Prince Rupert Dnllv Npws Monday. October 22. vbl RAD PORTRAITS F!!m DeveloDCd and Printed PROMPT RERV ICE HANDLERS STUDIO 216-4-h S'reet Box 645 Phone Oreen 339 Prince Riinrt With rearrangement of the r-Kik.-'. floor 'p.nce at the public library In Civic Centre has become greatly widened The !l-hrsriin'' rteic b-is bn m:ed nearer the wall opposite to It was previously. In other (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on da of publication) Classified Adding U payable in advance, f.ease refra.n Irom telephoning. Casrtfleds. 3c Jr Word V r insertion minimum charge 50c. Birth Notice 50c. Cards cf Thanks. Death Notice. Funeral NcUces. Marriage airt Engagement Announcements $2 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE 1 RICE. there la much more spare convenience for the eeneral mblic The library has also re- elved quite a number of new , CARS FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS Car.a'-iiiin ta.on card party. O toD-r 24. L O B A. F-i.I Eaaar, Octo- ber 25.' W A. Fii'fvrmen's Un ion Daire, Oc;or;r in the' Or.d.'e.iOAS Hall. QUALITY K Women's Hospital AJXUary ; Halloween Tea. O-.'oer 31, it 1 FOR SALE 195ppVefect. Mi-home of Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 4'J aJe "le.-s than 400. As new Fourth Avenue West. i Aorjlv 225 V'.h Wes. 247p Sonja Bazaar, No ember 2 Canadian Legion cabaret dance. November 2. ip. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, .No-1 Vemotr 7. Eastern Star Bail Nov. 9 at Masonic Temple. ' . . , ' " " I mtm private entrance, cvo Presoytenan Church Bazaar,, fhdren Mn or working eou-Novemoer 15. j p;e 743 g;n West. 249e Conrad P-TA card party, No-. FOR RENT UenTai Elec'rit -f I i t A. I xr rr '4 Continued from pae 2 national. The real trouble in Br;:i:n ays Shirley, is that there are too many foreigners. As fas; the Bnnsh PPl migrate, more ternary 100 m,"' -o ' a Shirley u strongly aeair.: bringing in Italian miners, no matter what her party say on this. She is also adamantfegaiiw re-arming Germany. She would a.. matter what they said. Si.. told me there is another Hitler COmine un rieht now Sn? paused a minute and search' -d lor his namp . Remer ne iaid. I did not tell her that I rlose-UD view of that trouo.e- maker myself, only last spring SHIRLEY S jub as a maid is going to take her to France for a year, for her employers have a Parts appointment. She Ls bu y studying French. But Shirley tc going to kec'p right on 111 pontics. I looked at her and was lo-t admiration. 1 thought: "G Lord, if she Ls that lormidao.e age 18. what a one-woman army she will be at 40 Maybe the first woman Prime M.nis- gut we had to cut the political pa,JVPr b(,?au.e shme had a .ith hr hn frirt- ri ,.. chips were done. JOHN H. BULGER Optomclriil John 8ulger Ltd. Third Aventt1! VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun M.ICE ARM, STEWART AND TORT SIMPSON I Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS October 26 ss. Chiicotin FOR SOUTH Q! EU.-J CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 1.:. Chilcotin. Nov. 2, Hi and 3C 9 p.m. FRANK 1. SKINNER Prin-c Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5G3 For the MEAL FOR SALE-49 Vanguard sedan; radio, ir.eater. so-it-light, e'c. Only 16 000 miles. Top condition :ht juii.vut. SI 375 W Can be financed. See Mar Hill Jr.. or phone Green 717 or 40. 249p FOR SALE 1950 Ci.ev .-can. 8.000 Pane B.a'.k 907. FOR KENT ROOM FOR REST-Gentleman omv. pnone ko sh or ran 147" 5th West. i245tp rnp "EST - Ho'iseKe"":"' r with hot and cold water. 613 3rd Ave. FOR RENT Two-room apa floor do isner si ivr nav ne Biue &&2 Pa -if Ele ' (tf) FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive Dhcn- 530. Bus Terminal 2nd and 2nd i24ou) U-nRIVE CARS Phone 41 711 Grenville. Ccu: (tf) W. K RENT Wonted fo Rent UNFURNISHED FOUR Ol FIVE ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE Required by lo.-ii ma-hin-ry firm fir employee beina fnnsferred from Vancouver office. Phpne 577 or write Box 1 324 cf 1 WANTFD TO RENT Four or ro'.m house or apartment for Airline couple v.v.h tvo children. No obiectkn to location. Box 227, Daily News. 1 246m WANTED TO PENT Two room apartmejit. furnished or unfurnished. Mr?. Maitland. phone 71. '24'lo WANTED TO RENT Four or i"e! hr'j-e. Umen. Ccuple with child. Statswi B. Box 1118. '25f;p. WANTED Will pav up to $100 AS fj ll S. tm g J VmlVJl u5ine55 I CARPENTERS H all f t ww )4 int. t. k -.'I in, Ulmt i Thei h cut rtrva' T", trwr, fUT. PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 FIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B Aer.t: Bus Terminal) lerrarr Builders Suppl CHIhOPKACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES DC. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Janicj Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B C. "hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L, Bell, C-A. 325 4th Avenue East P O. Box 1247 Phone Red 87D Colussi's Music Store Agent for the finest in Musical Instrument PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 2104rt St Ph Blarii 3R9 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS ft AUDITOR"? Besner Block Phone 387 P O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Waving . Beauty Culture in all Its branches J04 4th S:r.-et Phone 855 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Wf.i ooles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 67K 214 4th Strec', Proprietors: x Ed. Dawes, Sid Arcxander 0 L SALES K-WTU:(V. PAC!F!C r. rot ok C, Oprnyp-t 8 i!5 ii KC-SI BLUE;: pos ELECTS- R. V. COL. Phone Brae Kt 'or geniu pj-j, phor.? or r:. TER.V. .', MESS:';; Ail FOR YOUR.. Brick. Stm? Lr.c Tile 8ett.i -. P.. .r e K 8f.l HANDY1, HOME J? OESER.U CCS" EuJ-il-.g and H- EOCFS - 011 OIL BIX PO Box 15:0 SIDNEY Gl OPTOMi". Complete Via . OFFICER 9 B tc! OH) C'V'S 1 If" MAT73C UPI10L3" Phone B1j? IS ii) 3". S Prince H;; h. g. hfl; REAL ESTATE t Phone 96 Eve:..t- Trcin Sd For the EjsU Dallv except 3i: From the Easl- By CHIC ' WELDING Government Certified Operators where High Pressure Tanks rays Refrigeration ar nd Stacks and Fire Escape put eel bock. INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225- 1st E. Phone Green M4 If you w ant t sll it, t. News classified. . GLOKOE llAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Ked 1?7 Call 363 FOR, BFTTFR . . . Planning Euilding or Repairing MITCHELl & CURRIE j IIMITfll Builders & Contrai tors I : 0 i 1 If Your j House Si iff pre From Chills GET RIGHT DOWN TO THE ROOT OF THE, TROUBLE. PHONE AND HAVE THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Check Your Furnace 1251c 1 that REFRESHES j FINEST OF COOKING 1950 Vauxholl Sedan Phone Green 217 BLONDIE MALE HELP WANTED R ANTED RKi.t'jle man as Raw- n'cessrv. A Iir.e oDiiortuuiiv to stro into oro.'rableJBasiness no where Rawieuh Products have been aolu for vcr Write 'Raw- WG-Jt155-1S3 Win. irtee I EM UE HELP IV ANTED .VAXTED-- Exix-rienct-d o! iico c c.r.-K eons, ruction com- a D A n wr.'.ina to Box 2j7 D..v Nfc s. i'.n WANTED Housfkeeper I3r i'-'He or four weeks. Arjo.y i.jM 2nd West. 247pi Weather Delays Movie of Canada in For Scandinavia at RE3INA CP-The weather -coi m western Canada for mak- iv motion pictures. ri, That's t'n opinian of two Danish mov.e m-n interviewed lit Reai.ia re-ently. firr. Aiberta istt't sunny, dry Sr-ikatchew.-.n isn't dry and fctautitul British Columbia r Xr.'8v," Palle Bojesen of Copen-hag-n. Mm producer for the Danish film beard lamented. Mr. Eojesen. and Erik Olsrn, '.'air.eraman. are niakina a o:u-hcar color film called "Canada, sea to sea." Th- pair h?.d been in Canr.da seveic we-ks asd had poor piC-ture-makir.f weather -lure thy arriv-ri m the west. M st of the film had been made except for the wheat harvest part v.hic.l thv hot:" to take in the Reitina area. The film or. Canada is to be more than a travelorue. It is to be built pround principal Canadian activities. HFI P APPRFCIATFD The Din sh film makers said the movie i, to b- f.ois'ned n Canada at the NatonM Film Beard and is to be released to most ol the Scandinavian countries, "It will aive an honest picture of Canada," said Mr. Eojesen. Th Danes said they have hr.J -.voncrfrl co-operation from Ctnan'.an petple in mak:r? th film. If 'lie..- h 'd had just a lit le co-operation from the weather the film would have been fini-h- wi!.out deny. The Saskatchewan Wheat Pool will be fullv covered in the film Mr. Bojensen. a former school , teacher, was in Canada in 1949 making radio recordings for the Danish Sta'-.: Radio and for the CBC International Service. j Mr. Olson has made a great number of films during his career and has his own production ser vice in Denmark. SHIPS AND j WATERFRONT Union steamer Coquitlam. i ("apt. John Bod-en, on her week- iy vuyaise un toe Vancouver-; Prince Rupert-Alice Arm-Stew-j art route, arrived in port at 4:40 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed north at 11 I'm. The vessel had a fair-sized list of passengers and 100 tons of freiKh, for nere she u du(1 tack in port tomorrow morning tc sail south at noon. Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt. James Hunter, arrived in port at ' "clotK a evening trom soutn Queen Charlotte Islands and an n0"r later was on her way to 1 Vancouver and waypoints. S STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN VVLONESOAY MIDMGIII Luxury at Low Cost' For Reservations Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. per month I or suitao.e ir-.ea niched suite or house. Box 210. Daily News. ' 251c ' Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 231 Dibb Printing Co. BKSNFR BLOCK Ladies and Gentlemen j the tailor 20 Sixth St. Thcae 849 ( PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPINO. PRINTINO ENLARGINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLf S Phone Greee I3( ' ux 471 ntw uitiNC mas 1950 Ford Fordor 1949 Ford Fordor 1943 Monarch 1947 Willys Jeep Truck Values 1949 3-ton 176W"B" 1947 3-ton 176W"B" WINTERIZED AND . READY TO DRIVE Boh Parker Ltd. FORI! - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B C. PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. P.O. Box 274 WANTED Room and board fir .lnc.? the Denial peonlt are co-tientieman. Box 2115, Dally oneratively mindrd. BEST Wj vemher l: 8 n m The Women of the Moose Fall! Bazaar. Nuvemtx-r 19. i I Cat.nedral Baaar. Nov. 17. j - - LO D E. Fa.l Ea.:aar Kcembei 41 12. St. Peter i Fall Bazaar, Xu- 1 veniber 29. United Churcii V.'. A. Fali Ba- zaar, Dec. 6. PtllhON L SLICED wupped bread frojr. Ju,rrt Ba.-.ery on saie at a.i grocery s'.oies. I'.ti BIRTH NOTICE M-CLINTOCK Born t j Mr. and Mrs G. McClmtock in. the Prince Rupert Genera! Ho.tpita.. Oi-tober 20 a baov Cov, joi., Alexander, 9 iiis. 2 oz. .' il'.p- CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all rr.y friencs and neighbors who helped in Iiijdir.g Mr. Gay. Their 'assistance was ve.-v much apjrenated Mrs. J. Gav. 1 It? 1 FI NER L NOTICE MAC ARTHUR In the city. Friday. O-tooer 13 191. Ansus Maciir'.riur. aie 77 vear., 7 m-.nth"! of No. 29 Cow Bav. Rev. E. A. Wniiht Will conduct lerv-ices at Grenviile Court Chapel at 2 p.m. Tiesday. October 23. Interment to follow in Fairvie v Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. ltc FOR SALE FOR SALE One HP. hi?h pressure II.K.T. boiler with breeching. In use for 18 months. Saanich Plumbing & Heating. 1 255c ) FOR SALE Three piece blue "'lour ches't rlleld. cheap for qu.' k a!e. Between 6 and 9. evenings. 1201 2nd West. Ufi FOR SALE -Six room house at Dodge Cove; three-piece mod ern bathroom Furnished or unfurnished. Apply D. E Alvey, , Dodge Cove. Daily ferry serv-i ice. iZaOpi FOR SALE 3(T hot air steel; furna'-e, uied three winters., including registers, as is and j where is. S825 00. One 8 " Por' errable floor sandiriK machine! $3'1 00 Skeena Hotel, Box 47. i Terrace, B.C. "1' FOR SALE Cine wartime kitchen stove, buffet and dining-room table 1337 1st Overlook. (243pi FOR SALE -3 piece green velour chesterfield suite. Biue 693 i248pi . " . f, ., i FOR BALE Boys and girU' .- all- ki pants, very attractively j tailored Less than factory I cost. B. c Clorniers, mirn Ave. (tf NATIONAiXT RNOWM NAMES i Ling-beit Soeeder Shovels; Cranes: Draglines: Adamsj Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Tod Road Maintenance J r.uuiorneii i uen lainsnrii Buckets and Rock Grammes; I L. bmilh concrete Mixers. Clark Forklift Trucks: NeLson Bucket Loaders lor Stockoile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps: Na- Buckets; National All Steel j Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv screens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinerv Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. tf) FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight h'-aters. chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tft BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 40-foot trolling boat "Myrtle v." For insoection apply boat K.O. at Ftilrvlew Floats or phone Green 968. (249p) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax snec a 1st. S. O. r urk. Stone BuSldint?. Red 593. (20mt REPAIRS "WATPU RFPAtRSt Prnmnt rl flcient service. Oeorge Cool Jeweller. Satisfaction guaraii' teed. FOR TAKE OUT OPvDERS PIIONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE NOW- ,i( is the time to plan tor STORM WINDO SEE GREER & BRIDDEN! 213 1st Avenue News. 1 24 K ,11 WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scraD iron s'eel. brass. cnoDer. lead, etc Honest erariine Promot. payment marie. Atlas Iron 61 Meruit t d 25(1 Prior St Van couver B. C. Phone PAcific t)3f. r-ARu w scmn past bras. con- ner. haM.nes ird raoia'ors Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. Ci'v. (tf WANTED Experienced Mechanic machinerv firm renuires , exp(,rienced dlesel eneine ,nrt ,,., mh,iP Phone 577 , or j write Box 1324 tf ! SUN carrier for downtown route. : Phone Bus Depot, 640 or 530. 1 ,to ; REAL ESTATE , FOR SALE Wartime Four, new ly decoratfd. Central, near McBride Street. Immediate possession Price $4,000. Terms. 1 R E. MORTIMER r Real Estate and Insurance , 353 Tnlrd Avenue Phone an , 1 1WK-C) ItroR SAT. Ft Tn her!rrom Vnuse Hot and cold water. Also gar age. Part cash. 218 11th Street. (248pi FOR SALE Semi-furnished one room floathouse with oil stove Also small float. Phone Black 232. (252pi MALE HELP WANTED WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR PRINCE RUPERT Opening for a man with an eye to the future, who hag the following qualifications: One who has the ability to adapt himself to the job to work by himself to learn and follow our proven methods of selling. To this man we offer a chance to make better than average earnings and to become established with a large electrical appliance manufacturer. Ern-ings from sales, parts and service. local store connections, protected territory. Mutt own ear. be over 26. preferably married, selling experience an asset but not essential Excellent opportunity for advancement. Box 225, Daily News. ' (240c) Phone 909 11951 Austin Sedan, 3000 miles, now condition. 1 1947 Monarch Sedan 11946 Ford Sedan 11947 Crosley Coach Superior Auto Service Ltd. Bapco Floor Enam . ' Ideol for wood or cedent W linoleum and woodwork. drying with a high gloss ond ; many pleasing colors. Thompson Hardware Co Kiss and Tell, Daqwood! TT-T" T STEP U I I HAVE K MV GOGPNSSS'ij I , Mn.'H'l'"'!'!' . c5r INS'PE A SAMPLES J ( THEV'PE AL.L SO "s S, ' , C M1NUTS r IFYOU'P t pkETTV ( rA-sN ) THE LIPSTICK n VJ LIKE TO 4 VvLT PAGWOOD- comes in r- ., rilL tpvthem) i will mix' please ) five T ffLr-. r OUT rr-s r v C0Me Third Ave. W. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all weld. supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. Ind ani Park Avenues Esf ,IMD. I'lo.. ics CO and 68 6;i 1 3&M. If you want lo sell St, advertise il, News classiiied.