TRE DAILY news. ‘ FIRE JNSURANCE Fire insurance is the cheapest commodity on the market The rate on your dwelling is from 81.30 to $2.00 $100.00 of insurance for 3 years, depending on This means that if you today. for each its location. dwelling for earry insurance on your a fire you will have paid out only the amount for which you are insured, It is so cheap you can not afford to be without it. We write it. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds 150 years without Insurance Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats can te docked together on one small making fees light. Large stock of repair materisis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Several section, Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. rong JOE BECKETT M.N.Stephens AFTER DEMPSEY NOTARY PUBLIO ‘FOR SALE 6-Roomed modern house and lot English Hill, $2,625, terms. 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Ave., East, built in buffet, |Announces Himself a Candidate for the World’s Boxing | Championship. (Special by G.T.P. Tel»graphs.) London, Sept. 4.—Joe Beckett, the British heavyweight champion fireplace, etc., $3,500— terme: boxer, announces himself a cai- 8-Roomed house 5th Ave., 3)didate for the world champion- W., modern, $3,250 terms. Double Corner Sixth Avenue ship. He wants a fight with Jack Dempsey following his knockout » and Tatlow St. $1,750. §$lof Eddie MeGoorty. One nice lot near Drydock : - $200. FLOOD OF GERMAN PIANOS London.—In spite of their war activities the Germans managed ‘to make pianos. A surplus of '40,000 of these instruments is M. M. Stephens } LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANGE now lying in German factories = ready to be dumped into England at one-half the price of the Brit. ish pianos. —— You've read about ChittiConCarne The favorite Mexican —_—_—_<—<—<— Restoring dish. The Eyes T . T . h D° you know what is the best ry It onig t restorer for tired eyes? We will tell you. It is sleep. Shake at the speare says “© Sleep! © gentle Sleep! Nature’s soft nurse. And CHILLI PARLOUR young, tired Nature’s sweet re storer Balmy Sleep!’: 835 Second Ave. B's morning comes; then the day of work and worry. Rested eyes soon. grow weary again, and Or Oat perhaps some slight and almost un- noticed defect adds to the fatigue HIS can only be remedied by means of suitable lenses, Next to sleep, the greatest boon for jaded eyes is a pair of Joudry’s glasses, made to neutralize and correct all the deficiencies that cause discom fort, We've Written Many a CUT GLASS Ad. Bul never in our lives have we felt that we did the subject justice. And we never expect to, Because UR business is to discover and remove the slight errors that cause tired eyes. Fred Joudry [Practical Optometrist McIntosh Red APPLES Arriving Friday Per Box $3.65 This is one of the finest eating apples sold on the market, Now is the time to buy your apples by the box. puper Taule supply Co Co, PHONES 211, 212 a CONFERENCE IN REGARD TO RAILWAY Smithers Meets Members of the Government to Consider the Purchase by Canada. (Special via G. T. P. Ottawa, Sept. 4.—Conferences for the purpose of considering the purchase of the Grand Trunk Railway opened today with St Robert Borden, Meighen, Calder and Dr. Reid representing the gevernment of Canada and Sir Alfred Smithers, chairman of the board of directors, representing the company. + Telegraphs. ) the great sani- A. W. Ede Co. Use MURESCO, tary wall finish. Spirella Corsetiere. Phone Black 257. B. 6. Undertakers. Phone 41. _ the a, oe ees = tee ee ee ee ere ® * Local News Notes « Piano tuner, is orders 207 kvans, Leave your larry CG, now in town. at Bulger’s. . * . The “Nora’ will leave the ernment wharf for Stewart way points at 8 o'clock tomorrow it MoV and morning. . . . We have a few nice gilt edged invitation cards that are different from the ordinary. Daily News Office. tf . . . Prepare to take in the series of Chautauqua entertainments next week. It will be the biggest event of the season, it + * . Mrs. A. Cavenaugh, who has been in the hospital for the past two weeks, returned today to her lhome on Third Ave, i * . * Dr. R. BE. Page who has been visiting in the city for the past few days returned to Stewart b) boat yesterday afternoon, . * . The Chautauqua Festival opens here the middle of next week with five big entertainments, three evenings and two afternoons. it . * * Walker, the well known musie man of this city, was among those arriving from the south on the Princess Alice this morning. G, ©, A party of Catholic rived on the C, P. R. boat today and were met on the dock by Father McGrath and some of the local sisters. . . * Among the arrivals on the Prince George yesterday was Miss Duff, who arrived from Vancou- ver to take a position as special nurse at the hospital here. sisters ar- Houses for Sale roomed house, Fifth Section 5, $1,600. Four- Avenue, Five-roomed house, heating plant, fireplace, Sixth Ave., near Drydock, $2,500. Lots 15- 5, Sixth Lot 25; 16, Block 15, Section Avenue, $600 each. Block 29, Section 5, $200.00. We a number of also have lots near Drydock for build- ing purposes. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid. Third Avenue: Phonel11 | SMITH & MALLETT \} PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, of Second Street. Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 head MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE. Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Look out, Mystery, Midas Lake Frac., Pass Praé! | tional Mineral Claims, situate in the Port- oo Canal Mining Division of Cassiar Dis rit Where located River Valley. TAKE NOTICE that wl A. i. Midas, Green, act- ing a8 agent for L, worms, FE. M. Cc. No, 16349-C; C. D, Carter, F. M t. No. ae C; KR. M. Martin, F. M.C. No, 9.587 C; %, Fetter, ° F.M.C No. 9,597-C; nH. r. Cariton, F. M. C. No, @, Welch, F. M. ©. No, 9 .509-C, 598-C Marti inten ad, six Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im provements, for the purpose of obtainiun« a Crown Grant of the above claim, And further take notice that action, un dev section 85, must be commenced before | the issuanee of such Certificate of Im provements Dated this 25th day of July, A. b. 1010 Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES | ~ were we have no A. H. GREEN command of words that Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert r will describe the e | eo , ad of our cut = beauties ; Opposite Post Office » ve a, well you that it ; MINERAL ACT radiates ight of endtess 2 Geen colors, of its weight, ona | CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS that “there is no “higher | mrs Retains: a ee e of cut glass made. re mene NOTICE ete., and yet we feel that ' oe Iron Bi Blue wr femkt “cue at pall he us, oe Ja Joon Bull, John ’ ha «6~Bull N 3, ebeus e. diecast | Phones 41 and Red 391 Lumao » Fraction oe Be — «rum you just make’ a visit | For Hire by the Hour, aA Naas Mining Division of Cassiar| ; ; . Where located; Approximat two ; Day or Week ni S up Falis C reek, Fanby Y , eae TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague of . the city of Duncan, B. C., acting as agent } foe aie orneee Consolidated Mining, Srmetr Remees } L h pr Power Company, Limited, Free er ; auric e Mn Certificate No, $2188-C, intend, The Store of Worth and BIX days from the date hereof, to apply . te ft Mming Recorder.for a Certificate e@auty. of Unprovements, for the urpose of ob taining a Crown Grant of the above elaim And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such provements Dated this are eA i, of July, A.D. 1010 AGUE, BCLS ‘turned from Vancouver On the East Saimon, & Co, days from the date hereof, to apply to the certificate of Im. | * . . Regular meeting of the Fish Packers Union of the O. B. U. will be held in the O. B. U. hall at lthe corner of Sixth Avé. and Ful- ton St. Saturday, September 6, at 8 p.m. sharp. All members re- quested to attend. 208 } . . > The following fishing boats are jin port this morning and will sell ‘their catches at the Fish Exchange ‘tomorrow morning: Tyee, 10,000; Lincoln, 8,000; Volunteer, 4,000; |Panama, 35,000; Niagara, 11,000, land Hilda, 14,000 Ibs. j * . . | Miss Rothwell, sister of Mrs. /F. G. Dawson of this city, returned ifrom the south on the C, P. KR. i steamer this morning. Miss Roth- iwell is attached to the teaching istaff of the public schools here land has just arrived back from ispending her summer vacation. | . * . Mrs. W. E. Burritt and daugh- ter Florrie returned from a visit ito Vancouver and other southern coast cities by the steamer Prin- cess Alice this morning. They left Prince Rupert and travelled via Ketchikan and have visited in other cities since leaving this city. } * eu | Shortly before eleven o'clock j this morning the C. P. R. Princess lAlice arrived from the south, learrying a large number of pas- isengers and a_ considerable amount of freight for northern points. She discharged mails and eo quantity of freight here and left for the north early in the after. noon. ; > . | L, P. Wright of this city re- wife this morning who arrived ithere a short time ago from Hali- jfax. It is only a few months ago since Mr. Wright came to this eity and since his arrival has ‘been in the offiee of Peck, Moore Mr. and Mrs. Wright are ;going to make their home in 'Prinee Rupert in the future and their new friends especially wel- come them here. * , * >. The following is a list of the \players and their positions for ‘the Sons of England team in their | battle with the Trail Athleties ‘this evening: Goal—Judge; right ‘back, Darton and left back, Wear- } |mouth; right half, Tabrum: cen- ‘tre half, Kelsey, and left half |Wells; outside right, Robinson, jinside right Robinson; centre for. ;ward, Tinker; inside left, William- json, and outside left, Davis. Re. serves, Slocomb and Ransom. Choose your own materials and style when you have corsets made by Mrs. Director. Phone Blue 92. ‘CeO Oeeeensenenes \* TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY + CoRR RO hr ee WANTED Experienced lathe hand, with knowledge of gaso. line repair work prefer ve. Akerberg, Thomson & Co.,, Ltd. W* have just received a consignment of the Latest Style Tweed Rain- coats. They are thoroughly proofed and are a fine combination of the smart dressy Coat with his} and Rainproof : Made in a nice range of cloths in green, grey arid heather mixture tweeds and cut in belted or raglan styles. Prices range from $14.50 to $33.50 H. S.. WALLACE CO., LTD. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. “\ _—— 4 =_> The sister ~Geo, Edward intention of proceeding to Van. Boyle is. searching for game trace couver, B.C. Since of him. He is aged 35 years, hair|of him has been found. If any red, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 6 in. |information is receiv: He originally came from Ottawa,|N. W. M. Police, P was in the Canadian —___—__—__—— Ontario, Engineers, C.E. F., diseharged See the classified ads. on page March 3rd, 1919, amd stated his | five. SCHOOL DAYS B C Prepared! ARE HERE: Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. .. NEW. MILLINERY for Fall has arrived W* have a great new assortment of Fail Hats, which we are able to offer to our customers at exceptionally low prices. These were specially selected by a lady mil- liner of many years experience. All the new shades decreed by fashion ‘© be popular this coming season are represent ed, and particular buyers will find mary | models which will appeal to them. XY Jebines Bros., Ltd. Third Avenue P.S.---We have also a good assortment 0 Rain Hats. { L adies