse worked, Mrs. Keen wajs so delighted that beam, 0id.i 4', t r ft. of .saus. 4 rv PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy.! lor dailv delivery except Bun- i day. Bv looking after vour i FOR M E N-S Sue United Church. Utpi she played a little too fast SHOES Ford, ph (7i Youngs, c Carolli, p banged down the ace of clubs and that km her downfall. Mr. FOR SALE-3.000-watt DC. lurht olani. New. Box 188 Dailv News. I 214di engine, sleeps tinfoil stove and cu i sils $H.00 cui Winds.'' PriiLc R;. Club. Total 24 2 6 5 Abel played surprisingly well, dropped the king of clubs under the ace. As you see, this made milk vour milk will loos alter you. Keen It cool. AH milk guaranteed, (tD GIVE the fo ks at nome a treat . get one of our delicious cakes or pies Rupert bakery Ltd Phone 64 for order- all FOR SALE AMI I) TO I. IIMHIH Mill' v.j'lu KNOWN NAMES Scaled tender will be receiver! bv Mr Chamnion's tack the master . NATION ALLY M the Uistrict Forester. Prince Rupert.. cluh. Llng-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draidln-.v Adams j fc..,. .iv,v .null Ul II1C llll ( dny or September. ni5i lor th pur-i Desperately Mrs. Keen led a 1 (Mf of Licence X-6473S situated Voirl h.r.lno tlMit llr Ahol u;nii ! WANTED TO RKNT suite irm.i:'ti '. liable an. I.; iami.i Dailv New-, j KKWAKl) i Wanted to Uc.t- ! 1 house or iai'er. J H MAIR. Auctioneer, for goods vou wL-h to sell. Phone Green 41)0. i211pi of Standing ami Felled Snruce ,H. "0 0"t Of clubS and that she ACCOUNTANTS Road Oraders: Llttleford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance Eauinment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T L.. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. O. Fur. Stone Bulldimi. Red 593. 2uml preierred. J v.tii sji WANTFD TO RE.V lilslled Ml 111' bv K ismail fluid, B"l News. lock. Balsam and cedar sawiotts. and could surrender two heart tricks pi'm """" lml "' Cedur P"'8 and to nlm' eventually making dum- Two (2i jear5 will be allowed for1 my's Iifth heart ,or the ninth removal of timber. trick. But Mr. Champion showed Further particulars of the chid out, discarding a small spade, and rifcf-B? BcMhe lust chance was gone, or Ranker s. T. Strlmbold Prince i If Mrs. Keen hadn't got SO ex- WANTED Gasoline Hoists: National; WANTED TO RENT 4 Tlicir sfioeuuildin possesses a fineness of chanieler that is found in no olfier nwric; wc are showing their newest styles, in a range , that meets any budget... awl we til with core. YOUR EARLY SELECTION IS INVITED ajiion footwear K"i,m- Bc nt) 'cited when her queen of clubs su.te Re i it). 19 Uaiiv Si held she could have made her rortaoie sawmills: National Rotarv Scr-ens and Conv.yors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) I'OK HINT WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap lion. , steel, brass, coouer. lead. e'c. Honest grading Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron a Metuls Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver B, C. Phone PAcifir 6357. UI' WANTED .35 calibre Winchester ammunition, anv auantitv. Write Box 130. Dailv News. tf-ncl FOR KENT-(Mrs. VtViri.tHI.K AVATKRS I'ROTKCIION ACT K.S.C. C liupler 14(1 Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, hereby gives nottve that It tian. under Section 7 of the said Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa and with the Acting Deputy Iteiostrar In the ReRistry Office fur the District of Prince Ru bid. Obviously her main concern was keeping Mr. Champion out of the lead. Therefore, after win ning the queen of clubs, she should have entered dummy with a high spade and led another club toward her hand. If Mr. Abel played low she floor poiLsliers. 11 Phone U.uc 'JJ'i. ft trie. FOR A NEW H'". phiuie WU- Bus In und and FOR RENT -Furiu:? 221 ,'iln Ave. Et.. perl, lit.u'.v C'j. pert. In the Province of British Co- linnbla. a description of the alte and could have gone up with her ace FOR SALE Lovelv 10 - piece black walnut dining room suite, large golden oak library table, 2 larae upholstered chairs. 3 occasional chairs, large commercial floor waxer and Dolisher. Hoover carpet sweeper complete with parts, one large electric fruit iuicer, eleetri.; massager and reducer. 4 electric heaters. 1 small put burner oil ranae 2 good oil heaters, nice pictures in lrames. 4 floor lamus. 1 tabic lamn. fireplace with all tools, large complete exerclslnir kit. N a third club clearin CASH for .tcrao cast, brass, cooper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) WANTED TO BUY Used Astral frig, in good condition. Box 190. Dailv News. (212pi IIOl'SES WANTED TO Bl Y the suit and putting the lead on her right. If Mr. Abel went up with the king, she could have played a small club from her ROOM FOR KENT 3: terreii. -!ini;e r 121 Mil Wet I'V-n 4U uallous of naint. Standard FOR hr.NT A'. '"" 7 Inri.o n'nn. Pr.nfh WE SOLD siX hOUSCS ill A'JKUst. nr two fiutle mm ' hand. This play would have set up the rest of her clubs while leaving the lead in the non danger hand. constructed on the foreshore and bed nj the easterly side of Krmnno Bay. Ranue 4. Coast District. Province of British Columbia. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice. Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, will, under Section 7 of the Bald Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works ut his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said Bite and plans. Dated this 8th day of August 1951 ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED PAUL S. WHITE. Kecretary. (A24.31.S7) n'ate mirrors. Biack 823. Mr.i We can sell vours. Have sev-Hicks. (U) eral cash biivers for two and tour bedroom houses. For too 391. 41 U-DKIVE CAKS 711 Un iivilie O'uil J Jfroeddionai prices nnd (iiiick service, nhoiie ARMSTRONG AGENCIES uMneM an KOH KENT - S Phone 342 Brack 197 ieves.1 Phone Red lw FOR SALE New and used household furniture. SllEhtlv used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom SuiUs. Chesterfields. Boys' Bicycles Bedside Runs. Cribs, Studio Couches etc.. selllne at (21UCI FOR RENT R a REAL KSTATE TIMI.I K MI.K -,VtH.r, Red 471. tr..r D..-VT -1 i'.'ti' !' TWO SPECIALS the lowest possible oriee. B.C. Furniture Co. Phone Black 324. (tf) Six-room semi-buimalow. clo.e room. 539 tth ;1 y HANDYMAN vHOME SERVICE I1KLP H AM" FOR SALE Annies, standard Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St Ph. Black 389 to M-Briiie. Living room, two bedrooms, large kitchen and bathiooni. two bedrooms ui-stairn basement Price only $5000. terms arranged. . Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Btoro Hriwrrn P:irt t;W fur PUice. box sie. II 00. Plunis. luc oer lb. Bring vour container and oick them. Riverside Cabins, Terrace. B.C. Phone 107 M. (212DI GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Dining K'Kim. Five-room house on full con- Therfc wu in offprd for sale hy Public Auction at tlie office of the District ForeHter Prlnre Rupert. B.C., at l am. on the 25th day .of September. 1W1, the Licence X-53H45 situated Union PflwmKe. Grenville Channel, to cut 4KUK0 Ib.m of Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam and Cedur Sawlos. Provided anyone unable to be at the Auction In person, he mny submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of Auction and treated ks one bid. Three years will be allowed for removal of timber. Particulars from Chief Forester. Victoria. B C; District Forester. Prince Rupert. B C , or Ranger S. T. Strlmbold ut Prince Rupert, B.C. (It) rhivs Aoolv Mr t ciete foundation Davemeni. Pembroke bathroom fireplace in living room. Marvelous view. Two lots in lawn. Price $5700. lARMSTRONO AGENCIES Phone 342 Black 197 (210) ROOFS CHIMNEYS ' OIL BURNERS entrance of I''' HELP WANTED-? for general W;.. plv in WW" Pioncer-Canailian BOYS' GABARDINE PANTS New shades, brown and grey, good fit, lots of wear. Sizes ft to 12 years. Real bargain, now $3 75 to $4 25 pair. B.C. Clothiers. (tfci FOR SALE Bovs' nants. school RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS h AUDITORS! Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 BTONE BUILDING PHONES: P.O. Box 1870 MUST BE SOLD this week-end Two-bedroom house, laundry Red 894 "?.V..,h.Vt,.i.- (r shoes, all sizes, well made, lots Right In This Town you can get the same genuine B-H "ENGLISH" PAINT that is used from coast to coast in outside painting" Burrs mil CjiW. .i,AM-rr.'n -T:ixi j NOTU'IS I Notles b hereby Rlvm thftt on the 12th dny ot September ' next the underfilimed intends to Apply to the 112-Taxi WANTED - f'l""11' scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. of wear good iiDuearance Bovs' oants $2.75 to $5.50. Bovs' shoes $4.45 to $5.35 Dr. B.C. Clothiers. (tf) FOR SALE White babv car-rinee. $17.00. Steel crib. $6.00. 1 43lA til nAve. (21 lb FOR SALE Reasonable nrice. Sandv'.s Cafe. 3rd Ave. West. See Droorietors. . (211u) Bavvlew n"" PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 ! l.lquor Control Board (ot consent to ' transfer of Beer Llcente Number S!05. Issued In respect of premises ! brlnK part of ft building known as Belmont Hotol sltuat at 7'25 and 727 room, recently decorated. Some furniture. Immediate possession. Your down payment accented with substantial monthly terms. Low interest rate. Blue 804. (211p FOR SALE. Laree furnished home with furnished apartment drawing eood revenue. $3500.00 cash, balance terms. 1078 7th Avenue East. Black 298. evenings. (205pi FOR SALE Partlallv completed two-storev house. Opportunity for carpenter nr handv man. 621 2nd Ave. West. (21 Id HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th SliTet Phone 65 hone 347 P.O. Box 374 1 Third Avenue West, Prince KuperV I British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 5 and 6. Block 32, BOYS OR Gl" OpeniriRs for W; on Pally . various parts ol APPLY AT Off FOR SALE 4 year boat. 1 year car 4 month motorcycle '4R I Section 1. Map 923. Prince Rupert or 451. 2 1 Id FOR SALE Easy washer, vacu A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, CA. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 um tvoe. Goud condition Black 93 I211ui Special Bon Land Registration District, of the Province of British Columbia, from John Hosklna to Belruprt Hotel Limited of 404 Randall Building. 6:15 West Georgia Street, Vancouver. British Columbia, the transferee. Dated this 11th day of August, AD. 1H61. BELRUPERT HOTEL LIMITED. (211) SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete. Visual Analysis ' OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 ' . WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 FOR RALE 3-room house trailer. 1710 West 2nd Ave. (2110) FOR SALE Small home com-prisln? 5 rooms and bath. Overlook Street. $3500. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (212c) FOR SALE House. 141 Wantnee Road. (211pi for Good V FOR RALE Titan nower saw, A-l shaoe. 555 Taxi. izinui By CMIL lu" BLONDIE He Felt It In Hs Bones ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. i'll lca'the sop Ns?ght ) I: I! I 0 Z3 J F1 a?r H"ow rn J j .( ThiSES NO BATH SOAP. .. .,rnr ,i.Tr,,,, r-.- , 1 B 7 5, C CB I Vil KNw'.V T ' I I nrKr ' "C nLL -U'K LAJ I I - ! I f"w "V f l H I ' f 1. I VAX avoo wingme L . . 11 'rVV' . ,-rv? W;..''f'. MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Cleaner Cutting Sowi Brushes, Turps, Thinners, Scrapers, Putty, everything! Tv mm will t mj tour, lula wbm lied tm gfllf mt rellon machine. Uulvk Mrrfc on nil trlM t iitw. Ml your uwi In tednn 2rlac M MWt nUiollied. 11 'al V "TG yMA mMW 'C : :,: Jx " ' di at X;-Tiff3j H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 Train Schedule For the East x Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday's, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. PRECISION SAW FILING I'MS PIGGOTT PLACE Bex 1011 Station B fAtint: Pn Terminal) Terrace Buildert Supply MrBrirle St Phone 311