Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 19. 1951 TODAY Big Mexicans See Cellulose BIENVENIDO A TERRASA" jCombine ln . paper? American ESS ..,.-4 was the greeting extended to the Mexican industrialists, financiers and government officials i.i NOTICE PLEASE "THE LEMON DROP KID." which u.. . Capitol this week-end has been een cancelled cancelled i in ir. . ,. play J"lSfat: a' Terrace on Thursday, the guests OTTAWA (CP Investigation of the Columbia Cellulose Com- has been launched by the gov-pany. according to the Omineca ernment's combines branch Into Herald. , a possible combine in the paper George Schneider and George industry, it was learned at the H. Richards, vice-presidents of week-end. the company from New York. The investigation takes In and Dr. Ralph H. Ball, general fine and coarse papers but It manager bf the company's does not Include newsprint. Prince Rupert plant, with Har- While combines inquiries are old Lynum, superintendent of secret until they have been re-the Terrace woods area, were ported upon finally, informants hosts to the visitors there. i indicated that this one has de- The Dartv visited wnnris nnnra. 'velooed Into a full-fledged in- Would Get Steel Pr. George Pulp Mill Priority OTTAWA Prmoe George's proposed pulp ai:d paper industry 'moved another step closer to reality when Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Trade and Commerce stated on the floor of the House of Commons that steel and other high priority materials would be available for such an industry at Prince George. Newsprint was under discussion and Mr. Howe was being asked many questions with re-1 spect to possible supplies in Canada for a world hungry for raw pulp and white paper. With markets rising to unprecedented levels. Mr. Howe said that Canada could not begin to supply the demands made upon her by printers and publishers and rayon manufacturers everywhere. George M Murray. M P., Cariboo arked Mr. Howe if steel and 'FATHER'S LITTLE nivmtkm ''" tions during- the dav hefnro nrn. ceeding back to Prince Rupert where thev went throUEh the Watson Island pulp plant Thurs- to held here tnis week be-(jay i fore Combines Commissioner T, Leaving Mexico Tuesday morn-! D- MacDonald. TOTEM Wf ing on a special chartered DC4 the visitors were to be flown direct to Terrace from Vancouver but unfavorable weather condi- lions there made this Impossible. Instead they came noVu, by coastal plane and made the trip from Sandspit to Prince Ruper? in a Canso. This was quite an ,vnA,innM f , V. V. ...i pnr?i9fir !tL-&ir ill s!i(l V ',va.-1L; uV:s. TODAY and WED. 7 . , f 1 1 Craftsman In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problerf PHONE 2M Dibb Printing t BESVKR BI.0CE -l'J'it':-'gt 3SS RADIO DIAL CFPR 124U Kilocycles (Subject M Cbaniet TTj ESDAY P.M. 4:00 Sunshine Society 4:30 Tall Tales 4:45 Stock Quotations & Int 5:00 International Comty. 5:10 The Weston's 5:30 Intimate Review 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Jr. Chamber of Com. 6:30 Three's a Cloud 7:00 CBC Ne 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Sq. to Broadway :00 Club Date 8:15 Nation's Business 8:30 Record Album 9:03 Fiddle-Joe's Yarns .oo main nine 10:00 CBC Newt 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Elgar Choir H:00 Weather Report -Fish Arrivals WEDNESDAY A At. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's BUI Good 8:15 Morning Kong 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 LitUe Concert 8:00 BBC News 8c Comty. 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Your Music Appointment 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Barry Wood Show 10:30 This Week's Artist 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Man and His Music It: 15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report-11:31 Message Period 1:33 Recorded Interlude 1:45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. 12:00 M:d-Day Melodies (2:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B ,C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:00 Easy Listening 2:30 Records Bt Random 2:45 Summer Picnic, Comty. 3:00 Music Box AS I SEE IT (Continued from page 2) , . . ... , the job at a special session next l listened in, a few days ago, on some of the British discussions on Old Age Tensions changes. Now they have such a shortage of skilled workers over there that they have changed the old age pension schemes to encourage workers not to retire, but to stay on the Job. They plan financial Incentives for this. That Is, they propose to tors as it was the first time the jor investigations ln progress, of them had flown in majority a other u an lnpulry mto tne flying boat and the stormy lndustry. Thu was 0rig-weather along the coast added to lnally launched by Fred M. Mac-the novelty. i Gregort former combines inves-After a late evening meal at tigator, and continued by Mr. Rupert the party went on to MacDonald. Terrace by car. It was unfor-, Investigation Is I'ndrr Way at Ottawa vestigation before the combines ( commission. 15 unaersiouu ncurjiiKS met lne Purpose oi tae mvesuga tion u td atPrmin whether or . no' comoine m imuun, V"ade exlsts ln lne in ufry- , . , i ' v,, his The commissioner reports ''"t'"85 ,t0 thf 'T'S STSTSS" I The paper case, so far as It Census is Coming on" C all-baclu Are Difficulty tor Enumerators and Take Time . - , : , lot of cases, both the husband' I and wife are working. No Information on the results 4 .111 V. "L " " . aiij ibih.uuivi jr make b "tentative estimate" on the poo- ulation of the province, but of- ifipl,, fi miiif r-nm. frnm Ottawa after the countinir Js completed, said the commli- jsioner. Alex McRae Ls ln charge ot the Prince Rupert and coastal census area. ' Embassy Guards, Havana, Slain HAVANA (CP) Two guards! were found shot to death in the ,,rnfn th, r.1 ' Luimbc Mmv uicii ji it 1 1 ( wu unable to land at Uie Terrace airport. They had been told upon landing in Vancouver that theirs was the first plane to land ln that city flying the Mexican flag. The distinguished guests had all the charm and gallantry of the Old World and were enthusiastic of the opportunity af Display NOW.'! FORD'S British Built CONSUL AT Bob Parker Ltd. . K)KI MONAKC1I DK.AI.f RS I'rlncr; Rupert, BC. forded them to visit this part of j census-taking la the Prince the country. j RUpert area is "coming along Sr. Joseph W. Meehan, Director j fine," H. F. Glassey, Skeena cen-of Cellulosa Nacional Sa., was ln !sus commissioner, said today, charge of the party, comprising: However, he did not think the Sr. Lie. Adalberts Saldafa. counting would be completed Director General of Nacional much before a month. Financiers Sa. j There are 10 districts la Sr. Lie. Manuel Sanchez Cuen, ! Prince Rupert alone, with nine Minister of Economia. j enumerators. Biggest hold-up. Sr. Lie. Ernesto Santos Galin- j Mr- Glassey said, was th num-do, President pf Churibusco St u-;061- of "call-backs" , which had dios Sa. and noted Jurist. t0 be madft- ' " ,v Sr. Jose de Jesus Taladrid.i "So many people are not In ; , j...i..i. I when the enumerator calls In For NEW CONSTRUCTION prominent mextcan iiiuuumu&i. s Sr Lie Antonio Tamariz Drn-'a and REPAIR WORK SEE - GREER & BRIDDEN LTD., Is Named Commander ; LONDON' (CP Admiral Robert B. Carney, commander of the ; ' United States Sixth Fleet, has been appointed commander-in- chief of Allied forces In south- ern Europe, it was announced ' today. General Maurizio oe Castig- - lioni of the Italian army has been appointed commander of AiUed army forces under Car- ney. A British admiral is expected to be named commander-in- ; chief in the Eastern. Meaner - '. far - can , (blue) ) ribbon! TEA BAGS ) : Punky Doodle BABY DRESS by HONEY CHILD 6. 12. 18 months The Stork Shoppe Blue X10 Moving. Packing. Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete. Reliable and Effi cient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor 2nrl anrt Park AvenilPA Est. 191U. f hones 60 and en Qualified Steam Boiler, Refrigeration and Pipe Welders All Certified Operators We build Stacks, Fire Escapes and Tanks all sizes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 223 1st E. Phone Green 884 , . . . , ,t Ul : i i i i 1 1 2 J 2 I ! Boys bummer; Outdoor Wear SHlItTS INDERWEAK SHORTS SWIM TRUNKS SOCKS TEE SHIRTS A complete Boys' Department. Low priced for Boys with the usual Men's Store guaranty. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE IP! VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m, Coquitlam Tuesday. 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND - PORT SIMPSON Sunday. Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QIEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam June 8 and 22 9 p.m. FOR SOCTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s. Coquitlam. June 15 and 29 19 FRANK J. p.m. SKINNER Prinze Rupert Agent ' Third Avenue Phone 568 ,l C'TIO.V VILE , Timbrr Mlf VW!: Thrrp will be offered tor sale sit Public Auction. at 11 am . on Tucs-oay. July 17th. 151. in the office of the District Forester. Prince Rupert, BC. the Licence XS32. to cut i 625.000 t b m. of spruce. Hemlock, Bal&arrj and Cedar on an area comprising of vacant Crown land situated approximately 3 miles northeast of Lot 1239. on Kemano River. Kanae 4. Coa-sl Land District. Three years will be allowed for removal of timber. 'Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit vender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained Ipjm tne Deputy Minister of Forest. Victoria. BC , or the District F'irester. Prince Rupert. BC. l4i For Act'on Advertise'. i i v ii vv a r I i i i i iii it- ? ...i VtCKERV LONDON DtY (! Calvert it iiuiim ii tutu ui ,n i riin inn -J . : . . inn aiiyciiiaciiiciii is hy 213 isl. Avenue West Phone 'JUt Ships and Waterfront On a regular Vancouver-Skagway round trip, CPR steanf-er Princess Louise called at Prince Rupert yesterday, disem pay you a bigger retirement al- ( lowance jeach month If you agree ' not to quit work, say, till you are 67 or 68. and not at 6.V as formerly planned. The longer you stay on the Job, i the bigger your monthly grant' Sr. Rodrigo Vazquez Mendoza, 1 prominent Mexican Jurist and banker. i ! Sr. Jose E. Villalobos Secre- i uc "B'"'. T Sr. Aqustia Legorreta, Director: General Banco Nacional. I Prince George On Tourist Run I Now on her fourth summer j season of Alaska cruises be-1 tween Vancouver and Skagwnyf through Prince Rupert, the popular Canadian National ' fteamer "Prince Georgi" arrived here at 9 o'clock Sunday morn- ing booked with 256 passengers frcm many sections of Canada! and the United States. Ten per - ( sons disembarked here from the vessel which sailed at noon for 1 Alaska. . During this summer the Prince George, which accommodates 260 P.O. Box 121 Davry, W Wales. J. B. Chan W. D. Browne. Mrs. P. Ry McKay. A E. Bush, Mrs. i I Miss Edith McLean and Bjelke. Leaving northbout the Princess Louise were Mi Mrs. P. Stewart and Mis-rva.stn. fur Ketchikan; Mb- Graham and V. Makala Skagway." barking 11 passengers. Of the 215 passengers, 75 were round-tripprr; Arriving In Prince Ru-' pert were: Miss B. Aliens, Miss J. other needed materials would be available in the event that a pulp and paper Industry was established at Prince George.! Mr. Howe told Mr. Murray that; steel and other materials would be available for such an industry j regardless of the restrictions recently placed upon these commodities, j This does not mean ; hat Prince George is to have a pulp and paper industry right away but i' I certainly dovs open the gates wide for those interests which have been seeking recently to get such an industry launched in this area i B.C. Winner Over Sweden I VANCOUVER (CP) Eleven British Columbia all-stats de- i feated Sweden's tor.rine soccer S side 3 to 2 Saturday before 4000 ; fans. PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING. PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES ' Fhone tirren 136 Box 478 f RUPERT , TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ormcs ALL MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS TOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Stock Always Moving and Fresh , ... when you do quit. Such is the office of the United States em- bassy in downtown Havana o.ij Monday. One of the dead Is a Cuban! civilian guard while the other; was a member of the United , States Marine Corps. j 1 I Details of the shooting were ' not immediately disclosed. ' 5- 5 first class passengers, will make i iajnixjw wwneai.n vueen eight 10-day voyages along the Mary Birthday Baby," Nicola scenic Inside pasage route of , Mary Hunka, born at the Queen British Columbia and Alaska, i Mary Maternity Home In Hamp-Ports cf call include Ocean Falls 1 8tead w"l receive free gift cloth-and Prince Rupert. British Co-: 'nB 'rom Canada. Queen Mary's lumbia. and the Alaskan cities i Mtti birthday was May 26. of Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway j A A land Wrangel. Southbound, the new ship I makes day-long side trip through British Columbia's seen - lie fjords, Douglas Channel and 1 Gardner Canal, the latter now gaining world prominence fol lowing recent announcements concerning Aluminum Company of Canada's colossal $500,000,000 project in that area. According to Canadian Na - tional officials, seven of the new Idea A straight cut for a TRULY MILD SMOKE j ir ir.iw asi f i y-r i eight Alaska voyages of the cur- rent schedule of the Prince Oeorge are heavily booked, a ! common situation ever since the -ship started operating to Alaska in the summer of 1948. The last voyage, scheduled In Prince Rupert on August 30, still offers accommodation. However, Indications are there will be little space left on S3 Prince George for ; the fina Isailing to Skagway i this summer. COLD N STORAGE Pick Up Service H you choot your clgaroll lor mildntu WJ frJ hi I 1 &k W you'll chooi Millbank Cigarttt I 5 i V Phone 974 Free tV Wdondrygin? H I I ti'i -' ;l; I " ii ii . mm ,.m i V - t Jj- njl Jt JtMmrt JowNVirKtBs tiCn b i . 'W-'i ir: B CtN SP.vl A $rS- "'L.,Z".:.Z"' 'I I littrimii i) yvaj ":- y- --1 - I )5yll--Sil J I While in Storage Have Your Coat REPAIRED CLEANED . GLAZED HOLLANDERZED am ii 'm - BILL SCUBY W3 nut juuiimicu or uispiaycu Dy tne LiquortjOntrol board or the Government of British Columbia.