iiti ate from their Toronto head- cial agbuctai. elci gy 'and Mends. Prince Rupert Duiiy News Wfdiicjtiuy. August 1, 1951 ul",m eharter fr-an -.an a. if., " quarters ana irora meir j-urj Lonvaiei :enee r. liiooKjw I r YJ. ... . f 1. .: 1 -4 . . .1 , U ll if I., il... , i , . ' oj uimiiuc fjuapiLui ai. f,iinu.. ijuuit'llllies preueuea V.V Cliuj - liLU wtl Grants have been awaided to 0( -detoxiuution" at Toronto; Smugglers Work With Burma Road Alcoholics Communist Now Using By SEYMOUR TOPPING V Black SAVOY HOTEL two Ontario .universities ior re- General or St. Michael' Hoo-seareh work and an education pitul, usually la.su frcm seven to program is in process of de- 14 days. The patient is helped veiopmenl. ' to recover from the physh-ui Patients come under the consouuenoe.s of drinking and to acKwood on id, New Ontario JWdy -Reviews Its Activities , By Eosley Elockwood -''nee Rupert's ulUv inuderri liotel All rooms -ith bi Plume 37 RANGOON Burma (API The tiniate correctly the Quantity of foundations care tnrougn sen- gain some iiimbih hiuj me na- Jhi-ma Road which fed Chiang smuggled ueUuleum product but' TORONTO CP Of the 65 to reference, reference by relatives, ture of his illness. Clinical treat -w,.i.fahir- ormi o.ith iTit-ri it is believed to lu. iutiuv 75 per cent uf persons in On- phvsiclans. Aleoholhs Anonv- merit may cover two to three In this, the fourth deal of his first rubber, Mr. ; Urio who drink, Jix per cent ire inuus, hospitals, employers, fo- months of interviews. New, the eager kibitzer, was -beginning to realize tutt supplies fur the war small. bmmr the! a. vi.t .,f .h H.,rit pruQiem urn ;;er aiconoucs. how much harder it is to do the right thing when vu i ainst Japan has has . " J ! principal overland and are i., .,.,n .. .i.r ne rest unuK casuun casually route ior i goods m amall Quantities are SMALL TALK AT A DRUG STORE .are actually in the ,game. mainly ''social drinkers." But It is the sljc per cent, the aloo-, j smuggling to Communist China. I being smuggled into Jld .China. I Chinese truc k convoys pick up '. The bulk of the China-bound holies, Uiat conoerns Ontario's fi.-: ? He had Mr. Champion screaming again when he opened the bidding on the South cards and !p,tro:eum products rubber tires contraband er the Burma ohollTm Rh ToZto ' i XI ' auu oilier contraoaiiu at me wu. ih: r acr muuhm- iKirtheast Burma frontier and ties going inU .Red China, over I transport them ever thj tortur-i countless mule tracks reading ous Burma road to Kunming, 275 ' over the frontier. airline miles eastward. The iile-j Goods destined for China are S gal traffic in these priority gjods( shipped by .various means to is steady and significant. Lashio on northeast Burma. lion. - i Although the group treated since the research institute became active early this year Is still too small to afford final conclusions, a consider able amount of information has been ... -W J 31 W An authoritative survey made From that point the goods travel Bain.rl its executive director H North dealer East-West vulnerable North 1 ( U: .rtuonimtii ) B A 10 7 11 H A J 8 Li 9 4 C K 9 7 3 Vt.t (Mr. Itiile) lr. kwm S-K J a J b 6 1 3 H 10 II Q 7 5 3 3 r K m 5 t C (J 10 5 4 3 C A 3 htiutll (Mr. New) 8 2 H K 3 I A J 8 7 6 8 2 C'l 3 The bidding: ... W If i early this month said ihi cur- by truck to the frontier town duv Archibald, says 1 rent traf lie over the Burma road of Kyuchkok where they are re-1 Must of tne afcohoiias are be-I averages around three convoys loaded on privately-owned Chin- tweun 35 and 45 though some i a week with 50 to CO trucks in ese trucks for transport to Kun-' are ln lilelr 2Us or over 80 Few each Most of this trade ' ming. i convoy. of them, however, are women I Uri r . . . it's fur J II I u I drugs In me the giant . . I shave every 'Rrmemue use only!" "Do you carry store?" is in legitimate items such as ; cotton but plenty of strategic' 1 material is also carried. I Better Hive ecunomy smso Gay." Burmese and Chinese traders It Is often the tendency to as-In the Mandalay urea report sociate alcoholism with "Skid that the contraband goods are Row" types but this conception passed by Burmese army, pulice is probably wrong. Many per-and customs stations after pay- sons who are socially and econ-nn nt of bribes. , omically productive drink ex- The Burmese government has ' cesslvely. made some efforts to halt the The largest percentage treat-smuggling but so far has been ed have been salesmen and unable either to eliminate brib-1 clerical workers of whom each Vim-Hi i:Hr Nituth Puss Puss 1 U 1 IS Hiss 2 D 2 NT Pass 3 O 3 NT Atl pass '13 vt "tie official survey conserva-Pnss tively estimated that about 200 SS to 300 truck tires a month or """" about 10 per cent of Burma's monthly imports of tires from ! western countries are smug- ery or spare enough Iroop.s to represented 2i per cent of the his side eventually ended up in gled into Red China by this a hopeless three no trump con-! route. I tract. It Is almost impossible to es- total; 12 per cent were skilled close Uie frontier Mrs. Keen opened the trey of : Fr 654 (CIOSl'RE TIME 10 a.m. on day uf puMii'allon) Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Pa-a.su refruln from telephoning. Clussi:;tL Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 5uc. Curds ct Thanks, Death Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Annuunci,-mtnUs 2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PK1CK. hearts which was ducked in singleton king won. Now Mr. dummy and Mr. Champion won Champion played it wide open, with the Jack. Although the lead ; He entered his hand with the was a favorable one, Mr. Cham- i ace of spades and led his last tradesmen, 15 per cent unskilled laborers, Jl per oent skilled workers, 10 per cent professional and eight per cent held managerial pests or owned their own businesses. 131 TREATED Treatments have been given to 131 persons, 11 of them women. The foundation Is aided by the No Whitewash Of Hospitals Ocean Falls '1 ells Legislative Committee uf its Troubles UlLHtV XllHeJ ; diamond. When Mrs. Keen showed out, playing a small f pade, Mr. Champion roared CARS hUll SALE rUlt SALfc plun groaned loudly when he saw the dummy hand. The only chance for the contract lav in finding the diamond sal. 4a Puntiac i,wu- NATION ALL S KNOAN NAMES I 'OK i'.ANO uluUeiits liu like a wounded lion. "Why dofs IW Wfatnnt U net ooltihcd Qt difpliytd by ik .Uqaf CmuI 8Mdl r by lt Gavf riMMal it Cltrmbl. Uf suit .split 2-2 or in finding the everytmng nappen to me?" he king, queen and one other dia- asked. He also pointed out that j mond in Mrs. Keen's hand. So he never got a break, which was ! uuor ioioeuo aeuau. con-uiLion. iu.ujU nuie.3. ituuio. spoiutihl. neuter, tieliu.-u. vacuum cleaner in cai . wniu-saieiu wanner, buriioer. etc. Can after a. rted no (Hupi OCEAN FALLS When Arthur J government but has its own at the second trick the nine of something of an exaggeration Rutherlord, administrator of the ooara or trustees, medical advU i-iUK-ueU bpeeUtt' Snoveis; Cranes; uraiuuk&, A u a m s Roau urauers; Lfaicforu uros. biacK iuu Kuud Aiuinleiiaiize fcuuiDinein ; owen ciamsiieli iiutneis and Kock Uiauuios, T. L. bmitn Concrete Mixers. Cium tuiKiilL Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loauers lor StocKutle una enow Keinovai; Rice foru-uoie CeiitrilUHUl humps: National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; wauona! All Steel iiamondf was led. Mrs. Keen: i he ace ot diamonds look this ocean Falls Hospital, expressed ory Doa and staff of medical played the queen and Mr. Cham- trick and since the dummy was the hope that the committee of ! doc tors, psychiatrists, sociaf pion ducked in dummy, playing now dcad. Mr. Champion led the the legislature currently inquir- workers and nursvs. They oper FOR SALE IDjO O H V Hal U V Uaviusun tnolorcvcie. Funv ue luxe w 1 1 n ruooei cumiioii suiucket and hvuiaullcie iuirs. Win sell lor il)U Pi-iow list price, ya Taxi. il7aui jack of clubs on which Mr. Dale the deuce. LXHER1ENCED luu.c .salesuiall wulUcu Moibiieitl iiii.iu oo.iuiiuv lur mk: Saiurv und tunuuu U: 'Itibi-rviewlliK uul i i nice rtuoeri. Aunu.-2nu. Aumiv BuX . rtews. Mrs. Keen came out with another heart which dummy's 1937 Chrysler se- U a sol in e Hoists; National FOR SALE RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles Barualn. Can u-an. CFPR seen at uolui eiitKoti Ave. played the queen, Mr. Champion the king, and Mrs. Keen won with the ace. Her heart return was taken by the ace in the erased hand. Mr. Champion then led tne nine of clubs, a fine (and fortunate) play which trapped Mrs. Keen's fortaole bawmilla; National Rulitrv aciens and Conv.yors. i-ull nilormalion troin National Machmerv Cu. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. ttH ing into the operation of the British Columbia Hospital In-', surante Service would not pre- sent "another Hamilton report," K. J. Welch, MLA for Comox, assured that the report of this 1 commission would be "no white- wash." ' Mr. Rutherford told the committee, at Its session here Saturday, of the problems of the 'i482-d.Kr Cliev i APPLICATIONS will i (Subject it Change) Ov Mie unaer.siynri: 21 :P!ece Breakfast $g 82 -Piece Breakfast $Q Bets 21 -Piece Bone S-fl Qff China Tea Sets XtJ'' Dinner Sets, from $C ft (? 66,pieoes at ... JL & (Including beautiful Wetlgv-wood and Couldon Kirrg's Plate) SPECIAL English Bone China Cl'PS AM) S.M C KR.H at FOR SALE sedan, low Blue 338 nuleune. i'noue i tia-iui REPAIRS noun. Thm iiwv. Aj. the position oi Av puit tune 0aM-s p i i-iiiuiieratioii i-xur llier oetuits uvui, Cieik's in lice. Cilv i. Look. CltV C'iL'IK FOR SALE New and used nousenuiu furniture. Slimitlv used Kitchen Sets, bedroom Suites. Chesterfields. Bovs' Bicvcies. Beaside Runs. Cribs. Studio Couches eti-.. seilini :it. OIL BURNER SPECIALIST - - I oiove service and reoau.s. 0. 1 u. Konson, Blat-K oi)3. Ui) i MA1DS RKOU1HKD fr and luutuuv wort Ocean Palls Hospital and Its difficulty in keeping within the fixed budget even with all possible economies There had been an extremely small occupancy percentage eight 'patients of a the lowest passible prices. B.C j "WATCH REPAIRS -- Prompt ef-Furniture Co. Phone Black i licient service. Georte Cook 34. itf) Jeweller. Satisfaction nuaian- . , , teed. Personnel Otfioe. V FOR SALE Instrument Kr-llo-1 pnone. tnina cabinet. 80-oiece : LOST "Hospitality and Good Food" WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 8tars of CBC Opera Ca. 4:15 Music bv Goodman 4:30 Favurite Stories 4:45 Stock Quotations & Int 5:00 International Cumty. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 5:30 Toe Question Box j:45 Som'efhing in Harmony 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Three Sons 6:30 -Mus.cal Varieties 7:00 CBC Newi 7:15 CBC New.-- Roundup 7:30 Berlin Philharmonic Orch. 9:00 Authority in Our Society eight spot. Mr. Dale won with the ten of clubs, cashed the king of diamonds and the king of spades and got out with a club. Of course, Mrs. Keen held on to the queen of spades which she won for the second undertrick. In explaining his opening bid, Mr. New pointed out that he had 5'i playing tricks and that the book he read said that was all you needed to open the bidding. -Forget that book," commanded Mr. Champion. "When you open the bidding you guarantee 2!'Z high card tricks. With less than that and a good long suit you might open with a three or four bid but a one bid, never." mif "Ml lllslies. lauie radio, i nuT r,.,.l u vlnnil-in nf. floor lamp, hand-uamted bed L7ll) A leinooil. on ,, a iiti Av Avinue me i-S-ir i. eat screen, iwii ctoctu. .! tr .uri. larne wl-lro.- wl:'kei' Indian Hosuiui. r pert B.C. WANTED Male clerk ultiv depur'.mtii! . Manaeer. Cow b.u Prinee Ruix-rl Fisrn-r op AisiN'iuliun PRINCE Rmii-rt Hut. News uuice. Leave ut Mew; Ollue. Reward. ilHuin dull bunev. lrumes ieu ladders, other small urticles. Pnone Red H36. (ISOpi 69c am1 97c PiNCiiuowr. si-ts 7-95 MANSON'S China Shop capacity for thirty-one. How-' ever ,it was hoped to wind up the year on the right side. I The administrator complained at the tardiness of the BCHIS in answering correspondence. Apart from the hospital, a pharmacy was operated. Last: year ttv pharmacy had a sur- plus of $64. i That is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe huoiu Wauled I- LOST-Child's doll I camel i on 3rd Ave at 8th St. ' Finder please return to suite 19. Mc-Intvie Biock. i iao-in:i PEKNUSAI, FOR SALE Ea-sv electric wash-I er vacuum cup and pump, like! new; portable aewiuir machine! Seamstress vibrator 15.U0, .standard sine crib and mat-1 tress like new. 1248 Beach 1 waitress liiuu 5 3i Auolv Mrr. Ij kii-luiice ut hotel. WANTED Bovs or Province routes. Ac Green 618. 10:00--CBC News hospital ,n.,n rrir, M, D j ., Harry Griffiths, a director, said the hospital had 10--,, nru Gut WANTED TO Ri i'iace . 18001 FOR SALE Five-weeks-old puus. Mother Labrador, father Chesapeake both mire-bredsi. Phone Blue 268 or Black 605. ttfci ut-cn jusi no wen uu uciwic inc...,.,,. yn Up-li.,! 1 start of BCHIS but hastened to 11:00 -Weather Report mm 1 PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy, or dailv delivery exc-pt Sun-duv. Bv lookini; alter vour milk vour milk will lo-.-k after you. Keen it cool. Ail milk guaranteed. (til FOR RENT General Elect lie floor polLshers. $1 per day. Phone Blue 91)2. Pacilic Electric. (til FREE scran wood. Supply vour own cartage Kint Edward School demolition, liuulier and MnedS and I rot eMiona WANTED Wurkiim would like tn rent room juartnii-iit Furnished or u: Phone Blue 7tiii ! i ! add that none wanted to see the j service discontinued. Facific Mills Co. owns the hospital at Ocean Falls and charges $250 a month rent. BCHIS refuses to allow for the payment of . this rent, holding that it was a FOR SALE Double bed. spilim-lilled mattress, or will trade lor sim;lc bed of same tvue or .studio couch. Auolv 209 6th East after 6 U.m. (183p) FOR SALE Real baruain. two brand new single Air foam mattresses with pillows. Wholesale price. Phone Bluck 810. iH-pi WANTED TO Hi-.NT datioit for two vuui men. Apartment Welter. lllci GIVE the folks at. home a treat! house with two brat t i.-urars and tt-inii community responsibility which should be found from outside sources. Mr. Rutherford complained News . . . Kl-l wilt? Ol uill in-liriwii.. rv.il. --ili.o tr io fJ,i,,... I'.il. ,ri, U.lliV Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 3S9 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING Ltd. Phone 64.) for order. ' t" J WAN TED TO RENT HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS GIL BURNERS Fish Arrivals 11:00 Sign Off THURSDAY-A M. 7:r0-Muslcal Clock 8:Ui ChC News 8:10-Here's bill Good 8:15 Mornuig Song 8:30 Murning Devotions 8:45 Little Concei t 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Music for Moderns ' 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Your Music Appointment :59 Time etgnal ' 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "This Week's Artist" 10:45 Invitation to the Waits 11:00 Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report coupie witn i would like auartmiii Very urgent. Plump DECKER I.akp Cafe now open 7i a m to 10 p.m. Home cookinui. ) H. G. Parker. UH;oi REAL ESTATE WANTED IIiiu.se or I about the great amount of paper ; work. It was "terrific," requlr-j ing extra help. The budget should not be cut when such ex-' tra Work was required. ' The administrator contended ! that the co-insurance fee should j be set locally, suggesting $1 a day 1 while a patient was in hospital. FOR SALE One No. 3 National sawmill and nccetsories. Complete with trim saw and con-vevor. Superior Auto Service Lt(L tl84c) FOR SALE Standard Underwood typewriter, eood condl- ' tion. Phone Red 343 evenings between 5 and 7. 1 1 84 o i FOR SALE Bovs' Snort Shirts, nice designs, .sizes 2 to (!. Re, nrice $1.45. now 95c. See B C. Clothiers. (tf Cafe. FOR SALE Decker Lake ' steady professional ' it i lt to brine wit ' familv to cltv lur t residence. Duilv Nr Decker ( 1B2iii Enquire H. G. Parker Lake. B.C. PHONE : BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 RORIE & LAIRD - ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORO Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1070 l'OK KENT HISTORIC SCHOOL Among famous English Secondary schools Winchester, founded In 1382, is 58 years older than Eton. scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block COS -3rd Ave. W. FOR SALE Two ladies' blcvcles. Aonlv 813 Fraser St. or phone Red 548 between 9 a.m. and 5:45 om. Il80p) FOR SALE Full size cedar V-iolnt clothes cabinet, hanrl-made. A bnreuin at $35 00. Phone Red 244. H83pl WANTKI) WANTED TOP PRICES PAID lor steel, brass, couoer Honest pradint Pn merit made A'las Metals L'd.. 250 Pm" couver. B. C. Plw'1' JW.i - CASH For scran cast. b"s' batteries nnd rail"" M3 Call 629 (itli Avt FOR RENT Three larse housekeeping rooms on hiuhwav opposite Miller Bav. Applv at chicken ranch Sundav, Miller Bav:J. Dehod. U8()pi FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms suituhle for couple, lie 8th Ave West. ilBlp) FOR A NEW Hertz U-Drive. plione 530. Bus Terminal 2nd and2nd. (183pi 41 U-DRIVK CARS Phone 41 7U Grenvllle Court (tf) SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST ' Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 Prince Rupert, B.C. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED HOOVER vacuum for sale. Practically new. Blue 970. (tfi 11:31 Messaee Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 1 :45 Scandinavian Melodies 12:00 Mid-Day Merodiss F.a. 12:15 CEC News i2:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm B:oudcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:00 Easy Listening 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 A Book I Like; Comty. 3:00 The Music Box 3:J5 Western Five - 3:30 Step Lightly 4:00 The Sunshine Society BOATS FOR SALE FOR RENT- - Room to sharp, (tfi A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Red 471. ROOM FOR BOYS OR CIS Phone Black (183pi For Results ADVERTISE MATTSONS UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave.-E. Prince Rupert, B.C. ACl'Ol'NTANTS Openings for boys i on Dillly News r various parts ol cllj APPLY AT OFF! PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT In-ome Tux .sneclalLst. S. G. Furk. Stone Bulldinv. Red 5!)3. (2l)mi FOR SALE 30 ft. sail boat 9ft. beam, draws 4'A ft. 500 sotinre ft of sails. 4 cvlinder marine enelne Sleens three. Lavatory, oil stove and cnokinq- utensils. Jf'500 ensh. Anlv "Four Winds." Prince Rupert Yacht Club. (tf) FOR SALE -Sail bont. 14 feet f"llv en'ilnoed Bnrgnln at $300.00. Phone Black 148 (179c) FOR SAT 3nft.boRt.as is. RensonHhle nr"e Applv Armour Salvage Co. (180p) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY . ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Bo'x 1628 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. Special Bonusf NOTICE TO CONTKACTOKX ! SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked j as to content and addrensed to the 1 undersigned, will be received up to I 2 .00 noon. Tuesday, Annum 28. 1951. for the construction complete of four permanent married quarters (two duplex hounesl at Massett. B C. Plans, specifications and forms of tender required may be obtained from the undersigned at 360 Homer Street. Vancouver. B.C., by prime contractors only and are available for Inspection by sub-contractors and material suppliers at the address shown below, j the Builders' Exchange In Vancouver ! and Victoria and the Chamber of Commerce. 600 Block Third Avenue West. Prince Rupert. B C. A cheque for $50.00 payable to Defence Construction Limited Is required for each set of plans, secihcationB and documents. This deposit will be forfeited If plans, specifications and documents are not returned within fourteen days of August 2d. 1961. Each tender must be accompanied by a security deposit I of 10 of the tender price. Either a certified cheque payable to Defence 'Construction Limited or negotiable Doinlnlun of Canada Bonds will be accepted as security deposit. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. L. A OA MS, a0 Homer Blreet, Vancuuver. B.C. (ltc) for Good Ser4 For Action ADVERTISE WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 LOST Klondvkfi brooch heart and spades theme, valued as keepsake. Blue 931. tlBOpi H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone B6 Evenings Black 899 By CHIC Y0UN He Gets the Gait ELONDIE TTT3T Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store vbS. I -APE ) , i vou ve GOT iltZ!-2 ; tvrVJ f it in vou if,, MOUTH U ' VE GOT MY Vi ?,ivJ. Zy( S"S on. too, 5 S BUT I M NOT y -j V- WAtK-ING r QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL i I i I 1 1 IIMJJJI fr VCU MOT TO SMOKE ) f 2Ay( VOUCP1PE r-Vfc . I OKAV i) " 'f "w- C V y fhy i I'm not L 7' Smoking Tri ii, it , P - i r. Cleaner Cutting Sawi HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 Ttu Nwi will eat eleener, mf truer, luwr wba nui on tf4MUef eur precision machine. Quit It IftWjI eervice on ell typee uf wwi, firtngr four nwi im UxUf. Wf 014 jretwUitrtL H WANTED Shovel or Crane to rent, 3-ton capacity Peg's Wrecking Co., Prince Rupert Warehouse, tf CHIROPRACTOR JQHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 PRECISION SAW FILING l.J4. PIGGOTT PI.AC'K Box 10! 1 Station B (Agent: But Terminal) 1 Kifi Ttilti S,-ii,