Victoria Report iWoJJ Crying riiina fo, tor ML isiuies Prince Rupert Daily News iHeld Is the L Tuesday, June 19, 1951 . . by J. K. Nesbitt As 1 See It Elmore Prince Kupert Gives Support People all over the world "are crying for the Bible more than ever before," Rev. J. A. R. Tingley, M the bran. Mr. Tinty arrive , VPt Friday w1'' 1K00 miles frL 8 S for V.ftCVS Likes Prince Uupert Cannot Understand ,Yhy No New Hotels Example of Industrial Expansion r independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Pr.nce Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Mirr.ber of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations i Canadian Daiiy Newspaper Association G A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: provincial secretary of the British and Foreign, Bible i l . . ... Soe etv hist nitrht to d an audience which filled First it:i.j ru....,.i, U.ill :3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month. 75c- Per Year, T i.nueu viiuit.ii i larly the coast, has to be seen to be really believed. I S3 oo; By Mail, Per .vortn. Per ear, fs uo prayer and H.c,at r-all fori I. t-ncouragmg nssffit! bad often hpsrrl r,f thA nnu- S97.0ft0.O00 imln l)lant of -.J 7 n.Jt ThW. was 'Bible reading. , - Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daiiy News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. OTTAWA AGAIN ---------- never a time in history - hen soj 2. Publicizing the purpose LJicr i- Uiumuici i .eimmsp i r i ; v nt-ar x l mvc iiu 'ci . . , v. t.... " ' 1 wnere -ft fioiia yi-Si,n( ui urc . . .,. ,. . . . many dooi-s were open society. OTTAWA I snuiliarn But i-ntil T on-.. ,.J i I Enlisting 1000 new mem '-" v wii'. - uut uuwi i cav it nu u diiTru Liuuutii t www (,an place me o. Hp said there was a ere-at de-! hers annually. could learn something quite grasp its significance. mand for Bibles. From the Bible 4 Securlng 40 jife members w'-''.;:: from What some Of US fool- What it has done to Prim e hiiiikp in vanrnuver. me ouviri., inn,lV. ..or u-Mumsmiij! astonishing it ii l,a "j ; 1 nuprii f ven n:K:irr-up ira iiu.n u:c uari rii;tribiiteri more man u,-1 ii l 11 '.v, slo;V .. , . . ishly Used to call' the bood that bustUn, city .iu- pi,ture Windows in the home of ihWmUw -printed in ' , OrgtnUIng five new Old British." When west- ated amid some of the provinces Prince Rupert MLA Jack McRae 34 different languages. .branches each year. , ... . , . n and his pretty, vivacious wile. "This is the largest circulation 6- Promoting wider clrcula- tound Snips land at tUC- has gjVen Vork to more than Yes, Prince Rupert has com- th h , ,,- bepn he sajd. lion of Scriptures and Chris- lec it takes several hours; 120 people, with an annuu pensations for the rain. WJien After bin introduced by Rev. Uan literature. 21-Piece Breakfast payroll of $3,000,000. it's really smartened up with Fred Antrobus, Mr. Ting'yl 7- By Increasing contribu- Sets For some strange reason, a lot some paint on shabby oid buiiu- thanked the Deoule of Prince ! tjons $2100 each year, reach an to clear through the customs and make your getaway, by Breakfast ui peupie iiimai niey.uuiii iiKf jny.s unit wnrn iirw jiuiuir.-, m; Riinprt for their support 01 tne vuJc,-l','c ul uy 32-P!(.( Set- train, for points west Mr. Tingley said the Bible I built, it's going to be one of ot.jety A . n rnimh D,lu8 I cHlilll1 CIV r . J f T lilrp i! Irv")inn irvit,;.., R f 's ryoct oTtrqrttv fitips s , i ,i.i..i ..:..! , ; HrnijKA in Uannlivv fjm th fin- hat It takes twice as long for , . - w,tt in itulant oc' ran riont lef. thp mln ' n-. t v ! st In ranaria and nlnrpH fnnrtn -ii-eier-e Bune $ a J China Tea Sets 15' Canadian Customs to handle aniU!anrt, nnrt ' An,i f,.t rr" . V,..J n..,.. ,..lin rirpiiiation nt inn riw. h!. i incoming ship as it does for .......... j. came nere, m nun-c - what if it does rain as Ion" as It was a nice tribute Lanes r.rt HiH nf), r(,titribute anvthins ' tributors across the continent. Dinner Sets, fr0m uriusn customs to nanaie one vou-re dressed for it? and Forests Minister E. T. Ken- tne so;.iety. The following A film of the Vancouver Bible n landing in Britain. Prince T?unprt like mnst ;ni:i il nnv naiH tn thp nifinpprs tlie , n fm,i thk Hnti.;i waj shown, -as wpII ug 60 pieces at (Including be-autifal I 1 ' - 1 1 : yrar, oa was icicucu i.w.a wi.o y I . hasten . , to add t-Ur-i- mat ,v. tne oniyB i C Citie-s. is shabby in toots, day he opened the cellulose clt contributions had g.-e'tv i films showing the history of the p'are where or.v? sees almost as . But so are Victoria and Van- piant. It applies to pioneers all : in ' sd .hereafter and last ! Bible and of mission work in No War This Summer W. BABSON does not think there will be ROGER a aU' this summer or early fall. The chief assets of Rii--ia and her satellite nations of Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc., are their crops, especially their wheat. Hence, Russia will not start World War III until these crops are gathered, transported, distributed and safely stored. Russia will not start World War III until the rivers of eastern Europe freeze over so her supply lines cannot be cut by airplanes bombing bridges. The above means that there will be nothing to fear from Russia before winter comes. This com-mg winter, however, will be a very critical time, especially as the Russians are more accustomed to living, moving and fighting in winter than are the tJ.S. forces or the Europeans. It is also said that atomic bomb operations can be more effective in winter weather. Russia may start World War III this winter. t The Russians further realize that the United States and the Allies are now arming at a more rapid rate than the Russians can possibly meet. Russia can raise more men than can the Allies, but Russia cannot produce airplanes, tanks, guns and qt.her war supplies as fast. All of this leads Babson ,to believe that, if the Russians do not strike early An 1952, they have decided to forget World War III 'for some years to come and await further political developments. ana Couldwn V. Plate) SPECIAL English Bone Chi, f'M'S AND muth luck of efficient organization is at the similar shed in New York. RIDING WEST ON THE CPR, we say to ourselves how good it couver for that matter. In small over, the province in this a;;e ol i year Prince Rupert contributed India, In which the Bible, prim-cities it's more difficult to hide expansion. Mr. Kenney said: "I oy in support of the society's ' ed In many different dialects of the shabbiness. never forget that the spark of KlJ the country, played so great a And Prince Rupert, like most faith has never diea out in th ..go many people-still do not part, of the small cities, is desperately minds and heads of the P'"-; know what is the work of our lne rj.!ly was attended by short of hotel accommodation, neers. I do not forget the trials 1 K(M.iptv wherever there Is s- people from all of the churches feels to be on a Canadian train I was talking to a high govern- and tribulations, the surges of siun Work done, the society plays of the city and wjs conducted araln. iment official in Rupert the hope and the defeats and dis- a part., Mr Tingley said tfwl, by Rev. L. O. Sieber, minister ;f True, th-e prices in the dining other day. Even he could not appointments it is no wonder , slnce ihe inCeptlon of the or-the entertaining church. The ear seem a bit steep, by compari- find a hotel room and had to that as they reviewed the string Ionization in London, England,1 president of the local branch, P. son wun tnose oi tne gooa oia siecp uu a guvtri umrai uuai in ui umuiiiiieu uieaius Lnau i. he Eichteeth Century, ll)L'!n. Linz?y, spoite Drieny, ina.ik- Bible had been printed in 800 Ing the speaker anc! the people days, but when we detrain at the harbor. been dangled before them Montreal we quickly learn that! With the tremendous Indus- mrouch the years, these mature IIROWL st't 7-95 MANSON China Shop different languages. With the of Prince Rupert for their In. all restaurant prices have sky- trial boom going on. it seems citizens became somewhat em-!helb of other Bible distributors, creasing support. The benedi.:- rccketed during our absence. ore than passing strange that bittered and decidedly cynical ; the Boo! now was available in lion was pronounced by Canon ; new hotels aren't going up. J.W. t in the course of time." j100 languages. Nearly 600.000,-1 Basil S. Prc;kter. It was an- HERE IN OTTAWA IT ALSO of our small-town hotels and Something of the tremendous nyQ C0Dies 0f' the Scrlpturei have I Bounced that a cunvno for Cleclrical ci i reels goixl to be on home sou , " nuiwnantc ui mc teen circulated again. For it is surely like old Bood. I would apply this critl-- paper industry to this province. times to see tha weather change ' Jsm ot restaurants to mast eai- vvas given at the cellulose plant : 1 ur..M..M from boiling hot to really cool ing Places in Victoria and Van- opening by Paul Cooper, Because ot the "urgeney in the before couver too. No, our B.C. re.stau- cient of Canadian Pulp and , demand for Bibles across the almost you can say Jack Robinson 13013 are not good. Paper Association. world," a five-year program wim But to bat-k to R,i'1 cellulose launched the B.C. auxiliary Come to think of it that pro' get "nc? wilh the new plan;., by i?n7tTn soonorgPl he the total investment of in preparation, for the society's lessor may have something brealhtaklng vlews from the 'he Pul and Pa)er illtlllsti'y m , third jubilee in 1954. mean ! he 01. who has the theorv I H,t ,S m ui, ,t VlvZ ? U'lndows ' of the ultra-wtKU t B.C., in plant alone, Is $22V Objectives of the five-year makeshTm . Canadian Legion Club, nor the .Continued from pare 3. 'plan are: vuia a l r fiLI I r is vomionaDie ana cconomi ; Limited Paradise General Electric Refrigerator '$jf 5 SOMETHING of a commentary on the bless ings of Communism and of their supposed Take Ottawa, the capital of Canada. We all know the story how Queen Victoria picked the place: She shut her eyes, stuck a pin In the map opened them so we got stuck with Ottawa. Now see what Ottawa climate General Electric Standard Range does to our government. ' For most of the year the cli ! I : M General Electric DeLuxe Range ... $ Northern B.C. Power Co ! It M ft. Hesner Block Phone 210 Prince Kupert, B.C. Shwart mate Is sub-Arctic, and the MP's move at snail's pace. Then suddenly summer bursts on Ottawa and the MP's put on a frantic rush to get home to get anywhere except Ottawa. So they work morning, noon and night and madly rush through work which should have been spread ewnly over the whole session. SPEAKING SERIOUSLY, FOR i , technological know-how, a small item in the New .York Times tells of the departure for home of the "Soviet delegates to the United Nations and -also some of the Soviet embassy staff. ; Included among the baggage that was to sail ;with them were 17 crates of television sets, mechanical refrigerators and washing machines, and num-.b'erless cartons of cigarettes. I We have constantly been asked to believe that "the Soviet, under its numerous five-jTear plans, has developed into the greatest industrial nation in the ;Tvorld. We have been asked to believe that these riev ly-acquired skills will put it on a par with the AVe&iern nations in the development of the atomic .bomb. We have been asked to believe that the Soviet way of life is superior to onr own. ; P.ut these arguments suddenly lose a good deal U their force when we think of Soviet officials .laboriously bringing home to their paradise these minor l-nelits of the Wet: television and refriger-iators and washing machines and cigarettes. One ; wonders whether there a re perhaps other things ;lrcking in this dubious paradise. a change, Canada's parliamentary procedures are decades outi j of date in fact, I doubt if they SHINGOLEEN Mode in mony attractive colors, Shingolci beautifies ond protects old ond new shingl and fences. Thompson Hardware Call ever were efficient, even for horse and buggy days. For one thing strikes you like a hot blast when you compare our Parliament in action with the British House of Commons. That is, ,in the Canadian Parliament, what is really carried on Is an Inter-party debate, not a serious discussion confined to " I 7 ' X, tft ; K .t ; ,' " v: 1; ',1. .r : 1 the issues really before the i.wuiinjr I'll iiiuutTl(iai.e OUIUtlUU. I doubt if you would ever see I fife. - S m.:' ' W,. V, i,' tV . - ' T ' V. r a , ., ., M ; ,,. , y.., . I I In a British Parliament what you see time after time here: That is Mac some back bench MP making a speech to which not more than Scripture f-aisage for JoJatj "If any man offend not In word, the same is a perfect man. " James 3:2. three or four other members are Constructs even pretending to listen. It is all about some local matter, and - '"iifc -PtfixsA . i -' as the MP will get extra copies More than 480.000 vlsito'-s Limi'iieul! tin tv.o s.nth 'passed through the east pate or the St. Tawrnce Is one of the ' 1 Hansa and send them to his !cf Alberta's Banff National Paric' oldest narLshpi in Oueher ,ccnstitucnts they may be gullible Company inl9M. ' tied bv Charles Lemovne in iftr,7 enough to believe that he is1 !,... -, .... WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Siding . . . Alterations ui uihwi iignung use a lion for them. Of course .nobody at Ottawa is fooled but it is all accepted as part of the game. COMPARISONS ARE ODIOUS I "V , Q Here's low-cost beauty for your walls- LOOKS, CLEANS, FEELS LIKE EXPENSIVE TILEI Walls can "take it" and look lovelier, too, with Congowull! Made of tough, luMroiiH, baked enamel I Estimates Gladly Given but the plain fact is that Can- Hlud iada's mid-century parliamentary Black 600 ' ATENTKD Dl n.KX BACKING ... itB Wanliablo piucuces are iar less efficient than Wiose of many other countries. The main difference that strikes ma is that Canada's Parliament makes no serious attempt to budget its own time. Commonsense would sunffpsl. Easy, trouble-free installation Simply spread inrxprntiive Linoleum Panic on wall anil apply Congowall. Ul HH backing fripi paste promptly and permanently. surface stays new-lookiiig for years. See tlie stunning ceramic-tile efferts of this "wall wizardry" at your house furnishings deuler. Congowall is already, available in 5 sleek colours yellow, blue, greeu white and black. Zi I that Parliament itself annnid I I I n t-- X. ii-i TT I HANDSOME LASTING LEATHERS SCIENTIFIC FIT AND COMFORT flewed Shjfrt 1 agree to work according to a "me laoie, allowing so much time for each item of business. ii neea not oe as rigid a time table as they use In mi mn- tinental countries. But the proof IN EVERY LINE FOR ALL USES AND OCCASIONS : " puaaing is in the eating Canada's Parliament has indigestion right now. I 4 tA TIM ACTION OUARAKTUD M J It develops their cSMiclout flavor and joky iweetnete. That' juet how Sugaroatting brings out the flavor of Poet'e Grape-NuU Flakei , . . make CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONtRIAl Congowall Is backed by the famous Congoleum Cold Seal Guarantee RIGHT NOW OUR PARLIA-ment Is postponing the main t..h it was expected to do at this session; that It .enact a beter them crisper, more appetizing. uia Age Pension law. .Now they say they will start : t SU6AR0ASTING ' MAKES ; GRAPE'NUTS RAKES !tHeg BOMS CEREAL ! i BONDS . Sr-AS-A-HUT ', J FLAVOR ; i bonus2. . XTKA cucx Get CONGOWALL from ( i continued on page 6) Orape-Nuta Flake supply . nourishment fog Quick energy CONGOWALL handled by A. MocKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. 308 Third Avenue. Prince Rupejt Koien Consumers Co-op Hardware 251 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert ..they're economical, too. CONGOWALL Dealers ! 4 GORDON & ANDERSON CONGOWALL available at GORDON'S HARDWARE; McBrlde Street, Prince Rupert 1 m 01 Omni too gf 171 fashion footwec 1 332-338 Third Ave., Prlnee Rupert j