& 9 S/ + 4 av Wings ol X NO 206 (Special to The News Lord, demands that half the vy destroyed a big navy is no Naturally the demand of a seing that some of the naval pposal much too drastic. On the other hand there is BEAMER LINE FROM EUROPE 10 THIS COAST thly Service Arranged With lessels of 6,000 Tons From France, Norway and England. ) elegrapas.) Sept. 4 it is an Agent General for Columbia that arrange- s have been completed with son Line for a mogthly with 6,000 ton as betweer Havre, Chris- sund that it is obsolete and of little valuc. Baron Fisher says that now that Germany is defeated and her her has created a great sensation here, sat Britain that favors a commencement in retrenchment at e, in order to help solve the financial situation. THE DAILY NEWS Zaron Fisher Would Scrap Half of British Navy which He Says is of Little Value ow that Germany is Defeated former First Sea Lord thinks A Big Navy is no Longer Required; Experts Suggest That Proposal is much too Drastic. via G.T.P, Telegraphs.) London, Sept. 4.—Baron Fisher of Kilverstone, former First navy be virtually scrapped on the longer required. fhan in such high standing as Naval experts, while vessels are obsolete, consider the a big section of the people of CHARGED WITH — PRINCE RUPBAT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 4919 WILSON WILL REVIEW FLEET Is Off on Speaking Tour of States In Interest of Peace Treaty. Washington, Sept. 4~—Presi- dent Wilson is away on a cam- paign in the interests of the Pease Treaty. He will speak at all the important centres and will meet the Pacific fleet in Seattle. where he will review it. ‘MRS. E. SANDERSON a Crossed (Special to The News London, Sept. 4.—The Air M British Seaplane TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO (707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGR| to Norway Flew from Felixstowe to Christiansa: d and Continued by easy Stages to Sever- al other Cities a Total Distance Of 2450 Sea Miles. via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) inistry stajes that a flying boat of UNITED STATES FLEET TO VISIT Will Enter Harbor on Sept. 22; Daniols to be in Victoria Sept. 11. (Special via G. T.P. Telegrapnhs.) Vancouver, Sept. 4.—Hon. Jo- sephus Daniels, secretary to the | United States navy, will send part of the Pacific Fleet to Vancouver SELLING “KICK” W. H. Malkin & o., it is Alleged, Hlegally Sold Ginger and Other Extracts Contrary to Act. ri" (Special via 6.7.1". Tetewrapns,) Vancouver, Sept. 4.—A charge | of violating the Prohibition Act} has been laid against W kin & Co, by R. H. Young, secre- tary of the Campaigners of the Great War. He alleges the sale} of ginger essence and other ex- tracts containing alcohol and used by drinkers to put kick inte} near beer. | levening next. At harbor on September 22, when the Prince of Wales is here. Mr. Daniels will make a visit to Victoria on one of the U. 8. dreadnaughts on Sept. 44, MRS, TREMAYNE IS LEAVING THIS WEEK . H. Mal-|Several Entertain for Lady Who is Going to Victoria. There have been a number ot /P-GcE, MAY GO TO private affairs given in honor of | Mrs. Tremayne who is leaving for her home in Victoria on Sunday the home of IN VANCOUVER | } ithe death of Mrs. EF. the old country in 1914 to joi Captain vived by two daughters, who are! daughter having died in Dublin|Of parliament have been in cau-|iniand ‘only last DIES AT the Royal Air Force, started from Felixtowe and proceeding by SIMPSON way of Dundee, flew direct to Norway and landed at Christiansand. —— This is the first occasion that the journey has been accomplished Passed Away in Hospital After|))y 4 British seaplane. Long Iliness—Was Well Known Throughout District. _+—___ After years of painful illness, rhe trip was continued by easy stages to Christiania, Gopen- hagen, Stockholm, Gossburg, Esbjerg and back to Felixstowe, a total distance of 2,450 sea miles covered in a total flying time of 10 hours and 40 minutes, OPPOSITIONS hittin ERD atlas SIFTON GETS Sanderson, wife of Captain Ted Sanderson of the ‘deo. E. Foster,’ occurred last evening at Port Simpson hospital. Mrs. Sanderson had | jbeen in failing health for some years past and had been in Port} Simpson Hospital since May o/ | this year, where it was hoped that she would benefit by the change. Lately, hawever, the patient grad-| ually got weaker and peacefuJly away last night. Mrs. Sanderson came west from | INFORMATION PUBLIC WORKS Liberals in Caucus at Ottawa De- Former Premier of Alberta Pro- cide to Help Expedite moted in Borden Cabinet, Business. Leaving Vacancy. (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) (Special via G.1T. P. Telegraphs.) Ottawa, Sept. 4:—The members Ottawa, Sept. 4.—Hon. A. L. eldest Of the opposition of both houses |Sifton, minister of customs and revenue in the Borden was well,cus here to discuss the attitude | Government, has been sworn in the distriet/they should adopt to the Peace;as Minister of Public Works in | Prealy and the League of Nations; succession to F. B. Garvell whe away. : |was recently appointed chairman At the conclusion of the gather-|\of the Board of Railway Commis- jing @ statement was handed ov! |sioners. jto the effect that. while the work} Mr. Sifton several HAZELTON, ACCORDING of the session should be expedited |years premier of Alberta. He is VICTORIA NEWSPAPER the country was entitled to more'a son of Hon. John W. Sifton, explicit information from the|formerly speaker of the Manitoba Prime Minister as to the obliga-|Assembly, and is a brother of Sir passed ’ Sanderson and is sur-| married in England; her year. She known throughout and will be missed. was for ‘rate only half that paid | the railway by way of Mon- | | | CAMERON WILL ) : OPEN IN BUSINESS | ‘arge notice appears in the! f store whieh was | cupied by Self’s Cafe, ' nen that the place will be vied Within a few weeks by \ the ad wateh \ eriy ‘Y Lameron pioneer | maker of R ipert Bob” formerly business where Mc. & store is today | ~ aways did a very good his return from Cameron has re- south, but came up el trip a few weeks fas M the SHOW SURPLUS as gl Sept. 3, For the months the govern- beration of railways in the ites showed a dat surplus ol a deficit, OST “? fangplank from Prince Qs orge ge in ue linding hotify G, TT, p. Please fan ship Co were ‘ “mmr endaenmnenanenanon on Wanted Lo Muckers Apply Sererne nee werescnseens =) sand British ports on one The-ease is attracting much at-| Mr, and Mrs. Patmore on Tues- A sh Columbia on the | tention. iday evening there was a surprise fis move is regarded as an ALL MOTOR CARS jand danced for several upt to force Alberta wheat . While the visitors took refresh- D. eh Pacific ports which can} MUST HAVE LIGHTS Several Fined in Police Court Today for Not Having Tail Lights. In the police court this morn- ing before Magistrate MeMordie, Fred Seadden, Tony Stino, Wilson Wong, K. A. Rood dhd C. H. Thomas were each fined $5 for failing to display a red light visible from the rear end of their ears. The police are out after all leulprits and there are a number of other cars about the city which have no lights, but have not been caught moving about at night time. The iong dark evenings will sean be here and it is in- sistent What every precaution bi taken. The case of KE. J. Butler who appeared»on the same charge has been adjourned until tomorrow. 8S. R. Lawrence appeared on the icharge of breaking the city byiaw |No. 13. He had permitted on his premises an artifice for sewag« which was a nuisance to the pub- lic. Evidence for the prosecution was furnished by W. Martin, Mrs. | i\Richmond and A. Montesuma. A fine of ten dollars was imposed. ‘SEVERAL BUILDING — As the result of a trip of in- /party, when about forty gathered spection which Premier Oliver, hours. who is accompanied by Hon. T. Pattullo, Minister of Lands, ments with them, Mrs. Patmore and Chief Engineer Proctor, will had heard a whisper of over th@ Pacifie Great their make ice cream as her part of the sur- marked changes in the route of prise. All enjoyed themselves the line north of Quesnel will be | immensely. made, says the Victoria Colonist. | Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Me- The party left yesterday after- Clymont entertained at bridge and noon and will go straight through tea for Mrs. Tremayne. Many to the end of steel at Williams | who did not play cards called for Lake, where rapid work is being! tea. made in track-laying by the | qanpueummemenprinhdiemamabaiane Northern Construction Company, ALBERTA PRICES which now has about 500 men on MOVE DOWNWARD the job and is laying steel at the rate of about a mile and one-half a day. The original route of the line Edmonton, Sept. 4.—A dollar prom Quesnel northerly followed a bushel is not considered an ex- thé Fraser River to Prince George orbitant price for new potatoes pyutsubsequent information gain-| on the Rice street market and a og has indicated that that route! jlarge quantity was purchased at oan pe improved upon. It has that price. In this commodity gyen been suggested that it would the price may be considered @ pe petter not to run the line to pre war price and there will likely prince George, but rather to con be a gradual decrease. There is pect with the G. T. P. either at a plentiful supply in the district. Vanderheof or even at Hazelton All other vegetables remain cor- q route leading to those points respondingly normal in price and traversing sections of undoubted are at their best at this season gericultural value and making of of the year. the line a greater settlement In the butter and egg section proposition than if the original prices are still high, butter bring- | poute were held to. There has jing 55 cents a pound and egs been considerable agitation in the 160e a dozen. Dressed spring northern section to have a new lchicken sold at 38 to 45 cents 4), ute followed on the northern pound and ducks at 35¢ a pound. portion of the line. Nice heads of corn sold at 40 As a result of the trip it™wil! PERMITS ARE ISSUED. a dozen and pickling onions |), possible for the government | The following building permits |have been issued by the city en- |Sineer: Ed Davidson for the erec- tion of a one storey dwelling at “® cost of 81,600; Mrs. Beveridge for the ereetion two storey store and dwelling at a cost of 84,500; to Maria for a dwelling valued at 1,700, and to W. Bailey for a two reemed dwelling at a cost of 8750, REJECT SCHEME (Special via G. 7, P. Velegraphs.) London, Sept, 3,.—The natfonal Wim. of a Romano lin abundance sold at 20 cents 4 gipectors to formulate a program }pound, of work for next year, as the) Inquiries in the meat depart- ‘present contract being executed | ment with reference to the recent py the Northern Construction will | fall in hog stockyard prices re¢ |‘). completed within the next} vealed the fact that there was QO »,onth or two. | appreciable decline in the prices in this line though beef em SUNDAY CONCERTS BY were a little easier. OFFER MUNICIPALITIES Y OONCERTS BY tions contracted by Canada in the League of Nations. CONFERENCE coming and had provided delicious Eastern line, it may be that some | WITH LABOR Three Great Interests to Confer At Washington Commencing Tomorrow. (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) Washington, Sept. 4-—Com- mencing tomorrow and continu- ing until October 10 there will be an important conference of labor, capital and agriculture. They will discuss the vital subjects of the day with a view to arriving at | n understanding. PLEASANT OUTING AROUND THE HARBOR |Clifford Sifton. He was a member ‘of the assembly of the North West Territories previous to the for- mation of the provinees of Al- berta and Saskatchewan. The position which he leaves will be a vacancy until his suc- cessor is announced. HART AND M’LEAN ARE EXPECTED HERE Two More Ministers of the Crown Wil! Probably Visit the District. Two more provincial ministers are expected to visit Prince Ru- pert next week. Hon. John Hart, minister of finance, and Dr. Me- Lean, minister of education, are both expected next week, although definite arrangements have not yet been made. It will be a holi- day trip but with the double pur- pose of enjoying an outing and of Che members of the Prince Ru- pert “Rebekah Lodge themselves to a little outing last posting themselves on the” prog- ress the newer part of the prov- treated | ince is making. This bas become ia custom with provincial minis- evening, when they went out On| tops, a cruise on the They visited Metiakatla and sailed round Digby Island before re- turning to town. On coming ashore, automobiles were requi- sitioned to drive the party to the St. Regis, where supper was served, Several of the Oddfellows accompanied the ladies and all spent a very pleasant time, ANGLICAN WOMEN IN SESSION HERE The Women’s Auxiliary of the Diocese of Caledonia is meeting today in St. Andrew's Anglican church in this city. Delegates are “Narbethong.”’ | 5,000,000 LBS. OF MEAT the War Department to the Muni | SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ‘ from all parts of the diocese. This morning Holy Communion PRINCE OF WALES SHAKES TOO MUCH (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) Sudbury, Sept. 4.—The Prince of Wales has been compelled to give up shaking hands owing to the painful condition caused by the heartiness of the grip of hundreds of Montrealers on Tuesday. He had to greet his ad- mirers with his left hand, A aimilar condition existed af- ter the Toronto visit. NOTICE — It is the inténtion of the Prince was celebrated by Archbishop Du at a ; i Anyone having claims (Special via G,T. P, Telegraphs.) ftupert Symphony Orchestra this Vernet at the church at 10:30 ont) ; oe the Imperial Muni- Washington Sept ie—Five winter to give a series of Sunday |tphe women are in session this | : ~ > oo shanid aeons esaiew™, * ' , sone ‘he orchestra, a ions Board : million pounds of frozen meats in | evening — — aaemhade paaperneee. 1} accounts for same to the cold storage has been offered by |bas heen +o ee eee 1? Board's offlee on Second throughout the summer The Just arrived, a cer of Beaver | lmembers have been working Very, Roard. A. W. Edge Co., distribu. | on - pr aera a cipalities for resale. : hard and expect to be ta to tors. tf) 0 . ) "ele ie ove o . . cer . ; ve their first coneert in the very Nl al ieee . ' Menls scheme for dealing with|Ladyemith Coal. The best. Prince &! Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf ’ ithe mines, Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. 104! future, | Avenue before September 6, A. J. BUERRE, Port Captain. a 2 ? ee. yy Ps « eg peer: