Prince Rupert Daily New. Monday, October 22. 1951 News of the District ! War Bride Story Fabiola Shows Dramatic Picture KilRom plied bv the growlne banrt nf . Teresa, stirring romance oi Christians within the Empire, will renouiJ Luxurious living and prodigal decision bm H hii waste abounded in the south; drlvuiz ..J lh r the frugal way of life and chal- HennViri.i iriib: lenging precepts of the new. contiiienv ,r'45ir unaccepted religious sect col- ot the ammn r,ejc '' llded with all this. """"How an American soldier and his war One of the most dramatic peroral-', showing today. Tuesday locls in the history of ancient and Wednesday at the Totem j Rome forms the background for theatre, is heralded as one of the i fabiola." feature ottering for Central Interior TRAVELS jELKWA Tile central characters f mt most compelling ana nean-toiiching dramas of the year. It is the s:ory of a lovely young this Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday at the Capitol Theatre. The Roman Empire was at the height of its splendor. Lavish tin Roman Roman senator, senator, rrnrrwi,,,.., w Fabiola" are a "uiU his beautiful daughter Fabiola. nomn -,. . enes 0! ; Italian pea.-ant girl who falls in and a dashing gladiator from amuhith,.....7lTy' ! lve wiili Philip, a raw combat displays and decadence were EVERYONE infantry recruit and who. at the a where 1: ' " ' Gaul. alsely implicated in murder, the gladiator finds ! i fashionable and had come into sharp clash with the crusading and revolutionary forces sup- a unleashing. :' Begged lift to Burns with Bob Davev, inspector t.f. & m. muis have just un-of Indian schools. Conversation largely Indian af- oT' Tal! fairs. Learnt that 20 per cent of Indian children ready have a lumber carrier, absorbed into white schools, that three Indians went p"" VachtnLn of the war. j ins him in New Yolk and becomes a U odds uiih the over-pos.-essive mother who ti . s to tie her son to her anion striivi!s. Under the smoth- thl'OUrh Normal last Veal and " doing jjood Work north. This last growing lumber Hue influence ot his mother s af- Interior, is Bright Garden i i that u.. there will ;u Ul . u be , industry of Telkwa has expand- fortiori, the marriage collapses. and among own people, probably ed tremendously in the past hw ,i.e .n is able to shake oft year and bids fair to become (hp sinster influence of his fam- five next year. one of the most modern and llv and win his wife back makes ,, j r , i,i 1 Regrettable episode on return and to hotel- T'0 blonde little girls efficient mills on the northern for a fascinating and absorbing white at Hazelton for both pitifully from trucK line story TnHian f.Vilrlrn Qnrl nf spvpn SI earning at back o( hotel. Descended and new schools under construction ... .. . not nil mil hpr apt anH xpnt. ln- The picture Introduces two property known as the ,,. actine discoveries in the The mmiZi tJ'jZ Tj'tuv t H? HOI.I) THAT POSE" f in Indian villages, was pieasea ; V h rZ r " TELKWA "British Columbia's central Interior has been a vast garden of color the'se past two weeks. Carpeting the countryside as far as the eye could see was a spectacle no artist could do )us- IS : talking : ABOUT BUTTERICK PRINTED I I PATTERNS! And now we have them m come in today to see these new and wonderful easy- " to-uce patterns with direc- tions printed right on every a pattern piece. See cur wide selection ot J exciting new fabrics in a a J dazzling array of colors. Style them in Butte. Ick. i 1 WALLACE'S 5 DEPT. STORE iiiiimiiiiiiiiii Hub and owned by Don McEwen persons of the beautiful and has been purchased by Sing Lee, (tainted Pier Angell, who plays to hear policy of Department , """" "'"ts t Aff..L.. . w..Xrt not located for nearly an hour. , Meanwhile, exhausted pussy-, Telkwa re-staurant owner. iif nnoiirv , excellent qualltj of erages same nnV buildimr will be converter! yhe the role of Teresa, and 'young into junn Ericson, cast as Philip. gradually getting colder. Streak- a modern restaurant with booths urp to. nnd 'n fit for a fairy: Princess were she to fly this way. I ed upsiaus, between snneKs, for installed at one side and a Mr. Hlnchliffe of MI tlOllV or A !!1DI Vt 1 J "'li Wr HMirri(iu ttiffny 4 I I I From the hiyh mountains one j rould look down on landscaping ; I of indescribable be-auty It. was as If huge clumps of chrysan-memums grew in profusion, from bright sunshiny yellow to deep gold, from bronze to deep brown. 1 . tintcrspersrd with a brilliant ! orange which stood out sharply j canuy ana uvcituai, mien ic- nui-.niuc luuuiri in me centre c..U(h( turned, found smallest little tor quick serving. ; girl removed hers, hot with ! ! weeping. Sequel. Repentant' Joseph Watson of Smithers Mr. and Mrs. John Hienvstra father collected daughters, and had the misfortune, while truck- and family arrived from Ed-walked away, and owner ofjing a load of cattle from Kis- monton on Tuesdays train to truck re-appeared and drove' piox, to have the truck leave take up residence here and off. the road, the vehicle turning where Mr. Hiemstra expects to Day brought to successful ; ovcr- ne of tile animaU was find employment, close in cultured converse with 1 jurod and it was found to have ; Toll: Kanious fln, as new schools. Have been amazed at living conditions both in Indian and white schools teachers been expected to tolerate, and anomaly in some places of excellent school buildings aid indifferent living accommodations for teachers. Observed, anent handicrafts of Indians, work of Alphonsine at Stoney Creek, near Vanderhoof, who is copying birch bark baskets from Saskatchewan, sewing with stranded spruce roots dyed, and encouraged by J. H. Sewell. Regretted sad death of Indian boy in locality, given a D-D-T preparation, instead of castor oil. Passina through Palling, recalled having seen earlier in year, at home of Mr. and. Mrs. Saunders, map of Tweedsmuir Park, autographed by those Sterling Monday - Fvcninq Shows 7 . 9:Q5 I in contrast to the rich gieens of E. C. Chapman. Vancouver. ; the pines and spruce. Here and general agent of the Milwaukee ; there a vivid scarlet shades otf George Varhey desk clerk at a Dr0Ken ieg wnicn necessitated Tweedsmuir Hotel, born' in butchering for the market. Mr. Miiria nest. "Thpr. are ahmit an ' Watson shipped a carload of livestock to Edmonton from daily papers in Budapest, which ha ; q nnnn Int inn nf ahnnt ttt.-n ilclc. Railroad, is'making his yearly ( t the deep crimson of the wil-trlp along the CNR. stopping at i0wS bordering the low terraces, town checking business while on ; A short t, , was cov. en route to Prince Rupert. ; ered by a ,1(,n, banltn of smiw ! Six inches fell on the mountain Mr and Mrs. Lubbers from tops but nature decided to lift ii;illion." Although recalling, j i-itK nlpa.snrp lha mnonificpncp i Mr and Mrs. Duncan Kerr FOR A SAFE AND SANE HALLOWE'EN were overnight guests at the Telkwa Hotel on their return the States Saskatchewan are visiting their; her winter cover and, with from vacationing in Tony and Andy, and are steady rains this past wTek melt- belore going on to Terrace and sons oi pie-war Budapest, George does not wish to return. He has, for some time, been trying to get his mother out, without success, and has to resort to subterfuge in corresponding, she taking a different name for each letter he writes, home. Buy Kinsmen" Hallowe'e contemplating remaining theilng the snow, the little creeks winter. are belching; with the overflow. I The Telkw a river Is a young r James Hall of 1 torrent of cloudy, muddy water : Mr. and Mrs. i as n ruscaovs into u.e qtiict i blue-green waters of the Bulkley i Prince Rupert are house gues.s of Mrs. Thompson. Thev hone Shell-Out Tickets "Help Kinsmen 1 . The Ladies' Guild of Telkwa held a successful tea and sale ; of home cooking on Saturday in the library. Mrs. Clarkson was , in charge of ttie tables; Mrs. i Bates, the home cooking table, land Mrs. Paulson, the kitchen. to do some hunting before the; AH this Ls a fcrerunner if our Likes Pioneer snow flies. approachink winter and nature's way of making tlv.igt beautiful before they d'e a performance from Mrs. Ralph Ernewin To Help Kiddk here to ! most Interesting to the eye. Mr. and I Smithers stopped off visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace of Prince Rupert were guests of Mrs. M. Thompson the past week, having driven down for a try at some big game. Mrs. McDougall, before going on to Kamloops where she will join her .husband and where they expect to make their future home. Rupert Views Wailace Ireland, the Provin- ; cial Librarian at Victoria, recently received from F. J. Fuller, pioneer of this city, a collection ol early Prince Rupert pictures, i as well as reading data, all of distinct value in matters pertaining to early developments. Mr. Ireland wrote a most appreciative letter in acknowledging Terrace Hit, Run Case BUCHANAN'S m present at opening in 1935. by j John Buchan, Lord Tweedsmuir. I On arrival visited good friends ' Xir. and Mrs. Walter Wilson. Walter recently returned .from 1 Seattle. ,011 holiday after overexertion in supervising taking of census. Arranged talk to Mrs. Wilson's school class. Signs of coming Hallowe'en festivities as frequent as betel nut expectorations on pavements m Colombo, and same color. "When do I eat?" I asked har-rassed waitress on second visit to only cafe functioning. "When this bunch gets out." was reply. Began thinking investment in hot-plate not bad idea, during stay here. Found eating facilities trying beyond expression. Party behind me agonizing, "If Churchill gets in. we will have war." In front of me on paster, scantily clad girl with ultra-erect carriage, and friendly fly floating round, reminded me of past summer glory, as gazed .it ; failing snow, and thought would have preferred favorite westerns to crying babies. Anyway, there was good brown bread and real butter, and youth newly arrived from China was helping his numerous countrymen cope with difficult situation. Reassured of Mr. and Xirs. McDougall returned from - a two-week trip through the interior, going via Ashcrott and returning by the Te' tiaragp plans rebuild- in?. V'jlu.Jeors are hard at work TERRACE -Arising out of a recent Incident on Lakelse Aven-up when Harry S-. aton was run Hope-Princeton Highway. They cleanins up the altermath of the opportunity given to inspect & Vhat was sent. Mr Fuller, this .n'Sh Irutt UlC down and seriously Injured, Wil autumn, observed his S2nd belt where apples could be had 11 is unaerstooc worn will for the picking. They visited commence as soon as possible liam Parker appeared before Stipendiary Magistrate Will Ro-lnson in police court last week SCOTCi WOT with Roy Annis In Chllllwack, on a new building. The Telkwa WHISKl who was a resident of Telkwa some years ago. niveisary. A filling of cream cheese, chopped candied ginger and chopped almonds makes a randwich with ?. truly party air. For action use News classified OimtilUd, BUndd and Bottled in Scotland Mi m 16': m H garage will be larger and better!"1'" remanded for eight days on with up-to-date servicing B facili-j $,K)? ?ail ?;dTker- a rf"t ar- , . , rival from Vancouver, is charg- lies and a large spacious show- j ecl with hit and run drivmg and ! room. j causing grievous bodily harm. ! III This advertisement is not publishrd or displayed bj Ikt Control Board or by' the Government of British C William Hayes from Perow journeyed to Smithers to pick up a new half-ton truck. While cirivinj out of town and nearing the bridge the road appeared slippery. Putting on his brakes, the truck swerved sideways and went off the road. Damage was estimated at about $900. 'Wings over the Interior' FLY essential goodness of fellowmen, by generous gent on left', taking my bill, with, "Do you mind if I pay it with mine?" To Terrace daily Members of the library held a card party on Wednesday with three tables playing. Mrs. Mayer won first prize for the ladies and Chris Peterson won lust prize for the men. consolations going to Mrs. C. Bus- Ja.J k.,.i..fc,- '.i'' ""','l V 1 v..t;M Thc To Prince George and Intermediate Points . Three Days Weekly To Kiiimat and Kemano Daily Exccot Fridays from TERRACE B.C. LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Always Leading With the Best in Watches O. K. CAFE! ot , Hazelton 1 Is under New Mcnagemjnt It Is now owned and operat d by Lee Clvmg and Jim Muh i ho have ' bought out Le Duck. The cafe ha? been remodeled and re-rlcco: ated and will give first, class service. 248c St4Nfiki.h I inlcrwear is soft ami w arm even on n in :XM McCULLOC!! ? U.t -i. Terrace PrineC Ituprrt Phone Black 907 Phone 133 USE HALLOWE'EN I swifched to Marvclubc for dependable starts You get more engine protection under d driving conditions with Marvelub- Heavy-Duty motor oil that mcetJ car manufacturers' specifications fol correct lubrication. Marvelube is a detergent motor oil. & not only lubricates it cleans. A cln and b engine free from gum, sludge particles lasts longer and gives you more trouble-free performance. If0 Imperial Esso Dealer protect the investment you have in your car wiu his "Care-Sdvcs-Wear" service. 89.5) J-.J i , Full-Six Circulator! ! ter's roldrt-t (lah. It iloe-n't rrepp u or hind and it'n nhrinkprtmjl Stannchl's L n-dirwear i made from hpeci-iillv roi -essi'il wool, ami ruiwllv tailoml for snug romfort. I.p.hImi stnrrs carry .Slmifirl.l'B ii , ami lllne Liilx'l the same iuiliU , lint of liiaNier wei'lii. Itnlli t ' kimls are niaile in imiliin-alioiih ami sei,irnle hliirtx ami drawers, llie drawers liavin; exlra-lieavy scat and crutch for double wear. StAN FIELD'S GHTS cn the Christmas lighting string Smart new "Imperial" styling, rich brown finish. Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives more heat from every drop of oil. Money-oaving Waste Stopper, Automatic Draft Minder. Fully Coordinated Controls. Power-Air Blower for forced-cir-culatiou optional at extra cost. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters tor 1 to 6 room. FulL-PO'iVER OPERATION i r-V;y !y in any position (f WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT U HDERVEAR No Hallowe'en party is complete without "Noma'v plastic pumpkin snap-ons as an effective lighting decoration. SEE THE 'it TODAY AT NORTHERN B.C POWER Co . Ltd Soft . i . Warm . . . Durable , Buy on ferms at r.nonnhi p JjMPtir the sign thai 6h (Ssso) pa ww1 'ACIFIC ELECTRIC Besner Block Pbone 210 ANDERSON $ Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992 ( liirl, B.C. J p-i,.r Hun.i t. H r,. tf vmi -.vnnt. i.. s'll it, advertise it, News classified.