I 1 I Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 22. 1951 Just like Summer In Prince Rupert J4ol e( 4rriva (i oca L "' M- Wightman, manager of ivlnrlal rouncil of the Canadian (city on Tuesday night's train iturn north next month- Cot-ait and PERSONAL Prim-e Rupert J. H. M. McClov. H T Visiting in the city is the oldest employee on the Canadian National's Hudson's Bay Railway line, before retirement, F. J. Sainsburv He win inn...' t,. irom me interior and left by -"'-b. 'oca laccountant, is r-plane yesterday for Vancouver living at Terrace while l.l: to attend sessions of the pro-' Wightmah is away. Mrs, John Southerland, wfth John, jr., and Donald, returned yesterday morning on the Prince I Vancouver tonight. Dr. R. II. Ball of Columbia Cellulose Co. It'll on today's plane for a trip to Vancouver on business. Moose cria games every Thursday, 8 p.m., -at Moose Tem- ,.t All .... 1. -.1 f IF I IMIIBiMHMM Rupert after a holiday In Vancouver. Meeting of Int. Union of "Why, it's Just like summer here," says Mr. Sainsbury who I came west a week ago from Wa-bowden in northern M-nit.rii- Leod, R. D. Hemphill, F. W. Richardson and J. E. MacNaugh-ton, Vancouver; G. A. Beare, Edmonton; L. Loucks, Winter-burn, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wong, Terrace; F. Stedman, Holly burn; R. W. Berryman and Mrs. E. Schofield, Sandspit; Mr. and Mrs. G. Huson, Ottawa; Mary S. Shields, New York; It. M. Campbell and W. T. Rice, West Vancouver. Month End F'c uiu piayers welcome Operating Engineers, Local 510 Refreshments. 45CI.I Fririav rphrimm M 'rarramHTS' rnnrf nnn ... ! Hall, 7:30 p.m. 46ct. where the temperatures were SO below. He has been visiting his san-in-law and dauehter. Mr ati-i EQAIH Mrs. F. Roy of Terrace. The veteran railroader, who is here with his daughter from Terrace, will take the southbound Roy Coilinscn, CNR division freight a'.cent, after visit! n U. r 4 fomuiiers at the week-pnrt fur rrtnee Kupert tonight to j..;., his wife In their new Vancouver home. I ONE WEEK ONLY ! WE ARE OFFERING OUR REMAINING STOCK OF the bon.spi.-l and ski meet, is now visiting other inte ior points on official businesss. 99 c LB. Nabob Coffee Limir 2 I bs. Neely Moore and Lr. Duncan Whltmore of the lix-al Consolidated Mining Smelting Co. staff, who went to Smithers for Vx-i bonspiel at the week-end, are remaining In the interior for a few days on company business. BIG SUPPLIER Brazil provides 54 p.er cent of the coffee and 27 per cent of the cocoa imported annually by thJ United States. Peas & Carrots f Cholw Tin 1U' Iberta "Diplomat" Egg .$16.00 PES? TON (Minimum Order 5 Sacks) PHONE 116 - 117 or 58 25c Clothes Pins .'S Dozen 27c 19 s Cherries Ch'ice Bin?... Tin Pears Choice dessert, Tin Taoiocn Minute Pkt. , v, .tfi ,4wBSUI tl Ut RCMP detachment returned! Mrs. A. M. Dowther and Miss here on escort duty aboard the Edith Watson returned hom-s Prince Rupert from Ocean Falls; this morning aboard the Prince yesterday. Rur.ert after a fortnight's bu.si- Mr.s. U. R. W.hitmoie left last ness trlp south' nignt on the Princess Norah for i Victoria where she will spend a' S.O.N, whist and dance, Frl-few weeks visiting with Mrs. J. ' da-''' February 23. Whist, 8 E. Walker of the Canadian Cus- 'C-0(:E- Music by Mike Colussi. toin.s. 'Refreshments. Everybody Wel lcome. (46:, Mrs. John L. Johansen, who, has been forthe past two weeks F- E- Anfitld was a Boy Scout in Vancouver, from which port Weel- speaker today at the her husband is fishing, returned wee-lv luncheon of the Prince to the city aboard the Prince KuPtrt Gyro Club. President Rupert yesterday. 1 Don Forward wa.s in the cnair I and there was a good attend-. Evangeltst J. A. Fernandez ar-; ance of members with one guest rived on Tuesday night's train in the person of Frank Wil-on. to hold special meetings in the i Full Gospel Tabernacle Evan-1 J' s- Wilson,' northern B.C. gellst Fernandez Is formerl zun commander lor the Cana-Irom Trinidad, British West In- dian LeKion, leaves today by die.s. plane for Vancouver to attend a provincial command executive ... . meeting at the week-end. Mr. ijre , t. B c. llls' ; I;: . wUn, Culv,n-' Wilson will press for stronger lJI'fT ,!!ir!1"1" clviI "erence in Prince Rupert, son Norman, arrived here from Vancouver aboard the Prince i A. Gordon Huson, Information Rupert yesterday to make their adviser to the British High Com-home in the city. Mr. Sallis, who mlssioner to Canada, and Mrs. is employed witn the Northern Huson, who arrived in the city British Columbia Power,' came yesterday, are sailing tonight on here four months ag . ; the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver. Mr. Huson is making a west-Mr. and Mrs. James Wong and ern tour to address Canadian child arrived in the city by plane Clubs and was heard by the lo-ye.sterday afternoon enrotite to cat club last evening. He ad-Terrace where Mr. Wong is a dressed the Prince Rupert Ro-well-known restaurant opera- tary Club today at luncheon, tor. He went to Vancouver to Enroute back to Ottawa from meet Mrs. Wong who, will, her Vancouver, Mr. Huson has baby, recently arrived from peaking engagements at a Ohina. ' number of prairie points. j Asoaraqus Cp Tips & Ends. T:n Dog Food Jlbert & McCaffery Husk 1 TIN c LIMITED CORN. Golden Choice 2 Tins 27c ROGERS SYRUP 2 Lb. Tin 30c APPLE JUICE, Clear 48-oz. Tin 29c MARMALADE. G.L.O., Nabob 4 Lb. Tin 65c H.P. SAUCE Bottle' 32c lit. Alls. Sure Ite.-uilt.sl 4n SSOCIATD SAIMON CAttNf HS OF aRlTISM tUlUMUlA iiiiiu i ihciiIa I Fwtrial elding 1 Pkt. SURF SOAP FLAKES, 1 BAR LUX SOAP Both For 3 i Card p.irtv. Catholic Hall, Thursday, February 22, 8 p.m. ; Junior Chamber of Commerce cabaret party Saturday, February 21. 1'lck up your tickets at Jerry's Barber Shop. Canadian I.e-non card party, February 2.1 Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band concert, March 2. M ! A N V .sicciali.e lit boat and .t u t t 1 1 -1 oi! tanks. Built to Underwriters. Al, iiMivnl certified opera- i iidm: .i;i in s.si (Ml DICED BEETS 2 Tins 27c TOMATOES, Choice 15-oz:' 15c OXYDOL, Large size okt. ' 37c ORANGE JUICE. 20-oz Tin 20c DOMESTIC SHORTENING Lb. 35c SPAGHETTI 2 Tins 29c PYLTONE ,. PILES We invite pile sufferers to try one bottle of amazing new Pyltone Treatment. If this entirely new way of ending your pile misery does not give you a pleasant surorise. vour moiiev rHfun.i.i JOHN H. Regardless of uge or how long you have suffered, you must get satisfying results. Pyltone (a liquid taken by mouthi has proven jULGER U.-KM- m uiouianus oi cases long given up as hopeless. Nothing els has the same internal action on that irritation and swelling as this new approach. Any up-to-date druggist can supply ' you with Pyltone ($1.75). His- wholesaler carries it. Margene Limit 5 !bs. Per Pound i ( )jfnnrfri'jt 31c m jj , i l.l . SATURDAY SPFCIAL ONLY AH delivery orders received Friday for Saturday. 'ePvery a-e included in this Mareene Deal. Z;4 think ofewytifa ohn Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue at, zry j Pre.soyterian home cooking sale, MeRae's Store, March 3. 1 Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, March 10. The King Edward School P-TA White Elephant sale and tea. vturch lft, at 2 p.m. ' 8t. Pi trick's Tea and card party. Catholic Hall. March 17. Orange Ladies- tea and sale, ; March 21. .lob's Daughters Easter tea and i sale. Masonic Temple, March 2's. ! Cathedral spring sale, March j 29. ; Lee.ion Auxiliary Spring Sale, I April 4. i Presbyterian sptlng sa.e, April 1 12. W.O.T.M. Spring bazaar, April ;20. i t'.t. Peter's Spring Sale, April i 26. United W.A. Spring sale, May 3. ; Sonja tea, May 12. Annual Meeting of the I' r Itum-rt I'ulilir Relations 95v - il will he held in the I numbers. City Hall, 'iiil.iv. I ehitiary 23 at. 8 si L'k AW -. PITTED DATES 2 Lbs. 49c PEEK FRFAN COOKIES 2-Lb. Pkt. 2Sc QUAKER OATS 35c BLACKBERRIES, Clxvce Tin 25c PEACHES. Australian 28-oz. Tin 35c TEA, Rovnl T...do" Lb. 75c BLACK'FFPPER Tin 32 , FOR EVERYTHING IN FOOD SHEARDOWEtSS Sopcials GooS Friday, Saturday, Monday 'inn i.f oflieers will take litis meeting, and SOTS"" m,i m its ini)nrtant to V will he discus.svd. Will !j I'Miirss men and repre- iVcs id various orcaniza- Cecil Cas.sidy, who has been j employed hene with the B.C. ' I nleasc make an effort to 1 lie meeting as "your Bridge at Watson Island since I.- need.'d. October, will take the southbound It' GI.A.SSEY Peev-Trcas. Prince Rupert tonight to Vancouver whence he will go east. Wanted To Rent Oil The Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd. require Immediately for their permanent operating staff, HOUSES FOR RENTAL. Please address replies to: Supervisor, Operating Dept. Personnel, Box 1000, Prince Rupert, B.C., or call Supervisor at Watson Island. :'t i 111 w -lb. ! r iS 1 1 Extra strong and heavily. waxed to keep (ood Fresh, clean and flavorsome. No waste ... the serrated metal edge gives an Tv ven tear exactly where jfCjS.'-.. ow Instant CoffpR von W'T it! 1T?f V'.t n Ton mak delicious Instant Chase & Sanborn right In the cup. Farewell to grounds no more messy pots! Get a Jar to-day. toers Spectacular . PRINTING 2 ; i z . mi Hiahest i cxoerience . pH U PURPOSES purposes I . Quality t - I Versatility You'll never know how good instant coffee can be ffMif IMl Dibb Printing Co. fwTnstantCh.-ise&Snnborn T '"' ne any time because sl" i b cup quality. But ""W it s sensational news f"'se of the terrific saving f ' 3 m serving coffee. II Bigger Reduction "'n Family Siw Jar jar saves you up to . . and the new family . jar give, you stm big. TK on your coffee bills! PHONE 231 BESNER BLOCK il(lf Jf WM fl Y I I rSiii iir mi i -j Mil r . i m bi m.t -Lm k . (Beaut it For Milady Jane Ashley's Crown erand Recipes FREE Wrif Van Ashley, The Canada Starch Company limi'f , P. O. Box 1 2 9, Montreal, P. Q. c3. 1 ' Superior Auto Service Ltd. AT OUR COSMETIC COUNTER Toni Home Permanents Hand Lotion Face Cream Face Powder Lipsticks Bobby Pins Hair Nets Hair Curlers GREER and BRIDDEN ,,!fiT;r BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS ' PHONE BLACK 367 f i J' For Efficient i ' Building ard Remodelling I j T O. Rox 731 Prince Rupert, B.C. OK hkedby85year$of And AUSTEN DEALERS Cars Sold on Consignment THIRD AND PARK AVI'M'ES GREEN 217 coree experience ma