liun .in.l llto.f.t.l I-..1I. ,1 I.. Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, November 21, 1951 utrf.olv of Wi,,l,i.,l,. " '"I'lHi: . Hcinio. ;.rr,ltHiw News of the District Weirdiiess and excitement. Iu.r ,n 1....I. . tuts,, i, Marlowe "Earth Stood Still" Thriller Vtlllf IllM niotii'a uhi..l. ,-i;n iit'l a human quality and stunning juvenile ,. V" ' tm ; Tin second and last of the two out near Seal Cove. It is tlicrv 'shacks that stood tor years near Jack Mairs will use it in the de-the corner of Second Avenue and velopment of grounds for the larfie rock cut by t he railway re- entertainment of summer tour-serve, is now twins moved away ists. The Day the Earth Stood: Still," science fiction thriller,! BiSaEi riAf a c Prince George to iniy. i i , Mic hael Ken.-e, f tt(.JlU U ,:p ''', llh structure ;:nd up)caruncc make and n . . i: U) u. him adaplablp to the part, plays -o, L, ,' Itap-' the role of "Klaatu," the strange log ."?'',, 8, to visitor. Patricia Neal is an . M '"'"e ror all TODAY .WILLIAM IIOLDEN " - Namcv 7.9;C5 m'-SUBJUADiMPou-t Lake jafe Qwn Census CLIVfYA riuntois ALKS... I coming tuis inur&uay, ruuay: and Saturday to Totem The- I atre. is said to be the most I frightening and totally compel 1 c UMMAN! The Farmer's Institute dance in the hall on Friday night went ovc quite well with a good crowd There will be another November 7. tt't BtlVEDM- liurh-Timt til Tlie young Ladies of the United Chuch of Telkwa are forming a choir under the leadership ol Mrs. J. MacTavish who is the organist.- Choir practice will be neld every Wednesday in the chur:h. This will be the first choir here. i Mrs. Charlie Chapman of Smi-thers paid a visit to Telkwa with friends. j Bruce Snyder is home on leave lrcm the American Air Force. tYir thi world- rj in inn rowcxing f tttn from i 't Rev. Mr. Atkinson of Burns Lake held the monthly church service on Sunday morning. It wa;- a sunny, warm day. trut Broidwiy V-, V .4 It Jf Bit I y . xt ! 7.' NOW IN PROGRESS AT There Is a little snow everywhere ir this district now. PRINCE GEORGE Prince George city council is waiting to hear from George Murray M. P. and the Dominion Bureau oi Statistics before proceeding, with the taking of a municipal census as a chick on the' official 1951 census which has given the city a population of only 4600 instead of the popularly estimated 7000. The council is prepared to pay 20c a head to enumerators or an estimated, $1400 for the entire count. But the council considers it would be worth while since, if the higher figure can be substantiated as being correct, the city would stand to gain, approximately $24,000 a year in government grants of almost a quarter of a million dollars over the ten year period before the next census. i In Prince Ruprrt, city authorities have so 'ar expressed indifference on the matter of getting redifis although expressing dissatisfaction at the 8,354 figure given this city). PFP APLENTY (Continued from page 5) I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE: Lju Dilworth of the Telkwa teaching staff, is in the Smith-ers hospital. Mrs. Rosberg is substitutinj for the time being. It is hoped Mr. Dilworth will soon be back on the job. Mrs. Pat Nelson and her little daughter, Diane, have been staying with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Reg Partington. . i The B & B. outfit have been i imr n&tr I Mrs. J. Ncavc and son mrhrl '. in Telkwa making necessary re (.airs to the station and lm-. ODDS & ENDS 1 r fit illlTja mi Mb I are home again after being away' a month In Dawson Creek stay-! ing with Mrs. Dick Bond who has recently recovered from a major; operation. provements. The new well is not yet finished. The old well has 'not been in use for the past eight months. ling off-beat motion picture of the year. A giant Imaginary ship from another planet descends on the nation's capital. Miracles of scientific wizardry nr? a' by an interplanetary ambassador. Impregnable strength of his terrifying robJt threatens the earth with complete destruction unless it returns to pea?c. Tension and pandemonium run rife when the robot runs Mr. Belvedere Here Again Clifton Webb is back at the Capitol Theatre this Thursday, Friday and Saturday in another of his delightlully funny pictures "Mr. Belvedere Rings the Bell." In his newest film escap-pade, Clifton Webb, as Mr. Belvedere, decides to prove to the Inmates of an old folks' home that life can be full and beautiful without a dull moment. In the course of rejuvenating the old ways of the place, he trifles with the affections of Joanne Dru, a pretty young nurse, and ends up by stirring the slumbering romantic urges of her fiance, Hugh Marlowe, who plays the role of an inhibited minister. Webb outquotes a bishop on the Bible, expounds on everything from embroidery patterns to stamp collections, proves himself adept at speaking Chinese and tops it off by producing a youth potion which he claims to have received from a 112-ycar-old Oriental. After numerous complications, everything comes to a satisfying climax. Zero Mostel heads the supporting rast for Webb, Marlowe and Miss Dru. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Antilla are now living in the cottage near! VI' I FT 4 me cornss Garage. j Ladies' Shoes 1 The Institute hall looks good now that it has been freshly sided with grey brick siding and the woodwodk painted white. The Catholic ladies met to discuss plans for their "Variety Sale" and treasure chest to be held on December 7 in the town hail as the club rooms are not large enough. The drawing for the raffl? w ill take place during the Bir.:;, the same night. This final Bingo will terminate the games for thy holiday season umil after the new yea when Eingo will as:ain be played every rridjy nj.,ht iiv the club rooms. ONE WEEK ONLY rf'fv 1 ki m z. Hi .1 w: m - nunciation 35-13 after piling up a fat 20-2 lead in the first quarter. Jewellers, with height as their advantage, controlled most of the rebounds, making them count as a matter of course, Horigkinson leading with a high score of nine, followed by Anderson's seven. In the first-quarter slaughter, FitzeeralH was thu nniw nno tn $1.95 Portland Canal School Board STEWART At the annual (I score for Annunciation and PORTABLE CLASSROOMS WINNIPEO CP Portable class- meeting of Zone 51 School Board, ! Fashion Footwear sparitea nis ream in the second quarter to outsenrp thp ulnnvrc f!ini?,uuijili JOANNE ORU HUGH MARLOWE-ZERO M05 t AKTOON - Nf.WS Tt&r FT f Show 7 - 9:01 JLJS ti nw iimn i t ii i 'wiiw . tm n i ihjauih TODAY "Al, JK.NMM.S I IF (IKI.tllOMA" 7:00 - 8:iU D in. Also "I KfGli Tl.NEU CITY" 1 Mrs. John McLeod was re-elected for a term of three years. The board now comprises Mrs. McLeod. J. J. McKenna and Robert Macleod.for Stewart; S. F. Mac- 6-3, with the aid of two points from teammate P:esty. In the third quarter, Barnes ! rooms are to be used for the first I ' time in Winnipeg next year to meet the increasing number of children reaching elementary l school age. Winnipeg school board decided to budget for six "purtables'' at a cost of $12,000 each. payen outstanding ball for the Jewellers and nut In t donald for Premier, and A. D. , while Webber piayed- a nice re- Yorr.e lor Alice Arm. Roy Sharp if the board secretary. oouna lor a score of 29-10. Game slowed down in the f nirth quarter as s. still eager for more nnints fnnH J? 1 ft on the ALLEYS mm Vl?i DAY If you want to solve your transportation problem see our used cars . . . these cars are older models but they a-c in good condition . . . and most important of all they ure priced so that you can afford to buy. 1947 Austin 8 Sedan 1950 Prefect Sedan 1S48 international Pickup in very good shape 19jS' Plymouth Sedan 1948 Ford Coach For good transportation a 1936 Chrysler Royal little opposition. Hodgklnson shot a field goal and scored two foul shots. Fitzgerald and Barry retaliated with two points each. Attendance was poor, even though a good show was put on by these stars of tomorrow. i IMKKMKlll ATK Praser & Payne Wesch 12- R Smith 8; Crlstolf 8; Peterson 3 j' Smith 1; J Parnell. D. Parnell. I Fashion Dumas 7; KedKWtek fl nike 4: Formal, 2; McFurlmie 1: Hamilton 1. Jl Ml I It Mansons HiKlKkmson 9; Andrraon 7; Helm 6; Webber 4, Black 4. Barnes 4; Huitvlk 2; Brentwn. AnnunciatlonPitztjeraiti 7: pr,.,y s Barry t; lurcotte l; Ijctoumeau, Toth. Smith. Desormeux. Lenlon vs Short Circuits; Royal Fish vs Bulklry Market; Kaien Industries vs Northwest Construction. Superior Auto Service Ltd. Hockey Scores National Detroit 2, Boston 0 Pacific Coast Calgary 2, Saskatoon 7 Edmonton 3, Victoria 4 Pacific Coast Amateur Kerrisdale 4, Nanalmo 8 Western Int.-Okanagan Trail 4, Vernon 5 Third Ave. W. Phono Green 217 1 j With only three more nights ;ti- p'a.'. i;t the first third of the Mcr's Five Pin Bowling League, Manson's Monday took both high jrngb and high three-game to-. , talr to lead A Division by three points. Monday's scores were 1.154 and 3.276. Meanwhile, in b' Division, it's a tie between Paramoun ts and Jaycees. both with 21 points, closely followed by Hot Shots with 20 points. iligil single score of 302 was taken by A. Slater, of Cook's Jewellers. hiie Benny Windle oft Mansnn's raptured high three for the evening for the second ! straight time w'th 752. . ! Kfl II- A llui-i,.,, Tlinm Sheer Metal 4.1 lintrrt, Bulrliers 0: Cook Jewellers' :l. Spurt Shop 1: Horn.' Oil 4. Moose i 0: Hint's 3. Bulgers 1. Firemen 4. j ''NHA No. 1 0; Mansjns 3, P. .ft ! Amusements 1. B lliiiMiiii snort Circuits 4. Hot Shots 0; Kaien Industries4, Para-mounts 4; CNRA No. 2 3, Royal Pish 1: J:.scc"'i Canadian Legion '!: Northwest const, o, Bulkier Market ST WhIM.H . Oilititm TOTE STARTING THURSDAY Evening Shows - 9 p.m, a r.umrs ri.AVHisTiii 1 vv c Btt'i i mini SHIPS AMD ! WATERFRONT I Rubber Overshoes Where Shall I Put My Suit? A Cardboard Wardrobe is the answer to your problem. Gordon & Anderson can supply you with a convenient folding wardrobe . .easily stored when not in use, for only $8-75 GORDON & ANDERSON Limited Phono 46 " If ft - CNSS Prince George arrived today from Vancouver with 85 passengers for Prince Rupert and Ketehikan, following of whom disembarked here: A. Wallace, Malisons 25 Bud's IB WHBNONLY;- Sport Shop 22 12 Cook's Jew. Rupert But. Moose r Bulaes D. Irving, L.' Anderson, Thain Now is he Time to Prepare for Rough Winter Weather Home Oil 21 CNRA No. 1 20 Thorn Sheet M 19 PK Amuse. 19 Firemen tourray, Mrs. McBridc. J. M. Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Brochie, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. E Jer- H lllvKliin Paramounts 21 Royal Fish . Can. Legion CNRA No. 2 21 20 Javcees Hot Shots Buikley Mar. Kaien Ind. Nth'w. Const -)?? 17 Short Circuits 14 Geo. Hill & Sons Ltd. A MT M'HUil l.K First Cook Jeweilers V3 Firemen-Home Oil vs Bud's; Buyers vs Moose! CNrtA No. 1 vs Munsons; Rupert P'Uchers vs Sport Shop; Thorn Sheet Metal vs P. R. Amusements Second Paramounts vs CNRA No 2, Hot Shots va Jtycecs: Canadian Stanch Supt&nu TANOUERAY, COUPON t CO. ITO. ... the Iwgau gin diilillert in Hie world Box 737 Phone Black 69 n T D. Sockdale, L. D. Moore, ' W. K. Rowbotham, Mr. and Mrs. it. w. Kobertson, Orme Stuart, j' pnd M". W. D McAra. Mr. and Mrs. O'Rouke, F. G. Judd, P. I U. Bonney, L. R. Smuh. s. W. i Aedsrjary. V. Golden, J. Ablowitz, M. Fox, Mrs. C. W. Ruckhaber, j Mr. H. Marock, C. Nuttal, T. 8. Harrison, R. B. Lucas, Mr. and ! Mr. Q. R. E. Eburne, Mr. A. Gray, j D, Carson, R. Phillips, V. Miller,! Mrs. M. Helen, H. B. McNauRhton, J. Rotortson, W. S. Hammond, G. I Waileman, Mrs. M. Faulkner, N. J. Smith, Mrs. L. Nix, Rev. and Mrs. Hare, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Thorn, Mrs. J. S. Black. Thl HHvertlscment it not puhllsheu or displayed by the Liquor Control " "y lo uoverumciit British Columbia. liiilllliSIIII llillBliilBlir NOTICE MORE "WATTS" FOR YOUR MONEY! Haviiij been delayed thirty, hours in crossing Hecate Straits ! r rtcr leaving here last Friday !nisht, it was nat until 5:45 yesterday mornirj that Union, ; .steamer Cliilcutin, Capt. Jmn&! Hunter, returned from her voy- ! asc to south Queen Cha.-lotl'! j Island points. She sailed at 7 ; a.m. for Vancouver and way-j points. The vessel should have ; left at 10 p.m. Sunday for the ! south. Depend! Morriion Dieseli now develop more electric power: 3000 watti ind 6000 watti l 1800 R.P.M. Firit eoit, operating and maintenance costs are lower than jasoline or other deisel sets' . . . World famous Morrisons are "Self -regulating" and "Switch -starting," come fully equipped, ready for use. Order your compact Mornson plant today ... new stocks in transit. Price complete 6000 Walts $1 760 - 3000 Walts II 340 Whol's hc Cleanest Place in Town? SCOTTY'S SNAPPY LUNCH (furmcrly Johnny's Snack Bar, located near Uus Oi pnU NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS FISH and CHIPS - HAMBURGERS To take home . . . Phone Black 889 write tor "tree" illustrated literature. llaTiiSt..... ia,.tL,,..iB.,ljtaai ! Tina advertiseincnt ia not published or d ''y , luobj,. Bowe or bf tba Goverunicnt 'if