Pilnce MJpci'i" Uuuy i ftiday, tjepreinbcr V, ami RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocyciet CFPR I - , -' ! , (Subject U. Change) English Football Car Shortage Not Reason TORONTO. Donald GurdOT , chairman und president of the , a .v. Canadian National Railways hit lhe nunibt-r of ties installed back yesterdav at Mum" ! dWn,54 eent- Eh lng the crisis in the movement ' "rrltd r,;"uired ' of the bumper western ffrain crop on a shortage of railway j MO"E EFFICIENCY box cars. I "We not only carried more Speaking at the tran.sporta-! 'rel(?ht, ,a-ster but ' used "'-tion, Communications and Com- i y of manPoer and mereiKi Travnlli-K rvu 1 materials and equipment, and I 12 RctoWe and Effl-:p ni,tf ice. Al.su agents for Wid Air Co. Ltd. and aU , iMDSAY'S CARTAGE 'storage LIMITED . .nd Park Avenues , J19 Fhonrs W nd i o o SHOE "POLISH English League Division I Arsenal 0, Liverpool 0 (tie). Chelsea 0, Derby County 1. Manchester United 3, Athletic 2. Portsmouth 1, Manchester C. 0. Preston North End 3, Blackpool 1. Sunderland 1, Aston Villa 3. West Bromwich Albion 3, Newcastle United 3 Ulei. Division II Barnsley 1, Luton Town 2. Doncaster Kovers 1, Brent at the Canadian National Ex- C ,thU as lndicatlve of pro?- 1 1 hloition, Mr. Gordon declared i rfMt ln the Canadian railway in- that tne difficulty confronting HlZ' , t.h ruiiuou. w ..; i . This It an era in whi h 1 FKILAY P.M. 4:30 Sleepy lime Storte 4:4S-Stoek QuoU & Int. 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 5:30 Dill Good Spoils 5:45 Lvrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Personal Album 3:30 Now I Ask You 7:00 CliC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Chamber Music 8:00 Here Comes the Band 8:30 Vane juver Theatre -Tfiuii: n.wvts the .train for shipment" bat in 1 ,t"ge continued 'Ue'f ,P,art ot normal- : L AUCTIONEER ,ity," Mr. Gordon kkuhih ria oi it when the rail I which we must move faster and Polishes haul m completed. ! faster even w.v... to , o. stand still. The Th.r I - Fast unt uiai e iK io railway manaye- and July the CNR moved a daily ment and employees is that illy average of 508 cars from the ; must be prepared to reject out-prairies quantity that .ur-jworn methods and outmoded ford 2. Everton 1, Nottingham Forest 0. - w, . 7,. "; of thinking, and be will-1 im-: TJ "A ne mg to seize every opportunity to said Congestion in Lakehead ' use the products of scientific terminals developed to the point 1 knowledge. If there is a serious where we had as many as 2400 ! threat, in th ir,r,,.to-m .., George Furniotis, who has been i home on a holiaay oi a few months duration, left early in the week, returning to "Toronto. ears ln the vards await inv ! .u.. - , I ;-"vc ui me lauways is, arises i. .hi. .m loading The average number - rrom the habits of mind induced detained during July was around ; by a long history of close and 000 cars. ; exacting rolilctums over what "Clearly It is uneconomic In ! railway management can and normal circumstances to use box cannot do in adjusting services cars as warehouses on wheels i to changing conditions. The Can- I. - ...lam uaii ririve SOFT-HEARTED CSM. Maurice Jutrenu of Mntral has organized collection of relief supplies for Korean hospitals. Here he looks over the day's "take" with houseboy Han. The iergeant-majoi, with the sniper platoon of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, has asked Canadian troops in Korea to contribute turpi uc food supplies to the hospitals. (CP from National Defence) ana it is anything but helpful adlan puoiie values ius great 1 to the available supply of box "Hospitality and Good Food" , That Is Our First Aim railway systems; it would be a pity if the railways were so loved that they were squeezed to death. 0:00 fivmphnny for Strings 9:30 Forgotten Books 9:45 American Drama 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 CBC Symptionette 11:00 Weather U:08 Sign otf SATURDAY AM. 7:00 -Musical Clock , 8:00 -CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time bignal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 World Ohirrch News 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weauiei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday pate 11:30 -Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies cars to have them tied up at a time when the railways are hard pressed to meet the requirements ICS, " 7"" ip here you're put-l,ng your cor in cx-pert hands. Our attendants have had years of experience und training in proper cor core. They know what vou need they hove whot it New Pulp Mill Each Week Phone II far Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe wr moving not only wheat, but j "The public places increasing other important commodities. To i emphasis upon speed. But when avoid aggravating the conges- j it comes to designing motive tlon It has been necessary to : power whether it be a marine make adjustments in, loading I or an airplane or motor-car en-cars at prairie points. gine or a railway locomotive-'But to describe this situation ; engineers are well aware that as a shortage of box cars for speed can be a costly quality In Mes to keep that If Timber Available Minister of Lands ! balsam aM the timbers present- irges L Wastage ; ,y used f()t pup manufacture, "We could start a new pulp'Ml- Kenney declares the day is mill every week in British Co- j approaching when poplar and lumbia If there was sufficient ' Jackpine will be extensively used, timber under the new forest! Refe-'arch, he feels, will also conservation poiicy," says Hon. I find means for the more ef fec-E. T. Kjnney. minister, of lands : tlve use of cedar which cannot ' and forests, who is here for the now be used jn pulp 'manufac-annual convention of the Asso- j turc. piuteH ta.tii-Hc nf TroHa tf Con-, Ci, i ar of yours in 0 4 Si n a "new" condition VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m.; Coqultlam Tuesday, 12 Noon . Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMrSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOIi WORTH VEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam, September. 14 and 28 FOR SOUTH QLEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam, Sept. 7, and 21 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Drive up longer. U3he3 :kre, today! . . . jUISTKICT O.N Illt.llWAV ( tral British Columbia. "The Northern and Central B.C. are trouble is there Is not enough ,.i ot tv. .h. Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open ( p.m. - 3:30 A.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE fir"ber, vSllab:'a Just where "jsion but on the highway. E. T. J!lan . Kenney, minister of lands and There is still plenty of timber j toresU, told the Associated in the interior, said Mr. Kenney. j Boards convention here yester- woK-n me railways are respon-; transportation. Increased speed slble is hardly an accurate rep-, beyond a critical point is at-resentation of the facts. ; tained at the sa:.-ifice of econ- "The tacts will show that the j omy. There is an optimum CNR now has on the western ! cruising speed and an optimum region some 24,000 empty box j load determined by the techni-cars in readiness for the new cal characteristics of equip-crop and all other traffic of-, ment. ! fering. This pool of cars amounts ! "The railways are not incap-to no less than 37 per cent of able nor averse to the idea of our total box car ownership on j increasing the speed of both Canadian lines." ; passenger and freight service Mr. Oordon used the record of I and, if peed were our sole ob-Ihe past two- decades to now I jectlve, we could cut the time the Improvements that the rail- of our freight train schedules ways have made in operating I by as much as one-third. If efficiency. Using 1928 as the! speed were unimportant, e:on-base period, the CNR has been omical operation would dictate able to carry 40 per cent more an average freight train speed net ton-miles of freight with 13 of about 15 miles per hour, per cent fewer freight cars of "What the public wants is not all type. Measured by the av- i simply speed, but speed at a erage freight train speed, serv- I price, and as low a price as pos- For OiMjtld Orders Prion 133 SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 BBC Bandstand 12:30 Folk Song Time 1:30 London Studio Melodies 2:00 T-a.is-Canada Bandst'd 2:30 Trans-Canada Bandst'd 3:00 This Week 3:00 Music Box 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:30 Let's Look Around 3:45 Announcer's Choice uuu Liieie is aueauy cvercuiling ; ay uii viic luoji wncic IJU U1 operators naturally want to 13-cate. the time has come when new pulp mills will l.Hve to go into "We have the natural resources and industry has come to our door. "And no part of the North can grow without the whole North deriving benefit." the interior, he declares. ! Thei j could be five of six more Relieve HAY FEVER He cited the tremendous in- pulp mills put on the coast on f BF.N nACKSTAYJ Superior Auto Supply Ltd. in the last Hay Fct wrdn t plaK.!e with crease in population you it; the hal nf cnmnlPt iitillrntinn me OaSIS OI Complete Utilization , v.,rlnolp! tin nor rpnl ""l nrt -tiring. it blowing and fix wnnn Mr Konnau hut ! 11 " J " J ii c wjj improved Dy 24 per ccnt. s'oie. RastinK- its ilrhing irritation of eyen and fwrs. Ort rcli'f with Tf-tniileton' RAZ- While the search continues I not under the present wasteful ln "rlh'rn anJ ,Ceni';al B C- uue to improvements in design i IN Oft of rail and treatment of ties on i for engineerinz imorovements1 method of liquidation whereby I "R M AH an did Mm. Veslf y BrannUm, Dunnvill-. Dm. S;nce ciiiMViofrd, niie Biirter-d from Hay Fever. The older she milln trnrlra thn Irtnn,.., ..f that a'ill airl U - 0 r-.rTit nf ttia tftnhnf la luf rail laid last year was reduced , higher casts, an attempt Ls be-jin the. woods and another 25 ,but a' are 1'400'0j0 peo' (tot, th more she nufierpd. Then her druggist 'ecommpnded RA.-MAH. "The very first nighi I took RAZ-MAH," Mr. Brnnston writes, "I slept comfortably. When I awoke, my eve uy o per cent compared to 1928 J mg maae to strike a balance in i percent is wasted Dy present This population increase a? manutacturing pethods of saw- manded a greater sense of re 1 ; the kind of service provided the ' j integration of industrial pro- PORTRAITS :! ce-es together with shortened Films Develoued and Pilr.uri 1 working hours means that more ponsibility from such bodies as uoubii simr' The pulp mill Is the solution T 1 ,. T A a U J-1 thA Jon t suffer a day lonjrer than you OI COinplde Utilization OI tlmoer, .,i,i. ih.m t have to. Kor quirk, mlr trl,e from Hav things must be accomplished ln aid tha ml.v.ster, predicting that ; s"'- ' .' . Few, take kaz-mau. Umt bj thou- PROMPT SERVICE the future industry would be ting forth resolutions. I C HANDLER'S STI DIO 210-4th Street Box 645 I'hone Green 389 Prince Rupert a given time. This suggests thnt across the whole range of transportation the standard of .speed will be raised, so that what is now an aye-rage or normal level will in time appear to be slow." "Plan for the future always,! and draw up your resolutions accordingly. "They are taken very seriously by all levels of government." "We hope that highway we're on is in better snupe ihan Highway 16," quipped t'hairman W. J. Scott, as the minister sat down. close integration of pulp mill, sawmill and wallboard or plywood factories, thereby eliminating all loss of timber. "The day Is coming when it will be considered a disgrace to have a mill burner," he asserted. Mi. Kenney said that already efiorts were being made to obtain special freights for the shipment of slabs, edgings and such present wastage in interior saw-m'.ik to the pulp mill at Prince Rupert. mm If you want to sell it, advertise it, News classified. MM PRESENT CREDIT RESTRICTIONS HAVE MADE ' JOHN Q. PUBLIC ECONOMY-MINDED CONSIDER THESE FACTS WHEN BUYING A CAR: Ford's English Prefect and New Consul display . . . Lowest price In their field , . . Cheapest per mile operation . . . Small down payment available Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. Even in farm land clearing, Mr. Kenney foresees the day when, instead of burning it, the larmcr wnl sell the timber he lulls for cordwuud. Whereas hemlock, spruce and i Ben Backstay was a boa is ream, A very jolly hoy, Nt7 lad ihan he more merrily Could pipe all fiamfs ahoy. For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth' slnJ mellow it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest, pemerara Rums. Lamb's Navy Rum This fetvcrtiicmeni is not published or displayed hv ihe Liquor thk dvftlMMni b not publlihw ot dltp!vd by & Llquoc Caalrat Bm4 at U Hmmnmmt firWi CoiibUi i For Dowiiriglit Slumber Comfort... PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs ami Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd. P.O. Box 274 Control B wrd or by the Government of British Columbia. An olj n'd thuntv If you want to sell It, advertise It, News classified. I four Cordial l tT DOMS A BACK TO SCHOOL 1 BARGAINS k Invitation lo see the lovely new we've hand-picked Fj" and Winter. Saturday & Monday SPECIALS Boys' Sport Shirts A bargain at Children's Sport Shirts Sizes 3 - 6 vears f To clear Call 363 FOR BETTER , . . Planning Building or Repairing j ps to live in and love Mattresses are Supreme Also manufacturers of -hion-right dget-right . . . Dorp rmilient sprint9, exclusive) Flex-olator conKlriicliou, tliick live cotton padding combine to make a Restmore mattress the numler one sleep promoter. Only the finest quality materials go Into Restmore Supreme Mattresses, yet they are dollars less than any other mattress of com- ' bedroom IjfQ r '"jining ' 1 room f livinj toom rsS' il i n. rt' rmn 1 lue-right . . . Sizes 6-14 years. Special Boys' School Panfs Reg. $3.50 to $4.25 LADIES' BRIEFS Clearance $295 49c j"m""WS Style, Today" parable quality. petteMansell MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. DOMS DEPARTMENT STORE Indies Wear I 523 3rd Av.. "A good place to buy over quarter ot a century" 327 3rd Avenue Phone 775 Mi BRIDE STREET AND FOl'RTII AVEM E