were nbunofuif. fnicis ti:riii-ATt Tt. t;i!:f., pamn Hnvvn tn thp lpvfl At urhl,.!. .. As I See It Prince Rupert Daily News .. . . v iainn.es rn the goods would sell. When tor the esfi ok goods were scarce, they said, umd ren- '"f 6''"s prices went up enough to main- trt' enou fafi K tain the balance between supply buy thp n.h,,'"' 'if, anddenvana. urfc.s Tuvwlay, November 13, 1951 ViVv ft . . N 1 , was nitiL u mw ur was l nn UP, tm.,,, . "i.n1' unsold re Oii JU.il. a m.ytii, fmil. ui wildl UIK? tlitlTl i more An Independent daiiy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian "re-is Audit Bureau of Circulations' ' Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: if unorthodox proiessor called "the folklore of capitalism"? thprc If there really Is a "law" of! ti., Sa . ;ir. pl,;froit supply and demand that in- t)i nns"iite.. e.sr apably nperatot, .something the rlirtu t , 01 W LAB By carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per yer, $8 00; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. like the law of gravity, then hv .;. ... ,es Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, joonej or later tho-e goods plenty a,l '"m .ta"e.i which are still piling up unsold ijs,-ra'lly hrr.v'Ki-are goini? t : conn; dov.-u In priec oumi ui. kh Riddle Re Prices WINNIPEG. The ' Canadian Chamber of Commerce has just had its ' j- -JuU, under UfcB WHETHER or not there Is ai But ' a ,.r, i u ' true "low" of .apply and de- ,,,,, fe .naiul, the fxperU hud better makes you ' rc-ex-amlne their explanation of have learned :' what thev call "mll.tlion." . a,i. . mucfl 'mwr. annual meeting in East ern Canada. P,W, ,.r.. ,w l,v.l,.. tU It has listened to two speeches In tanuda because, as they suy un inllation and the high cost there is "too much money chas of living. The two top experts both used the popularized ver Pin What Oil May Mean in the Peace River may mean more to Prince OIL Rupert than we, on first thought, may realize. It 'is a propitious circumstance that that rich liscovery should have been made a few miles from Fort St. John just as the Pine Pass Highway to connect Fort St. John with Prince George and the heart of Central British Columbia should be on the eve of completion. There is good reason to suppose that the route of the highway is the logical route for a pipe line which could lead to the coast at Vancouver or Prince Rupert or both. The whole oil supply situation of the Pacific Northwest may be changed and, in the jilon to explain inflation. They said it is: TOO MUCH MONFY CHAS ing too few goods. Th" people of Canada are not buying the Roods, which have been pilini? up unsold (to make InYT.t"'.'!! Of U"..'M h'A'.-. u the all time hlh of $3.4 bll-llonsi. They are nut buying thn.se 40ods bccuu.se they have not anou;,'h money to buy tiiim Willi ING TOO FEW GOODS. ' Now emes the mystery. If the above definition is true, why I does tne cost of living continue to .oar? Why don't prices come 'down? I The latest official figures is-; 'sued by the Dominion Bureau of , Statistics say "Inventories reach $3 4 billion peak." The report Says: "Rising steadily over the : 1 period of a year, the lnveiilorKs In August reflected a $f0,000,-j ;O(i0 increase from July and a ! total advance of $399,000,000 Urom August last year." j j Yet in the same year In hlch : manufacturers and merchanUsj jwere pilini? up an extra billion i 'dollars' worth of goods which! ' T" i.ir----. ; COMBINATION RANGE I thev were unable to sell to the ! 5364-50 ROOICIE RECRUIT Robert Chamb ;rs in the Halilax Uironine-M.'rakl. I public, prices continued to rise !-not fall. I ;!IN THE old days the economists Rupert Radio & EledA used to teach students at high schools and universities that there was a "law'' of what they ! called "supply and demand." I They declared that when gooJs Victoria Report ... by J. K. Nesbitt liuttle Iike Will Not lie Despoiled Thinks I.oss Johnson OK ray.. Reflects and Reminisces changing, a further important development be realized in the constantly changing picture of central and northern British Columbia with all its unexpected facets. Yes, oil at Fort St. John is an occurrence the full import of which may not yet' be realized as it affects British Columbia as a whole and this area in particular. Indoor Game Back T having been away most of the time since last 'HAT old familiar, the indoor game, is back again, spring. His presence makes up to some extent for the darkened evenings. He reassembles married couples who, after the enchanted sunlight of better months, now resume their Contract Bridge. . 1 Among the men, some who saw each other only casually during the healthy, active holiday season, now begin their pallid, comfortable evening Dealer's Option sessions. Members of families who got along well during the summer as they passed on their ways to various vocations, are now reunited at Canasta, jr split up forever by it. , Then there are the two-player contests, such as pegging some Cribbage. The indoor game is back, the old familiar solace when, seen from around the covered table with its sjveetmeat dish, the window panes gleam black in the Autumn evening. VICTORIA It's pood to know the Government's Live ammunition was used In ..-tl..,i., ,,..,t(,r rirrhtc hu said the I5.C. Powei'l Camp Borden. Sergeant Francis Commission Should 0 aneUd and nam DULtit? ldhc Smith from British Columbia .,.,.t,. Tclon-! , r " received a bullet through the; good as a cmei o! governmein, head and that ended his career,' nitre u -c"-""'"" ,av h- sv.0uld so and eenerally argument about this, a group of theSp""a military as well as civilian. Some , 'v- tlave memwivm a line ime time. tiw n ir, n ,i u-r'DeoDle calline themselves con- 7.V saying the laKe But they never say wnau and never come that close to a servationists Should be left a wilderness plav- wron? with Mr. Johnson as Pre-; slug of lead ground. mier. They Just talk In riddles, i However, reason does seem to. Mr. Johnson shouldn't worry: Social Welfare in Canada, sponsored in Ottawa, makes Its say that the waterpower here is too much. Perhaps it's a good needed for industry, and what healthv democratic sign when appcui uui iViu.y w i.ic the people need U industry , as ;ome folks say. There's room in well as scenic beauty. In frits Canada for both Social Welfare and the Salvation Army. The latter was founded nearly as long aca as Confederation. It's here a di.s-atiaiied younger element , ?an get up and sound off. j : If the Liberal Association 1.5 wb-e it'll re-endorse Byron John- , son as leader and let him lead , the p.irty to the polls in two years. Wuh Coalition ended, the . Libirals won't have the woiry !of the partnership with the Con- I servatives. , day and age these two :an go hand in hand. Buttle Lake Is not going to be ruined by the power development. Indeed, its beauty will be enhanced by the marvel of modern enuineering. And, better still, there'!) now be a ro;ul int'i i to stay, no matft-r how many Killing Christmas new goodwill and shake hands organizations. NO-DIFFERENT TODAY the lake, and all the public, will : to believe said i Itures no reason he be ablp able tn to use use that that road. road. At At Napoleon Bonaparte is DK- eves looked into IrNIi eve, unil fiiO'ilm m I Liliertv iu au-;i his revolver. He luid breii ordered lo shoot "'Stumps", a pet deer, liei.mse !ier It n iv.iv broken. Instead he railed j v'( t. Vslio set "MumpyV le&. usin; aluminum splints. Aluminum save human lives, ton, in many ways lor inst.inte. at via vvitli aluminum lil Im.its, from fire with aluminum ladders. It saves the lives of fori t trees with portable aluminum pumps . . . and the lives ol imps uitli movable irrikiatin ssstems . . . versatile metal, aluminum! lnmi-, mini ( aimpaii) ol Canada, In!. (ALan). to have described Egypt as the the moment only a few rich men that Byron Johnson, as a pure j t - w:- jr ' -f II most important country In the with their private planes aoaiuoerui premi-r. wouiun v ue a: world. If this was true in 1801, hardy youngsters, walking, with! very good premier indeed. And it's truth appears equally obvious packs on their backs, can see1 this observer is willing to beti DRUNKEN parties, speeding cars, suggestive greeting cards and blatant commercialism those are fast becoming the symbols of our celebration of one of the holiest days of the year, the anniversary of the birth of Christ. Our Christmas orgies of sex, liquor and smashup have reached the point yhere they are a national vdisgrace, protests an article in the December issue of Pageant magazine entitled, "Are We Killing Christmas?" 150 vpars later Todav nubile the beauties of hsuiue Lane. inai ne wouiu win an eiecuo.i ! for the Liberals. That's why the . men vitally concerned in preserv ing the security of the Suez Canal are saying it over again. Liberals ' Liberals would be foolish to pitcn A few rebel youni? arc blast Premier lllm l)ut now- threatening to j Byron Johnson out of office. I : They howl to hish heaven, hint! that, the Premier's absolutely no: Classified Ads r roy FOFND IN SCRIPTL'KE Ih.s advertisement is not published or dispUvea I'V 're ti&rf w-or by the Ciovemment ol bnosn s.olint.1 When the Fathers of Confed eration were wondering what to ' '" i;ri".v!!ii,".t-i-t'''1 -J IZ '-':'-t.." 'r. -; 'afiV " ' ' It . j n call the newly reorganized set uf provinces, Sir Leonard Tillcy found it in the BibX "Dominion" ; was considered acceptable. Since "ttftfAlt ttr ley then, efforts have been made to abolish it. And now, further attempts are heard of, as well as , another yeheme to I'.y a different style of fiat;. That's been '. tried, already, but. no one was able to agree. What is this country coming to, anyway? i It's a contury this month sijice the birth of R.L.S. The story of the life of Robert Louis St.iven- ;:on does not lack in itself some CTRIC 1 V W VS Vf V v.- V' "It's Simple When You Know How." And that's the title of the Commerce booklet telling you the facts you need to thing of the same color and LAMPS In the convenient, easy to carry 4 lamp carton . I iult mm, r t IS know about handling your own money. This handy purse size booklet gives you tips on how to endorse your cheques . . . exchange on theejues, current and joint hank accounts, romance that distinguished his ; novels. Born in Edinburgh, he found final rest on the Island of , Samoa in 1894. MAPLE SLGAR, MAVP.E! ! ! What has happened to the real spiritual meaning of Christmas? It has dissolved into a vulgar, commercialized celebration that has nothing to do with the origin of the "holiday" which, of course, was once called "holy day." Take Christmas cards Sis an example, suggests Pageant. We send cards that are arty, folksy, humorous and even suggestive but only rarely spiritual. Many of them have no Christmas meaning whatever. They are illustrated with pictures of cocktail shakers, cigarettes, ships, -airplanes, dogs and sometimes even psychiatrists! But perhaps the grossest travesty on the spiritual joy that Christmas should mean is the "office party" sometimes held in homes and taverns too which disguises drunkenness, vulgarity and even lewdness as legitimate Christmas jollification. In all too many homes,. Christmas Day is not a time of thurch and family celebration, but a dull, remorseful hangover of aching or broken skulls. The "observance" of Christmas last year, points out Pageant, took 724 lives, 144 more than the previous year. The holiday street scene in any American city ;bears out this growing misconception as to the meaning of Christmas. Starting even before Thanksgiving ;store windows are jammed with every materialistic luxury that can be bought. In every store a Santa iClaus prompts greedy recitations of the bikes, games jand toys that children want. Put the Manger, concludes the Pageant article, is tucked away in the ;churches and must be deliberately sought out. Are ;we killing Christmas? ... .1. - L. n..tr In 111V IttHM" ' . . ,.(, us ine new. utun . ' , . handy package to carry Home, amu, ... " . re assured of having replaremeno ra i when vou need them. Always 10t u f what to do if you lose a chcvpie or hank book, and tips on travelling funds. All this information and more is ready Electric lamps by name. Something tells us that if this; ii-r't going to be an Old Country '"'hr.stmas with all kinds of I for ukk and easy reference in "It's Simple When You Know How." Canadian trimmings it is not t,. lauit of a girl lulled Elizabeth. f i -, v -- - "PROTECTION AGAINST INFLATION" Ask your Irwtttment Dealer for tht abov folder and prospectus of : vi .'rV v Ask for your copy ot your local branch, or write to Frances Terry, Head Office, The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto. .VJ RV'':!. k V ,fjfl fe r t' The Canadian Bank of Commerce CALVIN BULLOCK "The Commerce" ltd.