Piinco Rupert Daily Ncv Tm'Stlay, November 13, 1951 DAILY NEWS Hockey , Scores Rugby War Down East of Norway 5. Uroup Two -Pcnmitn Hubby 2H: Red Devila 2$: Miiier Bay -4; Bxjth No. One 22: Can. Oen. Electric 21; Cabs 19: Conrad Seals 17; Hi-Golds 15: BC Packers 14; Rupert Butchers 14; Cripples 11; Van's Bakery 8t Hchrrtule llinrsdsif Bwth No. One vs Ideal Cleaners: vh Rod Dfvil: cnpplfa vs Rupert ' B C. Packers vs Hi-Oolds; 'AHA Cabs ' j Butchers; Van's Bakery vs Penguin i Hnbby; Miller Bay vs Conrad fcM-ai; ! PR. Plumbtni! vs Hill's rito Jj-t ; fthion Footwear vs C N. Tel ;i'iiT'-,w laces vs Pushovers; Sons of Norway ' vs Shen ton's J.M.. ilf;idpinii rs vs Canada Life; Cook's Jewellers vs. Great West Life. on the ALLEYS : TORONTO '-Hamilton Tit-er : Cats squeezed through to the Big B )ur foolba.l final Saturday past the fieicely battling Toronto li'BWiaul machine that faded 8UY rM TftetfANOY .... GtUETTE i i.i i i i.om; i ui.i k 'I'hr- M ) still If lul in l-'riiUv Hclifdnlr ScrttrtTl "A" H.itiritfsmu tin Tin. DISPENSER A of Enjoy The Best-Looking Shaves Ever mm Columbia Celulie Bo i in:;, Weeds; Skylarks vs Siownokes; Stor- Cagers Down Mansons (n Pace Setting Tangle lAtiie. lurrnutf ahtit-i fmoLfi. t n .-i ! ikos v Hmmi kw chain r:.,, points l:c-t hii'iav. i'en's l-i -h aver-' Boim (iana Whin-Ttn vn Ktpnm At. I i;e. cnajiing iiaucls. 11 i to .tim ! Alley Cats vs Hi-Ballers. SUNDAY National League Montreal 3. Detroit 3 Tormto 1, Boston 1 Chicago 2, K'-w York 3 SATURDAY Detroit 3. Toronto 3 Chicago 2, Montreal 4 SATURDAY Pacific Coast Vancouver 4, Tocoma 4 il a y 4, Saskatoon 5 Victoria 5, New Westminster 3 Western International Trail 5. Spokane 6 Kimberley 1, Nelson 6 Okanagan Kam'oops S, Kelowna 4 Peniicton 1, Vernon 5 Pacific Coast Amateur Kerrisdale 0, Nanalmo 3 SUNDAY T1r I "I it y t ifi. wi:h a atc.idy iaH. Sftctlon "RM Wnnri niiMlicru vn 'nrRfr j Shippers; Hoppers vs Pin HeaJs; an- score witn 6J7. Jj. k of hopeful 8lx, named hib single .sparks vs Internationals; Maniacs vh Rejects; Production Line vs CCC KrinillMO- Anrluvnnn u nom Ritat. Mansons 61, Hulgers 12 Hi-fJrecn 36, Fashion 21 Elks 49, Mansons 36 Ppr the Lulis. k.m K'J. bjW.lnR ' for Alky Cat-. ro.tHl 23d frr hi-h MIXKII LV.MH K from the Gu y Cup race in glor-, "us lashion. j Saturday's games saw two championships decided, Sarnia winning the Ontaiio Rugby Football Union ' senior erown and University of- Toronto the inter-cl cglate . The Earn la imperials brushed jll To onto Ealmy Beach 20 to 7, to move into the Eastern Can-, aria final title against the Bit? F:ur champions Ottawa or Hamilton. j University of Toronto climaxed one of its L.'.st seasons in history HinrihuT the seniur intercollegiate title, beating McG.ll unlvers.ty Reclinen 11 to 7. Ths wiii'fcvs (Queens went down 20 to 13 against University of Western Ontario. Thi Ar'gos trampled the Bengals 21 to 7 but bowed out 31-28 i .;. whno Hui i.r.ihaiii. t;f Whip-1 T.iursday right's Mixed Bjwl- tuok liili three wnn 5;o and i big U;attue. a new hlh lor men's Ilk. niaii'.uuiiri lnh liver ifje with K)fi. 1 .'.niTie. Mike lied iyl Ii,r li smKie was rolled by A. IMiFfut with 353, lnh three was taken by K. '-ihl. wPli rt 2. For the ladie-j. I., j Kra.VH rolled both. hu:h sinfrie and ! l:tt;h three with scores of 299 and 1 ti.U. Team hitrh Kinal fell at the CiipiUitd lii'h I hard-fought hoop battle Saturday night gave ,.t t'dgo to the Elks in senior league basketball reins Alex Bill's cagers chalked up their third win ;ainany games this season. jack Lindsay's Jewel- r BiueB! miff- Ktaijcl..-,'. Min, nmn' In ;li iiaiiclB ol Canada Lire, as well Ufi team hiith three, with &cwes of l,3;i',, : and 3.807. ; , KrullH Group One Great West Life 4: jiivcia(:o id t.'ll htid d'.wii bv Hi i.uU.iuil. blt-atiy al.l6. , Ft tlic liKlh-s in this sectlnn. 1 In-ii- 'h.-l i,l ii iinid hi'-li nvi-rai-j (if Hi'j ff.r Li.o h ad mid itif.o roliird a I lll'ih ilnmc if 2V.,J. liin .li'nsrii took i high threx- liolior vlth 6U. far the first time, the lead- Hi-nlur Elks Carlson 14. D. 8tark 13, Scherk 10, Iwathew. 4. Sunberg I Hill's Shoe Store 4: Canada Life 4. ManaoiiE Olson 7. BuHnu 8. Web-1 on home and home total nntnts Pacific Coast New Westminster 3, Seattle 4 Western International Trail 3, Spokane 2 MONDAY Pacific Coast Victoria 7, Calgary 4 Okanagan Kerrisdale 1, Kamloops 11 You skim off tough beard slick s a wliisdc with today's Gillette Blue double-edges Blades. Their super-keen far outlast the ordinary kind . save you money. Always use Gillette Blue Blades. Precision-made for your Gillette Razor. fililFTTE 20-BUDE DISPENSER WITH YounLa"7 "' B"' , in the semi-final round. The Tiger Cats got their ede In &ettoiv "A" team bi-h throe w rniiiti by Wlnp-Its buwhug , 2,5na, wink fiix-m iliwts witn 2Aixi. j took 111,1 tiirce l:i Section "B." j NtaiiiliMKH I Srelion -A" Tnt Wls 24: Whip-j It:: iu: Sloupokci IS; Alley Cum 17. : SUir-iki s 15: C'.mi i ita,z 14: Bix m j with a 24 to 7 slush and ice first uumfi d..fr-.. TV..., .... ijo;)..ti'i'S overpowered the :?tli of some of last year's .. Id!.; pined against them, r,9t until the last few min- s 4 the second hall was the : e I - A t li. :Mt .i gruelling pace In the : frill which ended 23-19 for 'w.iiisDii's redoubled their .; titli .seven fast points tj va!i Die winners with a r tjf 2H-27. But even though - Atm 'v pilt'rt up 11 points , a i)i nalty shut In a hurry, USED-BLADE COMPARTMENT -MV. ciifiivon s p.iw. :i: uooK.1 jewellers; 3. P. P.. . Plumbing 2; Cancels 0. j Keadnlnncra 0: Fashion F'ootwear 0; Wiillacey 1; Suns of Norway 1; Ptibh-) overs 2. I Group Two Can. Gen. Electric 4:! Miller Bay 4; 3S3 Cabs 4: Hl-Oolfls 3; Pnt;uin Hobby 3; Hed Devils 3: Booth No. One ; B C. Packers 1: ' C-'iiriid Ststis I: Rupert Butchers o; Cripples 0; Van's Bakery 0, J NtatuliiiK ''Or, up One Slwnton'9 S M. Great West Life 23; Hill's Shoe 21: Wallaces 20; Pushovers SO: Head-plnners 20. Cook's Jewellers lit; Fashion Footwear 17: Canada Life 17-Cantcis 14; P.B. Plumbing 13: Sons Wednesday. When the smoke of battle has cleared in ilvo East, the winners w ll meet Saskatchewan Rough hidcrr In die Grey Cup final. Ouni; in; Mtfiim cts 11: Hkymrk'i 10: Hop'-ful s 10; HandK-nus B; Hl-Ballers S. Si'ctlnn '"B" --Production Line 17: Sourks 17: KcIh. t, 17; AiidavrHra IB; Hoppers 1; Munliics 16: . Interna- '' 13: Uoctn Boats 13; CCC Equilliio 10; Wood Bulcbmrn 10; fin Hriuiai 6. Basketball Time Table League basketball schedule Kir the 1831-52 season, starting this Saturday, is announced as foi-iowj: J - Junior I tiitermev-Uite cai.ouii'd strength of Carl-l Ji. - wJ 1 t li,,!,!,,!!-,.,.-:,.:; m J r Former Hungarian Is Fencing Star HAMILTON Dr. Paul Sza- b'j'rzy. who was a refugee from THapct, Hungary, when the Rursians maiched in during the wai and Immigrated to Canada -.fte. the war. is noi; the Cana-d t.i and international fencing champion, having won the titles T recent years. An outstanding athlrl -, he is swimming director at. Hami'ton's new YMCA. Hp vxL the Sclierk brothers was nai )i for the tiring Jewel- ' -i 'I teams were playJig ?t:i the bench with the jt.-4 six players and Man-t'.in. ,r :i racked up 14 points : :. 10: J- -ii.llt;er a vs. Muu-xia'a; l.i-Urt'en; iki vj. Rough Riders Enter Final EDMONTON CP Saskatchewan 3.)Ujh Riders came up with a surprisingly sharp ground attack I boat Edmonton Eskimos 19 to 18 Monda.v, winning the right to represent Westot n Canada in tlvj Grey Cup football final against Malison. Nov, i3: J jvinnie uul vn. A:i- .ufii . of the game, Don Men-hunts; H -CCC 300 vs. tuiumalt-t second with 13, and Ar- I cm unci it & a v. Maiuuu'. j. u Sid Scherk scored , . No.v 17 J Beavers v. Bulger': ..... .u t m-iireen the ea tern Big Four champions i thinks.Canada's chances in the tnlf Saturday. ' - ua'" are very gooq. lull's wiuioul Lilt: uiu Ol a vs CCC 300 a :noi. Nov, 20: J MtiiiMins vn. Annun- i t' th miKt ' c'',n: I -Fashion .. Fnuwr Ai US... oi.i hit o. llie most spec-, rwr. Payll(,. 8 K,.ln,llkrs v, Mlu,wms. t.j i.o.nis ol Die game came I and a a vs. ccc soo :-'.jl e:.a y,hin, atter a hec- a: j Maple Leafs n. Beav- -rin.iik' near tne Elks' boon. I f."';'f'ra''r p,,''"! Hl-Oreen; Saskatchewan had won 12 to 1 iioni cuuiutiiAjii oaturnay to iorce r t.11- Tr-iiu 11 --ti ido.ii iinai series nlc a third and deciding came. Quarterback Glenn ix'-bs fired two touchdown pas;es to give Sa katchiwan the victory and carr, the R'juchies into their ' .'. Grev Cut imal since 1934. Nov. 27: JBul':ej's vb Annunrta-n vs. McrchHnts; H -Elka vti O &, A, and CCC 300 vs. fc. tin son ':; lf. 1 J--Mnnson's vs Bfaveis; I Hi-Orwn vs. Fashion; 8G & A vs. RalnniAktvK Dec. 4: J Maple Leafs vs. Bulurr's: on wrapped one arm ;4 ":u' ba:l and in ihe same ;(i wnippj-U a clean paha oi iJi? fioor to Arney r jj.i: net wlio .scored easily. :? fcii.il ptrs.iteiit good play, vft w;u the Carlson-two-r' t-uw wiiich nearly al- jKrd in scores. ;i Intermediate clatsS, Hi-RYutp.ayed and ouiscored Merchant vs. Fraacr A Pavne: S i rrr j r - - U lia ir O :r.rr ; ' " h tf - , . !r Manaon's v Elks, and Rainmakers VS. CCC 300 Ic. 8: JMnple Loaf3 vs. Man-son's; I Merchant! vs. Kl-Gretu: 8 Mfnsfn' vs O A: A. Ic. II: JBpivfT'i va, Annnnrli- tlon: T "rnvr A Tvn" vs. Fashion iiy unjy eiyht pjlnts, but I rcc 300 v. L m, uft1 Manaon's littln 1 vb Palnmakrrs iaH.f ai dull with 1 jn .I mi 'w n n 4i( - . T Hi-flrwii vs. FTHn-r .V Pa,'?; 15--CCC 300 vs O & A Dpt. 1H: .T Ann'Hiritnif'ii vn, Mnnie I-afs; I - Mrrr!ia', vk Fashion: 6- Rainmakers vs. Elks, Remember when? T( ehv Fccn. the six-day bicycle racer from Victoria eitab-l'shed a world bWy:le mark for enc mile at Mlnneariolis 23 years ""o. Paced bv a mot ir car, Pedn set a record of 4fl 2S seconds which hps been shaded slr'e. (x opL fi:r Gerry Ford ol .-parked the play, t ' is in ihe Junior League and slauahtercd their Buisers, 64-12 as cny rs 01 the winners each i"i up It) points. Bulgers' " -'owed tney didn't have :5? len e of their oppon- '4 were handicapped by if;.'nv tail oovs. Even so, i -f:;o;te,t of them ail, i! x points. r--' R'ini features a Mr league bill when i) meet Hainmakers and if Si Anderson vie with " Intermediate bill : 4 Fr.i.ser & Payne vs and first on the floor ft.e juniors, Maple Leafs i;'tia;ion. Sfniih.lY StOKKS I -li.!.. nMBiiiiii) ""w ix r-i 'i -.fr v f" 1 ! Prince George SAILS FCR Vancouver hini.r ri-W 2 BiivlUr 0. ! -"mediate Port. V V V ' " ""T", T.' I Each Thursday "VK i li ' ll Mfc t 'Unn- 0. Bmlth 1 - 1 1 i i 4. Brrntn : "'H 10, Mcwud 3. at 11:15 p.m. ' , t(ftN t I ' " - f I . . ' b- ' f Ilusvik 10, F p Kr TH KAN s Vf:4fW d . ' v - S ' t Jl VI HI K'UVCCl I 31111 Z t1f Knvfll I on-l. - " I'lllTllH'liilll,. rine.ame I HKUNShDAY MioNiiiiii i- G!r K'.'k . I ' " , ' --2US2fc-x- dian' Navv offers YOII a life of :i,1ttr,. ' '.' T''.: K:. "truui 7 iioiit.. a ' 7' 1 Wjy 1. . 1 -i torcinn travel - opportunities for advancement- " IK'll-'1' 7. Ketrhcsou ' ". 4. unotf o. ;T'l' "'""ira o, webber fl. k rw Ktscrvauoiis -f 1 ' I c - ... good rates of pay - 30 days annual leave with . ' " " : I I .. Wfteorea,, f&A , ' . ' nav - a nension to he earned! Fnr dik .n.T Vi "r..: ! ..oS ' l'lar,t 3. MAicc V Writ UK lltroi K ' viHClN'Sr I 1 l1.. , " , , ,. ,4 : rra rmrn-a nurtvn , in. I9i vzJMsi-" sS " i . pcrbon me Kccruitintr Umccr at "" r 1 B" I ' ' ; is'f A ' . , H.M.C.S. "CHATHAM" H WELDING "'inic:il Cc-lif,,-,! "iM-ialms sv.unm a k r i yrik f' r . i-iti ins 'ii.'iriiaT m u i i v.. 1 . Lfrw-3A uwbma. unaM& w r u .... ri 'ire Tanks ''.fc. nation k iih k . lit JtMi, ' . K i ... - t. ; . , . 1 a'n Fire Escapes ' v .. . " If experienced, up to 29 in certain trades.' ! ) - ':-v4 . m - USTRIAL 1 K. l, I:,.. I .1 . I .. I I ' V'J-ST j -I . I .... ,........ w . m i t: i tiiQt nits a nign noiG .-. ' I m v r. v . reqij cna -oiiabie ; j I 1 MOtWr if4& ll ,;'. No (Pieose Prinl) J 2 I . S f? Oft I KAI I , H . .:v::r,- i Cit Pr . r ! f IONIGHT ONIGHT ' w'frs5V I I Elation (By grod. and provinc.) '....I'. j ?f Wi , ' ' i.' Sfu ':. .1 An ! . L' "Juiiiiir Leafs vs inminc!all');i '""U'diatc Payne Merchants I ; ' , ! J' UTCL- If......?! !! n ir, Se ected Reserve o d Rye V t-x f- ; tndersonv, j Jjgfer T'S A MAN'S LIFE! "iX ! . 1 Manson's i '''"'is advert Ut-mi'iit is not lmlilislicl or i:ki)1:i.viw1 Iiy the l.iiiur Contjol lkurd or liy tlio i - .-j- - j Gover.ime'!' of Hriti-'h Coh.iiubiii :- f77; ' ; m ,i.i,Mi- j ' rf .. - . .. ..