Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 3, 1951 Ml Turn Out To Prayer Parent Education Has Good Results TORONTO KB Reaction to the Job's Daughters To Journey East parent education work being Goodly Congregations At Nightly Meetings This Week Scott McLaren, who spent the, Dr a Llehtman of Tn'mntn vrlrvaneason wlth, hu sKri vJttrS lly In . Vancouver, returned to the past week. carried out In Ontorio Is "ex Prince Rupert Bethel of Job's Daughters - have decided to ceptionally good," says Mrs. nie uuy louay on cne rrince Rev. L. G. Sieber, speaking at journey late this summpr in George. Regular meeting Women of the Moose, Wednesday, Jan. 3. (It) Gerry Youden returned to the city today on the Prince George from Vancouver. the Week of Praver meeting last! Richmond, Virginia, ' to attend night, referred to the fellowship (Vl th , T of prayer as like the fellowship T" and converse persons have with wnere the drU1 team wiu de" each other. Friends do not comei 'end honors which it won fo." to the door, enter into a long' the first time in 1949 at Spo- Miss Rosaline (Rusty) Thaln, who is studying music at Toronto, is visiting her parents over the holiday. She arrived home Boxing Day. Attention Fishermen! The Harry H. Johnson, psychologist at the University of Toronto's Institute of Child Study. Mrs, Johnson, mother of two adult sons, is one of the experts engaged by the Ontario education department's community programs branch to train lay leaders in parent education work. She recently gave instruction to 13 parent education leader monologue and run off. "They! kane and successfully retained xaiK wun us and we with thern. wise fisherman will order his' " T. V ""5, Praver is such an experience with God. For satisfaction and peace m living we need thfe fellowship with God." ship groups throughout the province. These groups are made last year at Longbeach, California. Arrangements are being made for the party of forty or so to leave here in two special cars on August 25 for Toronto whence they will transfer to an American railway for the trip to Richmond. New, York, Washington D.C. and Niagara Falls may also be visited. Speaking on the theme, "Pray- boat tanks now to insure spring H. A. Breen. delivery. Thorn Sheet Metal,! Black 884 i,t) 11 Foard returned on the u" Prince George today from a brief An Informal program to which ' triP to Nanaimo where he went members contributed was enjoy-1 to visit his mother who is ill. ed by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today. President A. jj Mrs- Marie Lee of the city en- up of persons who afterwards er !n th Knowledee of nivln PREPARE NOW for COLD WEATHER Have your home comfortably insulated In time for cold weather. You'll like our fair low prices, quality materials, rapid and expert service. Call us NOW Phone 116 or 117 - Thf Ofww Hwhw, Abrm Vtvht. Ir lead study groups of their own. Judgment," Mr. Sieber said that1 The series is divided into five, restlessness and inner discontent phases, with one phase being were God's judgment upon way-' taken each year, and as the wardness. The judge was one1 fries started in 1847 the mo.;thnrnr,..hminllfl T Domlnato was in the chair and glneer "lce recovering tnere was a good attendance of nlceiy alter an operation in the members. Prince Rupert General Hospital. fnlel8rtUPf8 fifth to i"11 haVe the, Christ, so people not subject to I phase study, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Lovin, for law or process but to a Person." i Should we disobey that Person,' The five sections are a course Miss Donna Kerrlghan is returning by the Prince George nn riicitnllna' tnH.. nf tUn rn ' merly or Prince Rupert, are re Armory Crowd Welcomes 1951 hrMrMM- ',,A..if tt, G Christ, or not foUow the tomorrow night to her studios ' visiting the city and will be re w(uuf waaiu, DVUUJi bAC DU1IW1 at the University of British rn. turning to the interior on this age child; adolescence, and, last, Holy Spirit we cannot expect forgiveness simply by saying "It Friday evening's train. family relations lumbia after spending the j Christmas and New Year holiday .season at her home here. is God's business to forgive," de- . ., clared thP nastnr r.nrf i 1 Armory of the 120th Heavy A. Charleston, townsite man Discipline, the first part of the course, does not stress punish What a stupid place to plant a tree" ager at Ocean Falls, and Mrs. but the reverse side of love was' An-Aircraft Battery was an- ment "1 but rather the ? art n of J " fit Copies of the police contact Charleston arrived in the city i a face set m-W .n n,n J ther f New Year's Eve gay with the Royal Canadian Moun u,.g iuua imo a " uemo- spots in m Prince rnnce Rupert when wnen 250 u woay on the .Prince George for "V """"r . ess. This G onrt nnhnww,. . P KUPerc Albert & McCaflery - -"h-"V; cratic culture. Mrs. Johnson says ) atTnh'S UPholdinTg fs, couples gathered to enthusiast- MflfKP J I I flflflP j ion I and goodness-Judg-' lUUiC this means "developing people; calf wBek;ome 19H. advent LUUIJC a holiday visit. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mendenhall. who can abide by necessary re- Blue and red dress uniforms of shortly after midnight. The' house committee under the chairmanship of Harold Mun-cev was In charge of arrange-' ments. Other committee members 'are B. J. Bacon. Harold Hampton, H. Whiffin, J. Smith-son, C. Logan, M. Budinich, C. Club Opened .m"c",:a"c lne "eeK 01 the NCO's and gunners added Prayer J. Praver in t. Know- coi0r to the scene. i Ketchikan, are passengers on strlctlons. and be able to use the Prince George today on their freedom." return north after spending the 1 The present system of parent Christmas holiday In Seattle. , I education based on discipline is ledue of the Living God." As the midnight hour struck, Last night's melting was at hnnn. w,.dh (mm Monday night about 125 mem - a relatively new development. Peeuinr Baptist Church with G. ceiling, noisemakers came into bers of the Moose Lodge and P. Bond and M. Halvorsen. L"clr Liicir lncnas lnena5 Kainerea gamerea ai ai in ine r. .Kn . A 7 'vv"'"t" sne says, made possible because in- 'acicanv j."ting n mir- their own and the laree crowd rP''?0Tgetaftel'0' trln tn Vimi.v t .tant knowledge BO gained "v" ",v over the 'man. Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright of juinca oined band iiaiius Tin m a a huge nuge circle civZto r.O: ! emp'e to celebrate the open . . ing of thir social club . RESEARCH HAVEN Five million volumes are kept ' n "uw peop'e ae' ,.xn u u, Kave "Auld slng Lang Syne," the weddlne of 01 her nenhew Jack Jaclt T r accom-8 nePnew- the , velop. opening prayer and Rev. Fred ; panieti ov the Blue Star orches- During the evening the-e was PORTRAITS ms Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STL'DIO 6 - 4th Street Box 645 lone Green 389 Prince Rupert Sargent. dancing to the music of Wlif ia the library of the British mus- Many teachers and members Williams and his orchestra until turn in London. S. A. Cheeseman. tearfipr i. of church groups attend the ses- Borden Street School, returned I sions- Mrs- Johnson said she did todav on the Prince oftwr nt think teachers are getting Antrobus of First Baptist Church ' tra. offered closing prayer. There Sgt. Major Darrow Gomez was wa' t turn-on of about sixty .master of ceremonies, persons, a substantial collection Col. S. D. Johnston, M.C., V.D.. was taken for the British and officer commanding, and Mrs. Foreign Bible Society. Johnston, Capt. and Mrs. Pierre spending the Christmas holiday I enoil8n training In this work, or ted Police were distributed' to aldermen at last night's council meeting so that they might bo-come conversant with it before the next regular meeting on Monday. Norman Martinusen, after spending the Christmas and Nnv Year vacation season here with his parents, Mt. and Mrs. A. Martinusen, left by today's plane on his return to his studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. The Misses Jean and Mary McAfee, who have been spending the Ch istmas and New Ycpr vacation here with their parent?, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAfee, are leaving by the Prince George tomorrow night to resume their studies at the University of British Columbia. Miss Jeanann Crawford, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, and Miss Eila Haahti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Haahti of Stewart were here yesterday on their way 10 train as nurses at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver. They were passengers aboard the Camosun. at Victoria. eIse tney have the theory but do not know how to put it into Monday nlpiht CaDt. W. C. 1 LeRoss and Capt. and Mrs. James Luxury Steamer mis. a. oargeni, Hazeiton, ar- practice. Hadden were among the offi Poulton was the soeaker at St. cers present to lend their pat- J ronage to the bright affair. A f RINCE GEORGE rivea irom Vancouver today en the Prince George enroute home after a visit in Vancouver to attend the wedding of her son, Jack Sargent. Fresh' Grade A large cartoned START the New Year with a GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER with pump control Andrew's Anglican Cathedral with. Rpv. Canon Basil S. Prock-ter conducting the meeting and the prayer. Peter Lien presided at the organ and about fifty were present. Tonight the meeting will be at the United Church with Pastor C. Faweett of the Pentecostal Church giving the address. Artist Paints Baby Prince By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Correspondent ' LONDON 0i First portrait painting of Prince Charles, two-year-old son of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, has Jhst been completed. i Sons of Norway Inaugurate 1951 The Sons of Norway cerebrated the arrival of the new year! with a party at their hall. Starting with supper at 10:30 Sunday night, the party was in full swing by midnight. Following the noisy greeting of 1951 at SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call eggs at fi5c a dozen and five pounds of sugar at 59c are two of many specials in SHEAR-DOWN'S January sale. See our windows for further details. (3c) Dr. H. M. Daggett of the University of British Columbia returned to Vancouver on yesterday afternoon's plane after a ChiLstmas and New Year visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Daggett. , T TRICE Younqman Sisters Are Moving South James O'Brien was serlousjy Injured yesterday when he fell A 3'2 inch miniature framed in ' midnight, dancing to music bv $159.50 an oval, gold-edged case, it i rrom one floor to another at the j Columbia Cellulose Watson Is-4 land project. Ho was given first Mike Colussi with his accordion started at 12:05 Monday matches similar m'niatures of' Tnp Misses Lorraine and Nina the prince's Parents, done bv the Youngman. daughters of Mr. and ' CITY OR DKPOT DELIVERED The train, which was due from aid on the spot and transferred OFFICE same artist Australian-born Mry c L Youngman, will leave to Prlncp Rnnprt Opnprol Hns- the East. at. in-IS laut. niaht hih PRINCE RUPERT I Ptal ,or treatment. His home is not arrive until 11:45 this morn- Mrs- Stella Marks. , ? the Pr'nce George Thursduy NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. in Vancouver. ing. Deing is nours and thirty The prince, savs Mrs Marks . va"LU"v-r. Lorraine, BC. HOTEL ARRIVALS minutes late. The delay was is a Dainter's "drm with hi. wn. nas Deen working with the Prince Rupert Phone 210 Stewart, B.C. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Ball and'ranspd hv lat mnnontin ir,in, thick gold hair, deep blue eyes u,u"lu,it miiofe lor tne past j ...... . wJr. y two years will be emoloved with I family arrived in the city today at Jasper. and very long lashes. on me prince George from New the Genera Motors, while Nina, n FINE PRINTING AT He is also an excellent sitter, York to take up residence here i Hal Windt, Divisional Clerk at who was te'ler here with the for the comina year. Dr. Ball Prince Rupert, for the Depart-, she added. Intensely interested Bank of Montreal i hpinc inn. Prince Rupert P. A. Taylor, Edmonton; T. A. Black, L. H. Moffatt, Mrs. C. Worsley, T. Krlstmanson, A. Erickson and Louis Lawridon, Vancouver; R. T. Holmes, city. R being' here in connection with rnent of Public Works, after be egal Printers the Columbia in everyimng, nis auention is ferred to the Vancouver branch easily engaged and held. The Social functions .have preceded portrait was completed in wight their departure. the opening of Cellulose mill. sittings a good record for PHONE 21 222 SECOND AVE. child. i KIDDIES' DRESSES I ;dzii 'Jd When she first saw him, to HOLLYWOOD CAFE AIR PASSENGERS Timely Reapes gain his confidence, Mrs. Marks eVintirarl DpinitA fhnrlBB hni- clratiK THE BEST SELECTION of ing the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford at Stewart for the past week, returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday. The civic court of revision on ithe 1951 assessment roil was appointed by the city council Monday night. Court consists of Mayor O. W. Rudderham, Aid. 1. B. Black. Aid. G. D. Frizzeii, Aid H F. Olassey and Aid Harold Whalen. The court will sit jiext month to consider appeals, if any, aga'nst the assessments fcV the yea-, notices of whic.i were sent out a few daps ago. book, turning the pages to rough .Tc Vancouver (today)-Miss J sketches of his mother and Wark J. Hamilton, A. DeBeau, D. fatner- S. Co'ilns. Mr air Ur R W Wo Specialize in i f. a A A I A A A A PRESSES IN TOWN "Poppa, Momma," said the Twaddell. N. Martinuson ' T Mr J s DISHES HE STORK SHOPPE young prince, without hesitation, Garry. R. Skinner, Mrs. J. G. and on her next visit, Mrs. Marks Skinnei . was greeted by the request: "Can To Sandspit (today) A. C. iue 810 303 3rd Ave. W. j I see poppa ant; inommy?" Fallant. A At th first symptom Relax in a Soothing ANISE QUICK LOAF 1 cup seedless raisins 1 egg l'4 cups milk 3 tablespoons melted shortening S cups sifted all-purpose flour j cup granulated sugar l'2 teaspoons salt 4 teaspoons baking powder '4 teaspoon nutmeg V4 teaspoon anise extract Rinse raisins and drain. Beat .e'jg lightly and add milk an.l shortening. Sift together floui. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 Although the prince generally From Vancouver (yesterday" OPEN FROM 7:38 P.M. to 3:39 A.M. turns a serious face to the public Messrs. Larson, Erickson, Turned, camera, Mrs. Marks found him a Krlstmanson, Anderson, Math-happy child who smiles readily, ews ProslcV. A. Crowe, Bollanger, Or.3 of the easiest ways of mak- S. Thibert McAskell, Herworth, Ing him smile, she says, is by ask- Norton. L. Svbertsan. McGresoi, ANNOUNCEMENTS MA ing him to smile like his baby Wenberfc, McCann, Lambert, Mit- Legion Card Party, January S, 1951. Bridge, Whist and Cribbage, HOT MUSTARD BATH Mix 2 or 3 tablespoons ol mustard in a little cold watet and pour into lint bath. Aftel bathing, give yourself a brisk nib-down . . . then off to bed for a good night's rest. Your muscles will relax with relief! fiugar, salt, baking powder, spice j slster. Princess Anne. .chcll. Miss Moores. J. Ramsay. H. LOVES BABY SISTER Fullerton. A Poche. J. Pepper, Prince Charles finds the babv 1 eidman, L. McKnzie, W. ana an'se iiavorinR. .nna to egr; mixture with raisins. M 1 x lightly. Turn into Brca;"d loaf Catholic Hall, Thursday, Jan. 11, . 8 p.m. I Conrad School P-TA card nnn lahnnl. 71'i. if 21i, Y 31 In Bat's. N. Crowe. Mrs. Barclay, H. Duffy, A. R. McGregor, J. Roulet, R. Amrcn, Capt. Hartlin. princess a great source of interest. Told he must help to look after her. he runs into the night ches). Bake In mod'eraite oven ! Party, January 19, 8 nursery dally to ensure that she's (350 degrees F.) 1 to l'4 hours. 1 Presbyterian Burns Banquet, Makes 1 loaf Friday, Jan. 26. still in her cot. ' UV1UJ Uttu- 1 The strong family feeling built on your next BIG TASK Henry Willet, the first great Fnol'ch n-TQn VinilHof roKul'f "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim "hone 17 for Orders To Take Out up by the King and Queen in their own family, is being h.nd- nearl., hw the E,ljsh cathedral ed on by PrWess Elizabeth to CH27G CHARTER FLIGHT orgars In the 19th cpnturv. the first of their grandchildren. This is seen in Prince Charles' ommodore Cafe love for his "Granny." When ac-campanying his mother end Princess Anne to Scotland this fall ,a promise that "he was . S,' T t-v- going to see Granny," helpol to keep the young prince quiet on LS7 4 f -: REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX ReTURN8 PREPARED F. Mnrtimnr 3 A CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for Aerial Surveys Aerial Photography Private Charter Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. ' 1 1 iaiit.ig: the overnight Journey. On arrival at Ballater, the end of the line, however. Prince Charles completely forgot his manners. He made a bee-line for the waiting royal car, Ignoring the local provost and his officials. "Haven't you anything to say to me'" asked the provost. "Nc." said Prince Charles. "I want to see my granny." ""I A.'. . (NPar (7FPR V Mr." & "Mrs." Bedroom Suites ' Varied Shades also Springfilled Motrrcsscs and Household Fittings FRAMES! FRAMES! cme in snd choosj one ur that Christmas Photo. c c"y large line nf lP To-r)ate Mouldings WRATHALL'S photo FnUhiT ' HELPING HAND WELINGTON, N.Z. (CM Struggling to lift heavy piece of furniture from a truck, a second hand dealer here was most grateful when a stranger stopped to give him a hand. Then the helper. Prime Minister S. G. Hollund, went on to the. parliament Killas & Christopher Cldg. Air Freight on all Flights GORDON & ANDERSON LIMITED 320 Third Ave. W. Thf CwfK MHhew Adinw Service, Inc "That reminds me. I promised your father I'd bring you home early!"