PRINCE RUPERT, B, ¢ vol Senate Adopts Resolutions Regarding Treaty of Peace; King is Candidate in P.E.I. Government criticised for having neglected to deal with the Cost of Living after authority given it; Sir Robert Borden expresses regret at delay LABOR MEN DISCUSS NATIONALIZATION Special to The News via G T. P. Tetegraphs.) Ottawa, Sept. 5.—The Senate last evening took the lead in the ratification of the peace treaty and the agreement between the United States, the Governments of the British Empire, France Germany with respect to military occupation of the Rhine lands. It adopted the three resolutions which the Government had placed on the order paper. A request for an extension of time to consider the documents was not acceded to. in the House of Commons debate on the address followed a smewhat perfunctory course at the afternoon sitting. The cost of living came in for some sharp criticism. The statement was made that July and August had passed without anything being jone under the Board of Commerce Act passed at the last session. ith something like three and a half years of investigation, Mr. McKenzie said, he thought the Government should have been serlin. are eady to reduce the cost of necessities without delay. reported to have taken from jail Sir Robert Borden said he regretted it had not been possible |@x-Hussar Rudge who was sen- » appoint a Board of Commissioners earlier. jtenced to two years’ imprison- it was announced here today that Hon. W. L. MoKenzie King, | for te murder of Rose | “pecial via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) and London, Sept. 5—-The Congress Trade Unions which is to meet on Mon day next will discuss the question if Nationalization of Industri GERMAN TROOPS TOOK MURDERER FROM JAIL (Special via &. T. P. Telegraphs Sept. of at Glasgow commencing 5. rroops ment Luyembure and Car! Liebknecht vader of the Liberal party, had accepted the nomination for a eal “ Gear rince Edward Island constituency. tf WANTS TREATY, LOCAL MATTER Demands that Senate Ratify it in Order to Stabilize Conditions. (Special via G. T.P Cleveland, Sept. Immediate ratificatiow of the peace treaty in- cluding the League of Nations by tt United States Senate was de- I by Warren 8, Stone of the Telegraphs.) ie nander ‘ of Brotherhood al chairman Locomotive Engineers. He said he did not know of any- thing that would tend to stabilize conditions so much as the settle ment this question, TRIALS OF CAR OWNERS Butler Fined Second Time for Neglecting Tail Light—Boy Must Not Drive. the ine befere E. J. Butler thirty days in default of payment \l rt this morn Magistrate MeMordie, fined $25.00 or police cou was for faiffne to display a red light visible from the rear end of the car. This is the second offense and the man was warned against ippearing a third time. 8. Mussallem also appeared on the charge of permitting a boy under age to drive his car. A fine oO aD vas imposed, GER (OF - THE LADY AND THE TI sOLSHEVIKI TERRORIZATION lone! John Ward Says They Have Ammunition to Last for Ten Years More. ” we Telgraphs. ) Colonel John st arrived from hat the Bolsheviki munitions to last They terroriza i ent years. are try by t by justice iiST LEAGUE 1S FORMED FOR SEASON its successes of : the Khu t | Whist League ted for the coming eady have arrange d \ meeting was held the oMecers elected John M Gieo Prince is tive the : President, president, SS tary treasurer, whist if the of players four so the Scandina- Canada, the FRANCE) TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO {707 Second Avenue PRIOKN FIVE GF” Brings to Attention of Minister of Customs Handicap Under Which This port Labors. Preston Locke of the American G. A. Woodland, manager of Smeiting & Refining Co. Re- the Imperial Oil Co » 18 turns From Examining morning wgceiv " Livut.Col, C. W, Peck sard ruepeeian, to allowing : Americé rv : os oo eee aker) Among the many mining men Lo carry distillate from Inco, near in town yesterday was Preston Vancouver, to Prince Rupert. The that he taking natter up with the Minist Locke, representing the American Smelting & Refining Co., the own- ers of the Tacoma Smelter. He nember says is if of Customs and if no actio : no action |S has been to Stewart and was much taken as a result to wire him pleased with the general outlook again and he will again take it ; : ie with the ailatoler at that place. While speaking : ” ery conservatively of the pros- Ihere is plenty of distillate at ; : . pects he said that the fact that the refinery at Vancouver, but : mone to speak of ia Prine Rusert i¢ has been in there twice this one sper p ‘e pert. I year and that he had remained a There are no Canadian tankers on the but the tanker Atlas, | which is under American registry, Under the orders of | government, however, freight from Canadian port to another. In the meantime the fishermen unable to get their fuel here and the port is much handicapped. number of weeks on the second occasion, showed that he was in- tensely interested in the district. Mr. Locke said it was too early to predict just how big a camp it would be, but the Premier and the Joker were already mines and there were a great many good prospects that were being proved. ik. K. Neil had spent a lot of money on the road through Alas- ikan territory and that was the lonly way to develop it. He thought ithe people of the district were lgoing about the work in the right Tetegraphs.) way. Dawson, Sept. The esti-| Naturally Mr. Locke was very mated placer gold production of|reticent in regard to what he had the Yukon valley camps, both|seen. He said that his company anadian and American, is $5,- | was interested in the district. The 250,000. The production of Nome |managing director of the concern and Atlin are estimated to belhad recently made a visit to about a quarter of a million each. |Stewart and had examined some a ‘of the properties. That in itself BOMB THROWN AT ,was proof that they thought the PREMIER OF EGYPT \«« not usually flock around a coast sé is available. tie cannot she carry one are FIVE MILLIONS FROM VALLEY OF YUKON (Special by G.T. P. 5. ‘camp had a future. Mining men jplace where there was ne pros- (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) jpect of developments. \ bomb con craps «a> QVER FOURTEEN FOR London, Sept. 4 ‘caled in a bundle of thrown at Hussin Rusudi, the} premier of Egypt at Alexandria. | HALIBUT CATCHES — — uneninsiaiia TRIAL OF QUIEN (Special via 6, T.P. Telegraphs.) 5.—The death sen- | tence was asked at the trial ef) 4+ the Fish Exchange this Georges Gaston Quien, the al-!