1 Wales. " . wr"'f !TJI , IXTFUNATIOXAL ( RISIS (Continued from page 1) JecU at home" than that of , ance premiums, supplying British guards with j Education Week will be con- i i ...... . trihntoH K. a rorlin .n.il Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 22, 1M61 Mr. Huson at the opening de urarsmns, ana mat tne request i y '" w""" Bear Skins Not "Worthy regretfully could not be ac- cu.ssion with several High School students. Members approved because the older type was not supplement the work of the home this plan of Geof Hill, who will .-atisfactory. The oldr type gav; ! in producing the most progressive al estate js'SURANCE ICOME TAX l(NS PREPARED e. Mortimer Ai.. (NearCrTRI of Britain JooKed healthier than " d,eI'ehht tnp l c fd they do today-and the mass of k. " t0hnrHOUh he coyntryslde England, Scotland, f Wales -and the people too." I ?f n 4K , . .. ! Ireland with his American wife the . nineteenth cen-jorilv six months ago. It wus he tury William Pitt, the younger,1 lovely Britain as of old with all 111 a fit of pessimism "rolled up iU beauty and charm, steeped In! typa cf citizen. take charge of the panel. I only a partial evaluation of part cepted. A move by Jaycees to ha re "Quiet" signs erected in the hospital area was laid aside. Chamber was informed by the The pennant award for the rliviMnn hnvine' the lnrpcji. nnm- of the child's character and de Jaycees Receive Unusual Request "Quirt" Sipns Not Needed REPORT CAR!) t velopment and often caused un.;ber of parenlg at the meeting necessary and unjustifiable em- went to Mrs. Cobb's division. i Continued from pase 4) v..D r.u.i.pe History and tradition. And yet1 could he wri ten off. The great lt was a thriving and modern in-! An unu.sua' rf quest from Prince' hospital board that it did no. uuivc m nemnBum, nupoieon s dustriul Britain. jggitftfllllMVHHIBIk ' ) Rupert, Junior Chamber of Com-' consider the signs necessary as hot cross buns on the Thursday barrassmer.t to the puoil. Th'.1' Support of the Boy Scout cam-preceding the start of Paifm was aRC0lcl('d aml Ule sum the Easter conclusions drawn by parents vrirutinn Fnllrmintr th husinp-.M: lrnm tho nlrior t.tmo f nrt Of 5 Voted towards their annual I In ar2, sayinit that he no longer Wanted to live us there was r. appeal. merce last night was laugnea out . uieiv? naa neen no complaints by Prince Rupert's Jaycees. j of noise from patients. Either The request called for partici- complaints from patients or pa-pation in a joint compaUn to UenU' families were neces.saiv supply Bi-itUh Grenadier Guards before lne board wouId af-with 150 brarskins yearly. . I A letter from the B.C. Hospital Al';ng with the written request Insurance' stated premiums of meeting there was community ven? often erroneous. The neer .".inging and later an interesting reports give the considered con-series of games under the chair- elusions of the teacher retarding ' manship of Mrs. Logan, program the pupil's progress and develi.p-convener. ment.. Specific questions were A discussion on report, cards raised and dealt with and stress BOILS i Nt Kiteaner, answerinf a question at the clow an to the effects of nationalization, pointed out that the (,' jnserva-tives had agreed on the advisability of nationalization of all Industries so far eneept steel. "Only time wdl tell how the nationalization of steel works out," he commented. Mrs. O. R. R. niarkaby, president or the club, was In the chfur. B'fore Introducing the .speaker, Cm riJ of unflffihtlY PIMPLES , future for Bil'u'r,. Yet. the Gold-.;n Aie o' Mcirln Kiirfluncl lia-i i.pued. Six inon'ru: ui'O. there hud been IndlruU.ins tht.t Britain, having regained her econo-.nw. buiunce i.'.i'Ktiiih the austerity program, w.is ht -adini; for another Golden Ai'P. Only deti'r-Icratinu Internal lonul uitiiation hud prevented ltd miiteriullza- was a copy of a wire from the persons .supported ny uie lederal Guards which thanked the Prince government could not be carried' was led by Principal J. S. Wilson laid upon the desirability of the them a tn-Htniiit with m-iii r,iic, nut iwptir i Jr. ( rtisi' a OiiilTitent. SkjI Uvr, as it li';tln. Wh Lurf six. 6 i tiiirH as nun h, 2.2.f. i7 Genrpe body for their intereit by the province. This was in an- He asked those of the audience parents making it their business and offer to supply some skins. 4swer to a Jaycee request support,-! who preferred the older type of to consult with the teachers from There was a decided shortage lnK -h" Canadian Legion In an cards why they objected to the time to time so that by an tx-of bearskins, said the wire, and &ttf mpt to exempt war-pension- newer ones. He pointed out thai change of views and experiences hk those avS an Integral part of er,i 'Mr fnmlHei from Inscr- the r.eyer ones were developed the w0.k of tin: Jtuol uue'ut " ' " ' - the Guard's regalia a new wiurcc DR. CHASE'S Anlliepllc CJNT.V.: UO'l the fioeakcr dcrlti-ed. Ispitolity ond ood Food" -4 i- (i.ir Klr;:t Aim i 17 for Order i Rile we enmen now mmhrp r, I INfe I ltM,KKhS ' the persons of Mrs. Habman, Mrs. "In each year of peace (since L, M. Grer-ne, Mrs. Frank Antro-tlie last wan we have made new bus, Mrs. Hay Jones and Mis of supply would be ('really appre-.' elated. ! lake Out jodore Cafe pr.iuu.Tuun records, increasing Beaton. I Prince Geoe stiled thev hod rwwTwTt in WUS pr'J""SWi by Mr': T' N. asking all northern areas to con- we have multiplied our experts R 'fresh men ts were servt d by would receive much publicity, five times in volume with the Mr,s- Thomas Boulter, assisted by , Stuart Furk moved Prince i result, as von know (h;.t Mrs- H.- M. Foote, Mrs. H. A. George Jaycees be notified I devaluation in September 104! Br'"'',) anJ Mrs- R- Davidson. I there vere "more worthy pro hi good Buy? IS IS VALUE ' i $ ,nort XI lis! !hev. Sedan Inl 2-Tone j '' Buy It! it lillur (.noil Values our gold reserves in London have more than doubled, have risen from 1 425 bi'lion dollars to $3 3 billion at the bcRinnini; or liisi. "Whe:vver visitors go this summer in Britain, they will find a people iinlterl In a common purpose, a series of art entertainments, theatre, opera and ballet, without precedent In the world. Nor Is the festival all entertainment and arts. A naval aircraft carrier Ijas been turned into (b mob'le exhibition and wll Ivisit. Southampton, Dundee, Newcastle, Hull, Plymouth. Bristol, Cardiff, Be'fast. Hit k. iiliead and Glasgow. Another travelling (xhibiUon will move over lamt, 100 lorries bemg m eded to t. an.i port its SOOO exhibits from Man-ehestir to Irf'eds and onvto Pir-' nihifdiam and Nottingham." i The task of displaying British ! commercial goods would he left. I to the British Industries Fair. There would also be national exhibitions and festivals - in ficollund, Northern Ireland and I MINI H tl. At T I OHM I (K.-. II..II .-,H(i)) Tiri: or ti ei i! iimv inn ( I K I II II t l lis H IMI'ltot I. VI I. M S Mini'iiil Clnlins Hij; Hull ' Hull Nil. 1 Hull No. U rtull No. B -Iran m:; Parker ltd IIINAKt II llEAI.KRS ) Rupert, B.C. . ( ping & Healing w 7 II ) ARCHAND tE HEATERS 5KTEX OIL lURNERS E PLUMBING Rs- Mat u rod , AND a Kin m W'-r - and .-- PJ m0 UNDER 35 fIXTURES lliil.ll I Hlumteln: ! Atllii MIiuiir Division. . Where xitimtud: On tlie north sl.li of thft Tuku Hiver. near '1 ulsfiiuuli, 11. C. Liiwlul holder: The Consolidated Mlnhli; hikI Hineltliij; Conipuny of Ciuuulu. i.niiiUHi. Number of the holder's Free Miner', I ei l lllcite: S5I7S-K "I'ake notlt't? that Jnlnes W. Domild mm, of Trull. British Columbia. Bet-In:: as aent for the h.wlul holdir. Intends at the end of (in days but not later than one year from the date of this notice lo apply Ui lho Mining Kivortler for Oml ie.ufcee of lmp.uvemenu lor the purpose of obtaining Crown rantK of tlic above claims. one 174 pn and Alterations lo tl! 1 1 J IS I K V ft ' : I M T . Commissioned Rank . V f. Itox 274 Short-Term Commission , (5 years) will be Granted ROYAL NAVY F lonninn Gratuity at the End of Service ANI further tak nloli-.' itiat aetiiiu, under Section lift of the ".Mlnrral Act," must be cninmeneed liefora the iKKiuinee of sueh Certificates of Improvements. Ilate.1 thin lVt.h day of January. A ll. HIM JtMliS If. Il(l l IISOS Janii's W. Donaldson. At:ent for The t.'onsollilaUMi Minium and KnicUlm! Ciiinpimy of ( auada. 1. in ill. il. Single Buildinq or DEMERARA RUM This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Repairing :ALL 363 with "isi Add fomelliiiuj new to Sandwiches TOMATO CATCHUP I.ate-at-night sandwiches . , , Add one cup of l.ihby's Tomato Catchup to 1 can of crahmeat. Mix with I tsp. horseradish, i cup chopped celery, 2 tsp. lemon juice. Spreud on buttered bread. I It.C.A.F. RrriU'ITING UNIT, Wallace Rids., I 9921 -10lt Ave., Kdmonton. Alta. rhone 42li.ri8 Please scrd me details on how I may re-enter I Royal Canadian Air Force as Pilot or Navigator the I ft if TCHELL rCURRIE I'lMITII) Is & t'ontractors I I PLEASE PRINT win ciAitakW -mmSi TOMATO,. Name Street Address City I ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE For Full Particulars, Co to Nearest RCAF f Recruiting Office I Province I I " I CAF-40 j Agr with Sweet Mixed with $t6tfb Prepared V PICKLES PICUIK ..iirnn 1 ' mm 'f-.j m i MUSTARD 1i:rvktoria I I; 'ij. 6yCHIC YOUNG BLONDIE A Retiring Champion Take left-over ham . ; . put it through the meat chopper. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Spread on rye bread. Smother with l.ihby's For those who like liverwurst ! Make a paste of liverwurst, hnely diced onion, Libby'i Prepared Mustard. Spread on crisp whit iweet Mixed I'uvles finely chopped. Anything better? lunch-hox special ! .WisajS tfas-$&t- tosss&ssf (kz-z) r -aK.r (km. Mf- i nlM 1 8 Pi"., Chiicotin "l:'y, 12 Nixm f'umoxun STKWAItT ANI P SIMPSON jnxwim. U p.m. Ndltin fl , ,.:N 'T' l: ISLANDS -'hilc,it,iii , f1 2. 10 find 30 9 P 111. 8l T1I q,,Kkn TTK ISLANDS ''"lin. Feb. 23 f Inn. !K J- KKlNNF.lt Ripert Agent Ml e r 1 jr Ar I L f himi 'b 1, .y... iniiie 000