Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 19, 1951 n t Cjoocl oCucL Regular meeting Momen of Moose. Wednesday, June 20, Installation of officers. Members of Moose Lodge invited to attend at 8:30. (144c) erSonalS Bait Lake Ferry running i Mr. and Mrs. 6tewart Mc- ray.. Reflects and Reminisces starting at 12.Greish, who motored from New every Sunday noon, weather permitting, (tf) Westminster to attend the wed SOUR CREAM BUMS ding last week of Mr. McGreish's Mrs. Rod Morrison left on last night's train for Minneapolis to More than 150 guests congratulated Miss Margaret Baxter and Doug as McOreish at the reception after their lovely wedding brother, Douglas McOreish, to Miss Margaret Baxter, left Sat- (srjend three months visitine Mn. Tl.,.. VA..,r.A ,tll nnt n4na,BAllt I TntYIAa f KTr.. Vi tnrrvaf . lirloif nn t.VlPlr rptlim fUlllt.h T. i , i ' ruik bUHftiu will nut nwc'avij v. . ticwuiaiii tnc . uiuuj - First Presbvterian .Church i Uui ..-,: .u: in Sidewalk And Fence Cedar Al Attractive Prices PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 If ;t t ) Fridav nprfnrrrwri h uw n, V a"et;,' rrlnce ""P""- c. E. Earle, who for many A Wriuht b E- .the mayor. The fact of having j Mr. and Mrs. N. Mcintosh are years was general agent at Vlc- ' I neighbors never hurts anyone or omving south and left on the toria for Canadian .National In a setting tastefully decor- anything. See what Prince Ru- Camosun today far Vancouver. Railways, was a passenger aboard atcd with spring flowers, the n-ort. with umDteen millions Mr. Mcintosh couple exchanged their vows at being spent up north, is doing here by B.C. Bridge & Dredge Co. through to make the round trip ' 'e oriae, aaugnier for Vancouver. Ltd. to. Skagway. 7 Z J- Falls' Who has pe'- We have in stock some very Third inira w Avenue Wear west, was erven I ...u..i ..iu uri... mni r,., ,,-i rvinm' . . .... In marriage by her father The groom is the son of Mr. Canada one from Prince Rupert bia Cellulose Co. construction gold fiied wrist watches. Regu- will be In Hawaii this sum- work here during the past couple lar valuei $2750; special this mer. It will not be until then of years, Is leaving today for month, $22.50, and these were in that they will understand the J Edmonton. 'stock before the new tax came and Mrs. J. McOreish, 1102 Sixth Albert & McCaffery Mrs. Ross Ingram returned to in. Quite a savlne altogether. meaning of blue water. Hawaii Avenue East. The bride approached the altar dressed In a white chantilly lace wedding gown, panelled on both the city on Saturday afternoon's Bulger' Jewellers. (ltc; Is handy to the equator, It's such a thrill to make new yeast treats now you haven't to worry ahout yeast that stales and weakens! Fleischmann's Yeast keeps full-strength, jast-acting without refriKeration. Get a month's supply. plane irom victoria wnere sne attended the recent graduation ?5S5s4 III sides with double-layered net, Commencing June 23, the Fed-entrain over satin. A lace bodice 1 er&l eovernmcnt will sit through of her daughter. Miss Fay Ing J. K. Hart of Everett, Washington, who was here last week with the Columbia Cellulose Co. excursion on the steamer Prince ram, as a nurse from the Royal Jubilee Hospital. The Women's Auxiliary of nnouncemenls George for the opening of the' SOUR CREAM BUNS gracefully embodied the pointed to the end of the month (Satur-collar and long, lily-point sleev-lday) in the endeavor to be able es. Her net and satin, pearl- to prorogue by the end of June, studded Juliet cap crowned the .This would mean the end of the local pulp mill, came back on the United Fishermen and Al lied Workers' Union will meetthe same steamer this Sunday, 1 accompanied by his wife. They Wednesday, June 20 at 8 p.m. in t.h MetrnnolP Hall All mem- brought a car with them and mist-like, embroidered finger- session .The House will work "P wil. I morning, afternoon and night. a novel feature of the brides Whew! v wr''r-"'''"',Ty',',!'',,'v''"!t ,v SHOE POLISH Mlfflk X- it "- bers and friends are urged to'Proceded to the Interior. Mr.; atten(j (itC) 'Hart has a hunting lodge in the Tweedsmuir Lake country ALSO A FUTURE "Not only has Prince Rupert Rev. J. A. K. Tlngley, secretary of the British Queen Mary I.O.D.2. tea. June 21, Mrs. F. Thornton's, 400 4th West, 2-5. 8oroptimist Novelty Square Dance, June 23. Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, homecooking sale. Legion Hall, June 28. Women's Coordinating Tea, Sept. 20. Catholic Fall Bazaar, October 3 and 4. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. Presbyterian Fall Sale, November 15. (153c) i'',rto i ?"e to Vancouver on the Camosun accessories was a silvered horseshoe in which was incorporated the slogan, "Qood Luck." This gift came from Scotland, given to the bride by Mr. and Mrs. J. McVle. Just two weeks in Canada. The wedding date had been set In their honor, the day of their wedding anniversary. Gift of the groom the bride wore was a pair of drop cameo today after a week-end stay :n setting, has ail the requisites to enable it to become a large in- Let rise until doubled in bulk-Punch down dough, grease top, cover and again Jet rise antil doubled in bulk. Punch dowa dough and turn out on lightly-floured board; roll to thickness and cut into rounds and place, well apart, on greased cookie sheets. Using a floured thimble, make a deep depression in the centre of each bun. Brush rounds of dough with mixture of 1 slightly-beaten egg white and 1 tbs. water; sprinkle generously with granulated sugar. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Deepen depressions in buns and fill with thick raspberry jam. Bake in hot oven, 425", about 15 minute. Yield S dozen large buns. Scald U2 c milk. t2 c granulated sugar, ! tsps. salt and y4 c butter or margarine; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl l2 c lukewarm water, 1 Up. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 envelope Fleischmann's Fast RUing Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. Sieve l2 c cold mashed putato and mix in 2 unbeaten egg yolks and l2 c thick sour cream stir into yeast mixture and stir in lukewarm milk mixture. Stir in JI2 c. once-sifted bread lour; beat until smooth. Work in S c (about) once-silted bread flour to make a soft dough; grease lop. Cover and set in a warm place. Iree from draught. Prince Rupert. 'Rev. Tingley arrived in Prince Rupert as part of his tour through Northern ens f RYE RT a pawns i leather Soft dustrial centre" The foregoing is from an article on the city published in the June issue of a Vancouver pulp and paper periodical In which the opening of the Columbia Cellulose Corporation plant is featured. Cathedral Bzaar, November 17. earrings with pendant to match. She carried a bouquet of yellow and pink roses. Intermingled with and Central B. C. Lieut. Cdr. J. W. Golby, staff officer at HMCS Chatham, leaves for the east July, by way of Victoria, to take up a new appointment at HMCS Corn- (153c) I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. stephanotis. Bridal attendants were Miss St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, No COMFORTS FIRST wallls. Halifax. Lieut. N. D. vember 29. Nearly a thousand coastal sea- Langham, RCN, arrives in Olga Zabudney, bridesmaid; Mrs. Winnifred Duncan, matron of honor, and Miss Margaret McVle, Junior bridesmaid. Miss Zabudney wore a turquoise taffeta gown with net men threaten to strike for more Prince Rupert June 28 as new money. One heard not long ago staff officer of HMCS Chatham, of a ship where the sailors had Mrs. Golby sailed Sunday night separate cabins, curtains and on the Coquitlam for Victoria. km yoKe ana matcning gloves. Her wher was t.hrf. a Ktieeestmn of Patricia will resirio with her hair was adorned by a coronet iu n.,t i ,,t i nth i m,(,ta ,v,n t iof of rosebuds. rosebuds. Mrs. Mrs. Duncan, Duncan, rnH ,,., u hnfakpr, t -a nf nn- r;oih .tc 0(hoh i ORMES AM matron of honor. In a strapless new appointment at Cornwallis. mauve net gown, lace bodice and Marshal Henri Petain will not ' This dveftitoieil fc not published m plyJ by t UqwM Control Bowd m by j 0' 'iwimi t tntkk Gel bo cape, wore a straw skull cap topped with red peonies and a end his days in prison although sentenced to a life term. He is 95 but, when he does die, the final parting will 6e in a civilian hospital. That's easier. Under "Hospitality and Good Food" Itiat Is Our First Aim rtion 17 fur Order To Take Out modore Cafe i veil. She wore white elbow-j length gloves and carried a bou-' quet of pink and white carna JOHN H. The Pioneer Druggists his leadership, the great fortress g nf Verdun was saved in the First t tions and red peonies. Miss McVie wore a pretty mauve nylon, ballerina-length Ak your Invtitnwit Dolr or lrokr for protpocfci. BULGER Great War. Whatever happened laiei, mat. at leasi, was an v achievement. dress, with mandarin collar and white, elbow-length gloves. She also wore a coronet of rosebuds and a bouquet of pink and whit? r CALVIN BULLOCK lid. Opto elrist PHONE 81 : carnations, mixea with light blue Call. 363', 1 ! ; , R BETTKR . , . John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue For the MEAL that REFRESHES Planning Building or Repairing NO FIREARMS A man who gave the name of Walter Smith , of Burnaby has been arrested by the RCMP who charge him with having shot a robin without a permit. In Burnaby civilians are saying they cannot but wonder if this is the answer to a famous nursery rhyme, and what happened to poor Cock Robin. But In that little bird's case, it would seem a bow and arrow was used. VICTORIA REPORT (Continued from page 2) and white iris. Stuart McOreish, brother of the groom, was best man. Charles Mayo and John Wick were ushers. The gay and colorful reception was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, where Dr. Wright proposed the toast to the bride. Bride's attendants were toasted by the groom, who in turn was toasted by the master of ceremonies, Douglas Bertram. The program which followed featured singing by Misses Peggy Andrews and Mur BEST . JP) FINEST J FOOD X COOKING j PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and 1 FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE ZOO BROADWAY CAFE iel Bertram. 000,000. There are 11 operating mills, and one at Duncan Rav ' Prompt Service The table was beautifully dec orated with large American' on, Vancouver Island under Beauty roses at each end and, in j construction. the centre, surrounded by car-1 Mr. Cooper said: "During the ' nations, roses, and two white last 10 years, capital Investment t.nrvnrq roctoH t.Via thriv-la vol I m tVia t.iHuctrtr Viqs nuarfrn nlnH i You Know PHONE For Rrpairs n'd Alterations Smilh&ElkinsUd. ro. bm n the value of production has wedding cake. Under an arch of flowers and ribbons, the bride MITCHELL 8. CURRIE LIMITED Builder ft Cnnlrarton trebled, payrolls have doubled, and the tonnage of pulps and of newsprint have both doubled. , B.C. will, this year, produce about 1,000,000 tons of pulp and cut the cake. Telegrams of congratulations were read by the groom. 1 1 Servlteurs were the Misses Evelyn Antilla. Evelyn Rivett, June Thornton and Irene Foote. Mother of the bride wore a cocoa -brown crepe afternoon Discover How Good I NEW SHIPMENT BICYCLES lyiV THEVVERLICH V"yS Full sclrcllon for Men, Ladies, Boys and Girls TRICYCLES I I ' WAGONS j 1 Many Sizes All Sizes and Styles , . ' GORDON & ANDERSON paper." Yes, it was stimulating to visit Prince Rupert and actually see a giant new Industry get into full swing and to know that other industries are coming and that the whole province will prosper as a result. As Finance Minister Anscomb remarked not long ago if the present development goes on much longer, BJC. will become Canada's great dress with lace trim and brown accessories, and an orchid corsage. The groom's mother wore midnight blue lace with navy accessories and orchid corsage. The coilple left for Lakelse Lake, the bride attired in a beige suit, pink and brown accesorles, topped with a winter-whlta "shortic" coat. Iced Tea Can Be! Make tea double strength and while still tot pour into glasses rilled with cracked fc . . . Add suaar and lemon to taste. est industrial province. 1 Ontario and Quebec can't quite believe that yet but there WCl A n AO AH They will reside at 1117 Seventh Avenue East. Bride is em II is every Indication that what Mr. Anscomb said is going to come true. ployed with the B.C. Forest Service, Prince Rupert. Groom works at B.C. 'Packers Ltd. 1C1D -TEA "1,' BACKACHE? When every sudden move brings short, harp twinges it's time for Dr. Chase! Kidney-Liver Pills. Thousands find quick relief from backache, painful fointi, kidney snd liver disorder! by taking this proven remedy. By combining 2 treat menu in 1 Dr. Chase's work on both Very often the Impression you make pon your guests can be determined by your bathroom. Mr. and Mrs. J. Macri and children were passengers on the Camosun leaving Sunday nisht for the round trip to Alice Arm and Stewart, returning to Prince Rupert today. Mr. Macrl is identified with Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. They will be leav- WST THE THING Igtlls Svtuiu tcut kidneys and liver for fatter reJief. 41 f on you KIND OF SOFTNESS Special SOMETHING NEW IN TRUNKS FOR THE BOAT OR THE CAR X if in iv-. I Ing this week-end for Valencia, j Venezuela. I mm By CHIC YOUNG -His Biased Opinion. BLOND1E I nADDV WHO DO f WOULDN'T SAV H6P3N XIJeX " -Y VOU THIN IS THE WOOOLEV V5 HANOSOME--0 f NOR GEPTZEL-) WELL.THATS i& HANDSOWST MAM J NOP FUCX)LE-NOe M'HOFP.f V GOLLV-THAT J , A SURPWSE' t )UC BLOCK f fi. - NOR DOOLEV r f, LEAVES ONLV I NevEP V S Sff fi Let us see to your car's needs, through regular check-ups on Tires, Battery, . Radiator and Cronkcase U Superior Auto Service LIMITED Strongly built and reinforced 20 x 12 x 12 inches Price $12-50 AL$0 OTHFR NEW LINES OF LUGGAGE The SPORT SHOP STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS Third Avenue at Park Green 217