i919 mber 5 Sept THE DAILY NEWS j iy a ne ILY NEWS Page 3 ——— . Se ee A — —e ec eee EET SESE SE Te te mn od Reserves ° : $3,600,000 N BY | knew his position, A penalty Cupit@ seule Nov. 20th, 191%, ever $153,000,000 Biven against Harry Day for Total Ae A BANK FOR MINERS pi 11 your funds here where they will be ae ‘rom 1008 of theft. Pay your accounts by cheque, Send money home by Money Orders or Drafts issued by this Bank, ve offer Miners a complete and satisfactory reatinn service, and are always ready to advise H| | on financial questions. 329 || uNION BANK OF CANADA i 1) THE PIONEER BANK OF i Pee, MAM. Bl HEAD OFFICE ; PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, A. T. BRODERICK, + + + | Manager, = EE" Offered by the Robin Hood Flour Mills, Ltd., for the best bread baked with e ROBIN HOOD FLOUR to be shown at EN, the Prince Rupert Exhibition. FIRST PRIZE $10.00, SECOND PRIZE $5.00, THIRD PRIZE $2.50. [ach exhibitor must present with entry, vpocer's sales slip for one 49-lb. sack Robin Hood Flour, purchased within thirty days of the opening of the Exhibi- bon For Further Information, Apply Secretary, Exhibition Association. — penenrret reeereerre — THEO COLLART, Notary Public 7-room house furnished on 9th Avenue W., with outbuildings 1.00; cash $800.00, balance 6-12-18 months, 7 per cent Koom | and one-room cabjn 7th Ave., W., $1,800.00; cash $800.08 balance 6-12 months, Block 16, Section 5, on sewer, $800.00, Terms, t 5 I k 4, Section 7, $200.00. Lot 2, Block 18, Section 2, $40.00 4 FOR SALE 4 $2,1 FIRE INSURANCE Westhoime Theatre Biock MARINE INSURANCE Phone Red 69 REAL ESTATE P. oO. Box 1 $ easily by the English defence and ee and was limping badly but he of 3 Goals to Nil. rhe Sons of England proved themselves the superior team in the football match last evening and beat the Trail Athletics to the tune of 3 to 0. It was a beau- tiful evening for a game and from the first whistle the play was fast and furious with the Sons kicking down hill, ed for a goal, hqwever, and coul account of the opposing defence their favor and Kelsey took the leather. He shot it straight for pass through. Coming down the ield Johnnie Robinson the back and the outside man sho and scored, ipoint in the first half. On the changing of ends it was |thought that the Trail boys would inow get away with a good lead as jthey had been making a very good |show on the up grade, Their lecombination was broken up too ,mor®™ than once was what ap- peared to be a good rush for the post averted. At the other end of the fleld things were happen- jing and Percy Tinker headed a nice clean ball into the net from an ideally centred ball from the outside. Percy had hurt his leg Atlin Assessment District | HEREBY GIVE NOTICE That on Thursday, the ninth (9 rt Room, Provincial Government Buliding, Atlin, B. ¢ f 1! ending December 3ist, 1917, is not sooner paid LIST OF PROPERTIES. TAX SALE day of October, 1919, at the hour of ten (10) @.m. at , | will sell at public auction the lands on the list hereinafter the persons in said list hereinafter set out, for delinquent taxes unpaid by said persons on the 3ist day of embe 18, and for interest, costs, and expenses, including the costs for advertising seid sale, if the total amount The lector will be pleased to receive any information respecting the following list where the owner is a member the A ! Forees and entitled to the benefits of Section 29 of the “Taxation Amendment Act, 1918.” Atlin, B.C. | | ‘AMES OF PERSONS ASSESSED } SHORT DESCRIPTION OF, PROPERTY ) Lot 242, Grp. t, 147 acres b ; Lot 243, Grp. 1, 151 acres .... Lot 314, Grp. 1, 350 acres ..... i Lot Grp. 1, 59 acres Lot 5, Grp. 1, 40 acres Pionee Lumber Co Lot , Orp. t, 160 acres ATLIN TOWNSITE Block 6, Lot 6 e¢ Block 6, Lot 7 e ) Hiock 8, Lot 4, Block @, Lots. Glock 10, Lot 10 Block 10, Lot 14 Block 11, Lot 7 Block 17, Lot 19 Block 18, Lot 1 Block 23, Lot 1 Block 23, Lot 16 Block 24, Lot 16 BENNETT TOWNGSITE Block 1, Lot At . ‘ ie « Co wal, biizabeth W Adie's Vv eee en, Mra. J, A src, Bowker & Stracey ford, Bowker & Stracey mu Sowker & Stracey ards, ida wal, W. “van & McLeod od, John ‘ ‘ Block 1, Lot 2-3 an, Edward M ‘ ; Block 1, Lots 4-5 Bt heap woheod Block 1, Lot 7 ‘e: Block 1, Lot 8 : He M 1 Block 1, Lot 9 : Block 1, Lots 10-11 Sivan & i Block 4, Lot {8 ...... bivan, Baw eee? Block 1, Lots 13-14-15 ae eee Be Block 4, Lots 1-8 (Inel.) boris Yuh Block 4, Lots 10-45 (Inel.) adian nb Trading Co, Block 5, Lots 11-12-13 ae inn et CO Block 5, Lots 14-17 (Incl.) oo Block 5, Lots 18-24 (Incl) biven & Meee Block 5, Lot 24-A ...... a. we Block 5, Lot 25 .. s, Don k Block 5, Lot 25-A Block 6, Lot 11 bey, Me OF Halifax Block 6, Lot 14 .........--+ is Block 6, Lots 15-16 \ Block 6, Lots 17-18 - erson, "W ‘| Block 6, Lots 19-23 (incl) .. ol Block 7...Lots 26%, 27-40 (Incl.) ers Ww 4 Block 7, Lot 41 a yes Biock 7, Lot 41-A 4 Block 8, Lot A - t a r. u Block &, Lots 1-2-3-4 ston. wea Block 8, Lot 5 a & M , Block &, Lots 6-7 ran & McLeod . Block 9, Lots 1-12 (Incl mn Moles Block 10, Lots 1-9 (Incl.) ivan & M pe Block 11, Lots 1-13 (Incl Wan &k McLeod Block 13, Lots 1-26 (inel. van & Melons Block 14, Lots 2-13 (Inel.) lian “Deven” Block 15, Lots 4-13 (Inel.) Yah &k Melee et Agey Block 15, Lots t1A-12A van & McLeod Block 17, Lots 1-7 (Inel) ma & Mein Block 18; Lots 1-14 (Inel.) "ah & Mele - Bidtk 19, Lots 13-19 (Inel.) Edward N Block 23, Lots 20-38 (Incl "an & Mel eon Block 24, Lots 1819 ven, Edward Block 24, Lots 20-21 ‘ah & MeLeod Block 24, Lots 22-23 Block 24, Lots 24-50 (Incl Block 25, Lots 18-19 . Block 25, Lots 20-50 (Inel,) Bioek 27, bois 50-77 (inel.) ye emalcht & Bethune . ' & MeLeod th & McLeod ' & MeLeod it & MeLeod ‘van & McLeod ‘ Block 29, Lots 1-17 (Inel.) Block 31, Lots 28-54 (Incl) "40 & MeLeod Block 33, Lots 12-25 (Inel.) ah & MeLeod Block 34, Lots 28-36 (Inel.) Block 35, Lots 2-85 (Inel.) Block 36, Lots 3-25 (Incl.) Block 37, Lots 5-14 (Inel.) Block 38, Lots 1-27 (inel.) Block 40, Lots 1-26 (Inel.) yee & McLeod Yah & McLeod Yah & MeLeod van & MeLeod ‘van & Me é ( \ ivan icLeod & McLeod Block 41, Lots 3-14 (Inel Van & MeLend Riock 42%, Lots ¢-t4 (Inel ‘van & MeLeod . Block 44, Lots 1-7 (Inel, th & McLeod : Block 45, Lots 1-9 (Inel.) bah & MeLeod — & MeLeod en a McLeod va) & MeLeod Me & McLeod it & MeLeod i! & MeLeod van & Block 46, Lots 1-14 (Inel,) Block 47, Lots 1-14 (Inel.) Block 48, Lots 1-15 (Inel.) Block 49, Lots 1-14 (Inel) Block 50, Lots 1-10 (Inel.) Block 51, Lots 1-12 (Inel,) Block 53, Lots 1-10 (Inel.) Block 55, Lots 1-7 (inel.) Block 59, Lots 6 (Inel,) 2-1 ivan & MeLeod Block 60, Lots 2-14 (Inel.) ivan a Mcleod Block 61, Lots 1-20 (Inel.) ivan & MeLeod Block 64, Lots 1-25 (Inel.) ivan a ycheod Block 66, Lots 17-26 (Inel.) ivan & cheod Block 68, Lots 19-24 (Incl ivan & MeLeod Block 69, Lots 1-A-18 (Inel,) ivan & WeLeod Block 72, Lots 1-22 (Inel.) Riven @ woLeod Block 73, Lots 1-18 (Inel.) Bivan 4 mobeoe Block 75, Lots 18-97 (Inel,) Block 74, Lots 4-15 (Inel.) Block 77, Lots 1-15 (Inel.) Block 78, Lots 18-49 (Inel,) Block 81, Lots 6-145 (Inel.) Block 82, Lots 14-10 (Inel.) Block 84, Lots 1-2-3 (inel Block 86, Lots 92-35 (Inecl.) Block 87, Lots 18-95 (Inel,) Block 88, Lots 4-15 (Inel,) Block 89, Lot A Mi bed at Atlin ————_— h Ce i ts cae ages August 19tn 1919 (QF Mave them the third goal which Was shot by D. Robinson. Trail Beaten at Football to Tune They were hard press- not seem to get a clear shot on Finally a penalty was given in the goal keeper but it did not For the slipped |G, the ball to his brother just past|Shaw; W. This was the only For the Arrears | — calamity had already occurred ole | a Expenses. Total |and the Trail.boys were beginning $3600 | 91400 | 6375 $7415 ]/to slow up more than ever. Ben 840 250 $75 1465 : 27 30 10 15 375 4i 20 /heard the score and a few minutes 33 60 1040 375 47 75)5 040. detetia . . . é 9380 | 040 | 3875 36 05 |tater the whistle blew for time so $850 | 2215 | 376 | 8440/he turned right around and went | i home. 5 00 60 275 8 38 ‘se 80 275 19 HH 80 25 86 275 81 40 D. Robinson, who played out- eae | ate a oe 213 °° | side right for the Sons of England 11 05 325 275 i705/in last evening's match, arrived 13 50 5 80 275 220 : é . ; ; 8 70 280 275 i495|back from Anyox with his wift #3 80 7 66 275 3420/and child a short time after seven i550 | 610 275 2335], neat to tans ae 58 70 1770 275 7915/o'clock. It wag hard to have 1920 | e20 | 976 | “415! ctand at the rail and await the j | o | en down of the gang plank, er } +} i $98 12 30 when he knew that the team on oe | UBS 8 te 12 3°/the hill was going to play ten 495 | 220 275 ¢90}men until his arrival. However, $30 338 278 12 30 he wasted no time after getting 6 30 so 2 os 12 30 ashore but rushed up to Acropolis 7 . r ; , ear . a3 30 1270 | 975 38 65 Hill and he played a very excellent us 350 ao 7 7>!game all evening. Both he and} 11 60 6 30 275 ee * his brother John are very fast * HH ‘Sis +78 gssimen and form a very pressing 515 e230 | 275 | 1020land fast outside combination. 3 50 85 275 710 ee 44.00 1840 | 275 65 15 17 40 8 60 ae 2975) Only on one or two occasions 5 2 3 : 34 oo 4 te o7 q3.3 was it necessary for Referee Bell 15 60 ii ite s . so os Sos 975 >9 59 tO cheek up the players for mis 495 {| 220 2 3 53 demeanors last evening. At every thy 2 3 78 9 90 match the men are showing ree 11 60 6 30 275 80 64 ‘“m and are usually content to 495 220 275 99o;form and a uly | 15 00 335 275 e110lgo after the ball imstead of the 37 20 20 85 275 60 80 seal oneness —- ara +H 10 } 167 275 46 60 player. However, there are _ 4050 | 9280 aon on 68 one or two who are always yel 37 30 | $0 $0 2 75 60 75) ing out for grand stand sympathy 31 00 17 68 2 7° 5115) hat they are getting raw deals 630 320 275 12 25 . bal 2190 | 1226 oz . =. from the referee. This was stop- } ) 2 69 65 ‘ i 3 30 ‘2 3 to 36 90 |ped last night. Some of the play- 59 10 4 4 7 | ydafers too when they are cheeked $ 70 355 | 275 1800|/seem to think that no man has q ; 7 os 83 0 sos | 348 12 ee ithe right to put another off the 630 | 320 | 275 eas 2 field and this was the action taken °° ae os 39 i 33S 128 18 by one of them last evening. Such a0 i * . a8 32 oo os aoe oo iol pigheadedness is not going to 4340 | 2345 275 69 60}help in building up the associa- 2810 | 1575 | 27 6 60 i 40 4160 | 275 118 75 tion. 7150 4010 | 275 114 35 a 3100 | 1740 | 878 | 5115 8300. | 4695 | : a 3 $9 GIVEN DEMONSTRATION 8070 | 4530 | 28 75 ’ % 37 20 20 85 275 60 80 — 4840 |, 2350 2 os 7 + (special via G.T.P. Telegrapns.) ;* 5 2 6 9 > Nee 3 ‘0 | HH 7 275 6 60 MelNourne, Sept. 1.—Premier i 4065 A 3 3 HH 4 $38 6965|Hughes has arrived here from | 4670 | 2630 $75 7575|paris and on landing was re- 43 40 e360 | 275 69 65 : 31 00 1740 | @75 51 15leeived with remarkable demon- 3790 | “9 D aoe | os 3 stration, all joining to give him ot Hr } eos | 275 36901, welcome. 4670 | 2630 | 275 75 75 ae 4670 | 2630 | #78 | 75 76 e900 | 3478 | BF 2288] The sister of Geo, Kdward 3 be 7 38 } 978 s 40 Boyle is searching for some trace 18 *3 He 4 3a gigsjof him, He is aged 35 years, hair ba 90 38 10 275 108 os red, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 6 in. 2 3 Ht H+ i ae He originally came from Ottawa, 4e70 | g030 | 878 787? lontario, was in the Canadian $9 bo HH $s 275 158 20/Engineers, C€.E, F., discharged 100 | i798 | OOS St 10 i March 3rd, 1919, and stated his *% 7 | so8 | BY 4 3 intention of proceeding to Van- | ‘ 3 $0 3 3 } ; 75 ao 80 couver, B.C, i870 9495 | 275 75 70 [na 6 OMe thle 10 20 ae ” sity B | | | information is received notify . Charging obinson was won which A feature of last evening's match was that out of four penal. ties granted by the veferee there was only one goal scored which is rather phenomenal for any league. J. Day Bell was referee and Doce Clapperton and Slocomb linesmen. The players who showed up particularly well for the Sons last evening were D. Robinson, Tink- er and Wearmouth. For the Trail Harry way as back played a very I/cool game and was very careful in getting the ball up to the for- -}wards. Sid Hardy as the centre was trying hard but he lacked ‘;support from the insides. His ‘|shots too frequently went wide. Trail Athletics: Ss. ‘| Winsby; H. Day and H. Menzie: Watman, W. Booth and G. Anderson, V. Menzie, 8. Hardy, G. Waugh and F. Crages. Sons of England: Judge; Darton and Wearmouth; Tabrum, Kelsey and Wells; D. Robinson, J. Robinson, Tinker, Williamson and Davis. Sport Briefs | tre The Red Sox. baseball team which made a name for itself on Labor Day is figuring on a match with the Prince Rupert senior team. Harry Day will not be pitching and it is very likely that Clementson will be put on las clean up man for the younger fellows. With Harry Astoria pitching for the city team the Red Sox think they can put up a good show as they are accustomed to his twirling at Market Place. The winners of the Labor Day event are also. contemplating holding a dance in the near future. The dancing season is again coming round and they want to start off the amusement with am affair in which the dances will be named in baseball terms. . >. . Ben Self arrived at the football game last evening too late to boost for his team. The great Unidas i data UGGOUDOOUNNRGANADUOUNRSAERGNGDUNAMESeReAES sc Te tS MORE! MORE!! MORE!!! PEACHES for PRESERVING Order Now, Do Not Delay! Per box, $1.75 SUGAR HAS ADVANCED 50c. per hundred pounds, but we will sell :- 20-lb. Sack, $2.40 Phone us at once before a further advance FULLERS, LTD. Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 S SS ee Ormes Limited “Jenall Jemediat While our stock lasts we will GIVE AWAY FRCE—A BATHING CAP with every purchase of Rexall Preparations vaiue One Dollar or over. Come early and take your choice Phones 82 and 200 Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street P.O. Box 1680 Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE . WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor “Everything in Music.” LATEST POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Repairs to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bows rehaired. sip wasTER’s Vout Woodwin¢ instruments repadded and adjusted. vag oer, ae” Prince Rupert Academy of Music in Connection With the Store. pe The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. EL. VAUGHAN ©" "fis2tSay Prince Rupert Music Store HNOVNADDUUUSVQNGNOEOOOUAGEONANEUGAGGEOSQQORDDAGAGGGAUSGAAAGMAGL EU UAANNGDUL AEA A Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency” r. Bayne ‘OF FICE HOURS:— Morning, 9 to 12; ‘Afternoon, 1,90 to £.90; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance. Phone 109 for appointment Co fAQUNGMGAGOUGGGUGOANGNOOGSROOORAUOGOUOUUOLOOUUOO : (URREOUROUAOUUHT Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention “vim has been fount: tt any|SUDSeribe for The Daily News J. A. PRASER, Assessor and Collector N. W. M,. Police, Prince Rupert, The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia . 633 ‘ oT,