Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, November 13, 1951 PEROVV 7ELKWA J ALKS . . . Terrace Marks Armistice Day TERRACE Hundreds of people I NOTES . . Housekeeping . . . Mrs. Lloyd W 1 m Mavoru,. rK4 I - -i i . ; v t ; I - " 72 "''A wiih a five T: dill ; baby girl Mrs. Juhn fins, C. P. Bussinger sustained a very painful Injury Friday afternoon. While getting a load of coal out at the mine he Slipped and fell, breaking his left arm above the wrist. Mr. Bussinger was able to drive Into town by himself and then was taken to Smithers where his arm was put Into a cast. 'n theReginao ' where she had an ,1 I Visitors frnm and Mrs TbA .'., ""ytat. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hobbs of ard, Mrs. Edwin Bvmal 1t Westview near Powell River Glenn Oalbraith USE OF FREEZER GREAT BOON-AIDS FOOD PREPARING GREATLY The recent advancement in freerer a couole of hours before freezing food to preserve it en- hey are to be eaten. Fillings abbs many homemakers to store such as ground meats, cheese, a great variety of different pro- fish or poultry are excellent. In ducts this way. Home economists freezing sandwiches the main say that freezing is one of the points to remember are, in the most practical and highly appre- first place, no not use too much dated developments of our day. ! mayonnaise in the fillings as the It is quite natural that home- i mayonnaise tends to separate on makers wonder sometinres, what freezing and the bread may be-they used for that extra special come soggy. Secondly, don't dessert when they did not have make sandwiches of fresh salad frozen strawberries or all the vegetables such as cucumber or other out-of-season frozen deli-1 tomatoes because they do not les nonchalantly freeze well. In the third place, ca they use so not freeze hard-cooked do egg today Of course, not everyone in Canada is ab:e to have a home ! ''"'"ss because the white tends to become tough and porous, freezer, but there are a great! number of locker plants through- I Most important of all, package our the ten p.ovinces. When , the sandwiches in wrapping sold homvmaker, take advantage of ; specially for freezing foods. have arrived to take up resld- ! . L Mr. and Mr ' . enee here. Mr. Hobbs Is em ployed by the Dockrill mine. at Prince . l 011 taci ! "ip nere. .ieie, in spite of rain and clam-ivy weather, turned out for the anaiiian Legion Armistice ser-ice Sunday afternoon. A parade jifcimung at the Legion build-i ended at the IOOF hall was packed to capacity. ivrade o! cubs, scouts, browner and guides. Canadian Legion neiiibers. Women's Auxiliary and -Hut veterans was led by Cyril ta U.J ha.l where the Ui;e was decorated in Remembrance Day colors and a fiag-jeckTktd altar leceived several vr?aths. Visiting Sniithers and Prince lup .'i l Junior Chamber of Com-T. rce members who Joined the rvite placed wreaths at the .il?ai. f.. aster of Ceremonies E. C. "t art,' Sargeant led the singing ni hymns, accompanied by Mrs. J No rington at the piano. Mrs. A. Seaton sang a solo, i-iiCw,' tuid Wumeii's Auxiliaiy Pre. .dent Mrs. C. M. Hall thank- (I a 1 f jr the support In the Poppy Day drive. la:n tpeech was given by Rev. V Thlbodeau. while Rev. H. Hod-ton, Rev,. Shlndel and Rev. Mallet assisted with the service. Lcflon President A. C. Calder prHr ssed the gathering briefly Jean Louis Saaschagrin, of Father Paul Sanschagrin of Telkwa, has returned from turned "" wrtstent 8 Alaska where he had been wltn I ' a forestry survey. I him. such freezing facilities, they find , it a simple mutter to conserve ei've For I I lprue quantities of foods those who have neither a lock Kjaraenincj no,- a freezer, a host, of com , mcrclaliy frozen foods are avail able in the shops. xuiA- is one oi the bedroo aibarunchai (oc-i'.n? happaievsi Norwegian st vie Lau entian home of J. W. MeConnell, Mon ea' new paper pub.lf-ber. where Princess v I m hpt h nnd the Duke of Edinburgh holidayed o lowing their visit to tne Umtvd States. Montreal. (CP from Lcratc-1 on the shore of lake near Val David, Qu ., l! is 60 ml'es north of A freezer or locker is a real ; Growing f:0wers for Christmas ; boon to the busy career girl or , ln tne modern non-e js not easy, to the homemaker who goes to but ,t can be done ,f Paper whlte business or is active in club work. I Narcissus bulbs are started earlv To them meal getting may Provejin November, grown in carefully . quite a problem. Coming home . ,.uIated temperatures. Without National Film Board) News of the District nnei a rjusy aay, mere may uc neither time or energy to prepare foods which lequire long ilow cooking. Here is where froz such care the flowers are likely to be inferior, and the stems weak, because the bulbs have not matured to the degree' most favorable for "forcing." -Little Endako Church '4l X tit r.I t A Sponsorship Recalled I : Ey EVANGELINE VANN ! j ENDAKO. I noticed the tell fin X, when stand- J 'ir.S -'V I of st. John ? tVJ , tr" ri i v. i Inp; outsile the well built Anglican Churc ,' !n Endako, and wondered why it was standing at the ' side cf the church door, instead of being in its proper: , ,p;ace m tne oeiiry, iy' was inscribed, "To i : c ' t . ' -y ' - A iajr fx S switched to Marvclubc for correct lubrication You get more engine protection under ill driving conditions with Marvclube the Heavy-Duty motor oil that meets car manufacturers' specifications for correct lubrication. Marvclube is a detergent motor oil. It jot only lubricates it cleans. A clean enpint free from gum, sludge and abrasive particles lasts longer and gives you more trouble-free performance. Let your Imperial Esso Dealer protect the investment you have in your car with his "Care-Saves-Wear" service. en foods can save the day. Such things as baked beans, stews and ' poups can be prepared in three i rv four times the regular amount, ! then divided up into cartons and i frozen fo.- future meals. Just think of sitting down to a Saturday night supp?r of baked b:ani and brown bread prepared ard frozen a mcnth before hand. W.lh careful planning even the extra busy person can freeze a j good supply of fruits and vege- j tables to use when they are out i of season, for it takes little time : and energy to get them ready for freez'nfc. In this way, with a variety of foods practically ready : to use, prcpai ing meals does becom a simple matter. 1 Home economists have been j carrying on some tests on storing : frozen cooked foods. The results of this work shows that all cook- j eel meats or poultry freeze well ; but, these are a few points to. keep in mind when freezing them. 1. Meats or poultry must be properly w. apped or packaged in ivoislure-vapor-proof material. 2. Cooked meats and smoked po"l products generaPy should not l-.- stored longer than three months. . j 3. If creamed mixtures or mix- j lilies conta'ning gravy become : grainy on thawing they should 1.3 paced over hot witer in a, couble boiler and stiri d unti' ?mooth. Many and many a time, .irx fecter1. guests drop ln or vi.-it.ors fcrive just et a tinr; when '.he poor hostess has neither a cojkie lvir a piece of cake in the house. 1 i w ; clo v cf Oy, arts in memory v h'- R'vr.nd E. P. Rtdall, .VA. of Lisburn Cathedral. Ie-ir.i. T.i!i b' w given by his widov, and friends." Ovc tlic cior I saw a. tablet inscribed: "St. John's Lisna-ga:v j Mejsor'.a'. Church, dedicate1 June 13th. 1922. Inside. I found e. ca istcning bowl. 'and ewwr. inscribed: 'This chrtstcn-ine bowl, tnd ewer, was present- W-1 jvcse'i, a hand embroidered liner frontal from the cathedra! j ccmrnunlon table, and a brass i christening bowl." j I A memorial bell, weighing nine I .lu.idred pounds, was also pre- ' I '.'erl and vn 11 two years ago rou'ei be h?a:d seven or eight rv.i e away. Unfortunately, a '-ak t'.ev-loped, and the bell . :i-jw stand? r.-.'ar the church' ."- ' The e was no date on the : cutting. j Ms- Tester to'.d me that the! church was built by Charlie j Pcncr an Englishman, who now! hves at Fraser Lake. It is a! lovely -little church, but it 1. j badly In need of a coat of pair.t . m' Hyacinth P.ulbs Will F ower in Hyacinth Glasses, Fll'ed with Water BOVC CAM? This Ls the "Always Open Door" cabin headquart-t r due of the Burns Luke Young Ranger Band, a unique c lalilisl'u'jvi.t. Tip camo, on a small island In Burns Lake, is kn( -vr t) You:.': Rangers fiom Qu-'en Charlotte Islands to l.c3rhlc who have vislt?d it. Young Rangers of years ago! fcul t it under the leadership of Walter Wilson, then ii res-, rangir at Burns Lake. rH h- I i. burn mothers, and "Forcing" is the florist's word fi lends, for the use-of Lisna o' mak ns a plant f'ow-r out of garvey Prairie Church in Can-ea'on: and the formula for ac- ada." xmplishing this is much the seekinor further infomatlon. lame with all bulbs. Bulbs de- mv curiosltv was finally satisfied e op even in siorag.-; ana iase by a-dipping in a scrap book be im? to reach the stage where innginK to Miss Tester of Encla- heya e ready to grow. If planted yr. Thero, I found the following then, th-jy first must produce information about St. John's roots, s'nee top grc-th without ya- Memorial Church: "The good r?ots is weak, i.nd seldom congregation of the Cathedral, flowers. and of Christ Church in Lisburn, Paper White narcissi, planted Ireland, subscribed funds to in bowls filled with gravel or hniiH somewhere in Canada, a the sign that soys f$H fo sfoo for I Tcrrrce I'Se'ol 1 Meeting TITKR.' CK Arm:al tr Him pf i the Terrace Liberal AvorU.tion ha.-, been called for November 21, harry is president of the Tjrrac-- I. lb?-a! Arrorin.t.'-n. a dance held in the large display ' room of the garage and drawing for some 25 prl; es autsm .'Mlc accessories won by guests. .vir. O'Neil him.seif was master of cremonics. Wiggs O'Neill Gala Opening SMITHERS More than l.OflO people from Smithers and district were guests at the official ooentng of the new garage of W. J. (Wiggsi O'Neil, ereete.l since fire destroyed his former garage last February. Climax of the gala event w;n mi -v .ii' ran Lavgj quantities of plain cookies pearl chips, should be kept ln a worthy memorial to the men who ;uch as .efrigerator cookies, but- temperature below 60 degrees for gave ihe'r lives in the Great four wevks-; preferably in dim wa- Endako was chosen. Ail rfrfi';f;!iT'ty,'f'Mfn,fj!fT;rT'i(fl1!liif''''"r,'TTTt'rH(!t!,FfiifM?j ,j!!limtHt!!:'1'l!!)'1!!'lfl)lllU ..:iHi!;.lilill;illliiii:itiiiiWlll lIlilllliilliillilLilllillillllilll! iNlllilli'illlillliiilillMllhlllilllllllllllllllliUilUild tha furnishings for the church were selit from Ireland, including a set of engraved communion ter cookies, rolled oat cook'ej may t; baked and frozen in : mall loU to meet such an emergency. Pla.n butter, cakes or hponge or angel cakes freeze perfectly and fruit cake is excellent r;s-3 irp 1 ght. When root growth is sufficient, top growth will begin, and then they should have all the light possible. Best flowers will result when the temperature .leve:' exec-ids 70 degrees; keep them away f:om radiators and steam pipes, and out of overheated living rooms. I Instead of gravel, bulbs may . be filled with bu'b fibre, or potting soil. Containers should be deep enough to allow two inches of gravjl, fibre or soil below them. Get the bulbs close together but do not let them touch; and only the necks should emerge from the soil. Yellow Paper Whites (soliel i Continued on page D 9W There Could Be No Better CHRISTMAS GIFT Than a Subscription to the tktUy Nuns too. One reminder though, is,; tha' it is not practical to ice the rookies or cakes before freezing. The icing may become squashed and seme types of icing do not freeze well, sa cakes fhould to i:cd lust before se.ving. Chrisimas season ap- proachlnj it is a good Idea to ; ; have a cookie making bee and makj up ieve al kinds. Then when th.y are needed they are rady to uss at short, notice as , i they take very little time to thaw. Leaving them in the kitchen fcr about an hour should be lon enough. With some types of entertaining, sandwiches are a necessity but often for such occasions it is a problem to get them ready. It is good to know that a variety of sandwiches may be made in advance. All that needs to be done is to remove them from the RADIO & APPLIANCE I M tMSfi ' h,' SALES & SERVICE ! tf. ' Su ,? "P&l . 4 f" ' ' ' GAS AND li "WTlV '. ft ' FLKCTR1C RANGES H SERVE PACIFIC ELECTRIC M - . , . 3 '. v -w m . rGiN flfpj Special Christmas Offer (Ends December 311 1 Year's Subscription $ 8t00 2, Year's Subscription 14.00 3 Year's Subscription ... 20.00 (New or Renewals i 1950 1950 1948 1941 AusMn ponel Prefecl- Sedan International Pickup in very good shops Chevrolet Couos A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING EVERY DAY You don't have lo buy an expensive car. ' See our low-priced used cars which will solve your transportation problem. j !)'! VICKERS' LONDON DY CIN ITf M jji rlS' :- ,a.JSSrK2S ,i jpl 'A It iltilltl II Clllll III lUtlilltll i fWjf AjM 5-a.- r '1 VVllVUtl (CANA0A1 LIMITED V 1 - Jfc'UJ ' ' ' Superior Auto Service Ltd. Take Advantage of This Special Offer Phone Green 217 Third Are. W. iff This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or ! 1 M i I F T ! f M FT f II ' If U 1 FI?I ' 1 1 tnt I ! hllllTH? htri l rirf (Til imi i ti ! m if i j i is j i ntr 4 1 f rr 1 1 in irn i r 1 1 1 tF imi 1 1 Fin imimmiiimmmiHmmmHmMimtmmil1!l!fllll!!!!!lln n by the t iovrnm?nt ot Untith Cnlnmbu " WIKllll