I rfl'isp In the woods. They come The Chambers of Commerce, the ,n,;,i-p with four-wheel drive jeeps. Tourist Bureaux go too far. We I Let's trv a 'S f"" '"'' cables and drums on the front have adopted a kind of infer- Thanks Cai11 anH iit,. mivn n,.n u Ith n rrnnp lorlLV COIllulex towards thpis ' ' m Mr - Edilnp Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It LETTERBOX I Wednesday, November 21, 1951 over the bixly. Tliey brijig all Yanks until in many things we I Queen rw,HARl-ES V i ar,Mtt Cily fa GENERAL more ELECT! J n independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian nvess Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor: H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, Ti $8.00; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, SS.00. tsW5" Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Second "Prime of Life" Combinati! ! ineir aupporn. iiicn jrej an climb any hills that pack horses can climb. They can go further and faster. The supercilious attitude, th.-hragging when the game wardens are checking their game and nuns I did not like any more than I liked their style of hunting moose heads and de.r heads and hanging them up in consplcuoin places for everyone to see. I had to tell two over-stuffed Yankees who might have come from Wall Street that ttoy were hunting in the wrong country the head hunters were in other countries. They might offer some sport with the chance of losing their own heads. are just a carbon copy of their ways. We fly their flags. We There Is too much catering to Americans about our wild life. Range Ann's Peace Tree WHEN I got home from India there was a great stack of mail waiting for me, which my family had not sent on. There were 5364 N THE business and professional worlds the emphasis is increasingly upon youth. A man over 50, YANKKE iH'SI'OU.iP.S Editor, Daily News: In your i'"sue of November 8 yiu Rive considerable space to Mr. and Mrs. Granzel Fitz who ame all the way from New York looking for record-b r e a k I n g i heads in the west coast area. They ,are reported as having stated that tNj'ir country is so widely hunt-ed that deer are few nui far between and that the British Columbia coast is there-ore the hkely place from which he dec-r will come. What does his mean0 Tile one t'.i'mt that- sadd.'ned Vfi. and Mrs. Fitz most was the way the deer are hunted on the Queen Charlotte Islands. We are ild that some people practically ive on de?r all winter and summer and one one can get away with shooting just as many of them as they like. Well, these people are here just a weeH and would like to start bossing us around. So what? To keep the record straight, residents are permitted tu kill deer on Graham Island the year rcund. The reason is that wc lave had too many ever. Alto all the deer are u-ed for food. Further, beef prices come hlt;h and we have no government in- many letters Rupert Radio & Recti Ann Richardson, ol if Alberta, who sees from Mrs.-, V ( WamwriBht. i f I i 1 visions of war i- 1 f 1 years I have I V ., T ' " - JJ , ' iT- ' ' A and peace. Over the ie published .some or the the mast mast vivid vivid of these m this column ilumn. suddenly out of work, finds virtually no job opportunities capable of utilizing the ability and experience he may well possess. Life expectancy is today greater than ever in history, yet the ape of fi5 has become for thousands of men a signpost for retirement. Challenging this idea of life-on-the-shelf after 05, Dr. Martin" Gumpert cites in the current Reader's Digest several instances of great human accomplishment at much more advanced years. On a recent trip to Europe he interviewed several lively 70-, 80-itnd WO-year oldsters and reports their activities in an article condensed from the New York Times Now, back from the British election trip, there is another letter waiting which Ann calls "Last Panel." "The tree, which is a poplar, went to seed last spring just after the fir.st leaves appeared COME OF AGE Surprise feature of the 21st annual ctir.n"r of the Canadian Council of Boys' and Girls' Club Work during National Club Week was a hupje coming-of-aae birthday cake. The club week is being held in Toronto in conjunction with the Royal Winter Fair. Here Dana Morkeberg o Marlcerville, Alta., president of the junior ccuiicii, admires the pastry. (CP Photo i pected horsemeat. Why not 'at the deer we Canadians are en- i titled to have? ! IniJ fall I took a trip up into; the interior and got off at Cache j Creek, the gateway to the big! game country of the Cariboo, i There T sum' hunters from every ! Xoib Gkmm on it, and will no doubt be cut down for firewood, as a blackened skeleton next spring. All summer .sue showed .signs of life ..." Ann's tree's days are numbered, out the pictures she saw in it this year were of jiea-e. not world war. The main change that Ann saw in her tree pictures was that the rather over-fat and over-belligerent figure of Uncle Sam was replaced by "a head that looks like Franklin Roosevelt's." ' I see numbers of wistful (aces looking out from Uncle Sam' . V --Canadian Uhiskti part of the united States going and coming with 1200 moose and deer heads, just leaving trr? cur- ray.. D Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, former Italian Prime Minister who helped conclude the Treaty of Versailles, is now Til, an active member of the Italian Senate, head of a law firm and professor at the University of Rome. Dr. Raffaele Bastianelli, internationally known surgeon at 87, operates three times weekly, has daily office hours, drives his own car and, until five years ago, flew his own plane.. . Edouard Herriot of France, mere stripling of 79, presides at the National Assembly three days a lLilr ll'liriVr, ak,.i.. O., I T . 1. ' 1 Served willi pride Q ! place in the tree, which gives nie Reflects and Vessel Owners Reminisces Back Chamber ! Publicity is all right but ehere Prince Rupert Fishing Vessel the impression there is a great wave of national introspection." Eaily in the year Ann saw the on those special occasion j S I imtB 1 I L Mtvori a J L when only the finest i Guardian Angel of Peace with a deep i;ah in her forehead. "" v Dciiumay id iyons, wnere ne is - 'cinrt 1 InnJoua nvnv In.,- mm On will suffice I; Icomes a time when ones judg- Owners Association has approv- ment may be questioned a to ed the move of the Prince Rupert choice of advertising. A booming Chamber of Commerce to have oil town in southern T"xas has fishing boat clearances granted countless rnu'quitos. This also by customs on a seasonal rather than on individual trip basis. JTD has space. GETTING THE FACTS Dr. Joseph Cyr, or Ferdinand Demara, or whatever his name is, must be resourceful and clever, mayor. Active in British letters are Bertrand Russell, 79, and Viscount Samuel, 80. Doubtless you have heard of another "old" Briton named Winston Chur-shill. Old age, Dr. Gumpert insists, develops a creative urge and power of its own. Instead of a "second childhood," there is often a ''second prime of life" which we should discover, explore and cherish. On thy east coast there are seasonal clearances. Here there have to be clearances for each trip. The Vessel Owners' Association, j.L a minting Monday, de- even if he is being detained and qLUstioned. The trouble seems HlwJ tnat E T- AppU-whaite, M P., should be seen when next to be he must have made a wrong start in life. In the Canadian Navy he posed as a surgeon and liA away with it. His s-kill was ide!y p.'aied. The case is a queer one but Demara surely has ability. that healed as the year went on. j Ann sees the .shepherd King of Kings himself coming more and more into the world picture. "Nex'. spring" says Ann "much I of the earth may be a blackened : waste." But there will be no third world war for "the Lord of Lords hiiiLM'lr is close at hand, wat:hin, caring, loving all, even the earth herself. All is well." i MISS MARY PACK who started. CARS. the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society which now operates from coa.st to coast in Canada asks me to ! pass on this call for help. it cor: 'erns. ' Vancouver, but j readers in other places may forgive this, for once. Among the many other activities carried on by the society, volunteers take home-bound patients for drives. Too many nf the patients live in Burnaby and South Vancouver to be accommodated by driver volunteers he is in Prince Rupert to obtain his co-opentt!n in the matter of obtaining radio beacons to " ' u" navigation of the fishing fleet. Pmirtent Harold Hell.md was in the chair. Scripture Passage for JoJatj "Godliness with contentment is great gain." I. Tim. 6:6 few who won't feel so much that way, should they think of Mr. Truman. Wav down in K.ltyhawk. North ! Carolina, 48 years ago, Wilbur and Orville Wright Svjnt a wire to Dad saying that at last the darned thing would fly just a httlc. Still, this heavier than air rig would fly. The world is on wings. It's been that way, for quite a while. But it would have seemed odd no so long ago to AVE MON! And to think that year after year, fine, lrosly mornings have been coming to Prince Rupert, and not a soul mentioned curling. Carelessness like that, however, is about to be corrected. From now on, watch us! v",- -f.r Were You Missed in 1951 Enumeration? Sc far Piinc- Rupert's' city council has not shown much interest in the great gulf which lies between official census liguies for this city of 8.435 and the popular estimate of 11,000. :, " However, returns are coming in from all parts of the city from people who have filled in The Daily News census check form saying they were not contacted by a census-taker. An official understatement of the 1951 centennial census rob? the city of S10 a name in government grants Are you interested enough in the future of your city to fill in the form below? Remember, the present census, if officially declared' and not disproved, will remain the official population for 10 in those localities. More volunteers are ihreaklast in Prince Rupert and needed, ! lunch in Vancouver. esjjei'ially from those districts. LIMITED CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada- AMHERSTBURG ONTARIC Also needed, as gifts, are wheel- ' Prineess Elizabeth and the chairs. ho.-pita! ciLs, ted pans Duke of Edinburgh had still an-and ail the other such para- j other banquet wailing. This time phernalia. the place was back home. Chick- C.A.R.3. has been borrowing en and champagne were surely these from the Red Crass, tj noble fare. Plates were of gold. Uliis ajvertiiemait is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cotitiul UvuA date but its work has grown i : to such proportions it now must j Tomorrow will be Thansksgiv-l organize its own. i ing Day anniversary In the Unit- j Many people who have had ! ed States. But there may be a by the uovernmaU ot btdaa Coltunbu. DAILY NEWS CENSUS CHECK . a e... i . . ' -. - - t fir-: fiunoiK. t-n .-.i. ,i;.i xTm n , illnesses in the Iamiiy, but who,-- . u,,., wnci ui( iNWl call UL 1T)V can nome hnmo and inrl I T U.,,, have u l i , . i"o no longer longer need neea these mese aids aids ( checked with each member of! help by phoning cedar sm or CURLY ALLEN my iamiiy to make sure. There are SIGNS persons in my family. (signature) . (address) writing Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society, U97 West Broadway, Vancouver, I SEE Mr. Churchill has already upset some of the "top brass" at Washington by telling tfie world that the U.S. airforce based in Britain has atom bombs in storage there. Mr. Churchill's ' statement was to impress on everybody concerned how interdependent the two countries have become. Above all, I think, -k Any Type Anywhere -jAr Anytime SHERIFF'S SALE ' l IN THE COUNTY COURT OP PRINCE KU'tKI-BKlwcen: RUPERT HOI.DEN AT SMITHEHS B P GOODRICH pimnro . . GUARANTEE ; miu mr. . m. MAI.K1N CO. LIMTTED COMPANY PlaintKT.i d I VIMS, '"ti S. .' -"JT5J!."diB'I 7 iMM. j4J1 ll.1! Truck Owners ATTENTION Your vehicle lettered without losing time. , I WORK NIGHTS mmwm AiiUlM: P. N '"' iwmetime unown as P. N Drl(idri D?fendiint. Counnu TJTcZ,01 """rf K"ecutln lued fmm the above IIPM I IP he was trying to remind Uncle Saw that Uncle Sam needs the help of John Bull quite as much as John Bull needs the partnership of Uncle Sam. One rea.son for the remarkable success or the labour party revolt ltd by Nye Bevan, was the widespread feeling in Britain that all the main world decisions have recently been made by U.S.A. and that Britain has too submissively "gone along" with world policies she did not mm- BINTA LAKE, vTakinq it easq,John?" Leave message at So. 32, Royal Hotel, or I'hflne 32 sKwTum 1 only Chryfi' .TT'. Industrial nKlue Blew t h ,11 T1' XSmy VB Ford e"K'ne haul elm-pieto wan transmission . ,.. and chalm: l nni n. .ini. "Sure am . . .thanks to a retirwnMt incorr. Tins advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. box with 1 miscellaneous parts; 1 only starting motor; ' I onlv hark iiiy lumoer scale ru e: 1 nnlv .. i ,', aaw; sawmli; 1 only camn house: I hm i,. T . "L, . at heart approve. I don't think Mr. Churchill will "go along" unless he approves the going. built on a Canadian Government Annuroj. Retirement con be tom;rhing to look forword to vhem you ve pwctioiea 'mn)ediaMi Government Annuity as the baiii for your retirement income. Deterred or MX BP; Ml .pSScut and bucked ,T woids" 59.35, Tee" lb smith vise: 1 only I E Ch L. power ; appro!. lfiM FBM 1 Inch lumber, random widths and lmih. , m . .1 lumber, " 1 ' "KO random lenaths and width Xmas Toys and Decorations ... A VERY LARGE STOCK ll'i the best and easiest buy for security there n. No meaicm yO0 fa i"WJ :.." T s., And on Tuesday the 4th dnv of npi.t ion .i , - . n'.i..L , ,l . .. J .'. ". idi, m nic Hour Ol I :.JO low payments . . . your contract won t laps it yon mm o paym -CANT OUTtlVE YOUR INCOME. LAKR ,u r. r, r ' VI "K.rH?Y8 ? Village rf BURNS .Uote( rrU'ii is all the riant, title and.nterest oi the fendant In Z VL, Start vour Canadian Government Annuity todayl MrcrpafaAidCTax.' 'hiS S'1" 8h" th' SOCllU fIND OUT HOW UTTLI IT Will COST YOU and Dated at Prlnre ttupert, B C this 19th day of November, 18S1, F The director, Canadian Go"" MONtWV MEMIUM (OH AN ANNUITY OF IOO A MONTH STAHTINO AT AOt AOt U fuel a. Poilas SHOP NOW Deparlnanl oi labour, Oo M. M. STEPHENS, Sherlrl of the County of Prince Rupert. Con""1 MEN I WOMEN (N21.24.28,Di) Fteose teed mt Informoliee owiiS ' Annvitr con br e toonritr ' te" W !j $ 31.11 WHILE THERE IS STILL A GOOD SELECTION (Prince Rupert) J. H. McLean, D. A. Muir, G. Pike, J. W. McRae, R. c. Mac-Donald, W. Coplick, C. 1. Baxter O. Kelly, R. M. McLeod and C. Hoseason, Vancouver; A. Brokke, Ketchikan; C. Black and H. King, Terras. ANCIENT SPORT The sport of fox-hunting has been carried to many parts of the world, and Che Peshawar hunt In India is one of many historic groups. AOC MEN WOMEN 21 II1M SHOO "23 13 24 17.64 " 0 lt.6 22 01 "J5 24.12 10" " 40 21.44 KM "43 42 60 4?6 ( (0 ! tI St 7164 77.0M1 23.20 20i .! 6 o! l" 49 TI T 7.0 My name Is (Mr.Mri.Miu) t Hvt ot I 114 40 133.29 liM , . m i iii i T1 I Date ml f' ANNUITIES BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR .lit" j0, ( weerWme- mot fk. MmrnaUM tr