(Continued liciu page H 4-i'iiiCe Ktipcri' iuny i Monday, Oclooer 22, i9ai DAILY NEWS ycui. uouii iuaiis ui Uir liur.n ouid practical. y Uo.ioie that income, becau.se Americans will go anywhere they can drive a car." Ice club I can get my foot ino muj an olu ii'truu ol iU, teU'Ji-.-'au llousvii, ihuclier anu 6a-: thor. and two weeks at the ranch 1 house "just went like that. We intended to stay only a couple oa oays." The couple number among , their close friends more than ' thousand people, they say, from state governors Ut lot- gers, in the I S and Canada. ! The trader makes a special ' effort to contact policemen j Hockey Players Are Welcomed LONDON Canadian hockey players wre gretted with rattles and craws when they got ofl the bot-train at Waterloo station. London. They will play hockey in Britain thi eomiaiji winter as members of the v.uru rn..r f ) wii.'ji!i!to; The trader greatest wish, he j ..YeS," quipped his wife, "they says, is that .Americans every-: can't stop you from talking any-wnere got the opportunity to i wnere know Canadians. ' j ' "We know so little about you,' Do children like cheese? and ! yur you are such good, people. ,, T . . , l Put a piece in the school lunch When I get back home, I m go- ; mQst everyday n-a s0 good ing to sell. Canada to every serv- for them. for a quicker, niter, blocker thine! u Rangers' team. st Basketball of Season t Boudreau Takes Over Red Sox BOSTON Lou Boudreau Was todaV flSUnintP manQnu .jip t Anderson I pset ,0.&ers in Exhibition 1 exhibition basketball jni.iy night, Gordon & .Mxiii-cl most of the J ,rs team-play attempts i a it ii a .-.'ore of 54-38. Thirty-three years ago he embarked on selling cars. He was 14 then and since that time has built up a business which is known 'throughout the better part of southern USA. "Weve had our ups and downs, sometimes broke so flat we didn't know where our next meal was coming from, and now we're up a littie and hope to stay that way," says the trader. He admit the two of them are now entering a stage of "semi-retirement." When they return to the I'M they plan to sell their business, and where are they goirig to settle if it ean be arranged? "In north-central B.C. not far from Prince George." They have fallen in love with this country so much that they have applied for property bordering tne shores of Lake Kerry, on the Hart Highway. And ii it's at all possible, "we want to build a home there." They both think this country is "terrific." When Uiey readied Prince George, nearly a month ago, they heard the Hart Highway was completed and that a bridge crossed the Parsnip River. So tney drove up to the water's edge on "mighty passable road" but there the trail stopped. Their intention was to jonnect with the Alaska Highway and motor north from there. "But we met the must interesting peuple." The trader, in his Jo-i:il and enthusiastic manner, toid o! a ,A';)niiK for G & A was " .ta( who ripped in 15 i was followed closely tne Boston Red Box, luecedingi Stew C'Nill, Bwidreau is the former Cleveland Indians' manager. ; Sport Shorts Hairy Greb. former wnrlH'a 1 Rainmakers Nlckerson 3 I Watson 10. Sather 5, Voung 2, Morrison, Simundson 2, MacKay ; 5, Tait 2. Clceone 7, Letourneau I 2. Total-38. I Gordon & Anderson Holke-jstad 15, Flaten 10, Hebb 8 Thompson 14, Clceone 3, Currie 0, Kristmanson 4. Total 54. j Tomorrow night the final preseason exhibition game will feature 300 iCCCi vs. BPOE (Elksi. ; Wednesday night, executive of iKrince Rupert Basketball Association meets to- decide whether : or not Rainmakers and the Co-: luftibia Ceilulo.se teams will en-I ter the Senior League, following the outcome of the selection serie. i -inmnwin with 14. Canada Savings Bonds Bigger ... because you can buy up to $o,000 worth instead of $1,000 as hitherto. Brttrr ... because the Bonds earn more interest than formerly ' 3.21 return compared with 2.75. You can cash Canada Savins; Bonds at any time for what you paid ior them no rik of fluctuations in principal value. There is no better security for your savings. Denominations: $.10, ?100, $.500, $1,000 and $5,000. Your order by phone or mail will receive our prompt attention. Wood, Gundy &Company irereicr ne goes, in Hie valley of the Moons, he is an honorary sherii'f. At White-horse he intends to look up RCMP Const. George Redhead, formerly stationed here. Wherever the couple travel, they try to pifk up contacts which will help them locate people in other towns, villages and cities they expect to Tisit. Motion pictures is a hobby which the Porters have re:eniy developed and they keep a record in movies throughout their trip. So far, Mr. Porter has shot 15 reels of color film since entering B.C. "We call this living. It is the suspense in life, doing some-..thing different a;l the time." .. The Porters are so enthusiastic about this country they would like to convey their Impression of what the future could hold for northern and central B.C. RAl)S NEEDED "First of all, you need roads. It would be your lifeline if you had a road from Jasper to Prince Rupert. Today, I understand, you get sonw 140,000 000 dollais from American tourists in a .it-rs' hinh man was i , :h 10 points to his f , a e ti Rainmakers had t m eonlulcnce tn sev- I middleweight and light-heavy-1 j weight boxing champion, died at I Atlantic City 25 years ago fol- ' l lowing a minor nose operation.! Ol'ifc. known fls the PitRh,,,-,, p ay sei-ups. Defenee-j ,ii G & A turned the "j ms! ol their plays. i Windmill, defeated Gene Tunney : in 1922 to Win the Amprlr-an liirht Limited i heavy title and won the world middleweight crown the following year. I 7M West Hastings St. Vancouver felephone: Pacific ffSSt S9 McKende Street New Westminster Telephone: .N.W. jfS31 on me LLhrb Bluvinose, with Captain Angus Walters at the helm, retained her title as queen of the North Atlantic fishing fleets by winning the race series against the U.S. challenger Gertrude L. The-baud 20 .years ago off Halifax. The famous I.unenourg schooner later was lost on a Wett Indies reef. . - niiihl Mixed Bowl-I'ui Thompson tak- trapper couple man and wiit-who lived in seclusion near the Parsnip! REMARKABLE WOMAS "That woman was remarkable," broke in Mrs-. Porter, who eheerfully interrupted breakfast with her husband to talic about thlr adventures'. "She traps right along with her husband, covering a 50 mile trapline by herself. Shoots grizzlies and wolves as a matter of course." At Vanderhoof. Trader Jim ran Rupert Butehers, 3; Miller Bay 3; Clippies, 3; Red Devils, 3-B C. Packers, 2; Conrad SeaLs, 2; Hi-Gold, 1; Van's Bakery 1-Penguin Hobby, 1; Ideal Clean- :.,lir,' iui;h single and with si'ures of 2Uli M'-n's hmil single w;i I.ldie Mussellam wish for . . . Devotion to Duty neu' hitth thrte by N. j $ tftil rashion rool- iji. j.-d tiic team hieh sin i i v.it:! on to take the J . three with 3872. t;is, u laeiaulti; 383 Cabs, 0. WEEKS 8CHEIH I.E First Pushovers vs. Canada Life; PR. Plumbing vs. Great West Life; Shenton's S.M. vs. Fashion Footwear; Cook's Jewellers vs. Hill's Shoe Store; Wallaces vs. Headpinners; Sons of Norway vs. CN Telegraphs. Second Red Devils vs Pen. N 1- Wallaces, 4; j ' '"vvrar. ?,; C.n;tel'i, i; j K1it.i. 3: Snenton'sj ii' .ulihiiMcrs. 2; Sons' guin Hobby; Booth No. 1 v.i. Conrad Seals; Rupert Butchers vs. B.C. Packers; Miller Bay vj. Ideal Cleaners; 383 Cabs vs. Van's Bakery; Cripples vs. . :; H::i s .Shoe Store, . I.:!?. 1. Pushver, W-.A L:, 1; and P R. o. No. 2 Hn .th No. 1, 4; HOW TO IILIIVI MUSCULAR j SEES NEW Fit A (Continued rrom page 1) j per, molybdenum, tungsten and uranium and the manner in which prospecting was being fa-! cilltaled by such devices as the geiger counter for radioactive ores, the ultra violet light for tungsten and the electrical processes of geophysical work. As ; a result of the geophysical pro-i cess, ground which under the ;o!d prospecting methods was : passed over lightly had been found in some cases to be preg-: nant with valuable ores. For instance, the problems of over-, burden were being solved by . electrical prospecting which j reached through to the rock below as could never have been i done by the old prospecting i techniques. Dr. Mandy will spend several days at Stewart making a general examination of a couple of properties and will be back In Prince Rupert next week -en-route to Usk for a visit to the Nieholson Creek Mining Corporation copper property and then to the American Standard and National Exploration silve;-: lead properties at New Hazelton ifor which he is, consulting PAINS A Warm affected parts. Rub in warm oil. Keep covrl wilh warm (vis flannel. At druggists' gfk fof 85 yrs. iT.2 CANADIAN FOOTBALL Wings, CT7 nadiens, NOW TO R ELI IV I SIMPLE (V, -w SORE THROAT Apply warm oil free) Top to neck. Rub it well Si-J I managing muicU l SATURDAY Saskatchewan 13, Winnipeg 19. Calgary 28, Edmonton 29. Ottawa 32. Hamilton 18. Montreal 11, Toronto 35. Varsity 20, Queen's 2. McGlJl 21, Western 12. Windsor 0, Toronto 19. McMaster 13. Sarnia 31. SUNDAY Toronto 35, Montreal 18. are "t!TAL - T7N4IS' and gland. At drug Detroit Red I Seating that in both! y.HTTHMIti JI f ir.d defensive play they . . . THE AIR FORCE CROSS I M?' Halloween Hockey 31st Scores SATURDAY Farifie CmkI Seattle 3. New Westminster 2. Saskatoon I. Tacoma 9. Westeri International Trail 2, Spolrjne 9. Kimberley 1. Nelson 5, Okanagan Senior Kamloops 4, Kelowna 2. Faeific Coast Senior Vancouver 1, Nanaimo 3. in to ut strongly con-1 "Ii in thv National 1 -catae this winter,, l he Montreal Cana- i he Forum liere Batur-and the two teams are "t the leadership. 'It Rangers moved into 1 ('"himn with a close 'i' Tnr mto Maple ''day iiiitht and a tie i "H Bruins last night. d p:ay kept Toronto : -o tied for third place. Sunday 1. ( h.u aRo 1 ! fk 1. Boston 1 ' Saturday 3, Montreal 0 k 3. Toronto 2 1 W D L F A P 3 0 3 12 12 ft 3 0 1 12 4 6; 2 I 21111 5; 2 1 2 10 14 5 i 1 1 3 8 11 1 1 28 j! Terrific Stock of Masks, Firecrackers, etc., at . . . "an inspired example lo his unil and to his comrades rfirougnotii iie R.C.iA.F." . . . "e.vrcpliomil skill and Jclermirialion" , . . "an oiti-s landing example of practical flying sfciI and personal courage" . . ., In such significant language are awards for tlie Air Force Cross granted lo ' members ol the Royal Canadian Air Force, for acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty in non-combaf flying operations. On mercy lligbls through blinding snow, or search and rescue operations over land and sea at home or abroad RCAF personnel carry on the tradition of the men who built our coimiry. Four hundred and thirty-nine men of the R.C.A.F, have been honoured with this recognition since tlte beginning of World War II. , mm mm If ybu want to sell it, advertise t. News classified. f Second Avenue "n",,r 'th last weelt J r- Hi eration too Today in Canada's rapidly expanding Air Force, more young men are needed to train as Air Crew Officers Navigation Officers, Radio Officers and Filots. To be eligible, you must be between 13 and 24 be physically fit and have Junior Matriculation or the' equivalent. IS THE SILKE1V STRING RUNNING THROUGH HIE PEARL CHAIN OF ALL oyal (SanacSsan Af? frofi'ce 9 1 VIRTUES JOSEPH HALL I mM i It. ... Consult the Career Counsellor at , your nearest RCAF Recruiting Unit ft? MAIL THIS COUPON 654 R.C.A.F. RECRUITING I'NIT, Wallace Bids.. 99'il 101A Avenue, Edmonton Alberta Phone: 42658 Please mail lo me, trilhout ohliftalion, ftdl particulars regarding enrolment reijciiri'nicnls and openings noii' .ai aiuoe in the R.C.A.P. NAME (n-v.e Prinl) STREET ADDRESS CITY '. PROVINCE FDUCATION (by graJe and province) , ...-.. ACE CfJ u iPidl 1 he Jiouse opcacmm MEN WHO THtMK t)F TOMORROW PRACTICE M OHKUATItiN TniAM r-varit tr, st'U it, advertise ''wsitied. Thit advrliim.ne u not publihd or diployd by tti Uquor Control leord or by tho Government of British Columbio.