DAILY SEW Page | TH? —_ —-—— - = — Se = : ook wae: z e = ~ =a | cee Re THe Dany News = | DID YOU | mucseeeet...:] BANK OF-MONTREAT SO ee EVER THINK reine, ans su] [ estenunmn oven re vous oP Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News || Why thet bhi treublalirem which Mondays, or and Sat- 7 “<. \ " Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. you are suffering, will not healt | days at 9:30 a.m, Cc d : - " It ie because it is so deeply rooted - oupons an ry qH. F PULLEN, MANaciINnG EprrTor. || that ordinary ointments are incap- From the East. = ed). —-—- oF un to the seat of Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- Interest Cheques Fe =e {SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Zam-Buk, on the contrary, is eo |days at 7 p.m. Th h fund Uy eifirrn 7 ae hy City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. | refined that it is capable of reach- er ose having funds in- pmol on ‘ : feelin ing the underlying tissues, and that For Vancouver: Fa By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advarice, per year $6.00. to why 06 many ‘-008 of skin trom leqturdays .-s...nc++-.- 2 Dem.) « vested ta Bends and other I , 4 4 r To United States and other ¢ countries, in advance, $7.50 | jad —- pore oan ° Sundays oe ee ae to P m. Fiatactel Paper, may depos i , r | Buk. UCSdAYS «6.6 cece eeees -™, iT SRE 98. | aioe M, 4. box = — Thursdays .......s.... 10 p.m. Cleremmeta eaelie fe ag | Wt bl , i memener. ‘i and provi yourse . ith | TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch.) oniy is it best for eczema and ail ° ' des for Collecti tf ble tI 4 \ Contract Rates on application. akin troubles, but also for ring- rom Vanoou or ection, at favoura ht | ‘worm, ulcers, old @ores, blood-pol- |Sundays ............. 10 p. m. rates. _—— eee — soning, lo oe oo er Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a. m. . rn ' ¢ | f ru : INNIPEO BReNc DAILY EDITION, diem Thursday, Sept. 4, 1919. + aot = ~ Seelaba, 50e. box, 8 *ridays CW eho eH Pe eers ir m. A | for $1.25. ow - Saturdays .......+.. 10:30 4m.) fy oT G LEE, Manager, - Prince Runert Branch | Send ic, stamp postage on —< ints le , Fall Session. trial box. For Anyox: a SS one Is Expensive. A e I 6 cha: viene 10 p.m, ed It was necessary that there should be a fall session of Parlia Vednesdays ...... ... 40 p.m , —oeeneeey ment, but it might have been an adjourned session. That would PaturGAys ...cscsseese 10 p.m. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA have answered the purpose and would have saved the country| . —— — e agian NEY ORDE money in several ways. In the first place there would have been LAND REGISTRY ACT Tusedays oe std cee M¢ ) ( ) RS no second indemnity for the members. As it is, however, they nance ~ endaetes “hursdaye .......eseeee88 DM, As a safe and economical method of remitting amounts » ; . — 5 = op earned their indemnity when the house closed and they will gelt|ne Application No, 11,044-1. File 6198. [SundayS ......0eeeeeeee8 De Mm | to $50. : ; , ‘ E that application has Leen These Money Orders are payable without charge at any branch of om. another for this extra session. We are not sure what the in-| made to register Jim vosiulu of Prince bank in Canada (Yukon excepted), in Newfoundland, at the usnen” demnity is but we believe it to be $3,000. That doubled makes Leer weed frbth the, Collvetar ‘at the city} O* Port Simpson and Arrandale, cities of the United States and are negotiable at over 800) points : saie Deed from the Collector City i : ' onan : , : ; is >» privilewes »jof Prince Rupert, bearing date the suUNnd@yS .....-eee0+5-. 10 DP. m.} fh) in Great Britain and Ireland. a nice little thing for war times. It is one of the privileges Of} day of pecember, 1918, of ALL AND e A 1 | $5 and under - -8eents Over $10, not exceeding $30, 10 ce : SLVGULAR that certain parcel or tract of} "POM Pt. Simpson and a eo.) 7) Over $5, not exceeding $10,6cents Over $30, not exceeding $50 1: ” democratic governments. land and premises situate, lying and being . ; ‘ing $50, 15 cents rm in the city of Prince Hupert more pal Tuesdays ......+. i ekg vary | Prince Rupert Branch A. W. Camer M A somewhat similar condition arose at Victoria, but there | ticularly) known and deseribed as Lot|For Port Simpson and Naas River |] Pp » W. on, Manager ; , = 7 Seven (7), Block twenty-five (25), Sectior the government declared that the indemnity of $1,800 was] ceyeh (5), “(Map 23>) You ‘are required points: -_~ enough for one year and instead of closing the session they ad-|\0, potest jhe calm af the ten Purchaser [Fridays ........++- -+» 10 . m. ting journed it and there was no second cheque for the members. ee ee — may be effected From = r Points: and Neas - ear : avi ne ace 2 ¢ > ¢ your attention is called to section 3g of Another saving in having am adjourned session rather than |}jU" {tte Registry Act’ with amevdments,| Saturdays ...... ee i “ bos ae tT ‘2 ie : > Pp » |and to the following extract therefrom a new one is in the matter of time. There is no speech from the ane tp Gaia ait GaGa ae ce. Aum (5-5. PRINCE RUPERT throne at an adjourned session with the consequent interminable fore the registration as owver of 7: Queen Charlotte Islands: Ub or ; debate about nothing in particular. Members have to talk about person eatitied under, such tax sale, a ena oo eee and S.S. PRINCE GEORGE something when they talk. That, of course is a hardship. . . and those claiming through pper Isiand polats: ___.— SAILING or under the m, and all persons claim- , ing any interest in the land by virtue Ww ednesdays teeeeeeees 10 a.m Snobbery Feared of vay unregistered instrument, and ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANGON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, all persons claiming any interest in : At B. C.’s Capital. the land by descent whose ttle is Upper Island points: VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. ye ; ; not registered under the provisions The people of Victoria are much perturbed over who is to| Gf tis Act. shall be forever es. | lDursdays ........ topped and debarred from setting up |or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte seooeee DP. M. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. rine ‘ales w S or a rece ND PRINCE ALBERT meet the Prince of Wales when he comes there. At a recent any claim to or im respect of the ; ; : 8. S. PRINCE JOHN / : . teal 5 land so sold for taxes, ana the Regis- City and Lower Island points Por STEWART every Wednesday at 2.00 p.m meeting Col. Lorne Ross voiced the fear that he would be monop- trar sual Tegister the person en- | Portnightly. Massett, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, August 28th, Se) , . : itle nder such tax § e 8 , her nd ; olized by the social set and that the real people woutd not catch of the Bat te bell tee ae” «trom Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Southern Queen Charlotte island Points, September Sih « ‘ : AN SREAS C s ‘ a glimpse of him. It was also suggested that he be provided with | main tor Cectinea tee tee its been! City and Lower Island points— a horse to ride so that he might not be whisked away beyond the |i} Yin, “Piichn Ones lands: ih the pame) Fortnightly, a ; a a AND WHEREAS on investigat ~ speed limit in the Lieut.-Governor’s auto. title f Py F prior oe 10¢h oe of October, 1917 (the date on whieh the| For Skagway and the Yukon. TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Monday, W*dnesday and Saturday aj 11:98 @ mm for Smithers Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct ections for all points east and south. There will undoubtedly be many heart-burnings over who i |i ‘ands were sold for overdue taxes), Mondays. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES who and why. The Prince himself has expressed the wish to | yuh iio’ ee soe eer an From Skagway and Yukon. For information and reservations apply to , ; ; ie , : ~o apo |8ame time I shall effect registration in : . City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. Phon® 260 have all functions open to the public, but unfortunately there are on oe ee ee oer Saturdays. no buildings large enough to accommodate the crowds. This is | Uertiteate ef Indefeasibie Tithe to the saic| stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp lands in the name of = unless Point. - i iffie i . : , . > . ic iy you take and prosecute the proper pro another of the little difliculties caused by our democratic spirit. Cee to establish your claim, if. any, ¥or—Thursdays 8 p.m _ to 6008 eee Oe be Seeeens Geen eee ae ees eee 7 Brewery Has at posed action on ‘my part. From—Saturdays ...... p. m. DATED at the Land Registry Omce,}|—. ~~ Peaertihmekiadininaiigtanesdal Last Been Caught. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 19th day o AN AILWAY ‘ se a ‘ : F August, A, D., 1019. NOTICE ae’ lhe Silverspring Brewery has been fined for selling beer H. F> MACLEOD, mended . ‘ ‘ . District Registrar of Titles. ee Fo that was found to contain four and a half per cent alcohol. |1o robert J, Abbott, Esq., ” , IN THE MATTER of an application for eT EL eTE | ai : : “ Prince Rupert, B. C the issue of.a fresh Certificate of ‘ith ry Val a 18 Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Hitherto it has been the retailer who has had to pay such fines. - — |for all minerals, precious and base (save : r : mat : DRAINAGE ‘ ) OP coal and petroleum) under Lots nineteen elie via Steamer to Vancouver and the The local police commissioners recommended to the hibit nai SUES S EEVELOPSENT At} ” al ft Ss i € imendec 0 le pronipition oom (19), “Engineer No. 1, twenty (20), Canadian Pacific Railway commissioner that he should get busy and see that th tailers|,. Notice 1s hereby given that it is pro-}“Northern Partnership No. 2," nine bun - . 8: ‘ sy ¢ ‘ g @ retailers | posed to rorm a development district unde: _— me —> eee ear Part M h i luded St , , i fon “> > law, Pthe name f the “Horse Shoe Drainage | ership No. 1,” one hundred and six (106 eals and Bert mnclu on eamer were protected by making the manufacturer live up to the law.[ pie, (ym ot ihe ae the following tands. “Northern partnership No. 3." two hun 3 j j ; . 7 » os that is to Say: The ftfty-fve and om | dred and nine (209), “Nor rm Partner . He has been a long time doing anything, considering the flagrant |\"*\ 1sh0) nasoe of Lak es ete No. Fractional” nine bundred and 6.6. PRINCESS ALICE §$.6. PRINCESS maARY . : , ; , : . and ejghty-three (983), Group one (1),] seventy-two ( ), “Northern Partnershij \ ' R ‘ breaches of the law which have been apparent to everyone but aj*". d by Chas, B.A: Gbeen; Lata twents No, 33” phine huhdred | and slaty peve ee a Pare “y a ? "he s , five (25) to thirty-five (35) inclusive o: | (967), “The i ed anc . . ’ gov a aaa ake It is satisfactory, however, that at last some |{¥e (25). Map wumbered. nine bundred sixty-eight (968), “The Plato,” and nin For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert actio as and sixty-seven (967) in Lot No. tarec}|#undred and seventy (970), “The Duis During July and August every Monds ! acts = ha . ve taken. F hundred and sjxty two (362 said Group; Mineral Claims,’ all, in Group One (1) . ; hon —s _——~ The News believes that all should be treated alike in matters | Lots twenty-six (26) to twenty-eight (zo | Cassiar District. oy aor , . ; i . : : inclusive of Registered Map numbered om Notice is hereby given that it is m CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES of this kind. Hitherto it has been the retailer who has had to | thousand ememd ahd coon aaah OE a. tan ie to ie For rates, reservations and sailings, apply | pay fines, often for no fault of his own. The place to deal with | sald Group; the forty (40) sefes in LovjRenent, 8 fresh sersiscete of ae fo W. GC. ORCHARD, Generali Agent. ‘ . : nine hundred and seventy-nine (979, sai c 4 ne a this overproof question is certainly at the fountain head, where | Group, lying east of Lot iwenty-eight’ (28) |2ame of James Alexander, which certifivat 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. : of Registered Map numbered one thousand|®f ttle ts dated 3rd July, 1918, and 1 the stuff is made. and ninety-seven (1097), said Group; Lots |®Umbered 778-R, . F ; nine (9) to sixteen (16) inclusive of H. F. MACLEOD, - ai Registered Map numbered nine hundrea District Registrar of Titles and sjxty-five (965) in Lot No, eighi|!4nd_Regtstry OMce, Prince Rupert, B. C., i hundred and thirty-seven (837), said This 22nd day of July, 1919. __ | SeeeeCooer. | aeep' Lan £2), Bagistares Map num LAND ACT e red nine hundred and sixty-six (906 ; : : a rag in Lot No, three hundred and sixty-one tdward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett. Manage (361), said Group; Lots one (1) to sevenlerver ‘dwar . i é i *residé 03) thelusive ann’ Lote thirteen (ish en) SMmENA LARD, Pistmer. ~ “Is TRICT ol Edward Cunningham, Vice-Presideut twenty (20) inclusive of Registered Map numbered nine hundred and = sixty-sja TAKE NOTICE Smaby 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your (G66) in Lot No, Uses husdted snd eats | oct NOmCE. | iat Mare logeer, in 2 = as ; one (361), said Group; Lots four (4) analte > Service Day or Nigh ofr ay Sie anit) Lingett-Cunningham & Co. ourteen (14) inclusive of tegistered Map ’ : . . STAND" Asrszzoé., ROVAL HOTEL [ivsssset tia! "| Ghats Mea tt ae 7 Sixth Stre t in Lot eight hundred end thirty eight} shore of Swindle Isiand, and directly port! LIMITED = == (838), said Group, all in Range tive (5), lor Sandstone Reefs; thence east 40 chains Coast District, containing approximately thence south 40 chains; thence west 40 . ; , SE five hundred and thirty (530) acres, and|ehains; thence north 40 chains to polnt of FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT—MARINE HARDWA to present to the Lieutewant-Governor in], once ‘es Council ® petition pursuant to the Dretwage commencement, and containing 160 acre Ride in Comfort aeeene » Pe vs lopment Act for the appoint more oF les. ARK SMABY Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Aocessories ment 0 . Gordon, Geor Litti a . Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth G. H: Taft as Comumissioname to BeuMire, Date. July 24th, 1919." — ov Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage execute, maintain and operate § drainage = and dyking works for the reclajming and MINERAL ACT. v* National Grocery Co. ||"! 360c rah PRINCE RUPERT, 0 copy 0 é said petition can be ii a Ss spected at the office of oe Little al CERTIFICATE OF _ UAPROVEMENTS Registered Office: . Prince Rupert (fice Te ota ies 0 < 05 VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY be filed at We “Ease ee ey NOTICE. 68 Water Street, Pelephone No 99 of Water Rights, Parliament Butidings, Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look i 698 Victoria, B. C. out, Mystery, Midas Lake Frac., Pass Frac Vancouver, B, C P. 0, Box Motor Dated at Terrace, B. C., the 28th day} onal Mineral Claims, situate in the Port : as Delivery Prompt Attention of August, 1919. *}iand Canal Mining Division of Cassiar bis moonccrenreen J. K. GORDON, trict. oe — asia GEO, LITTIR Where located:—-On the East Salmon G. H. TAFT, River Valley. Above named. TAKE NOTICE that I, A. H. Green, act- -—---—-- ing as agent for L, Watkins, F.M.C. No, MINERAL ACT 16349-C; C. D, Carter, F.M. C, No, 9,588 ¢: BM. =e PF. M: C. No. 9, 587-C; H ile ts ) - . Fetter, F.M.C€. No, 9,507-C; wp * CERTIFICATE OF PEPROVEMENTS. Carlton, P. M. C, No. sibos. Cc; werun NOTIC Welch, F. M. C. No. 9,599-C, intend, sixty Beaver, Sundog Droit tion, Clark, Jimn./ days from the date hereof, to apply to the Fraction, Rob Roy, and Nephin Fraction] Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im Mineral Claims, situdte in the Naas Mining | provements, for the purpose of obtaining Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 Bf 423. p. 0. Box! Parkin & Ward Electric Co. E} E d C ee = Casslar Distriet a Crown Grant of the above claim. i tral 8 co éctric niihéets a an ontractors Where locate On u west sid t And furl h 0 Larges Assortment of Lumber in Cen i 3 on Bay, near Anyox, - en are der ‘nee thon phy Ft be Gace . of FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N, Clague of | the issuance of such Gertificate of im We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, the city of Duncan, B. ¢., acting as agen! | provements. Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, lrons, = © ondolidatéd Limited, Smelt Dated this 25th day of July, A. D. 1019 CEDAR a a ‘owe oropan lnit ° . Toasters, and Fixtures. Miner's Certificate No. “so1eec. \anen aiiencoetithee emcee? mC ra’ SPRUCE FIR sti ‘ Pa a ae. Sixty days from the date hereof, I) 0 p stimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation to the Mining Recorder fees ‘Cocumnn MINERAL AC Consult Us. MARINE DEPARTMENT ef Improvements, ia the purpose of ob t taining a Crown G of the above claim CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Agents for der section 8, fount he hommonen Bolan NOTICE, Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling the issuance of such certificate of im Iron Bug, Blue Ja John Bull, Jobn Caille Perfection —. cubic — Storage Batteries "paved this, ara a0 Of duly, A. D. ite Cunmamon Vraetion Bull Ne chine, , pram . . e e n aas nin Divis 0 Cass (The Plug that was chosen for tha Trensetiantio flights? STIKINE DIVISION CASSIAR LAND DIS oi here located: : -A ee ast F d Service Our service department will help you to plan your SC —-Wieeeee CF CARRIAR, wR NOC i reek: we * he of ” Comfort, paneer ene © Lighting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos, TAKE NOTICE that I, Robert Hyland, of|the eity of Duncan, B. Gi Ae as agent go to THE SAVOY HOTEL . : yf . Telegraph Creek, B.C., occupation trader,| for the Granby Consolidat » Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable, intend to apply for permission to lear |ing and Power Com ~— Lieitea, "Wee, Lamps, Searchlights, ete. the following deseribed jand: Miner's Certificate © 32188-C, intend, www Commencing at & post planted on the] sixty days from the “date herev ’ 8. W. corner, about 250 yards below Deep|to the ining Recorder for of, to apply Creek and 2 miles westerly from Telegrap fof Improvements, for the urpose of ob Creek, fronting the Stikine River; thence] taining a Crown Grant of the above claim north 7% cane: thence east 20 chains; And further take notice that action, un thence south chains; thence west 20] der section 85, must be commenced before chains to the cae of commencement, and] the issuance ‘of such certifeate of im containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less. | provements, ROBERT HYLAND, Dated this ard any of July, A.D. 1919 Date, May 29, 1019 a, N. AGUE, B.C. L. 8. We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal.. Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 F. t. sownnes, Manager B.C. Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Ruper': Home Cooking Running