1 M c -X-.iL n:i.i i Prince Kuperf Daily new-) Tuesday, November 13, 1951 cai ediurui nigmanaer e on Embarkation Leave Trunk of Rupert Man Unclaimed j ' Canadian National Railways Aged Pension j Ruled Taxable OTTAWA (CP) Finance Minister Abbott said Monday in the Commons the federal old-age pension of $40 a month, starting ; January 1, wul be subject to taxation. He told George Cruickshank Her Funeral In Vancouver VANCOUVERUnder Rebekah Ledge auspices, funeral took place here this afternoon of Mrs. Julie Hammond, whose death occurred last week in Prince Rupert where she was a' pioneer resident and prominent Rebekah memb'i. Rev. K. j. Love of the United Church officiated at Simmons & McBride Funeral Chapel ; and Interment followed in Ocean ,;,st one member of the active forces took the Armistice Day proceedings in Prince r .Wearing the kilts was Cpl. George Yule, son n,l Mrs. Thomas Yule, who is home on' em 1 Profits before eaxes earned by Canadian industry in 1950 were $-,27C' 0Of,.0OO more than in 1946. Salaries, wages and supplementary labor income increased during the same period by $2,978,-000,000. have an unclaimed trunk owned by E. E. F. Prevost of Prince Rupert and believe he may have got the wrong trunk by mistake. They have been unable to locate Mr. Prevost. , , . t r i last week reported to the Van-; couver police, loss of a woman's trunk containing $835 worth of i clothing. Owner of the trunk is Miss Bea Thibodeau of Vancouver. The missing clothing in cave from Montreal before sailin? for ir Fire Hits Uranium Producing OTTAWA fFire has Interrupted the production of highly important uranium concentrates at the Eldorado Mining and Refining project at Port Radium, Northwest Territories. W. J. Bennett, president of Eldorado Crown Corporation, got the news by radio while here for the week-end. He said, the crushing and concentrating mill had been destroyed by fire Friday. He will need to make an in-tp'jction to determine the extent of damage and how much time it will take to resume pioduction of concentrates. It will probably ' !,,. OTtU -'...1! T..: . , . . . 5iv wimi tnc vuiKuiiai iji igacie, wnicn if rth Atlantic Com- : N'' cludes a $600 black .seal coat. The CNR, according to the Vancouver press, told police they Telkwa Church Bazaar Success jn wf:.,w-rii curupr. hi Saturday night's; ,. here for three j vim? Montreal, Cpl. View Burial Park. The remains were brought here by the widower, W. Stanley Hammond. , (L-Fraser Valley) the pension will be regarded 'as income for j tax purposes, but probably few of the pensioners will fall within the income tax brackets. The pension will total $480 for j a single person. The income tax exemption lor a single person is ; $1000. . f 'A1 TELKWA A very successful viu guards of honor fiii-th Highlanders r" ' I,c,u l" wn nun wnirii a oazaar was snon- of with the visit If you want to sell it, advertise it. News classified. W.A. to St. Ste sorea by oy the the y'X'lh. phen's church. The highlight of the evening was an auction with Mr. Priteh- I ii.) menus the first ji. Yule. Enlisting ; iilleen, he served I diic day with the utji Navy in World aru as auctioneer, assisted bv mm ,..,.. ...i, ... ' . canon c. A. H'ncr'L'fe or s.i, OVE RS EAS MAILING replacement value of the building and contents will be in thers. Chief Items were a ton of jcoal and a load of wood. I The fish pond afforded much fun and hilarity for the small fry who blew up their Jet bal yi-ar he enlisted in :x service medals, a ,,it not many in the enjoy. r ll'i NOT too eorlv ta think about overseas mailing General Electric $13 9-5 WITH PUMP , SEE THEM TODAY AT NORTHERN BX. POWER Co.,Ltd. llesner Block Phone 210 Prince liunert. B C. Stewart. B C. CANADIAN IN "SOUTH PACIFIC" Calgary-born John McLaren is one of three Canadians in the London production of the Rogers and Ham-merstein musical hit "South Paciiic," which has opened in London's famed Drury Lane Theatre Royal. Other Canadians in the show are Ray Buckingham of Ottawa and Bill Nagy, Hamilton. J.ohn McLaren plays one of the four male leads In "South Pacific" opposite Mary Martin, that of a United States naval officer, William Harbison. (CP PHOTO) Noted Canadian Dies TORONTO Jamas Henry Gundy, aged 71, Toronto, financier, died Friday. He was chairman cf the board of Wood, Gundy & Co. Ltd. and director of many Canadian companies. the vicinity of $500,000, fully covered by insurance. Production from the plant goes almost exclusively to the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Eldorado Is one of the world's main sources of the raw material which goes into the manufacture of atomic bombs. Circumstances of the fire have not been definitely ascertained. We have n wonderful stock of Gift Wrappings and Christmas Cards n y Hop I Kitimat loons and let them soar amid .shrieks and laughter. Those Assisting were Mrs. Busslnger, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Kerr at the rummage table; Mrs. Dando and Mrs. Dockrill at the fish pond; Mrs. Mayer, ral-fle table; Mrs. Cunnln&ham and Mrs. Bates, home cooking; Mrs.-Paulson, surprise table, Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Bernt, novelty table; and Mrs. Middle-ton, Mrs. Madigan, apron table; Mrs. Illnchllffe and Mr a. Thompson the kitchen. Servi-teurs were Mrs. Mahood, Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Paulson. nrrnrtrrv mirf ,ft charlotte Airlines ,i ..If early tills morn-K.:;.;it to bring back an nyn for hospitalization. t: . miration conditions, !i' si) poor today that v.n of the man's con-i ollieials said this -t .in Jeimyn took off i.aii after a radio-4 received from Tartj di: .' Island this morn-, jr ntjet could not . be A radio with Kitimat. I Aged Veteran Banquet Guest A guest of honor at the Can BASKETBALL SHOES 2 Record October adian Legion banquet was Cap-j tain Mepham, from Vancouver, l who brought greetings from the j Legion In Vancouver. Son of a survivor of the charge of Balaclava in the Crimean War, and I himself a veteran of 35 year service In India, Mvilta and i Singapore, Captain Mepham was one of the speakers. His age-is 81" years. For MEN tl r f e v as paid In fet wningaoerg appear-i n emu here. A total ! I it md from l!r8; i niiiied. Fifty-one ' c;i' ;s. i 1 l tin uty received 8 J In Is; provin-$ i. i.t ti.i $70 and the ' i i n t f lined $358. ::, lor preceding A; var were S2.000 and (t i i ii i during 1950. 4 ' i-'iifl month for con-I Ii s is durlng'the t A s 1940, when 4 0 w. is paid by ' i persons. and BOYS Featuring UUJi-J 1 1 L J I ii J II j s mi n M M E N 1 Itun '.age iiiiPK' nssus Early Per- T 7 4 1. 1 Uli .a. Hi.. Distilled, Bottled Blended and in Scotland ?6S or boltlef FASHION footwear a:..o be grown by b.it tliey take ir.e (lowers. The best t i'l tin e is Dec. 1, uarv Howers. us of hyacinths can ai water in special (1 boih bulbs and available this year time silica the war s. asses support the f- h water, into "rjts drrp. It takes k fr the roots to e.uk place. In cool Thin advertisement la not puuiinhert ; or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Ooverument ol I British Columbia. i or ii roues III! MM I . ' f i) rrowih begins, ac-taanl gradually to 1 y in a tem-In degrees. The ..1 no. be changed, fipleiiLslK'a. fc".v. th begins, these ''Ve all the light you They should be ihi;o..s, in a sun. m where ventilation " and t.-rnperatures a.ianging shelves J wmdow on which -ii ftiind. an attrac-s made. Vala y pips can be is of moss and tW l to o? fllGISEL L LOOK FOR STANFIEID'S MARK OF QUALITY ll.. re re's no no sulislitu Biilwlitiitc t- for for (jiialilv! quality! B 'JMBIMG Slaiifield's Undcrwcnr has lieen first choice willi Cunailiuii f.iniilies for more than 60 years. It kecpii its noftuens llirougli countless , . . i -..I ..i' ..l. Hundreds of everyday uses for Nickel have lieen developed by the Nickel industry through a planned program of research. Today a large share of Canada's Nickel production is leitig diverted from peacetime uses into channels for preparedness. So the Nickel mme facilities, greatly expanded over die past decade, are again being operated at peak capacity. There is actually more Nickel now being delivered by Canada to the 'free world than in any peacetime year. ' t'riimrs, Aenci'ngi, hrn irtiri t'f nwrhiitr hl$ an vj nitkrl allots situ lnHtlttr, more xirar-mntnitl. wnsliiilgK won l siiruiK, i iiiMii nr Ask to Bee Sluiifn'ld8 I mlerwcar. It's nlaile in separalo aliii u ami longs or j end' 'WING I Reliable and fPt Service lotJ Know flir Alterations a&EIkins Ltd. I' Box 274 Canadian ' comhimition models for warm, ooiiifoii.ilili' wilder wear. Stamfield;s UtlDERWEAfl ICIIEl Hammers. rfnhet, screw tlritrrs ami rfhtr luntA Wi orf tumie fif nitkfl uteri to p t ovi l e a n ,i ii u t strength, IfUfJiness mid tttirJnrs utth unm mum uttJit. "Tht Rmmanre f Xh ki rn bU-bat, hnnk lull, .11-. traltd, uiH be ant frt tm t k(mw tmierttltd. Soft . . . Warm . . . Durable STANHEID'S UMIIEC TU0, N.S. J:r,0rn advertise 7 Rifled. INTERNATIONAL NICKEI COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED. 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO