-TV Pr'nop Riip?rr Daily INws Wednesday, November 21, 1051 th SPORT of e n Steve Dumas' Fashions sln 'jI'J develop into a winning team. The next time these two cage flubs meet should prave excit- Meanwhile, Dumas' junior set lost heavily and showed little light a Manson's swamped An-i Continued on page 6) Pep Aplenty in Junior And Medium Cage Play j Froscr & Povne 32; Fashion 21 Manson's 35: Annunciation 13 iBy ROS3 INORAMi Fraser & Payne held Fashion to a scoreless first high icorine honors with 12 paints, followed by Regressive Bob Smith and tristoff, each with eiht points. Possibly, inspiration for the Shoemen came from their brand new red and blue uniforms. Nevertheless, with a few more team encounters, WWA ROUGH RIDERS i ; i . t" n i l Mansons and G.&A. Squeeze Out Wins I By ROALD FENESSl In the senior twin hoop bill last nigbt, Rain They ploy Reqino Rough Riders for Grey Cup this Saturday quarter in last night's intermediate hoop classic to build up an early lead the Shoemen couldn't touch, even though they turned on the heat -to gain two points during the balance of the game. Scoring ended , BUY THIS LARG PACKAGE la. fi M i makers surged ahead making six points on two baskets and two penalty shots in just 45 seconds without a reply from Manson's. But even with the magnificent playing of Young and Tait, Manson's came up from behind to edge out a 53-41 win at the final whistle. winners, 6-5, but could not 1 whittle down the startling first-; quarter lead. Heat of the battle Lead was in the hands of the VALUE- 1 FOR Taken completely unawares with score after score by F & P, Fashion woke up in the second quarter with Drake running the gamut, outscoring the winners 10-8 with the help of Dumas on thv; rebounds and ' MoFarlune supplying the hustle. In the third quarter, Fa.ihion again outshot and outplayed the hlt;h school band who kept it for half the game. But they lapsed for about two minutes. Thai was all the jewellers needed. With O.son p.ayitiK outstand l was featured in the fourtn quar- tei , both teams in there fast and j furious, the shoemen never giv-' ing up hope until the final whistle. I Speed and good ball-playing ' gave Wesch lor the winners Scoring Rainmakers Young 11, Nick-erson 2, Simonson 5, Watson 6, Morrison 8. Ciccone 2. Salher 2, Ford, LetouriTeau. Tait 5. Manscn's Okvn 13, Spring 10, McChesnoy 4, Arney 7, Young-man, Webster 9, Bill 10, Wa'.sh. . -if I hi- , - rr;-r -erVJl. Gordon & Anderson rioikes- i one (il Sff ' , 1 J h -rlcni Crowe, ing ball, Manson's plowed ahea.d. The game was fast with tempers flaring often and good refereeini I helped to make It a thriller for i the few fans attending. . I Olsen was high for Mansmi's with 12; Youiiij, for Rainmakers, potted it ixjintA. PIERCE ICRItlPIC The second bill, war, practical-lyan upset as Gordon &. Andvr- W M tad 7, Flaten 8. Hobb 5, Thompson 6, Pierce 28, Boulter, Moore, Ciccone 2, Kristmanson 1. CCC 300 Dumas 13, Marshall 0 Ratchford 15, Hill 2, HaUgan 0. i Brew 2, Pelterson 5, Llttre. fW'b;-'.s famed 'Seven ... ,. tin- Noire Dame s ,,( tlx lid's, is eoairhlng ,M Hiiv.n of Canadian n nii the Ottawa 4 This Xmas Riiiirs. Ho eoucn-a fon found still opposition in CCC 3UC, but edged out a nine-point' II j victory, 55-40, with the terrific j j, B iS from li)4(i W I!HU ,i ...niiju was mentor of 1,, cnlis. iCP PHOTOl Out For GIVE ELECTRICALLY Telkwa Rink TELKWA The skating rink "Bee' was an all out occasion The Harware gang took the i whole game time to get started arid even then their winning wax I questioned. Pierce was their i mainstay of the game, coming i up with an amazing score of 28 , points. He was everywhere, al PLUNGING 8TAR B;nny MacDonil, 21-year-old homebrew wilh Ottawa Rough Riders and son of the capital's ehicl of police, is filling the vacuity l-lt by the retirement ol Tony Oolab. He tilts Hie trim's at 2O0 pounds. ICP PHOTOl Be wise ond lav away your gift now while stocks are complete. "Give Electrically' r with the male population as well a." their hired men turning out and helping. Huiton Morris supervised the extension to the ways making his shots count. It ' I warming shacks. Posts were erected on each end of the rink for the purpose of stretching wire. The young fry, anxious to have p sheet, of ice as soon as possible. ( NORTHERN B.C POWER Co.,Ltd. &M mi Ralchford and Dumas were stalwarts for the Pulp Mill ca-trs, with Marshall pulling his weight on defence. Meanwhile, there Is a rumor from the public that senior basketball here isn't up to its usual standard. A slight shake-up may result from a meeting of the Basketball Association tonight. '- Yi i ' Uesner Block Phone 210 P.C. Strrart, B.C. Prince Rupert, turned out also. j These added improvements will be an asset to the rink. 1 . ..-i cAe. this Christmas. Detroit Taking Big Puck Lead BOSTON (CP) Detroit Red Wings gained another two points in the National Hockey League standing last night to take i commanding seven-point lead l over the running up Toronto :: . f : ' . , ', ' Give t earicm day thev the giver. and every Maple Leafs. The Wings made two goals and blanked the Boston Bruin. Next games vi:l be tonight with Montreal at Chi?ago ami New York at Detroit. The league standings: ;IN'0 ACE - Tom O'Mallcy, n Bunch Rider quarterlies pii.'.ied his way to in his lust season at the .am pmie. O'Malley, 35, :s ,x tu t seven, weighs linnIs and previously i in Eric, Pa. i CP PHOTOl FORMER ARGO Jake Dunlap, 212-pound middle with Ottawa Rough Riders, played last year with the champion Toronto ArgonauU. Blocking kicks is his specialty. iCP PHOTO S .4 memberwhen? W D L F A Detroit 10 5 2 48 28 Toronto 8 6 5 31 28 Montreal 7 3 7 43 40 Boston 5 5 6 28 30 New York 5 2 9 28 39 Chicago 4 3 8 31 44 trodueed to meet wartime conditions, enabling teams to catch trains, and lias since remained in force with the result a large number of tie games have al- latf Frank Culder, presi-I the National Hockey . limited NHL games to j'.!'-. Kl years auo today. MORE SPORT PAGE SIX o-owrtime rule 'was in-'ready been played this season www A". ; " j r . rjy IK 1 Seagrams Croiun Royal 5cao,rams V.O. Scacirattvs "83" 5eao,ram"s King's Plate Searjranvs Special Old A "PERSONALITY" RADIO - Just tl.e U.i IhlMg AN ELECTRIC KETTLE The fustrxt way of Imil-Ing water!-Just plug it in enough hoilniK wjit-r fur four mptt of lea or col fee in 2' minutes . - . I in fast heeatise the element is right in t!u umtr all llu- fo al m'ti into ihe watT no eurrenl it wus1mI. ( an'l ovi i-hf-al tiiriti itM-lf off MutoniaiM ally if it houhl hoil 4 AN ELECTRIC BLANKET The he.l tu iue wuriii.h l nianv lilunki-ls Willi liie liplilwtifl.l ro.nliirt itf unly im I'lio ihiTUiostalic control autmi.ntical.y acljiil llu- Ileal lo (huiiisirin roinn I. niifratiir's. You're rifvrr loo warm or loo !!. Vt aslaeH like any other blanket. Available with lM.lilc eontrol, fivinf either hUeper the temperature. ilireil ... A ifl that ill p.ive lutiltK atifaetion. for imiivuhnil iif hi kih-ln-n, lien, bi'ilroom, tauntlrv, slmly, rtiinpus rottm nr vrramlali. Hpttrkliiip tone Hilli tvHe the usual utnlistoiirtt volume. Nt-ut, tolourful, ml off wilh puM fiiiifh iliul. Colour won't scrutrh off S''s r'nht through the pla-tii'. I'lays in any position upright, on itf n i-iititr kiilr. It;mfcs on tin wall. rhoie of uIoutm. Co.rt.ol Bwid a. by the Government ol BrUnh M.i.ta oi Ite ad,ert,WTO, not mUM diiptoved by th. Uvw 4 Notice to General Public V ! f , i - t ) t i I , 1 - ' f ) j L i ' ' 1 ' ! f '1-1 fc3&a M AN ELECTRIC KEATiNC PAD -i)m.-k, rom- fortiiiK lirtU Mii-ti a hoon on i-liilly niKlilt.! r.xtra long, -11-foot Nut ronl . . . Thrrr-lifMl rmitcli . . . lu altrin-tive st4'l !.hniltw tf rose, hill ainl Kreetl. AN ELECTRIC TOASTER - T.t, mxlr rifhi nn the (Inline tall or in thf kttrhrn, evrryhoily Ulr lifhtlv done, iiohlon hrowii, rrp il hot. Savn. lime . . . prrv-iil wti-, for yoH only nnike jut i-noiifh. A ImmlMHiie piem U grata jut tiiltle, too! 'I'oasl.- Iintli id-a ut nine. AN ELECTRIC. IKON Drop in . lift thiuto- matie elertne iron. iiy, you'll sav, uV su light!" Ym, only three poum. . . . ami, herans of it bin sole-plate, you run rut yttur ironing time ly a mm h mm a think l'innrr-tip l'"ulric liul fiive rurrrct temperature for every fuhrie. Htie to the misunderstanding regarding increased taxi rates we wish to announce that there is no rate change as yet but we are making application to the City Council for a taxi rate increase due to the increased cost of operation. Any rate changes will be Published by the undersigned. P.R. Taxi Owners' Association TAXIS-653, 123, 80, 112, 65, 537, 32, 77, 269 70, 456, 646, 235, 75, 67, 555 nitlc in Association Cabs-I-ook far the slickers on the Windshield Electrical appliancrs male the most acceptable C.hristmiit GifJ. They are uelcnme everywhere because they are both useful and beautiful lasting reminder! of your thounhtfutness. Drop in and select from our vide assortment.