Page Is Economical. The Coupons which it carries «- redeemable for useful articles -- are a further economy. Mrs. Forbes MakesButler She calls it Economy Butte: and it is well named, consider ing the quantity she gets, and the low cost of the extra butter. To ha'f a pound of butter add one SMALL tin of Pacific Milk, in which has been dis- solved a small pinch of baking soda. Whip ‘till the buttey has all been taken up and allow to set} gradually in a cool place. It makes almost a pound of butter—good butter, too. Many will thank Mrs. Forbes far her kindness, as we do. Pacific Milk Co. Limited FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business Sport Briefs | me err BE | Spectators at the Salt, Lake on /Sunday are still talking about the |wonderful diving by Prescott who jcarried off second prize in the jhigh diving contest. His jack- iknife leaps were done in perfect Hrorm and the crowd cheered | heartily when Duncan and he had ito go up a fourth time in order to settle the tie. Thére are very few swimmers in Prince Rupert who can give such a first class exhibi- tion of a new and rather novel way of leaving the board. The person seems to float through the air and straightens out just be- fore entering the water. . + * J. Day Bell has intimater th he would be very willing to start \a life saving class at the. Salt i\Lake. Those interested should communicate with him and al- though there not much time lleft this season, still much can Ibe done. Many people can swim, but there are very few who know how to help another when under difficulties. Not everyone without the proper knowledge would wish ito tackle a man who is strugelin® to get a hold of you as h? is sink- Is ing. There is a correct way and it is a most valuable thing for every swimmer to know. Young boys learn quickly. and soon be- come proficient in the art of life | saving. . > . The following are the names of the powerful team who challenged the field at the Labor Day sports. The Deep Sea Fishermen proved very decidedly that it was just as easy to pull men struggling halibut. The oetave comprised KE. Mickelson (anchor), E, Winth- er, John eKnutsen, E. Hansen, J. Byrne, H. Laxo, Charles Wallace and A. Woie. . . * In the football game on Monday afternoon between Scotland and England, Danny Main who was playing Back for the Scotchmen had the misfortune to cut his nose severely. He headed the ball at the same time as the English for- as 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. ON,SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 721 Third Ave. ' Opposite } The Empress Hotel ward kicked it. The sole of the defender’s boot seraped Danny's proboscis and for a time blood was running fast. He didn’t stop, however, but played a good position back throughout the rest of the match. . > * The race between-the Alice B. and the coxwainless four was cancelled on the morning of the Labor Day sports. Both craft appeared on the harbor but ap- parently the judges were unable to arrange to stage the event and the next minute the Alice B. was seen going out the harbor in the direction of Digby Island with a crowd of pienickers aboard. Great amusement was provided for those standing on the dock watching the waterfront sports on Monday morning during the gear setting contest. Many fish were brought up on the hooks but were rose as CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO ' mmr mre oowee- ? ; : 3 ee ee ee P.R.FEED Co. Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED a Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. Phone 586 : Linzey’s Grocery 216 6th Ave. W. solicit a trial order. Buy from a reliable store; take no chances on cheap junk. Ger VALUB FoR YouR MONEY AT - Linzey’s Grocery } ! | ; | We want your business and ; : ; pnow j}leam quickly snapped off as they came to the side of the boat. There was certainly no time wasted in the rather painful experience of ex- tracting the hooks. . . . There seems to be little chance that the Japanese baseball which was expected from ;Vancouver will arrive to battle iwith the local nine. H. Mochida who returned from Vancouver a j\few days ago reported to the boys jhere that many of the crack play- ‘ers on the southern team had now moved away and others of them were on the sick list. - COLTS BEAT REDS ON MONDAY EVENING | Following the game on Labor Day the Colts challenged the Red Sox to a game on the Market Square and they beat the winners of the afternoon game to the tune ‘of 11 to 0. Both teams were |practically the same except that ithe Colts had a new piteher in | Howard Frigzell and Willie Miteh. jell played third base instead of 'J. Fotos who replaced Geo, Shaw jin the fleld. The boys were not jsatisfied with the result of the lafternoon when they lost by a few errors in the third inning. After ;their blow-up they played an ex- ‘cellent game of ball and scored 3 | whilst they held the Red Sox down ‘to nil, Many fans thought that if ithe game had prolonged through ithe nine innings it is very likely that the younger boys would have caught up. } ’ } i Mrs. Adams of Port Essington arrived on a brief visit to the eity by the train last evening. W ednesday sept f VUARD AGAINST FIRE. -=>—- - THR DAILY AEWA LAND DISTHict CHARLOTTE DISi A 7 ISLANDS SKEENA QUPEN ne TAKE notice that Ester Mahelia MeMilla wf Winniper, Miniteba, oecupation groc intends to apply for permission to prospec! the following deseribed lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at a post planted al mite east of the mouth of Steele Port Louis thence south eighty thenee cast eighty chains, thence elehty chains, thence weet eighty to the point of commencement ESTER MAHELIA. MeMILLAN, Per Albert Jacobse, Agent 1919 | / i ‘ay/ os (Ss es hate f Hy bl dP if | ’ bi he fF, ut on Creek | chains north ehalus _— fil . " AN ryt ! | July t4, LAND DISTHICT CHARLOTTE DISTRICT ¢ SKEENA ‘ : ISLANDS QUEEN that Harry MeMann of | Victoria, B, C., Oeeupation carpenter, in tends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum | Commencing at a post planted at the mouth of Steele Creek, Port Louis, Graham Island;-thence south 80 chatns, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence | west, 80 chains to the point of commence ment TAKE notice HARRY MeMANN, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent 1919., ' July SKEENA QUEEN LAND CHARLOTTE DISTRICT —Dis! ISLANDS } TAKE notice that of Victoria, B. C., oecupation grocer, in tends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum John Joseph Fenerty QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that A, Harper McKechnie, of Winnipeg, Man., occupation engineer, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum: Commencing at a post planted about two mies east of the mouth of Coates Creek (which flows into Port Louis); thence south eighty chains, thence west eighty chains, thence north eighty chains, thence east eighty chains to the point of com- me neement, A. HARPER McKECH. uc, . Per Albert Jacobs, Agent __fuly 14, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT——-DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. CAKE notice that John J. Fenerty, of Victoria, B. C., occupation grocer, intends to apply for permission to prospect the foiiowing deseribed lands for coal and pe roleum: commencing a post planted about one ani one half ry, imiles north of the north shore of Otard Bay and at the south east corner of Coal Licence No. 10028; thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thenee south 80 chains, thence west B80 chains to the point of commencement. sunn J. PENERTY, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent, _duly 14, 1919 DISTRICT ISLANDS SKEENA LAND DISTRICT OF Q LEEN CHARLOTTE rAKE notice that Walter Govan, of In disu Head, Saskatchewan, occupation farm er, intends to apply for permission to prospect the fonowing described lands for co.l and petroleum: Commencing at a post shoreline of Port Louis, south of Queens Island, Graham Isiand; thence south 80 chains, thence east 8 chains, thence horth 80 chains, thence West 80 chains to the point of commencement WALTER GOVAN, Per Albert Jacobs, iv. planted on about one the tuile Agent. _ July 14, y a ShEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT Uf QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that Robert MeCaubrey, of Victoria, B. C., occupation merchant, in- tends to apply for poe to prospect the following desert lands for coal and peiroleum:— Commencing at @ post planted about eigaty (80) chains east of the month of Wiest River, Graham Isiand; thence south eigity (80) chains, thence east eighty cheins, thence north eighty (80) chains, thnce west-elghty (80 chains to the of commencement. ROBERT McCAUBREY, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. __ vated July 11, 41919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS fAKE notice that Edward Charles Francis Alien intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post forty chains northeast of Joseph Creek, and at the Cc. L. No, 10149, Graham east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north s0 chains to the point of commencement EDWARD CHARLES FRANCIS ALLEN, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. __ Dated July 12, 1919. planted the mouth of 5. E. corner of Island; thence about SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Louis MeQuillin, oc cupation accountant, and C. Norman Dal sleish, occupation barrister, of Winnipeg, Man., intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at 4 post planted about one quarter of a mile from the mouth of Con hell River, Port Channel, Graham Island; thence east 80 chains, thence north 50 ‘mins, thence west 80 chains, thence uth 80 chains to the point of commence- Lent, LOUIS MeQUILLIN, CC. NORMAN DALGLEISH, ais per Albert Jacobs, Agent. SKEE... LAND sasSTRICT—DISTRICT ©! QUEEN CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that A. J. B. Bookey, of Victoria, B. C., occupation retired farmer, intends to apply for permission to pros pect the following described lafids for coai and petroleum :— Oommencing at a post planted near the shoreline of Port Channel ang about a mile west of the mouth of Conr river, Graham Island; thence wnopth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east #0 chains to the point of-eom mencement, A. J. B. BOOKEY, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. Datel July 15, 1019, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT-DISTRIC! QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that Kenneth Sutherland of Winnipeg, Man., oceupation agent, intends ISLANDS oF to apply for permission to prospect the following deseribed lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post planted on the shoreline of Port Channel, about two miles east of the mouth of Connell River, Graham Isiand; thence south 80 chains, thence west P20 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of commanc ment, KENNETH SUTHERLAND, per Albert Jacobs, Agent, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTAICT 0} Yiew. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that M. L toria, B. C., » apply for following described petroleum; Commencing at @ post planted at mouth of Mace River which empties Port Channel, Graham Island; thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commencement M. L. SANDS, per Albert Jacobs, Dated July 15th, 1919. Sands of Vic the and prospe et for coal permission to lands the inte Agent SKEENA QUEEN —DISiKICT “OF ISLANDS LAND DISTRICT CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that John Mair of Vic wiia, B. C., Occupation retired farmer, in tends to apply for permission to prospect the following described jiands ¢' coal and pe .roleum Comunencing at @ post planted ai the mouth of Mace River, Where it empties into Port Channel, Granam isiand, ieee north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains th nee south 80 chains, thence east 580 ehains to the point of comumencement JOHN MAIR, per Albert Jacobs, Agent Datel July 15, 1919 SLEENA LAND DISTAICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that James V. Connell, o¢ cupation medical doctor, and A. W. sher wood, occupation medical doctor, of Regina, Saskatohewan, intends to apply for per Mission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroieum:— Commencing at 4 post planted about two and one half miles east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is land; thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of commence- tpenat. JAMES V. CONNELL, A. W. SHERWOUD, per Albert Jacobs, Dated July 12, 1919. Agent SKEENA LAND DISTRICT——-DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. CAKE NOTICE that James V. Connell, occupation medical doctor, and A. Leith, occupation meu:cal doctor, of Regina, Sas katchewan, intends to apply for rmission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum: commencing @t @ two miles and one st planted about half east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is land; thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commence ment. JAMES V. CONNELL, A. LEITH, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. __ Dated July 12, 1019 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRAICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. OF TAKE notice thai John Wesley Connell and Albert 8. Lock, both of Vietoria, B. C., occupation brokers, intend to apply for permizsion to prospect the following de seribed lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post planted about forty (40) chains in a north easterly di recon from the mouth of Kock-run Creek, Hennels Sound, Graham island; thence south (80) eighty chains, thence west eighty (80) chains, thence north éighty (80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains to the point of commencement JOHN WESLEY CONNELL, ALBERT SCOTT LOCK, per Albert Jacobs, Agent __ Date July 16, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE occupation doctor, and Benjamin Whitham, oecupation medical doctor, of Ke gina, Saskatchewan, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following de seribed lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post planted about two and one half miles east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is- land; thenee south cighty (80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains, thence north eighty (80) chains, thence west ciebty (80) chains to the point of com- hv neement, . JAMES V. CONNELL, BENJAMIN WHITHAM, per Albert Jacobs, Agent __ Yate July 12, 1919 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT that medical James V. Connell, tien medical doctor, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following de sertbed lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at 4 post planted ahout one and one half miles east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Island thenee south eighty (80) chains, thence east eight (80) chains, thenee north elghty (80) chains, thence west elg@hty (80) ehains to the point of commence ment, CHARLES HOUDOLPH PARADIS, per Albert Jacobs, Agent Date July 12th, 1019 Never forget to look Sreamall Dated July 5th, 1019 the classified list on Page 5, occupation undertaker, intends | DISTHICY OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SKRENA LAND DISTRICT...pISTRICT Op: OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE notice that Charles Roudolph Paradis, of Regina, Saskatchewan, occupa — - ShEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF YVeetN CHARLOTTE ISLA: “TAKE notice that Isaac Waxstock, of Vietoria, B. ©., oeeupation billiard room mreoager, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following deseribed lands fr coal and petroleum Tommencing at a post planted about a mie west of the mouth of Gonnell River, Po Channel; thence south 80 chains, th ace west 80 chains, thence north 580 choins, thence e@wst 80 chains fo the point of commencement } ISAAC WAXNSTOCK, i per Albert Jacobs, Agent | ated July 1 1919 | NA VIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION Act kK. &S. C. Chapter 115 of Public Works of the Province of British Co umbia hereby gives notice that he has, junder Section 7 of the Said Act, deposited wiih the Minister of Public Works and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries at Ottawa and in the office of the District Ke fistrar of the Land Registry District at | The Minjster |Government of the vVrnce Kupert, B, é 4 description of th site and the plan of proposed renewal and exiension of the Provincial Government Wharf at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ in front of Waterfront Block “F Take notice that after the expiration of ope month from the date of the firet publi e a < oe “ a ve ae “a NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE 18 HERBBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over certain Crown lands in Range 5, Coast District, lying mics on cach side of the Kilsumngalium Hier, notice of witch appeared in the Br tish Columbia Gazette on the gnd July, its, is cancelled. ° G. BR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lahds Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., 15th July, 1919 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE 18 HBREBY HIVEN that reserve existing over Crown on the Naas River, Cassiar District, tands notice of which appeared in the British Célumbia Gazette on the 25th Pebruary, 1909, is cancelled, G. BR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., 15th July, 1919, NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tnet the Peserve existing over certain Crown lands on Porcher Island; Range 5, ©. Hollce Of Which appeared in the Britiey Columbia Gazette on the 26th March, 1908 is cancelled, , . G. BR. NADEN, yeputy Minister of Lands hands Department, ane Victoria, B. C. ptt July, 1019. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION net OTiCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the orve existing over certain Cr wh lands - irahan Island, Queen Charlotte Islands postrte t, holice of which appeared in the british Columbia Gazette on the 30th July 1908, and the spa July, 1018, is cancelled G. BR. NADEN - * Deputy Minister Sssaas +s Department, Victoria, B.C, 15th July, 19049 of Lauds cation of this notice the Minister of Public Works of the Government of the Province wf British Columbia will, under Section 7 of the said act, apply to the Minister of Public Works and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries at their wflices, in the city | of Ottawa for ore of the said site and} plons, and for leave to construct the said} renewal and extension Dated at Victoria, B. ¢ this 21% day of Avrust, 1919. A. BE. POREMAN Public Works Engineer Dept. of Public Works Vietoria, B. © . by three | } the | Commencing at a post planted about tw miles east of the mouth of Coates Creek which flows into Port Louis) Graham Is land; thence south eighty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence north chains, thence west eighty chains to the point of commencement JOHN JOSEPH FENERTY, ; : é Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. A . ey aan ‘ — peer eee ncteeiinehsn One Reason Why: Dry Creeks, Poor Crops, SKEENA LAND DIESTRICT——DISTRICT OF | ccc ‘sass avast QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS > ™ — om SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRILI '} TSREENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF | (9 @\Pe steeper ero coors ormeos us Vice nee pean. My eee QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS eoonene . - C ‘ : encom } e intends to apply for permission to prospect rAKE notice that John Moffatt, of Vix FAKE fiotice that Robert Dowswell, of h the following described lands for coal avd) ...i4° 8. ¢., occupation retired farmer, in-| Victoriaf B. C,, occupation retired hotel e Gurvic atmo . t lanted pout tends to apply for permission to prospect/kecper, intenus to apply for permission sacte Char aie coh of "the os ms or the following described lands for Coal and! to oe oe pe described lands ie seamen . io “' | petroleum for coal and petroleum oan ie” Lao nage eg ay , Commencing at a post planted on the ommencing at a post planted on the rans 20 Sas FP — ming st po aty (80 t te 2 shoreline of Port Channel, near the mouth) shoreline of Port Channel, near the mouth Sian “a "ane tent che ‘ ws of Mace River, Grabam Island; thence east, of Connell Hiver, Graham Island; thence ~ _ poe = — . ae - 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, re WILLIAM E SIMMONS west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to th nee a 80 chains, thence east 8&0 Ph GC ; am tec % the point of commencement, chiins to the point of commencement per Albert Jacobs, Agent. e 7 JOHN MOFFATT, ROBERT DOWSWELL. one reen 548 ET ee EE mth a per Albert Jacobs, Agent per Albert Jacobs, Agent i P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St SKEENA LAND DISTRICT——DISTRICT OF Dated July 15th, 1919. e ™ vated July 15th, 1919. E 1 We: Sell : Coal F iintinsioaniiteiton } FOR SALE Seven-roomed house with bath and finished basement. Newly painted. 8th Ave. W $2875.00 } Very Easy Terms $ pOUGLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave s 1 de te | PO EPP PEEL ELLE LIPOM } Arthur VY. Thomas ORGANIST PIANIST Studio: First Avenue Phone 15 Hours 4 to6p.m. wwdiese FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Geo. Waddel 336 2nd Ave. Phones '$ BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 ¢ Save Money in Lamps. i Ser reerne wee | DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS 9 &.m. to 12; 1:30 p.m. to 6:80 Dm DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST : Smith Block, Third Avenue Office: Phone 454. The “Gartland’’ Boar diig House ~ ' 416 Sixth Avenue bas Near Drydock Board by Month or Week, Phone Ked 24 wrnrer rocccdoccoocccenreerteteenne LAND AUl ply to Lease bane Notice of intention to Ap pissin IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIRTY RECURDING Disthic! al Lot 79 situate in the vicinity of ! : lt ou Massett Inlet, Que Fisher? TAKE NOTICE that the Wallet jes, Limited, of Vanco » Beit sends ibia, occupation canning | Dares he to apply for pertiission ea lowing described lands sed at Commencing at 4@ post | ves qualy souwmwest corner of te ny jands ter of Lot 70?, Queen ) na tnenel District, thence west nal north 27 chains; thence mark of more or tess to ti ’ aterly and Massett Inlet, thence ~ mark of following the said high * ale tof col chains more or less to the Pow i. (20 mencement and contaiiile acres more or less e pw Te? THE WALLACE FISHE! ! e Agent Per Fred, Nash, §.' si Dated 3rd day of June, iv!” _ LAND AvUl pis PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTT yps JTHICT OF QUEEN CHANES of Quee# TAKE notice that E. M. b4 her intends Charlotte City, occupa! ~urcnel tbe to apply for perth ! - following described (tah anted | se Commencing at & pe qd. about south shore of Ma , pa é feet east of the §.! = thenee we F284, thence north 20 CM jane ner 20 chains; thence seu munencem® west 20 Chae MAL fi UDF ys Date June 14, 101"